Universities in Ukraine

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The Ukraine has 282 higher education institutions, of which 209 are public and 73 private institutions (as of 2019). All recognized universities are subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science. The range of courses has expanded considerably since 1990 and is in a phase of upheaval. Important university cities are Kiev , Kharkiv , Dnipro , Odessa and Lviv .


The majority of educational institutions have so-called first and second level accreditation . These are “Technika” and “Colleges”; many have only been granted university status since Ukrainian independence. Many institutions were part of the post-secondary vocational training sector in Soviet times.

The higher education institutions that have third and fourth level accreditation are universities , academies , conservatories and institutes , with a total of around 1.4 million enrolled students, including 75,600 international students (as of 2019). In the academic year 2004/2005 there were still 2,026,700 enrolled students, in 1995/1996, however, only 922,800. Both state and private universities are financed through tuition fees; many students study distance learning .

Ukraine has been a fully-fledged Bologna contracting state since 2005 . In addition to the higher education system, the system of accreditation has recently been reformed. Levels I to IV are no longer used for accreditation. Instead, a new classification based on the type of facility has been introduced. The respective accreditation certificate from the Ministry of Education and Science now shows directly which degrees the institution is allowed to award. Current degree certificates and the newly added Diploma Supplement are bilingual (Ukrainian and English) and based on the European model.

The Ukrainian government has also committed itself to launching quality assurance and anti-corruption programs. This happened, for example, through the establishment of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (NAQAHE).

State universities and colleges with a long tradition are located in Kiev (1834), Kharkiv (1805), Odessa (1865), Kropywnyzkyj (1881), Lviv (1661), Cherkassy , Chernivtsi (1875), Dnipro (1918), Zaporizhia (1933) ), Simferopol (1918) and Donetsk (1965).


Ukraine has a generally high level of education. The literacy rate is 99.8 percent (as of 2015). After the end of the Soviet Union , Ukrainian became the language of instruction. In the east of Ukraine, Russian is the parallel language of instruction at universities. In the distance learning courses and graduate programs offered, some study programs are also offered in English and German.

The general admission requirement for the university is the acquisition of the complete secondary education at a general or technical middle school ( certificate ). Currently, this usually takes place after eleven school years. In the course of the school reform of 1998 it takes place after twelve years. However, in exceptional cases, universities can also admit people who do not meet these admission requirements.

Since January 2017, international applicants have been able to register for a study place online via the official Ukrainian Admission Center .

Degrees and degrees

The qualifications Bakalawr ( Ukrainian Бакалавр ) (4-6 years), Specialist ( Ukrainian Спеціаліст ) (5 years), Magistr ( Ukrainian Магістр ) (1-2 years) were introduced in the early 1990s, almost at the same time as the fall of the Soviet Union . The Ukrainian study system will be further amended. In order to meet the main requirements of the Bologna Agreement, Ukraine had to create comparable, understandable, two-stage degrees that were measurable through credit points ( ECTS ) according to EU standards. The first reforms, such as the introduction of ECTS, were enshrined in the University Act in July 2014 and came into force in September 2014. Further provisions gradually came into effect in September 2015 and January 2016.

  • First level: Bakalawr (Bachelor), specialist

The first degree is a Bakalawr , which can be achieved after four years (in medicine: five years). The Ukrainian Bachelor's degree ( Dyplom Bakalawra / Bachelor Diploma ) comprises an undergraduate degree and a professional training in the subject. Depending on the course, 180 to 240 ECTS points can be achieved. The specialist degree ( Dyplom Spezialista ), which was no longer awarded , could be achieved after five to six years, depending on the respective universities, and was completely replaced by the Magister degree in the course of the reforms.

  • Second level: Magistr (Master)

The Magister degree ( Dyplom Magistra / Master Diploma ) can be achieved after completing the first level and lasts up to two years. The preparation and defense of a thesis is mandatory. Depending on the course, 60 to 120 ECTS points can be achieved.

  • Third stage: PhD stage
  • Kandydat nauk ( Ukrainian Кандидат наук ) - The doctoral degree candidate of science corresponds to an international doctorate or a Ph.D. The duration of the research doctorate ( aspirant course ) is designed for three to four years. A rigorosum with subject examinations, the preparation and public defense ( disputation ) of a scientific doctoral thesis are mandatory . The doctorate is widely used as a postgraduate course. Access is an excellent university degree (specialist / magistrate) entitling to a doctorate.

The degree of Kandydat nauk was replaced by Doctor of Philosophy (PhD., After 3 years) and Doktor nauk by Doctor of Sciences (postdoc).

Universities and colleges

The universities of Ukraine are very interested in international contacts and university collaborations. The offers of the European Union, for example Erasmus + (formerly Socrates), an action program for transnational cooperation in the field of education, are increasingly being used by universities. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has set up a branch at the National Technical University "KPI" in Kiev .

The larger and renowned universities and colleges in Ukraine include:

place designation founding Web link
Bila Tserkva Bila Tserkva National Agricultural University 1929 btsau.kiev.ua
Kharkiv National University of Karasin, Kharkiv 1804 univer.kharkov.ua
National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" 1885 kpi.kharkov.ua
Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics 1930 nure.ua
Mykola Zhukovsky National Aerospace University 1930 khai.edu
Yaroslav National Law University of Kharkiv 1804 nlu.edu.ua
National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine 1931 nangu.edu.ua
Kharkiv State Academy of Culture 1929 ic.ac.kharkov.ua
Kharkiv National Medical University 1805 knmu.kharkov.ua
Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture 1930 kstuca.kharkov.ua
Kharkiv State University of Food and Commerce 1967 hduht.edu.ua
Skovoroda National Pedagogical University of Kharkiv 1804 hnpu.edu.ua
Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs 1994 univd.edu.ua
Petro-Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture Kharkiv 1930 khntusg.com.ua
National Pharmaceutical University 1805 nuph.edu.ua
Kherson Kherson State Maritime Academy 1834 kma.ks.ua
Kherson State University 1917 kspu.edu
National Technical University of Kherson 1959 kntu.net.ua
Khmelnytskyi Khmelnytskyi National University 1962 khnu.km.ua
University of Management and Law Khmelnytskyi 1992 univer.km.ua
Chernivtsi National Jurij Fedkowytsch University of Chernivtsi 1875 chnu.edu.ua
Bukovina State Medical University 1944 bsmu.edu.ua
Dnipro National Oles Honchar University in Dnipro (DNU / ДНУ) 1918 dnu.dp.ua
National Mining University of Ukraine (NHU / НГУ) 1899 nmu.org.ua
State University of Agricultural Sciences Dnipropetrovsk (DGAU / ДГАУ) 1922 dsau.dp.ua
Alfred Nobel University of Dnepropetrovsk 1993 (?) duep.edu
National University of Rail and Rail Transport (ДНУЖТ) 1930 diit.edu.ua
State Institute for Training and Retraining of Industrial Personnel (GIPO / ГИПО) 1996 gipo.dp.ua
State Academy of Finance Dnepropetrovsk dsfa.dp.ua
Ukrainian State Chemical and Technological University (UDHTU / УГХТУ) 1930 udhtu.com.ua
Dnipropetrovsk Interregional Academy for Human Resource Management (MAUP / МАУП) 1998 (?) maup.dp.ua
National Metallurgical Academy of Dnipropetrovsk (NMetAU / НМетАУ) 1899 dmeti.dp.ua
Pridneprovsk State Academy of Construction and Architecture (PDABA / ПДАБА) 1930 pgasa.dp.ua
Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs (DDUWS / ДДУВС) 1966 dduvs.in.ua
Dnipropetrovsk Regional Institute of Public Administration (DRIDU / ДРІДУ) 1993 (?) dbuapa.dp.ua
Donetsk Donetsk National University 1937 dongu.donetsk.ua
Donetsk National Medical University 1930 dsmu.edu.ua
National Technical University Donetsk (DonSTU) 1921 donntu.edu.ua
Hluchiw National Pedagogical Oleksandr Dovschenko University in Hlukhiv 1874 gnpu.edu.ua
Ivano-Frankivsk National Vasyl Stefanyk University of the Subcarpathian Mountains 1940 pu.if.ua
Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University 1945 ifnmu.edu.ua
Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas 1967 nung.edu.ua
Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiyenko National University Kamianets-Podilskyi 1918 kpnu.edu.ua
Kamjanske Dniprov State Technical University 1920 dstu.dp.ua
Kiev National Technical University "Kiev Polytechnic Institute Ihor Sikorskyj"
"Polytechnic Institute Kiev" (NTUU "KPI")
1898 ntu-kpi.kiev.ua
Kiev National University of Construction and Architecture (KNUCA) 1930 knuba.edu.ua
National University of Kiev-Mohyla Academy (NaUKMA) 1632 ukma.kiev.ua
Kyiv National Wadym Hetman Economic University 1906 kneu.kiev.ua
Kiev National University of Trade and Economics 1946 knteu.kiev.ua
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev 1834 univ.kiev.ua
National Academy of Law of Ukraine 1921 naiau.kiev.ua
National Academy of Management 1942 nam.kiev.ua
National Aviation University 1933 nau.edu.ua
National Agricultural University 1922 nauu.kiev.ua
State Telecommunications University 1956 dut.edu.ua
Kiev Borys Hrinchenko University 1874 kubg.edu.ua
Oleksandr Bohomolez National Medical University 1841 nmu.edu.ua
National Drahomanow Pedagogical University 1834 npu.edu.ua
National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine 1930 uni-sport.edu.ua
National University of Food Technologies 1884 nuft.in.ua
National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture 1917 naoma.edu.ua
National University of Culture and Arts Kiev 1968 knukim.edu.ua
National Music Academy of Ukraine Peter Tchaikovsky 1912 knmau.com.ua
National Linguistic University of Kiev 1948 knlu.edu.ua
Kremenchuk Kremenchuk National Mikhail Ostrogradsky University 1960 kdu.edu.ua
Kropyvnytskyi Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University 1881 kspu.kr.ua
Central Ukrainian National Technical University 1929 kntu.kr.ua
Kryvyi Rih National University of Kryvyi Rih 2011 knu.edu.ua
Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University 1930 kdpu.edu.ua
Lviv Ivan Franko National University of Lviv 1661 franko.lviv.ua/
Lviv National Polytechnic University 1844 polynet.lviv.ua/
Lviv Danylo Halytsky National Medical University 1784 meduniv.lviv.ua/
Lviv Gschitsky National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology 1784 lvet.edu.ua
National Mykola Lysenko Musical Academy Lviv 1853 conservatory.lviv.ua
Lviv National Academy of Arts 1946 lnam.edu.ua
Lviv University of Commerce and Economy 1816 lute.lviv.ua
Lviv National Agricultural University 1856 hlnau.lviv.ua
Lviv State University of Physical Culture 1946 ldufk.edu.ua
National Forest University of Ukraine 1874 nltu.edu.ua
Ukrainian Academy of Press 1930 uad.lviv.ua
Ukrainian Catholic University 1994 ucu.edu.ua
Lviv State University of Life Safety and Security 1947 ldubgd.edu.ua
Luhansk Luhansk State Medical University
Lutsk Eastern European National Lesja Ukrajinka University 1940 eenu.edu.ua
Melitopol Bohdan Khmelnitsky State Pedagogical University Melitopol 1923 mdpu.org.ua
Tauride State Agrotechnology University 1938 tsatu.edu.ua
Mukachevo Mukachevo State University 1995 msu.edu.ua
Mykolaiv National Admiral Makarov University of Shipbuilding 1920 nuos.edu.ua
Mykolaiv National Agricultural University 2002 mnau.edu.ua
Nischyn Nikolai Gogol State University of Nizhyn 1805 ndu.edu.ua
Odessa National I.-I.-Mechnikov University of Odessa
formerly: New Russian University
Odessa State Polytechnic University 1918 opu.ua
Odessa State Naval University 1918 osmu.odessa.ua
Odessa State Medical University around 1900 arosmu.org
South Ukrainian Ushinsky State Pedagogical University, Odessa 1817 pdpu.edu.ua
Odessa National Economic University 1921 oneu.edu.ua
National University "Odessa Legal Academy" 1997 onua.edu.ua
Ukrainian Catholic University 2002 ucu.edu.ua
National Popov Academy of Communication Odessa 1900 onat.edu.ua
State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture Odessa 1930 ogasa.org.ua
National Academy of Nutrition Technologies Odessa 1902 onaft.edu.ua
National University "Odessa Maritime Academy" 1944 onma.edu.ua
Odessa State Ecological University 1932 odeku.edu.ua
Ostroh Ostroger Academy 1576 oa.edu.ua
Poltava Poltava National Pedagogical University of Poltava 1914 pnpu.edu.ua
National Juri Kondratyuk Technical University of Poltava 1930 pntu.edu.ua
Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy 1921 umsa.edu.ua
Rivne International University of Economics and Humanities 1993 megu.edu.ua
Rivne State Humanitarian University 1940 rshu.edu.ua
National University of Water Management and Nature Management 1915 nuwm.edu.ua
Zaporizhia Zaporizhia National University 1930 znu.edu.ua
Zaporizhia National Technical University 1900 zntu.edu.ua
Zaporizhia State Engineering University 1959 zgia.zp.ua
Zaporizhia State Medical University 1903 zsmu.edu.ua
Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University of Zhytomyr 1919 zu.edu.ua
Zhytomyr National Agroecological University 1922 znau.edu.ua
Simferopol (Crimea) Vernadskyi National Tauride University 1918 ccssu.crimea.ua
Sumy Sumy National Agricultural University 1977 sau.sumy.ua
Sumy State University 1948 sumdu.edu.ua
Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatyuk National University of Ternopil 1940 tnpu.edu.ua
Academy of Economics Ternopil 1966 tane.edu.ua/
Ivan Puljuj National Technical University of Ternopil 1960 tntu.edu.ua
Ivan Horbaczewski State Medical University of Ternopil 1957 tdmu.edu.ua
Ternopil National Economic University 1966 tneu.edu.ua
Cherkassy Cherkassy State Technological University 1960 chdtu.edu.ua/
Chernihiv National Shevchenko University "Chernihiv College" 1916 chnpu.edu.ua
Chernihiv National Technological University 1960 stu.cn.ua
Uman Uman National Horticultural University 1844 udau.edu.ua
Pavlo Tychyna State Pedagogical University, Uman 1930 udpu.edu.ua
Uzhhorod National University of Uzhhorod 1945 uzhnu.edu.ua
Vinnytsia Vinnytsia State Medical University 1921 vnmu.edu.ua
Vinnytsia State Technical University 1960 vntu.edu.ua
Vinnytsia National Agricultural University 1982 vsau.org
Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University 1912 vspu.edu.ua/

Medical universities

  • Chernivtsi State Medical University of Bucovina
  • Kharkiv State Medical University
  • Dnipropetrovsk State Medical Academy
  • Donetsk State Medical University
  • Ivano-Frankivsk State Medical Academy
  • National Medical University of Kiev “O. O. Bogomolez "
  • State Medical University of Crimea, Simferopol (CSMU)
  • Lviv State Medical University "Danylo Halytsky"
  • Luhansk State Medical University
  • Odessa State Medical University
  • Zaporizhia State Medical University
  • Sumy State Medical University
  • State Medical Academy Ternopil "I. Y. Gorbachevsky "
  • Vinnytsia State Medical University " M. I. Pirogov "

Pedagogical Universities

  • Berdyansk State Pedagogical Institute “P. D. Ossypenko "( www.bdpu.org )
  • State Higher Education Institution "Perejaslav-Khmelnytzkyi State Pedagogical Hryhorij Skovoroda University" ( phdpu.edu.ua )
  • Kharkiv State Pedagogical University " H. S. Skovoroda "
  • State Pedagogical Institute Chernivtsi " T. H. Shevchenko "
  • Poltava State Pedagogical Institute " W. G. Korolenko "
  • State Pedagogical Institute Drohobych " Ivan Franko "
  • Kiev State Pedagogical University “M. P. Dragomanow "
  • State Pedagogical Institute Kryvyi Rih
  • Luhansk State Pedagogical University “T. H. Shevchenko "
  • State Pedagogical Institute Melitopol
  • State Pedagogical University of Nizhyn " N. W. Gogol "
  • Odessa State Pedagogical University “K. D. Uschynsky "
  • Sloviansk State Pedagogical Institute
  • Zhytomyr State Pedagogical Institute “I. Free "
  • Sumy State Pedagogical University “A. S. Makarenko "
  • Ternopil State Pedagogical University
  • State Pedagogical University "Uman P. G. Tychyna"
  • Vinnytsia State Pedagogical Institute
  • State Pedagogical University of Foreign Languages ​​in Gorlovka
  • Chernigiv State Pedagogical University “T. G. Shevchenko "

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b ehea.info - Higher Education System in Ukraine, 2019 (pdf)
  2. ehea.info - European Higher Education Area and Bologna Process
  3. a b First reforms in Ukraine begin in higher education - international cooperation
  4. ^ Ukraine Admission Center
  5. European Commission - Overview of the Higher Education System, 2017 (pdf)
  6. a b ENIC Ukraine - Higher Education Structure