Katzbach tower hill

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Katzbach tower hill
Katzbach tower hill

Katzbach tower hill

Creation time : 1100 to 1200
Castle type : Höhenburg, Höhenrand
Conservation status: Burgstall
Standing position : Nobles
Construction: Quarry stone
Place: Waldmünchen -Katzbach
Geographical location 49 ° 18 '46.1 "  N , 12 ° 40' 58.2"  E Coordinates: 49 ° 18 '46.1 "  N , 12 ° 40' 58.2"  E
Height: 504  m above sea level NHN
Katzbach Tower (Bavaria)
Katzbach tower hill

The Tower Hill Toth is an Outbound Höhenburg 11 meters above the Katz brook at 504  m above sea level. NHN on the western edge of the Katzbach district of the town of Waldmünchen in the Upper Palatinate district of Cham in Bavaria .


The castle was built in the first quarter of the 12th century as the ancestral seat of the Lords of Katzbach, a ministerial family of the Margraves of Cham ( Diepoldinger-Rapotonen ), and was the seat of the Lords of Geigant from the 14th to the 15th century. 1417 a Hilprant II of Geigant is named, who bequeathed his seat "... the seat at Kaczpach ..." to his sister and her children. After that the castle was abandoned and possibly destroyed in the Hussite Wars .

Building history and facility

Nothing is known of the building history. After the time of origin of the 12th century in the first quarter is likely that the location at the southern tip on a rocky outcrop keep with an area of 7 by 5 meters of dry stone can be dated later.

The trapezoidal castle complex, about 25 by 30 meters, was protected in the southwest and southeast by a steep slope and in the northwest and northeast by a neck ditch that was filled in around 1905 . The easily recognizable Burgstall is now a ground monument .


  • Bernhard Ernst: Castle construction in the southeastern Upper Palatinate from the early Middle Ages to the early modern period, Volume 2: Catalog . Publishing house Dr. Faustus, Büchenbach 2003, ISBN 3-933474-20-5 , pp. 146-147.
  • Sixtus Lampl : Upper Palatinate . Ed .: Michael Petzet , Bavarian State Office for the Preservation of Monuments (=  Monuments in Bavaria . Volume III ). Oldenbourg, Munich 1986, ISBN 3-486-52394-5 .

Web links

Commons : Turmhügel Katzbach  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files