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coat of arms map
Coat of arms of the municipality of Røst
Røst (Norway)
Basic data
Commune number : 1856
Province  (county) : North country
Coordinates : 67 ° 30 '  N , 12 ° 3'  E Coordinates: 67 ° 30 '  N , 12 ° 3'  E
Height : 259 moh.
Surface: 10.12 km²
Residents: 498  (Feb 27, 2020)
Population density : 49 inhabitants per km²
Language form : Bokmål
Mayor : Elisabeth Kristin Mikalsen  (Røst Samarbeidsliste) (2019)
Location in the province of Nordland
Location of the municipality in the province of Nordland

Røst is a municipality in the region Lofoten in Norwegian Fylke Nordland .

Location and dates


The municipality is located at the southernmost end of Lofoten.

The municipality includes around 365 islands and skerries . The main island of Røstlandet is almost circular and 6 km long and 4 km wide.

498 inhabitants (as of February 27, 2020) live on Røst, all on Røstlandet. There you will also find the airport, the port with the ferry quay, some shops, a primary school, a post office, a restaurant, a hotel, two campsites, a tourist information office, the mayor's office and a bank.

Other islands are Storfjellet, Vedøya, Trenyken, Ellefsnyken, Hernyken Skomvær and Hærnken, but these are uninhabited.


The warm North Atlantic Current (the northern extension of the Gulf Stream ), which flows around the islands, determines the climate. This leads to exceptionally mild winters. Despite the location far north of the Arctic Circle , the average temperature is above freezing point in all months. The summers are cool and there is a constant wind.


The Norwegian airline Widerøe offers daily flights to Bodø and Leknes from Røst Airport , the flight time to both destinations is around 25 minutes. After Værøy , Moskenes and Bodø a ferry.


Røst lives from fishing and processing the fish. In the season from January to April, the cod is caught and then processed into stockfish .


  • Ruins of the church built in 1839 and demolished again in 1900
  • Memorial stone for the Venetian merchant Pietro Querini , who landed here with a lifeboat after an accident in 1431
  • Bird rocks with approx.2.5 million birds (see also section wildlife )



The following species of seabirds breed in the archipelago:

  • Puffin
  • different species of tern
  • Oystercatcher
  • Kittiwake
  • Eider

There are also ravens and sea eagles and ospreys. There are around 2.5 million birds in total.


As almost everywhere in the European Arctic Ocean, whales, such as the sperm whale, also occur in the waters around Røst. However, there are no whale watching safaris offered here such as in Andenes .

Web links

Commons : Røst  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Statistisk sentralbyrå - Befolkning
  2. a b Armin Tima: Norway , Michael Müller Verlag, Erlangen 2016, ISBN 978-3-95654-219-0 , p. 616.
  3. Flights to Røst - Røst flights In: , accessed on February 7, 2018.