List of Etruscan place names
The list of Etruscan place names lists the Etruscan, Latin and Italian names of cities and settlements that were part of the heartland or area of influence of the Etruscans . Sources for place names are mainly coins and dedicatory inscriptions. On coins, there are usually one-word texts for which it is unclear in which case the mint is mentioned or whether there is an association with the place name. Therefore, the place name can sometimes not be given with absolute certainty.
Designations and spellings were not uniform and were subject to changes over time. Over the centuries, internal vowels were not used in the Etruscan script and language. Associated with this was a shift in the word accent to the first syllable such as B. Perusna for Perugia , which later changed to Persna . Likewise, the letter k was no longer used in later times. In this respect, spellings with internal vowels or with the letter k are to be regarded as the older ones.

Etruscan | Latin | Italian | region | City founder | annotation | receipt |
Acrate, Acrati, Acra | Acerrae | Acerra | Campania | Oscar | 1 4 | |
Old ear | Alatrium | Alatri | Lazio | Hernic | 1 | |
Amr- | Ameria | Amelia | Umbria | Umbrian ? | 1 | |
Aritim | Arretium | Arezzo | Tuscany | Etruscan | Member of the League of Twelve Cities | 2 |
Arimna | Ariminum | Rimini | Emilia-Romagna | Umbrian ? | 3 5 | |
Askla | Asculum | Ascoli | Brands | Sabines ? | Ascoli Piceno or Ascoli Satriano | 1 |
Atina | Atina | Atina | Lazio | Volscians | 1 4 | |
Atria | Adriatic | Adriatic | Veneto | Etruscan | 4th | |
Aurina, urina | Aurinia | Saturnia | Tuscany | Etruscan | 1 4 | |
Cale | Calvis | Calvi | Campania | Samnites ? | 4th | |
Capena | Capena | Capena | Lazio | Capenates | 1 | |
Capeva, Capua, Capue | Capua | Capua Vetere | Campania | Etruscan | 1 3 4 | |
Clevsin | Clusium | Chiusi | Tuscany | Etruscan | Member of the League of Twelve Cities | 1 3 4 5 |
Cume, hama | Cumae | Cuma | Campania | Greeks | Excavation near Bacoli | 1 4 |
Cura | Cora | Cori | Lazio | Latins ? | 1 4 | |
Curtun | Cortona | Cortona | Tuscany | Etruscan | Member of the League of Twelve Cities | 1 3 4 5 |
Cusa | Cosa | Cosa | Tuscany | Romans | Excavation in Ansedonia near Orbetello | 5 |
Felcin | Fulginia | Foligno | Umbria | Umbrian | 1 | |
Felsina, Felsini, Felsna, Felsni, Felzna | Bononia | Bologna | Emilia-Romagna | Etruscan | 1 3 4 5 | |
Frentin | Ferentinum | Ferentino | Lazio | Hernic | 1 | |
Hepa | Heba | Heba | Tuscany | Etruscan | Excavation near Magliano | 1 3 4 |
Hurta | Horta | places | Lazio | Etruscan | 1 4 | |
Inarima, Inarime | Pitecusa | Campania | Greeks | Excavation on Ischia | 3 4 | |
Kainua | Misa? | Kainua (Misa) | Emilia-Romagna | Etruscan | The excavation near Marzabotto, formerly called Misa toponym Kainua, seems to have been secured |
3 4 6 |
Kaiserie, Chaisrie, Caisri, Chaire, Caisra, Cisra | Caere | Cerveteri | Lazio | Etruscan | Member of the League of Twelve Cities | 3 4 5 7 |
Kavi | Gabii | Gabi | Lazio | Latins ? | Excavation near Rome | 4th |
Keisna, Ceisna | Caesena | Cesena | Emilia-Romagna | Umbrian | 1 3 | |
Mataliai | Massalia | Marseille | French Riviera | Greeks | 1 | |
Manthva | Mantua | Mantua | Lombardy | Etruscan | 1 3 4 | |
Metlann | Mediolanum | Milano | Lombardy | Insubr | 4th | |
Mutina | Mutina | Modena | Emilia-Romagna | Etruscan | 1 3 4 | |
Nepet | Nepi | Nepi | Lazio | Etruscan | 4th | |
Norcha | Orclae? | Norchia | Lazio | Etruscan | Excavation near Viterbo | 4th |
Nucr | Nuceria | Nocera | Campania | Etruscan | 4th | |
Nula | Nola | Nola | Campania | Aurunker ? | 1 4 | |
Percums, pergoms | Bergomum | Bergamo | Lombardy | Gauls | 1 4 | |
Perusna, Persna, Phersna | Perusia | Perugia | Umbria | Etruscan | Member of the League of Twelve Cities | 3 5 |
Petina | Petina | Petina | Campania | Oscar ? | 1 | |
Plera | Blera | Blera | Lazio | Etruscan | 4th | |
Pupluna, Fufluna | Populonia | Populonia | Tuscany | Etruscan | Member of the League of Twelve Cities | 1 3 4 |
Ravena, Ravna | Ravenna | Ravenna | Emilia-Romagna | Etruscans / Umbrians | 3 4 | |
Ruma | Roma | Roma | Lazio | Romans ? | 1 3 5 | |
Rusel | Rusellae | Roselle | Lazio | Etruscan | Member of the League of Twelve Cities? - excavation near Grosseto | 3 |
Saena, Seina, Sena | Saena | Siena | Tuscany | Etruscan | 1 3 4 | |
Sarsina | Sarsina | Sarsina | Emilia-Romagna | Umbrian | 1 | |
Scarna | Scarna | Scarna | Tuscany | Etruscan | 1 4 | |
Sentin | Sentinum | Sentino | Brands | Romans ? | Excavation near Sassoferrato | 1 |
Spina | Spina | Spina | Emilia-Romagna | Pelasger ? | Excavation near Comacchio | 4th |
Statn- | Statonia | Poggio Buco | Tuscany | Etruscan | Excavation between Pitigliano and Manciano | 3 4 |
Surina, Ora | Surrina | ? | Lazio | Etruscan | Location not clarified - Soriano or Viterbo | 3 4 |
Suthri | Sutrium | Sutri | Lazio | Etruscan | 1 3 4 | |
Sveamach, Sveama, Suana | Suana | Sovana | Tuscany | Etruscan | 3 4 5 | |
Tarchuna, Tarchna | Tarquinii | Tarquinia | Lazio | Etruscan | Member of the League of Twelve Cities | 1 3 4 5 |
Tlamu | Telamon | Talamone | Tuscany | Etruscan | 3 | |
Trepla | Trebula | Trebula Suffenas | Lazio | Aequer | Excavation near Ciciliano | 1 4 |
Tular | Tuder | Todi | Umbria | Umbrian | Umbrian : Tutere | 3 |
Tuscana, Tuscna | Tuscana | Tuscania | Lazio | Etruscan | 3 4 | |
Uvila | Bovillae | Boville | Lazio | Latins ? | 4th | |
Veia, Vei | Veii | Veio | Lazio | Etruscan | Member of the League of Twelve Cities - excavation near Rome | 3 5 |
Velathri | Volaterrae | Volterra | Tuscany | Etruscan | Member of the League of Twelve Cities | 1 3 4 5 |
Velznach, Velzna, Velsna, Velsu |
Volsinii veteres Volsinii novi |
Orvieto ? Bolsena |
Umbria | Etruscan | Member of the League of Twelve Cities - re-establishment after destruction | 1 3 4 5 |
Velcal, Velcha, Velch | Vulci | Vulci | Lazio | Etruscan | Member of the League of Twelve Cities - excavation near Montalto di Castro | 1 3 4 5 |
Vaitluna, Vatluna, Vatlna, Vatlui, Vetluna, Vetalu | Vetulonia | Vetulonia | Tuscany | Etruscan | Member of the League of Twelve Cities | 1 3 4 |
Vipsul, Vipsl, Visul, Visl | Faesulae | Fiesole | Tuscany | Etruscan | 1 3 5 |
See also
- Etruscan language
- Etruscan script
- Etruscan numerals
- Etruscan numerals
- Etruscan naming
- List of Etruscan words
- League of Twelve Cities
- Massimo Pittau : La Lingua Etrusca: Grammatica e Lessico . Insula Edizioni, Nuoro 1997, ISBN 9788886111072 , p. 71.
- Dieter H. Steinbauer: On the grave inscription of Larthi Cilnei from Aritim / Arretium / Arezzo . Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 121, 1998, pp. 263-281.
- Giuliano Bonfante , Larissa Bonfante : The Etruscan Language. An Introduction. 2nd Edition. Manchester University Press, Manchester / New York 2002, ISBN 0719055407 , pp. 222-223.
- Harald Ulrik Sverdrup : A Description of the Etruscan Language and a Glossary. Lund University, Lund 2004, pp. 33-36.
- Friedhelm Prayon : The Etruscans. Concepts of the afterlife and ancestral cult . Philipp von Zabern, Mainz 2006, ISBN 9783805336192 , p. 3.
- Martin Bentz, Christoph Reusser: Marzabotto: planned town of the Etruscans. Philipp von Zabern, Mainz 2008, ISBN 9783805338455 , p. 31.
- Nancy Thomson de Grummond , Lisa C. Pieraccini (Eds.): Caere. University of Texas Press, Austin 2016, ISBN 9781477308431 , p. 41.