List of Swedish army units in the Great Northern War

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The list of Swedish army units in the Great Northern War contains all regiments and independent battalions of the Swedish army in the period from 1700 to 1721 .

The list is divided into the two branches of the infantry and cavalry . The artillery is not recorded as such. In contrast to the infantry and cavalry, the Swedish artillery was advertised throughout. It was united to form a regiment, the individual companies of which were distributed over the forts. A field artillery structure was available in Stockholm and Jönköping .

The Swedish army existed when Charles XII was enthroned . 1697 from 65,000 men. During the first years of the war there were several increases in the army, until the climax was reached in 1707 with 115,000 men. From then on, the army continuously shrank due to the very high war losses. In 1716 the army consisted of only 40,000 men and by 1718 had recovered to 60,000 men. At the end of the war in 1721 there were 45,000 men in the Swedish army.


Soldiers of the Swedish Army in the Great Northern War
Infantry soldiers from the Ostrobothnia Regiment, 1705

The Swedish army at the time of the Great Northern War was made up of two different groups. As everywhere in those days, there were recruited regiments . The divided regiments formed the core of the army. Through the allotment system , Sweden's army greatly from the countries of the rest of Europe. The system of division made a national Swedish army possible, which was exempt from recruiting and the frequent unreliability of recruited regiments. The system of division stipulated that individual provinces combined a number of farms and these communities had to provide an infantryman. The individual mercenaries recruited in this way received a cottage with garden land for self -sufficiency. The crown paid for armament and wages in the event of a draft . The operational readiness of the regiments was checked regularly and commanders were provided for the individual companies in peacetime.

Every landscape and, in the case of larger landscapes, every country had a regiment that bore its name. The companies were also given the name of their district. In total, 14 Swedish and seven Finnish regiments were maintained in this way. The normal regimental strength was 1200 men, who were divided into eight companies in peacetime. Only the three Småland regiments had 1,100 men of eight companies and the Nerike- Wermland regiment 1,674 men of ten companies. The Finnish regiments also deviated somewhat from the rule.

Sweden maintained divided regiments only in the old Swedish and Finnish areas. Recruited regiments stood in Skåne , the Baltic provinces and in Sweden's German possessions. The provinces concerned had to come up for their entertainment. The recruited regiments were made up of different nationalities. In spite of this, in the regiments that had a permanent garrison , the local crew outnumbered those of the foreign mercenaries. These recruited regiments were, in contrast to the troops of the divided regiments released in peacetime in their native villages, constantly under arms and formed the garrison of the fortresses with which Sweden secured its rule in the border states of the Baltic Sea . While the regiments that were assigned were only used for Swedish wars, recruited regiments were also hired out for foreign wars, for example to the Netherlands fighting against France , in keeping with the spirit of the times .

The Guard , which consisted only of Swedes and had its garrison in Stockholm , held a special position among the recruited regiments . In the recently acquired, temporarily Danish territories, there were three recruited regiments to occupy Malmö , Landskrona and Gothenburg as well as smaller squares: the Swedish Livregiment, the German Leibregiment and the Malmö Garrison Regiment. In 1700 Swedish-Pomerania had three regiments in Stettin and Stralsund (including the body regiment of the queen-widow), Wismar two and Bremen-Verden one and a half regiments. Some of these were temporarily left to Holstein-Gottorp for the occupation and expansion of the Tönning fortress . In the Baltic provinces there were initially four recruited regiments in Narva , Dorpat , Pernau and Riga .

When the regiment chiefs changed, the regiments also changed their names. As a second designation, however, many also used the name of their garrison, for example Wismar's governor regiment. The divided regiments were named according to their recruitment districts.

In the Swedish army, as in other countries, there were a few militia regiments or landwehr battalions at the turn of the 16th to the 17th century . However, the combat strength of these troops was low. In contrast, the divided regiments of Sweden were among the best and most reliable troops in the Swedish army, with very low desertion rates.

Even in the first year of the war, further regiments were set up. Three positions each were amalgamated and their farming communities from then on together provided another man. The troops advertised in this way were given the name Tremänningar (three-man regiments). In 1702 Fyrmänningar (four-man regiments) and Femmänningar (five-man regiments) were mobilized in the same way, with four each in the areas where the regiments remained at home and four in the others Another man had to be provided for every five districts. However, these regiments were mainly used in Sweden.


The Swedish infantry consisted of 108 regiments during the war. Together, there was a listed nominal strength of 90,440 men, which was never available as a whole at any one time. Based on these nominal strengths, the division regiments made up a share of 27.8 percent of the total nominal strength. The provisional regiments had a share of 32.9 percent of the total infantry. The mercenary regiments were represented as strongly as the provisional regiments. The smallest proportion of the infantry were prisoners of war with 6.7 percent. It follows that, despite the role of the division system, which has been extensively documented in history, the regular infantry only made up a relatively small proportion of the fighting force and the majority of the armed forces were provisional, poorly trained and / or recruited foreigners with little motivation .

Provincial Infantry

During the Great Northern War, the Swedish army had 22 divided infantry regiments. Their nominal strength totaled 25,211 men. Due to the failures and the logistical delay until the replacement arrived in the regiments, the actual strength in the field per regiment was around 80 to 90 percent.

regiment Target strength Base Active from Active until War mission history
Uppland Regiment 1200 Uppland 1700 1721
Södermanland Regiment 1200 Södermanland 1700 1721 The Södermanland regiment was transferred from Sweden to Swedish Pomerania in October 1699 . On January 5, 1700, it set out from Anklam to Wismar . The commanding officer was Colonel Arvid Axel Mardefelt . The regiment consisted of eight companies in 1296 men without staff. The regiment marched off to Bremen-Verden at the beginning of April . After the Peace of Traventhal , the regiment returned to Swedish Pomerania in September 1700. During the campaign, the regiment was set to war strength and had received four new (doubling) companies without the number of men having changed. The regiment now consisted of 12 companies with 1,344 men.

At the end of November 1700 six companies of the regiment marched to Wismar under Lieutenant Colonel Gabriel Lilliebök . They were sampled in Wismar in December. As a result of the previous campaign, these 6 companies were 37 men short of the required strength. They went back to Pomerania in December. Duke Friedrich Wilhelm von Mecklenburg-Schwerin hired the regiment's supreme battalion, a total of 667 men, and took it over into Mecklenburg service on September 1, 1701 . In May 1702, the battalion was ordered back to Pomerania and released from the Mecklenburg service to join the Gyllenstiernas Corps , which gathered in Pomerania and took part in operations in Poland .

In the Battle of Poltava the regiment was captured by the Russians. It was rebuilt in Sweden by mid-December 1709 and took part in the Battle of Helsingborg in 1710 . In December 1711 it was transferred from Stralsund to Pomerania to reinforce the garrison and fought in the Stenbocks corps in the battle of Gadebusch ; it surrendered with the rest of the Swedish army in April 1713 as a result of the siege of Tönning .

Östergötland Regiment 1200 Östergötland 1700 1721 The regiment was divided into Ostgotland and was transferred to Swedish Pomerania in October 1699 to protect Holstein-Gottorps and the German possessions of Sweden . It must have stood here in Stralsund and left for Wismar on January 5th, 1700. Its commanding officer was Colonel Gustaf Ulfsparre Johansson . The regiment's budget, excluding staff, was eight companies with 1,296 men. On May 24th the army left for Holstein, operated there against the Danes until the Peace of Traventhal and then returned to Pomerania.

In 1702 the regiment set out from Pomerania with the Gyllenstiernas Army Detachment for Poland. There it later joined the army of Charles XII. and took part in the fighting on the Polish theater of war. During the Russian campaign , the regiment was destroyed in the Battle of Poltava . At home it was reorganized and took part in the Battle of Helsingborg on March 10, 1710 under Magnus Stenbock . With this he went to Pomerania in the summer of 1712, fought at Gadebusch and had to capitulate in Holstein on May 16, 1713 at Oldwert.

Jonkoping Regiment 1100 Jönköpings län 1700 1721
Squid Regiment 1100 Kalmar Lan 1700 1721
Kronobergregiment 1100 Kronobergs län 1700 1721
Älvsborgregiment 1200 Älvsborgs län 1700 1721
Västgöta Dal Regiment 1200 Västergötland 1700 1721
Scarab Regiment 1200 Skaraborgs län 1700 1721 The regiment was divided into West Gotland and transferred to Swedish Pomerania in October 1699 . On January 4, 1700, it marched to Wismar . Colonel was Niels Stromberg . The regiment numbered 1,296 men in its eight companies without staff. At the beginning of April the regiment marched together with the Södermannland regiment to reinforce the troops in Bremen-Verden on the Elbe. After the Peace of Traventhal , the Skaraborg regiment returned to Pomerania.

There it joined the Gyllenstiernas corps in 1702 , which was formed in Pomerania and then took part in the operations of Charles XII. participated in Poland . It took part in the Russian campaign of Charles XII in 1708 . part where it perished in the battle of Poltava . By Christmas 1709 the regiment was re-established in Sweden. It stayed there until 1715. After the regiment was re-established, it was Colonel Christof Georg Witting . The regiment was to be transferred there in 1715 in support of the strongly pressed Stralsund fortress . It was not until December that the fleet with only 700 men was able to leave the port. Lieutenant Colonel Otto Wilhelm Staël von Holstein stayed behind with 551 men of the regiment. On December 27th the fleet reached Rügen; there had Stralsund already capitulated . The regiment was transferred to Wismar, the crew of which was still held . On April 19, 1716 Wismar had to surrender. With the exception of 403 men who returned to Sweden, the regiment was a prisoner of war.

Närke-Värmland Regiment 1674 Närke , Värmland County 1700 1721
Västmanland Regiment 1200 Vastmanland 1700 1721
Dalarna Regiment 1200 Dalarna 1700 1721
Neck Regiment 1200 Helsingborg 1700 1721
Jämtland Regiment 1048 Jämtland 1700 1721
Västerbotten Regiment 1056 Västerbotten 1700 1721
Bjorneborg Regiment 1025 Bjorneborg , Finland 1700 1721
Åbo län regiment 1025 Åbo län |, Finland 1700 1721
Nyland Regiment 1025 Nyland , Finland 1700 1721
Tavastehus Regiment 1025 Tavastehus , Finland 1700 1721
Savolax Regiment 1033 Savolax , Finland 1700 1721
Viborgregiment 1000 Viborg , Finland 1700 1721
Ostrobothnia Regiment 1200 Ostrobothnia , Finland 1700 1721

Provisional provincial infantry

During the war, the Swedish army itself set up a further 46 regiments in the individual provinces based on the system of division or the state constitution. These quasi-conscription units differed considerably from the regular division regiments and were reclassified more frequently. Reliable data are available from 41 regiments of target strengths. It amounted to a total of 29,775 men, with some regiments being disbanded in the meantime or only being set up later in the war. It can therefore be assumed that the cumulative manpower of the provisional regiments during the war was permanently below the regular regiments for division.

regiment Target strength Base Active from Active until
Östgöta-Sörmland 3-male 800 Sörmland 1700
Småland 3-men 1100 Småland 1700
Västgöta 3-men 1200 1700 1721
Närke-Värmland 3-men 1023 Närke - Värmland 1700
Uppland 3-men 1197 Uppland 1700
Hälsinge 3- & 5-men 400 Helsingborg 1700 1719
Västerbotten 3-men 333 Västerbotten 1700 1721
Åbo, Björneborg & Nyland 3-men 1025 Aland Islands 1700 1708
Tav., Viborg & Sav. 3-men 1019 Vyborg 1700 1704
Åbo fördubbling 684 Aland Islands 1700 1709
Björneborg fördubbling 680 Bjorneborg , Finland 1700 1710
Tavastehus fördubbling 661 Tavastehus , Finland 1700 1709
Nyland fördubbling 674 Nyland , Finland 1700 1710
Viborgs fördubbling & 3 -haben 869 Vyborg, Finland 1700 1710
Savolax fördubling & 3-men 1036 Savolax , Finland 1700 1710
Harrien Land Regiment 1000 Harrien , Swedish Estonia 1701 1710
Wierlander Landregiment 700 Wierland , Swedish Estonia 1701 1704
Jervener Land Regiment 500 Swedish Estonia 1701 1704
Wieker Land Regiment 800 Wiek , Swedish Estonia 1701 1704
Öseler Land Battalion 500 Ösel, Swedish Estonia 1702 1708
Dorpater Land Battalion 200 Dorpat , Swedish Livonia 1701 1704
Fellin Land Battalion 350 Fellin , Swedish Livonia 1701 1703
Nüggener Land Battalion 260 Nüggen , Swedish Livonia 1701 1704
Oberpahlener Land Battalion 300 Oberpahlen , Swedish Livonia 1701 1704
Pernau Land Battalion 300 Pernau , Swedish Livonia 1701 1703
Sagnitzer Land Battalion ? Sagnitz , Swedish Livonia 1701 1703
Kokenhusener Land Battalion 300 Kokenhusen , Swedish Livonia 1701 1702
Marienburger Land Battalion 100? Marienburg 1701 1703
Tirsen Land Battalion 260 Tirsen , Swedish Livonia 1701 1704
Treyden Country Battalion ? Treyden , Swedish Livonia 1701 1703
Walker Land Battalion ? Walk , Swedish Livonia 1701 1703
Wenden Land Battalion Wenden , Swedish Livonia 1701 1703
Wolmar Land Battalion ? Valmiera , Swedish Livonia 1701 1703
Mountain Regiment 500 1701 1721
Uppland 5-men 960 Uppland 1703 1720
Småland 5-men 900 Småland 1703 1719
Västgöta 4- & 5-men 1209 Västergötland 1703 1721
HG Buddenbrock's regiment 1090 1708 1709
Per Banérs Regiment 1121 1708 1709
Anklamer Land Regiment ? Anklam , Swedish Pomerania 1710 1715
Bremen Land Regiment 959 Bremen , Bremen-Verden 1710 1712
Rügen regional regiment 500 Rügen , Swedish Pomerania 1710 1715
Szczecin Land Regiment 1200 Szczecin , Swedish Pomerania 1710 1715
Östra Skånska regementet till fot 600 Eastern Skåne 1711 1721
Västra Skånska regementet till fot 665 Western Skåne 1712 1721
Halland regementet till fot 700 Halland 1711 1721
Wrangel's combined regiment 1100 1713 1715

Recruited infantry

In total, the Swedish army had 31 recruited infantry regiments with a cumulative nominal strength of 29,458 men, which, however, never existed as a whole, as some regiments were only set up later in the war.

regiment Target strength Base Active from Active until
Livgardet (Guard) 1800 1700 1721
Svenska livregementet 1111 1700 1718
Tyska livregementet 1200 1700 1716
Malmo Garrison Regiment 1000 Malmo , Sweden 1700 1715
Riksänkedrottningens livregiment 1200 1700 1715
Pomeranians 1200 Swedish Pomerania 1700 1715
Stralsund garrison regiment 1200 Stralsund , Swedish Pomerania 1700 1715
Wismar governor regiment 1200 Wismar 1700 1716
Wismar garrison regiment 1200 Wismar 1700 1715
Bremen infantry 800 Bremen-Verden 1700 1715
Stader Garrison Regiment 1200 Stade, Bremen-Verden 1700 1716
Riga Governor Regiment 1000 Riga , Swedish Livonia 1700 1710
Riga Garrison Regiment 1000 Riga , Swedish Livonia 1700 1710
KG Skytte's regiment 1400 1700 1710
Narvaer Garrison Regiment 1400 Narva , Swedish Estonia 1700 1710
Ingermanland 1000 Swedish Ingermanland 1700 1710
Axel Julius De la Gardie's regiment 1000 1700 1708
Carl Adam von Stackelberg's battalion 400 1700 1710
HH from Liewens Battalion 450 1700 1710
A. Zöges battalion 400 1700 1704
MW Nieroth's regiment 800 1701 1710
BJ Mellin's Regiment 1000 1702 1710
CF of Mengden's regiment 1000 1703 1710
JH von Schwengeln's regiment 1000 1703 1710
JV from Bechern's regiment 1000 1704 1710
Revaler Headquarters Battalion 454 Reval , Swedish Estonia 1704 1710
Elblag Garrison Regiment 1200 Elbing , Royal Prussia 1703 1715
Rhineland Battalion 534 1711 1715
Holsteinska livregementet 197 1714 1715
Holstein (Delwigs) 600 1714 1715
Finnish conscript battalion 1711 1719
Grenadier Battalion 512 1716 1718

Recruited prisoners of war

Nine regiments of prisoners of war completed the ranks of Swedish infantrymen in the war. They had a nominal strength of 6096 men, but they were most likely only active at the same time in the period from 1706 to 1707.

regiment Target strength Base Active from Active until
Bavaria 1200 1706 1706
French people 600 1706 1706
Swiss 60 1706 1706
C. Breitholtz ' 1200 1706 1709
Saxony 1152 1707 1721
E. von Straelborn's battalion 510 1707 1710
A. Boijes Battalion 521 1707 1708
HM Seulenburg's battalion 518 1707 1708
P. Stöhr's battalion 335 1710 1711


Sweden fielded a total of 67 cavalry regiments with a cumulative nominal strength of 37,315 men in the Great Northern War. The line cavalry accounts for 30 percent of the total strength.

Provincial cavalry and dragoons

The 13 line regiments of the cavalry had a nominal strength of 11,222 men.

regiment Target strength Base Active from Active until
Livregementet till häst 1505 Uppland 1700 1721
Östgöta 1000 Götaland 1700 1721
Småland's cavalry regulations 1000 Småland 1700 1721
Södra Skånska kavalleriregementet 1000 Gentle 1700 1721
Norra Skånska kavalleriregementet 1000 Gentle 1700 1721
Riksänkedrottningens livregiment 800 1700 1720
Bohuslän Dragoons 504 Bohuslan 1700 1721
Västgöta 1000 Götaland 1700 1721
Jämtland Cavalry Company 100 Jämtland 1700 1721
Åbo & Björneborg 1000 Aland Islands, Finland 1700 1721
Nyland 1000 Nyland, Finland 1700 1721
Wyborger 1000 Vyborg, Finland 1700 1721
Carolinian Dragoons 313 1700 1721

Nobility banner

The "Adelsbanner", the mounted aristocratic contingent , consisted of five regiments with a total of 1804 men. Their share in the cavalry was only 4.8 percent.

regiment Target strength Base Active from Active until
Swedish nobility banner 600 Sweden 1700 1721
Bremen-Verden nobility banner 144 Bremen-Verden 1700 1712
Pomeranian nobility banner 160 Swedish Pomerania 1700 1715
Livonian nobility banner 300 Swedish Livonia 1700 1710
Estonian and Ingrian nobility banner 600 Swedish Estonia, Swedish Ingermanland 1700 1710

Provisional provincial dragons

regiment Target strength Base Active from Active until
Uppland priest dragon 600 Uppland 1700
Skånska priest dragon 600 Gentle 1700
Västgöta priest dragon 664 Götaland 1700 1717
Finnish priest dragons 164 Finland 1700 1708
Gotland priest dragons 50 Gotland 1700 1721
Estonian land dragons 200 Swedish Estonia 1700 1701
Öseler Landdragoner 200 Ösel, Swedish Estonia 1700 1708
Livonian land dragons 123 Swedish Livonia 1700 1710
Laurentzen's Free Dragoons ? 1701 1721

Provisional provincial cavalry

regiment Target strength Base Active from Active until
Uppland 3-men 834 Uppland 1700
Skånska 3-men 1000 Gentle 1700 1710
Västgöta 3-men 600 Götaland 1700 1721
Åbo, Nyl, Viborg 3-male. 1000 Aland Islands, Vyborg, Nyland , Finland 1700 1721
Åbo fördubbling 667 Aland Islands, Finland 1700 1701
Nyland fördubbling 667 Nyland , Finland 1700 1709
Viborg fördubbling 667 Vyborg, Finland 1700 1709
Uppland 5-men 501 Uppland 1701 1721

Recruited cavalry

regiment Target strength Base Active from Active until
Satellite corps 200 1700 1721
Vallack's rider ? 1702 1721
Bremen rider 800 Duchy of Bremen 1700 1715
Pomeranian rider 800 Swedish Pomerania 1700 1715
Holstein rider 395 Holstein-Gottorp 1713 1715
Estonian horsemen 800 Swedish Estonia 1700 1710

Recruited Dragoons

regiment Target strength Base Active from Active until
Ingermanland Dragons 600 Swedish Ingermanland 1700 1719
Wolmar Anton von Schlippenbach's Dragoons 600 1700 1709
GC Schreiterfeldt's Dragoons 600 1700 1709
GR Skogh's Dragoons 200 1701 1709
Liv-dragoon regiment 600 Swedish Livonia 1700
Bremen Dragoons 800 Duchy of Bremen 1700 1715
Verden Dragoons 1000 Duchy of Verden 1702 1715
Pomeranian Dragoons 1000 Swedish Pomerania 1703 1715
JA Meijerfelt's Dragoons 600 1703 1709
N. Hielm's Dragoons 600 1704 1709
Karl Gustav Dükers Dragoons 600 1704 1709
Gustaf Adam Taube's Dragoons 600 1704 1709
Mounted grenadiers 200 1706 1706
HO d'Albedyhl's Dragoons 750 1706 1709
Nils Gyllenstierna's Dragoons 750 1706 1709
French dragoons 600 1707 1715
PB von Schwerin's Dragoons 200 1710 1712
Smiegelski's Dragoons 100 1711 1713
Ulrich Carl von Bassewitz 'Dragoons 600 1711 1715
O. Vietinghoff's Dragoons 300 1714 1715
Bender ? Bender , Moldova 1712 1715
Niest ? 1712 1715
Tyska (German) Dragoons 460 1716 1721
Holstein Dragoon Guard 997 Holstein 1714 1715
Lewenhaupt's Free Company ?
Enspännar Company ?


  1. 1704 merged with Jervens Landregiment
  2. 1704 transferred to the Reval Main Staff Recruited Battalion
  3. 1704 transferred to the Reval Main Staff Recruited Battalion
  4. 1703 converted into a 400-man drafted battalion
  5. 1703 transferred to JH von Schwengeln's drafted regiment
  6. 1703 converted into a 400-man drafted battalion
  7. 1703 converted into a drafted battalion (GG Wrangels)
  8. 1703 transferred to JH von Schwengeln's drafted regiment
  9. 1703 transferred to CF by Mengden's conscript regiment
  10. Converted into a draft battalion and merged with Mengden's regiment in 1705
  11. 1703 transferred to CF by Mengden's conscript regiment
  12. ↑ In 1703 200 men were transferred to the CF by Mengden's conscript regiment
  13. 1701 merged with Öseler Landdragonern after the battle near Rappin

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