Matthias Klie

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Matthias Klie (born May 18, 1961 in Lüdinghausen ) is a German actor and voice actor .

life and career

Matthias Klie studied Romance languages ​​at the Free University (FU) in Berlin from 1981 to 1984 . He then completed an acting training in the acting studio with Maria Körber and Joachim Kerzel as well as singing training with Jonathan Kinsler in classical and musical singing . In 1989 he passed the acting examination before the parity examination committee in Berlin.

Since 1984 Matthias Klie has appeared as a voice actor for various productions on television and cinema. Among other things, he is the German voice of Mads Mikkelsen , whom he has been dubbing regularly since 2004. He is also the German voice of Lars Mikkelsen , Mads Mikkelsen's brother. In may I ask? he dubbed Bobby Cannavale (as Chic ). Other films he dubbed included Ice Cold Silence , The Death Row, and Godzilla , among others . He also speaks Shemar Moore (as Jesse Reese ) in Birds of Prey .

He also acts as a speaker, for example, at readings (in the Literaturhaus, at the Goethe Institute or in the Muffathalle ) or for TV trailers and documentaries.

Singing and theater

Matthias Klie came to acting through singing, he had already sung in the church choir and participated in singing competitions before his vocal training. He gained his first experience as an actor as an extra at the Schillertheater in Berlin with Boy Gobert . He received his first permanent engagement with Einar Schleef at the Schauspiel in Frankfurt as Kaiser in Goethe's Urgötz , where he could be seen alongside actors such as Margarita Broich , David Bennent and Martin Wuttke . He then spent three years at the Heilbronn Theater , where he portrayed the Marquis of Posa in Schiller's drama Don Carlos and the Prince in the European premiere of Sondheim's musical Into the Woods . He continues to occur again and again in the theater, such as the Little Theater Landshut , in Teamtheater , the Metropol Theater , the State Theater Coburg or at different theaters in Kiel.

As an actor, Matthias Klie was seen in several episodes of the ARD series Marienhof and appeared in the TV series Tatort in the episode Im Visier . From December 2011 to January 2012 he appeared in the Medical Daily Fibrillation - Love for Life in the episode role of Adam Wehner .

Filmography (selection)

Speaking roles

Vincent Cassel

Mads Mikkelsen

Lars Mikkelsen



As a performer

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Homepage on, accessed on March 6, 2013.
  2. Fibrillation - Love for Life (2011). from, accessed March 6, 2013.