Szarek (Banie Mazurskie)

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Szarek does not have a coat of arms
Szarek (Poland)
Basic data
State : Poland
Voivodeship : Warmia-Masuria
Powiat : Gołdap
Gmina : Banie Mazurskie
Geographic location : 54 ° 16 '  N , 22 ° 2'  E Coordinates: 54 ° 16 '15 "  N , 22 ° 1' 59"  E
Residents :
Postal code : 19-520 Banie Mazurskie
Telephone code : (+48) 87
License plate : NGO
Economy and Transport
Street : Gryżewo → Szarek
Rail route : no rail connection
Next international airport : Danzig

Szarek ( German  Zargen ) is a place in the Polish Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship and belongs to the rural community Banie Mazurskie (Benkheim) in the Powiat Gołdapski ( Goldap district ).

Geographical location

Szarek is located in the southeast of the Skallischen Forest (also: Altheider Forest, Polish Lasy Skaliskie ) in the northeast of the Warmia-Masurian Voivodeship . It is 16 kilometers to the former district town of Darkehmen (1938 to 1946 Angerapp, Russian Osjorsk ), which is now on Russian territory, and 17 kilometers to today's district metropolis Gołdap (Goldap) .


In the place of Zargen there used to be a place called Sargey (before 1590) or Sargen (after 1818). In 1900/1902 the manor district of Zargen was re-established from parts of the manor district of Angerapps (1938 to 1945 Kleinangerapp, in Polish Rapa ), which included the official and residential buildings of the forestry department of the same name . In 1910 Zargen had 22 inhabitants.

On October 17, 1928, the Zargen manor district was incorporated into the rural community of Griesgirren (1938 to 1945 Grieswalde, Polish: Gryżewo), which until 1945 belonged to the Darkehmen district (from 1939 "Angerapp district") in the Gumbinnen district of the Prussian province of East Prussia .

As a result of the war, the place came to Poland with southern East Prussia in 1945 and has been called "Szarek" since then. Today it is a small forest settlement ( osada leśna in Polish ), which is part of the rural community of Banie Mazurskie in the Gołdapski powiat , which was part of the Suwałki Voivodeship before 1998 and has since been part of the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship .


Until 1945, the residents of Zargen belonged either to the Protestant church in Klein Szabienen / Schabienen (1938 to 1945 Kleinlautersee, Polish Żabin) within the church province of East Prussia of the Church of the Old Prussian Union or to the Catholic parish in Goldap in the Diocese of Warmia . Today the population of Szarek is assigned to the Catholic parish Żabin in the Diocese of Ełk (Lyck) of the Roman Catholic Church in Poland and the Evangelical Church in Gołdap , a branch church to Suwałki in the Diocese of Masuria of the Evangelical-Augsburg Church in Poland .


Szarek is a bit out of the way in the forest and can be reached by land from Gryżewo (Griesgirren , 1938 to 1945 Grieswalde) . There is no rail link.

Individual evidence

  1. Dietrich Lange, Geographical Location Register East Prussia (2005): Zargen
  2. a b Uli Schubert, community directory, district Darkehmen
  3. ^ Rolf Jehke, Ballupönen / Schanzenhöh district
  4. Walther Hubatsch : History of the Protestant Church in East Prussia. Volume 3: Documents. Göttingen 1968, p. 478