List of conspiracy theories

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This list of conspiracy theories enumerates conspiracy theories as well as conspiracy ideologies from the last centuries. It contains confirmed and refuted, but also still unclear theories and ideologies that deal with religious , political , cultural or everyday culturally motivated conspiracies. It does not claim to be complete.

12th Century

Surname Explanation
Ritual murder legend In 1144 it is claimed for the first time that Jews kidnapped a Christian child in order to murder him in a secret ritual on the Passover festival.

14th Century

Surname Explanation
Well poisoning Especially during the great plague epidemics in the 14th century, marginalized social groups, mostly the Jews, were accused of having caused the epidemic by poisoning public wells in order to destroy Christianity.

15th century

Surname Explanation
Witchcraft The popular belief that natural disasters and diseases are actually caused by wizards of harm ( witches ) was adopted by theologians in the 15th century and developed into the idea of ​​a secret witch sect in league with the devil, which resulted in the persecution of alleged witches for centuries.

16th Century

Surname Explanation
Exeter conspiracy King Henry VIII was supposed to be assassinated in order to reverse the Reformation .

17th century

Surname Explanation
Papist conspiracy Catholics supposedly wanted to assassinate King Charles II .

18th century

Surname Explanation
Man in the iron mask Person from the environment of King Louis XIV.
Mozart conspiracy The composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was allegedly murdered by the Freemasons

19th century

Surname Explanation
Dark Countess The mysterious inhabitants of the Eishausen Castle were allegedly among others the daughter of the executed French King Louis XVI.
Flat Earth Society thesis The thesis of the Flat Earth Society propagates to this day that the earth is flat .
Kaspar Hauser rumor The foundling Kaspar Hauser was the Hereditary Prince of the Grand Duchy of Baden , born in 1812 .
World Jewry Jews supposedly want to usurp world domination.
Baha'i conspiracy As Zionists or spies, Baha'i either want to destroy the state of Iran or all of Islam.
Jack the Ripper conspiracy theories The search for the real identity of Jack the Ripper left speculation open, for example, he was a secret child of Queen Victoria .
Taxil fraud Alleged eyewitnesses reported satanic rites of the Masons .
Know-nothing party rumors Catholic immigration had served the Pope to undermine the values ​​of the United States so that a papal army could land in America and found a new Vatican in Cincinnati.
Apparent death hypothesis on the crucifixion of Jesus Jesus was only seemingly dead after the crucifixion and was resuscitated by helpers after the burial.

20th century

Surname Explanation
Agent theory Adolf Hitler's actions were directed by the economy.
AIDS denial Allegedly there is no causal connection between the HIV virus and the immunodeficiency disease AIDS .
AIDS from the US laboratory HIV is said to have been developed by the United States and either been abandoned or escaped.
Amero The governments of Canada , the United States and Mexico are said to be planning a North American monetary union .
Area 51 The facility deals with or communicates with extraterrestrial life forms .
Doctors conspiracy Medicines from the Soviet Union allegedly planned attacks on high-ranking officials in their country; see also Rootless Cosmopolitan .
Assassination attempt on Martin Luther King The assassination attempt on Martin Luther King was carried out or planned by the US government .
Gang-von-Nijvel Conspiracy The attacks carried out by the Nijvel gang were a pre- emptive strike against communism in Western Europe.
Barschel affair Former Prime Minister Uwe Barschel was found dead after leading an unusually tough election campaign against his competitor . If the cause of death is unclear, third-party negligence cannot be ruled out, although there are several speculations about a murder and its background.
Bilderberg Conference The participants of the Bilderberg conference are supposedly planning a world dictatorship or are masterminds of historical events such as the Iraq war .
Black Knight Conspiracy The US government allegedly suppresses facts about an alien satellite.
Chemtrails Contrails reportedly contain chemicals that have an impact on the population.
Chronology criticism Certain sections of historiography or chronology were incorrect or intentionally falsified.
Chronovisor The Vatican is or was allegedly in possession of a time machine .
Stab-in-the-Back Myth The defeat of the German military in World War I was caused by opposition civilians .
Estonia conspiracy The sinking of the Estonia was the result of an attack .
Rumor from Orléans In the French city of Orléans, 28 young women were allegedly kidnapped and forced into prostitution.
Greater Israel Conspiracy According to the doctrine, Israel plans to extend Jewish sovereignty to the entire area between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River.
Great exchange A conspiracy myth of the New Right , according to which there is a secret plan to exchange the white population of Europe for Muslim or non-European immigrants .
GSG-9 deployment in Bad Kleinen The GSG-9 mission in Bad Kleinen, in which the RAF terrorist Wolfgang Grams was killed, gave rise to numerous conspiracy theories.
HAARP conspiracy The US research program HAARP is said to have been used for thought manipulation or for the artificial induction of natural disasters .
Hitler survived in Argentina At the end of the war, Hitler and his wife fled to Argentina in a submarine and lived there, supported by supporters, hidden in the Andes until their natural death.
Holocaust denial The National Socialists' Holocaust never happened.
Itavia Flight 870 Conspiracy The plane was shot down by French or US planes , all occupants died. The unknown attackers allegedly assumed that the machine was an airplane in which Muammar al-Gaddafi was sitting.
Jamantau theory The Russian mountain Yamantau is said to house a gigantic underground complex that is used for military purposes.
Assassination attempt on John F. Kennedy The assassination is not the work of a lone perpetrator, but of a conspiracy, the masterminds of which, depending on the case, the Mafia , the CIA or Fidel Castro are postulated.
Alternative theories to Korean Airlines Flight 007 A plane that was accidentally shot down by the Soviet Union was classified as threatening according to official information. Theories suggest that the Soviet Union's air security should be tested. Other suspicions suggest that survivors of the disaster are being held.
Leningrad affair Supporters of the Leningrad party branch of the CPSU are said to be involved in criminal machinations.
Invented Middle Ages Larger periods of medieval history are invented.
Death of John Paul I. John Paul I was poisoned because he probably wanted to expose internal machinations of the Vatican.
Lusitania conspiracy The sinking of the ship by a German submarine is said to have been brought about deliberately in order to stir up resentment against Germany among the US population.
Majestic 12 Committee The US secret committee deals with the work of UFOs and aliens.
Katyn massacre It was not the Soviet NKVD, but German Wehrmacht soldiers who carried out the Katyn massacre in April 1940, in which thousands of Polish officers were shot.
Men in Black Secret, black-clad US government officials ensure that mysterious sightings do not yield any testimony.
Moon landing conspiracy theories The moon landings between 1969 and 1972 by NASA supposedly never took place and were only faked.
Death of Marilyn Monroe Marilyn Monroe is said to have been killed by a US secret service after having an affair with John F. Kennedy .
Montauk project In the Montauk Project, the US military tried to control or influence civilians' thoughts between 1970 and 1990.
Elvis Presley's afterlife Elvis Presley did not die in 1977, but lived on in camera.
New world order Secret societies are supposedly trying to usurp world domination .
Oklahoma Connection The bomb attack on the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City was supported by Islamists .
Paul is dead Paul McCartney of The Beatles died in 1966 and was then replaced by a doppelganger .
Attack on Pearl Harbor The US government or the US military reportedly knew of the impending attack on Pearl Harbor but did nothing to publicly cite a reason for war.
Philadelphia experiment An experiment by the US military allegedly resulted in the disappearance of a warship and teleportation to another location.
Protocols of the Elders of Zion The protocols claim to be secret documents of Jewish world conspirators.
Reichsflugscheibe The Third Reich was in possession of a futuristic aircraft.
Reich Citizens Movement The German Reich continues to exist legally, but the Federal Republic of Germany is illegal. A provisional Reich government exercises jurisdiction over the German Reich within the borders of 1937.
Reptiloids Reptiloids are human-like intelligent beings that descend from reptiles or reptile-like aliens. They have infiltrated the earth and are part of a secret pyramid-like organizational structure.
Roswell incident A UFO crashed in Roswell, New Mexico .
Black Volga Between 1960 and 1980, occupants of a black Volga car allegedly abducted and tortured children after they were asked what the time was.
Controversy over the seal of the United States The seal refers to the order of the Illuminati .
Robert F. Kennedy murder conspiracy The murder of the US Senator Robert F. Kennedy shows some inconsistencies regarding the alleged perpetrator Sirhan Sirhan .
Support for the Bolsheviks by the economy of the German Empire The Sisson documents allegedly prove that the German Empire provided financial support to Russian revolutionaries.
Skull and Bones The student association not only deals with occultism and Satanism , but also has contacts with the CIA .
Slavic legend Slavs in the east of today's Germany were allegedly Germanic peoples who decided against Christianization from the Middle Ages .
Sun Temple Conspiracy The radical organization of the Sun Templars was allegedly infiltrated by right-wing extremism.
Lady Di's death The accident that led to Diana's death was caused by the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) .
Explosive attacks on residential buildings in Russia The originator of the explosives attacks is unclear and leaves room for speculation.
Sinking of the RMS Titanic Allegedly, it was not the Titanic that sank, but her sister ship Olympic.
Vril Society and Aldebarans The Vril Society was able to revive National Socialism using supernatural methods that the Aldebarans had taught them.
Fire at the Waco siege The FBI was responsible for a fire that ignited during a siege of a Branch Davidians facility. A double-digit number of people died as a result of the fire, including children.
Tupac Shakur's death Tupac Shakur reportedly killed by the US government; alternatively, his death is only faked.
Zionist Occupied Government A far-right conspiracy theory has it that all important government posts are occupied by Jews.

21st century

Surname Explanation
9/11 conspiracy theories The terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 are said to have been either knowingly permitted by US intelligence services or carried out themselves.
Denver International Airport conspiracy theories The Denver International Airport is to serve as their central airport when a new world order is proclaimed . One of the alleged evidence is a memorial stone belonging to a non-existent New World Airport Commission .
Denial of man-made global warming The current global warming is not real / not man-made / not dangerous. She is z. B. was invented by scientists with political and financial motives in order to access research funds and to introduce socialism worldwide .
MASCAL conspiracy An exercise called Project Mascal dealt with the accident in 2000 in which a plane crashed into the Pentagon. One of the contributors then worked for American Airlines.
Death of Jürgen Möllemann The politician died in a parachute jump. It is unclear whether it was a suicide or an accident. One theory speaks of a targeted murder.
Conspiracy theories about the Madrid train attacks The Basque terrorist organization ETA is said to be behind the attacks.
Death of Gary Webb The investigative journalist is said to have been murdered.
Death of Jörg Haider The Austrian politician is said to have been murdered.
Coup attempt in Turkey in 2016 One theory is that the Gülen Movement and the Deep State carried out the coup attempt. Another theory is that the attempted coup was orchestrated by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan .
Sandy Hook Elementary School rampage Several prominent conspiracy theorists claim that the Sandy Hook Elementary School killing spree never took place and was instead staged to tighten gun laws.
Attack on the Boston Marathon Many theorists also believe that the Boston bombing was staged to stir up fear of Islam.
Pizzagate One was under the slogan "Pizza Gate" in 2016 hoax on 4chan and Reddit widespread, the American presidential election campaign in 2016 scattered the assertion in the basement of a pizzeria in Washington, DC agiere a child porn ring , the presidential candidate in Hillary Clinton was involved.
QAnon Pseudonym of a person or group of people who pretends to have secret information about Donald Trump's presidency and his alleged fight against the "Deep State" .
Adrenochrome Supporters of the adrenochrome conspiracy claim that satanist sects abduct and torture children in order to draw adrenaline from the children's blood and then drink it to slow their aging process. The theories are related to the Pizzagate and QAnon conspiracy theories . The best-known supporters of this conspiracy in Germany are Xavier Naidoo and Kollegah
COVID-19 There are numerous conspiracy theories on the COVID-19 pandemic that are based on false information, such as theses related to Bill Gates, biological weapons, 5G radiation, Jewish conspiracies, the new world order and world government.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Sven Felix Kellerhoff : RAF Terror: Bad Kleinen - the "execution" was a media scandal. In: . June 27, 2013, accessed October 7, 2018 .
  2. Alexander Straßner : The third generation of the RAF. Formation, structure, functional logic and disintegration of a terrorist organization. , P. 214 Westdeutscher Verlag, Wiesbaden 2003, ISBN 3-531-14114-7 .
  3. ^ Abel Basti: Hitler en Argentina . 2006.
  4. See G. Thomas Farmer, John Cook : Climate Change Science. A modern synthesis. Volume 1 - The Physical Climate. Dordrecht 2013, pp. 454–456.
  5. ^ Karen M. Douglas, Robbie M. Sutton: Climate change: Why the conspiracy theories are dangerous . In: Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists . tape 71 , no. 2 , 2015, p. 98-106 , doi : 10.1177 / 0096340215571908 .
  6. Alex Nichols: Slender Man for Boomers. Retrieved May 24, 2020 .
  7. Adrenochrome - The alleged rejuvenation drug of the "Hollywood elite". In: mimikama. April 7, 2020, accessed on May 24, 2020 (German).
  8. What is adrenochrome - and what does Xavier Naidoo have to do with it? April 6, 2020, accessed on April 23, 2020 (German).
  9. Conspiracy theories: Xavier Naidoo weeps for "adrenochrome children" | April 3, 2020, accessed April 23, 2020 .
  10. Kollegah & the QAnon conspiracy theories: Clear distancing remains from - German Hiphop Magazine. Retrieved May 11, 2020.