List of settlement areas of the Arbëresh

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This list of settlements of Arbëresh ( Arbëria ) contains 41 Arbëresh - municipalities and nine fractions in seven Italian regions in Central and Southern Italy , where the Arbëresh next to the Italian , the original language of their ancestors in the variant arbereshe speak and by Act No. 482nd "For the protection of the historical linguistic minorities" of December 15, 1999.

Many of the communities where Arbëresh is still spoken have lost the Byzantine rite over the centuries. This came under pressure from the religious and civil authorities at the local level. Around half of the Arbëresh communities converted to the Latin rite in the first two centuries . The Byzantine rite is mainly held in the Arbëresh communities in the province of Cosenza , in Calabria and in those around Piana degli Albanesi in Sicily.

Complete list of parliamentary groups and municipalities in Italy where Arbëresh is still spoken today and thus come under Law No. 482
“For the protection of historical linguistic minorities” of December 15, 1999.
(from North to south)
region Province or Metropolitan City Parliamentary group or municipality Arbëresh dialect founding year further immigrations Religion: catholic;
Abruzzo in Italy.svg
Pescara Villa Badessa Badhesa 1743 1748 Greco-Byzantine Luigi del Giudice - Badessa.jpg
Molise in Italy.svg
Campobasso Province Campomarino Këmarini after 1456 after 1458 Roman Catholic Неизвестная марка.svg
Montecilfone Munxhufuni after 1456 Roman Catholic Неизвестная марка.svg
Portocannons Portkanuni after 1456 after 1458 Roman Catholic Неизвестная марка.svg
Ururi Ruri after 1456 Roman Catholic Неизвестная марка.svg
Campania in Italy.svg
Avellino Province Greci Katundi 1461 Roman Catholic Неизвестная марка.svg
Apulia in Italy.svg
Foggia Province Casalvecchio di Puglia Kazallveqi after 1464 Roman Catholic Arbëreshë costume (Casalvecchio di Puglia) 01.jpg
Chieuti Qefti around 1468 Roman Catholic Museo delle Tradizioni Arbëreshë (Chieuti) 02.jpg
Albanian costume around 1816
Taranto Province San Marzano di San Giuseppe Shën Marcani 1530 Roman Catholic San Marzano di San Giuseppe Arbëreshë costume02.jpg
Basilicata in Italy.svg
Potenza Province Barile Barilli 1478 1534, 1647 Roman Catholic Неизвестная марка.svg
Ginestra Zhura 1478 1534 Roman Catholic Неизвестная марка.svg
Maschito Mashqiti 1478, 1534, 1647 Roman Catholic Неизвестная марка.svg
San Costantino Albanese Shën Kostandini 1534 Greco-Byzantine San Costantino Albanese-Arbëreshtracht 2017.jpg
San Paolo Albanese Shën Pali 1534 Greco-Byzantine Arbëreshë costume (San Paolo Albanese) 03.jpg
Calabria in Italy.svg
Catanzaro Province Andali Andalli 1542-1574 Roman Catholic Неизвестная марка.svg
Caraffa di Catanzaro Garrafë 1550 after 1663 Roman Catholic Неизвестная марка.svg
Gizzeria Jacarise 1504 approx. Roman Catholic Неизвестная марка.svg
Marcedusa Marçëdhuza prima del 1541 Roman Catholic Marcedusa - Vestito tipico 01.jpg
Vena di Maida ( Maida ) Vjna 1468 approx. Roman Catholic Неизвестная марка.svg
Zangarona Xingarona seconda metà del XV secolo Roman Catholic Неизвестная марка.svg
Cosenza Province Acquaformosa Firmoza prima del 1501 Greco-Byzantine Arbëreshë costume (Acquaformosa) 02.jpg
Cantinella ( Corigliano Calabro ) Kantinela 19 ?? Greco-Byzantine Неизвестная марка.svg
Castroregio Kastërnexhi between 1510 and 1515 1534 Greco-Byzantine Arbëreshë costume (Castroregio e Farneta) 01.jpg
Cavallerizzo ( Cerzeto ) Kajverici around 1470 Roman Catholic Неизвестная марка.svg
Cervicati Çervikat 1468 1506 Roman Catholic Неизвестная марка.svg
Cerzeto Qana around 1478 Roman Catholic Arbëreshë costume (Cerzeto) 01.jpg
Civita Çifti between 1470 and 1492 Greco-Byzantine Civita (Çifti) (CS), Le Vallje 2009. (9) .jpg
Arbëresh during the traditional Vallet dances
Ejanina ( Frascineto ) Purçìll 1470 Greco-Byzantine Ejanina Arbëreshë costume01.jpg
Falconara Albanese Fullkunara after 1539 Greco-Byzantine L'altare bizantino.JPG
Byzantine altar of the San Salvatore Church in Falconara Albanese
Farneta ( Castroregio ) Farneta 1560 approx. Greco-Byzantine Arbëreshë costume (Castroregio e Farneta) 01.jpg
Firmo Ferma around 1540 Greco-Byzantine Arbëreshë costume (Firmo) 07.jpg
Frascineto Frasnita before 1552 Greco-Byzantine Frascineto Arbëreshë costume01.jpg
Lungro Ungra around 1486 Greco-Byzantine Arbëreshë costume01.png
Macchia Albanese ( San Demetrio Corone ) Maqi 1471 Greco-Byzantine Неизвестная марка.svg
Marri ( San Benedetto Ullano ) Allimarri Greco-Byzantine Arbëreshë costume (San Benedetto Ullano) 01.jpg
Mongrassano Mungrasana around 1470 Roman Catholic
Plataci Pllatëni around 1476 Greco-Byzantine Arbëreshë costume (Plataci) 01.jpg
Rota Greca Rrota Roman Catholic Неизвестная марка.svg
San Basile Shen Vasili 1475-1480 Greco-Byzantine Arbëreshë costume (San Basile) 03.png
San Benedetto Ullano Shën Benedhiti around 1478 Greco-Byzantine Arbëreshë costume (San Benedetto Ullano) 01.jpg
Santa Caterina Albanese Picilia around 1478 Roman Catholic
San Cosmo Albanese Strihàri 1470 Greco-Byzantine Arbëreshe costume (San Cosmo Albanese) 01.jpg
San Demetrio Corone Shën Mitri 1471 Greco-Byzantine Arbëreshë costume (San Demetrio Corone) 01.jpg
San Giorgio Albanese Mbuzati around 1470 Greco-Byzantine Arbëreshë costume (San Giorgio Albanese) 01.jpg
San Giacomo di Cerzeto ( Cerzeto ) Shën Japku around 1478 Roman Catholic Неизвестная марка.svg
San Martino di Finita Shën Mërtiri before 1503 Roman Catholic Неизвестная марка.svg
Santa Sofia d'Epiro Shën Sofia 1472 Greco-Byzantine Неизвестная марка.svg
Spezzano Albanese Spixana around 1478 Roman Catholic Неизвестная марка.svg
Vaccarizzo Albanese Vakarici around 1470 Greco-Byzantine Неизвестная марка.svg
Crotone Province Carfizzi Karfici 1530 approx. Roman Catholic Неизвестная марка.svg
Pallagorio Puhëriu 1596 Roman Catholic Arbëreshë costume (Pallagorio) 01.png
San Nicola dell'Alto Shën Kolli 1480 Roman Catholic Неизвестная марка.svg
Sicily in Italy.svg
Metropolitan City of Catania Biancavilla Callicari around 1488 Roman Catholic Неизвестная марка.svg
Metropolitan city of Palermo Contessa Entellina Kundisa 1450 Greco-Byzantine
Roman Catholic
Неизвестная марка.svg
Mezzojuso Munxifsit 1490 Greco-Byzantine Arbëreshë costume (Mezzojuso) 01.png
Palazzo Adriano Pallaci 1481 Greco-Byzantine
Roman Catholic
Gruppo di ragazzi in costume albanese di Palazzo Adriano.JPG
Piana degli Albanesi (formerly Piana dei Greci) Hora e Arbëreshëvet 1488 Greco-Byzantine Неизвестная марка.svg
Santa Cristina Gela Sëndahstina 1691 Greco-Byzantine Неизвестная марка.svg

Individual evidence

  1. a b Legge 15 December 1999, n. 482 Norme in materia di tutela delle minoranze linguistiche storiche. Retrieved October 25, 2016 (Italian).
  2. Pietro Pompilio Rodotà: Dell'Origine, Progresso e Stato presente del Rito Greco in Italia, osservato dai greci, monaci basiliani e albanesi, Libro III, Capo. III . Biblioteca Vaticana, Rome 1763, p. 59 (Italian, online version in Google Book Search).
  3. Comunità Albanesi d'Italia., accessed October 22, 2016 (Italian).
  4. a b c Storia del Comune. Retrieved September 20, 2019 (Italian).
  5. Giuseppe Fiorilli: Ururi si trova in Italia I, Profilo storico . Ururi 2002, p. 26 (Italian).
  6. ^ Greci, cenni storici. Retrieved September 20, 2019 (Italian).
  7. ^ Gli Arbëreshë di Casalvecchio, a cura di Maro Massaro, Giovanna Fratta e Rosa Ferrucci . Malatesta Editrice, Apricena 2016, ISBN 978-88-95939-53-7 , pp. 57 (Italian).
  8. Mario Massaro, Imri Badallaj: Chieuti e la sua parlata Arbereshe . Malatesta Editrice, Apricena 2011, ISBN 978-88-95939-26-1 , pp. 91 (Italian).
  9. Francesco Occhinegro: San Marzano in Terra d'Otranto ei suoi demani, full. 2 . Tipografia Figli Martucci, Taranto 1899, p. 19 (Italian).
  10. Qui Barile. Retrieved September 20, 2019 (Italian).
  11. Ginestra - Zhura. Retrieved September 20, 2019 (Italian).
  12. Maschito. Retrieved September 20, 2019 (Italian).
  13. Maschito. Retrieved September 20, 2019 (Italian).
  14. Maschito - cenni Sorici. Retrieved September 20, 2019 (Italian).
  15. ^ San Costantino Albanese. Retrieved October 5, 2019 (Italian).
  16. ^ San Paolo Albanese. Retrieved October 5, 2019 (Italian).
  17. Andrea Pesavento: Villa Aragona ditto volgarmente Andali. Un casale “albanese” on the Cinquecento and on the Seicento. Retrieved September 19, 2019 (Italian).
  18. Galeotto Carafa. Retrieved October 8, 2019 (Italian).
  19. ^ Domenico Zangari: Le colonie italo-albanesi di Calabria - Storia e Demografia secoli XV - XIX . Casella, Napoli 1941, p. 123 (Italian).
  20. by Arenoso (Domenico Zangari, p. 127)
  21. Census from the year 1544 Camillo Trapuzzano: Il casale di Gizzeria sulla base dei “fuochi” del 1544. P. 4 , accessed on October 12, 2019 (Italian).
  22. Andrea Pesavento: Due casali in territorio di Mesoraca: Troiani e Marcedusa. Retrieved October 8, 2019 (Italian).
  23. La storia di Vena. Retrieved October 7, 2019 (Italian).
  24. Storia d Zangarona. Retrieved October 7, 2019 (Italian).
  25. Acquaformosa: Comunità bizantina arbëreshe. Retrieved October 8, 2019 (Italian).
  26. Pina Cecere Roma: Profilo storico di Castroregio dalle origini all'Unità d'Italia . Tipografia Jonico, Trebisacce 1978, p. 9 (Italian).
  27. Antonio Madotto: La Storia di di Cavallerizzo Cerzeto. Retrieved October 8, 2019 (Italian).
  28. Le origini di Civita. Retrieved October 10, 2019 (Italian).
  29. Antonio Trupo: Farneta (CS) - Catasto Onciario (1742-1743) . Farneta 2019, p. 5 (Italian).
  30. ^ Enrico Ferraro: Fialla e Puheriut - La parlata di Pallagorio. P. 26 , accessed August 31, 2019 (Italian).
  31. La parrocchiale di S. Nicola dell'Alto. Retrieved August 31, 2019 (Italian).
  32. Francesco Tajani: Le istorie albanesi . Tipi dei Fratelli Jovane, Palermo 1886, p. 478 (Italian, , Capo III., 2nd).