Wild fruits for dessert

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Drug effects in the brain
psychoactive drugs, including LSD

Wild fruits for dessert is a crime novel by Heinz G. Konsalik from 1967 , which deals with the fate of former combatants, their decay through drug abuse and a mysterious murder case in post-war Germany.



In a villa on the outskirts of Düsseldorf they play their nightly party games between luxury and boredom, with attractive girls and lots of alcohol. One night there is something special on offer: someone has brought the devil drug LSD with them, and the guests are sinking into strangely bizarre dreams. The madness becomes a parlor game. The next morning there is a dead man in the villa but nobody knows what happened that night. Only one person claims to have observed something horrific while intoxicated with LSD. But he is silent in front of the police and even tries to cover up the hot lead that a young detective suddenly finds. A perfectly staged crime in a highly topical novel by the well-known successful author. "

- Blurb of wild fruits for dessert


On January 21, 1945 five Wehrmacht comrades survived the collapse of the German Eastern Front near Meseritz on the Obra . It is Konrad Ritter, Richard Erlanger, Hermann Schreibert and Alf Boltenstern who bring the injured young Toni Huilsmann to safety. They swear to each other, should they ever make it back to Germany alive, to make a pact of eternal brotherhood.

After the war, in 1950 , they symbolically renew this pact in Düsseldorf . In the meantime the men have successfully established themselves in their various civil professions, founded families and made prosperous. Every year they meet in Toni Huiltsmann's villa in Stadtwaldstr. No. 19 to spend their solidarity in a wet and happy evening with lots of alcohol and prostitutes . In the course of time they become a bit bored. Some veterans have found these meetings a nuisance as they constantly have to make up lies and excuses for their wives and families in order to maintain the facade of decency.

In order to keep them happy, Huiltsmann has to constantly offer his former comrades new and even more unusual debauchery. Erotic board games are no longer popular and so Alf Boltenstern offers them LSD , which he bought in Paris . They want to force artificial schizophrenia , insanity of division, and thus immerse themselves in a new world of forbidden pleasures. A little later after taking the LSD, the drug shows its devastating effects. All participants experience a very intense high, which is associated with extreme psychotic delusions. The ingestion gets out of control, because unnatural and absurd things soon happen. Huilsmann is drooling to himself, the prostitute Mary thinks she is an orange and “rolls” around. Schreibert feels he has been transported back to Siberia and is chasing a mink. Erlanger is a giant spider in his intoxication. Beatrice thinks she is a tigress and bites Erlanger on the shoulder with full force. Severely dazed, Scheibert leaves the Huilmanns villa shortly before 5 a.m. and drives home by car. To Düsseldorf- Benrath . The vehicle skids on a wet road and hits a tree. Cyclists observe the accident and notify the police.

Huiltsmann wakes up in his villa and brings Mary, Beatrice and Lola into the car so that they can be taken away. In the living room, Boltenstern pays Karin DM 600 for her love services. He instructs her to go away with the three girls, to remain silent and to forget the terrible events in Düsseldorf forever. Then Boltenstern Ritter calls. He urgently needs his help now. Then he calls the criminal investigation department and reports that there is a dead person in his house. At around 5 a.m., paramedics rescued Scheibert from the vehicle wreck.

Major a. D. Konrad Ritter arrives in front of the criminal police in Huiltmann's villa, where he finds the dead Richard Erlanger. Huilsmann says he committed suicide. But the course of events clearly points to murder by strangulation . However, Ritter appeals to their indestructible camaraderie and what they have to go through. In no case should it come out that it was murder.

Detective Werner Ritter, Konrad's son, appears with his colleagues at the crime scene . In addition, the police reporter Jutta Boltenstern, the daughter of Alf Boltenstern. She wants to get to the bottom of what kind of "conferences" it really is, which her father always keeps such a secret. Jutta had long suspected him of having affairs with other women. In addition, it was about an act that had taken place in the house of her "uncle Toni" (Huilsmann). "Uncle Richard" is dead and "Uncle Hermann" is seriously injured. Alf Boltenstern, however, wants to send her away in protest, but then allows her to enter the house as a “private person” and not as a journalist. Forensics investigates the crime scene. Toni Huilsmann is being interrogated. He looks extremely confused. However, the police believe this is the aftereffects of alcohol and do not associate it with LSD. The presence of the prostitute is initially denied until a brassiere is found as a corpus delikti. The investigators want to "seal" the house and continue the questioning tomorrow. The police doctor confirms that it is not a suicide, but a homicide . Hence the suspects are Boltenstern, Huiltsmann and Schreibert or the four women.

Boltenstern takes on the difficult task of telling Petra Erlanger about the death of her husband. Petra doesn't know about it because she and her husband have separate bedrooms. She suspects he's lying around with a hangover somewhere. Boltenstern loved Petra a long time ago and never understood why she decided on his boyfriend back then. Richard married Petra, née Wollhagen, the wealthy heiress of the Wollhagen factory, and lived with her in great wealth and with many domestic workers. She receives her old friend in the Blue Salon. She takes the news of her husband's death with composure, but wants to identify him in the morgue .

Werner Ritter delivers the criminal inspector Dr. Lummer, called "Kotelett", the report on the Erlanger murder. He dismisses the Erlanger case as a triviality and continues to believe in a suicide. Four men got drunk and then organized “Ringelpietz with touching”. Then there is a conversation between Konrad Ritter and Chief Public Prosecutor Dr. Hubert Breuninghaus. Both have been good friends since they were imprisoned together in a Siberian camp near Novosibirsk . Ritter saved Breuninghaus and others' lives by smuggling food. The two had further intensified their friendship by attending BdD veterans' meetings together and share the same views from the old days. Ritter wants Breuninghaus to take on the case, slow down his son and prevent further murder investigations. Breuninghaus promises to take care of it.

Boltenstern wants to visit the seriously injured clerk in the hospital and pick up Toni Huilsmann. But that is because of a severe hangover and diarrhea and vomiting not outgoing capable. His maid Else loves him and even holds his head when he vomits while he gently touches her thighs. Werner Ritter has not yet sealed the villa. Boltenstern asks his friend, during a further interrogation, not to tell the police anything about LSD abuse. The chief doctor has forbidden a visit to Schreibert, except for close relatives, because the situation is so serious. Instead of the family, the crying lover Madeleine Saché sits at the bedside. She blames Boltenstern for her binge drinking. Writer is not responsive. The senior doctor says he has only minor injuries and is now unconscious. But his face would have suffered irreparable damage. It is completely sanded down.

The public prosecutor's office gives Erlanger's body at the instigation of Dr. Breuninghaus free for burial . Nor does the press receive any information about the true cause of death. Only obituaries appear in the local newspapers. The BdD also paid its last honor to Erlanger on the anniversary of the destruction of its division in 1945. On May 28 Richard Erlanger is buried. His funeral becomes a major event for the BdD, its choral society, gymnastics club, fire brigade, warrior club , and others. Konrad Ritter reads a moving speech to his deceased comrade. Finally, The Good Comrade and the Funeral March from Wagner's Götterdämmerung is played and he receives a heroic farewell salute. The next day Werner Ritter drives to the Huilsmann Villa and breaks the police seal on the locked living room. He now really wants to know what happened there between May 21, 8:00 p.m. and May 22, 5:00 a.m. The crime scene is still unchanged. He finally discovers scraps of paper in the fireplace. It's white and pink blotting paper that he brings to the police lab for further investigation.

Else Lechenmaier, Toni's housekeeper, is a curious person and hides in a baroque cupboard . She had stayed there in the past to observe and eavesdrop. From here she was an eyewitness to numerous sex games that her landlord and his friends played with the girls. Secretly watching her boss have sex had always aroused her sexually. Ritter did not notice how Else slipped back into the closet, in which she made herself comfortable with a stool, a pillow and water. She overhears how he discovers the blotting paper in the fireplace. Ritter disappears and Else is shocked to find that she is locked in and sealed. She must therefore inform the landlord, who is in the studio, over the house phone. Huilsmann is not in the least interested in their predicament, but only in the fact that Ritter Junior must have discovered something. He drives away headless and leaves Else to her fate. However, she can climb outside through the window. Else is beside herself. The man she loves and for whom she selflessly sacrifices herself is a mean person. She had a difficult childhood; her mother gave her to an orphanage . She hates the prostitutes who humiliate themselves just for the money and the luxury world, in which she will never be part.

Huilsmann reports to Boltenstern that the police have found the treacherous scraps of blotting paper. Boltenstern tries to reassure Huilsmann by telling him that the public prosecutor's office has closed the investigation. The official cause of death is suicide. But then Huilsmann finds out that Schreibert killed Erlanger in a delusional way. He strangled him with a scarf. Boltenstern and Huilsmann are the only ones who know about it now, because Schreibert is seriously injured. He appeals to him and his comrade honor to fight the last battle with him, as in Meseritz. Boltenstern continues to confess that he only gave himself half the dose of LSD to see how his comrades behave. So he was the only one who was reasonably clear in his head on the night of the murder. Nevertheless, he was paralyzed during the course of events and could not assist Erlanger. They decide to go to Ritter so that he can prevent his son from continuing to investigate this case on his own. They also think Ritter owes them a favor. Initially, the police laboratory found nothing suspicious in the samples. But Werner remains tough and demands Professor Ebbertz. He should look for traces of drugs and get back to him immediately. Then he drives home, where his father is already waiting for him. Konrad demands that Werner stop investigating the Erlanger case. But the junior insists that one of his father's friends is a murderer. Schreiberert's fingerprints would have been found on the scarf . A loud argument ensues because for Konrad war comradeship is more important than anything and he desperately wants to cover his friend Schreibert. The father is terribly upset, accuses his son of being a dishonorable democrat and of being an incorrigible man from the past to his father. Werner insists on his plan out of deep conviction and Konrad threatens to take Dr. To turn on Breuninghaus.

The new laboratory result is available. However, no drugs but traces of tartaric acid were found. The blotting paper had come into contact with wine or champagne . Senior Public Prosecutor Dr. Breuninghaus admonishes Werner Ritter in a condescending manner and makes it clear to him that he is only a subordinate. But Werner is not intimidated and tells him the facts, all of which speak against his suicide theory. Dr. Breuninghaus feels caught and tries to make Werner understand the importance of loyalty. But he can no longer hear the outdated sayings of the father generation of honor and loyalty to the Nibelung. Dr. Breuninghaus notices that he is not getting anywhere with the young hot spur, becomes jovial and plays down the consequences of alcohol abuse by comparing the night in Huilsmann's villa with the fatal effects of Russian self-made samogonka schnapps, which also makes one stupid. Werner lies and pretends that he will no longer investigate the Erlanger matter.

Madeleine has been banished from Schreiber's sickroom. She behaved madly out of jealousy when Schreibert received bouquets of flowers and greeting cards from his mannequins. She insulted their writers as "whores" and behaved like crazy. Only a sedative injection can stop her rage. The doctors do not yet tell Schreibert how serious it is about the condition of his face. Boltenstern visits him and brings red wine. Schreibert would like to know what happened that evening. Boltenstern reports to the shocked writer that Erlanger was murdered. And from him. But he shouldn't worry, because it happened in the LSD intoxication and that one would always plead insanity in court according to Section 51.1 of the Criminal Code. Boltenstern wrestled from Schreibert that he should never mention LSD in a questioning. When the visit leaves, Schreibert grows unrestrained hatred of the man who administered the LSD to him and made this insane act possible in the first place.

Jutta Boltenstern and Werner Ritter meet in mid- June in the rose garden of Benrath Palace . The two have been a couple for half a year. They kept this love a secret from their parents. Werner tells her that he might be proposed as commissioner next year and that the two of them can then get married. And Jutta brings the good news that the probationary period of her traineeship will end next year and that she will then be a real journalist. They calculate that they will earn DM 1,450.00 together and that they can set up a household with it. Werner is afraid of Jutta's father, "Uncle Alf", and that he could destroy his future. Then he tells Jutta about the new knowledge about LSD, its history and the states of intoxication that it causes. In the USA in particular, people would have had their experiences with around 100,000 LSD addicts. Werner did a lot of research and, above all, found out the criminalistic effects of this new miracle and insane drug. It is the most powerful personality-altering drug known. 100 micrograms could drive a person insane for nine hours. Jutta replies that this drug would never get to Germany and Werner replies that it has already made it to Paris. He had bad visions, because in the German affluent society, LSD would hit like a bomb next to striptease . In England and France, LSD would be soaked up in small strips of blotting paper that would then be hung in glasses. All of this makes sense to him. Blotting paper in the Huilsmann house, all guests suffer from memory gaps and Boltenstern came back from Paris three days before the party in Düsseldorf.

Then they kiss and are caught by Konrad Ritter, his father. The older man agrees with the choice of his son and hopes for a sensible daughter-in-law in Jutta, whom he has known from childhood . On the same evening, Alf Boltenstern visits Jutta Erlanger and brings her a large bouquet of flowers. The lonely widow is very happy about it. Boltenstern, also a Wittwer, states that Petra was just a callous "calendar love" for Richard and that this desirable woman has never met real passion. He makes the suggestion to go for a ride. That would drive away any kind of depression .

At the end of June, the head bandage is removed from Schreibert. The disfigured grimace of his former face is terrible. Nobody dares to tell the patient the truth. You want to start with the skin graft first . One day, however, Schreibert recognizes his face in a tablespoon and yells out his hatred of Boltenstern, who was to blame for the whole catastrophe. He immediately asks for Boltenstern for a one-to-one meeting, who comes to the hospital a little later. Boltenstern promises him plastic surgery will fix it. He played down the situation that “the few scars are probably not that bad”. He offers his disfigured comrade the prospect of going on vacation with him in the Bavarian Alps and then in August to the big BdD meeting in Nuremberg. Writer forces Boltenstern to give him the mirror so that he can see the full extent of the destruction. Boltenstern is getting nervous. He fears that Schreibert could announce at any moment that they had taken the devil drug LSD. Writer wants to tell the police everything. Boltenstern says that he will soon marry Petra and that Schreibert could use her wealth to make the most expensive and complicated facial operations in the United States possible. Schreibert now realizes that he is also in control of Boltenstern's life.

There is a hearing between Chief Public Prosecutor Dr. Breuninghaus and criminal inspector Dr. Lummer. The latter confronts the chief prosecutor with facts about experimental psychoses, pharmaco-psychology and scientific treatises on crimes committed while intoxicated with LSD. Dr. Lummer urges a reopening of the investigation because of new findings. The chief public prosecutor has no other option but to obey and informs his friend Konrad Ritter about it.

The Düsseldorf money aristocracy enjoys its feudal life in the beautiful rural surroundings of the big city on its riding estates, tennis clubs and other elite institutions, far away from economic crises and the worries of the common people. Alf Boltenstern picks up Petra Erlanger and spends a day with her on the riding estate of his friend Hauptmann a. D. Müllenberg. Erlanger and Boltenstern have stabled their horses in this riding stable, their friends Huilsmann in the neighboring stable "Haus Haberkamp". Jutta meets her father Alf. She is irritated that he is going out with "Aunt Jutta". Alf suspects that his daughter is having a rendezvous with Werner Ritter and is secretly satisfied with her choice, as he can then better control his new son-in-law. If he then conquers Petra and marries, then his plan would work. Petra blossoms from the ride. Boltenstern confronts her with the fact that she never really loved Richard. She firmly rejects this, but says that she knew about his many escapades and infidelities. Alf confesses his love for her and kisses her, but after a short period of mourning the widow is not ready for it. Out of respect for Richard, she asks him to wait another year.

Werner and Jutta have their rendezvous. She tells her boyfriend that her father is meeting with Aunt Jutta. The two go to a forest ranger's hut, which has been their “love nest” for weeks. Jutta wants to reveal to her father as a surprise this Christmas that she will marry Werner. Werner doesn't have a good feeling about it because the public prosecutor has now given him the green light for his further investigative work and he has to investigate his uncle and future father-in-law Alf. When the two want to say goodbye, a shot rang out and Jutta fell from her horse. She couldn't possibly go to the chief conference of her newspaper that dirty. She has to take off her clothes, wash them and dry them in front of the fireplace in the hut. At this moment Alf surprises the two young people. He is outraged that he finds his daughter indecent and half-naked. Before things escalate, however, Jutta confesses that she wants to marry Werner. He called Werner for a meeting on Sunday morning to settle this matter with men. Jutta accuses her father of lying double standards. She confronts him with the fact that he and his friends secretly have orgies with prostitutes. As evidence, there are secret photos of Huilsmann that would show everyone involved naked during sexual acts. Alf does not want to give his daughter an account of his private affairs. Then Boltenstern beats his daughter to restore his authority. But with that he turned her against him. Alf is shocked. He fears that Huilsmann may also have taken hidden photos of the night of the murder.

Boltenstern storms to Huiltsmann and demands that he hand over the films and photos from the hidden cameras. Boltenstern is palpable and regrets that they did not throw Huiltsmann in front of a T-34 . The two fight for a while. Alf threatens Toni that he will tell the others about the photos and they would surely kill him for it. Toni would have deliberately used the LSD at such a high dose that all these bad things would happen. Huiltsman draws a pistol in self-defense and says that he will be the most successful anyway and that he doesn't need any of them. He had granted Ritter an interest-free loan of DM 20,000.00, Schreibert a house at a preferential price and Boltenstern in 1960 DM 50,000.00 and never expected anything in return. Boltenstern is deeply dismayed by the mean lack of character of his former. Huilsmann offers his friend food and drinks as a false reconciliation. Boltenstern makes an appearance and uses this time by mixing tinfoil paper soaked with LSD into his whiskey glass. The homeowner does not notice, however, as the whiskey allegedly contains cherryl liqueur. It takes about ten minutes to take effect. Huiltsmann had strong hallucinations, for example an encounter with the naked daughter of Venus . Else had secretly overheard the whole scene in the baroque cupboard. She comes out and pretends to serve dinner for her host. Huilsmann takes her for the daughter of Venus, grabs her and rapes her in the bedroom. Meanwhile, Bolstenstern searches in vain for the hidden cameras. He does not intervene in Else's rape . He doesn't care about the fate of a small domestic worker. He drives away with nothing done. Huilsmann wakes up the next morning with severe nausea. Next to him lies the naked Else in his bed, which is covered with bruises and bite wounds.

Jutta Boltenstern picks up her Werner from the police headquarters for lunch the next day. Werner has a guilty conscience towards "Uncle Alf". He cannot solicit the daughter of a man he is investigating. Werner had previously had a heated argument with his father when he confronted him that they had all consumed LSD. Werner wants to go to the local state hospital with Jutta so that he can study the effects of LSD on living people. He also wants to test her love and loyalty to him.

At the same time, Huilsmann wanders through Düsseldorf in search of LSD. He rattles around the red light district and the demi-world. The high-class prostitute Marlies can finally give him an address. But the chemist is on vacation in Borkum . Huilsmann therefore wants to go to Paris to get LSD. He needs the material for his revenge plans against Boltenstern.

Jutta and Werner arrive at the state hospital for the mentally ill and are there by senior physician lecturer Dr. Laurenz received. Dr. Laurenz is on the Supervisory Board of Wollhagen-Werke. The doctor makes a tour with them and shows them two cases of divisive insanity. Including Dr. Jörg Morgans, chemist and LSD victim. He now considers himself Alexander the great . The neurologist confirms to Werner that murder is also quite possible in an LSD intoxication. Morgans suffers from severe delusions. His condition is incurable. Werner demonstrated to Jutta what LSD is capable of, namely transforming a person into a completely different person. Then he tells her that her father and his friends are taking LSD. Therefore, as long as the Erlanger case is not closed, he cannot ask for her hand. Jutta can hardly believe that her father is supposed to be involved with these dirty things.

Konrad Ritter puts on his Sunday military suit and is ready for his son to ask for Jutta Boltenstern's hand. He goes to Boltenstern alone as his son's deputy and wants to cancel the wedding. The men agree in principle that the union of the Boltensterns with the knights would bring about a new generation of genuine Germanness. But the fact that the junior is investigating them all negates this. Boltenstern denied Ritter's question whether they had consumed the drug. He counters with the fact that his son had stained his daughter's honor and he forbids Ritter Junior from dealing with her with immediate effect. And yet the friendship of the elderly should not suffer. Ritter advises him to travel with Petra.

Herrmann Schreibert is allowed to leave the hospital because they can no longer do anything for him there. In the meantime he has instructed his accountant not to pay Madeleine Saché any more. Angry, she storms into the sickroom and only feels shock and disgust at this person without a face. She faints . Thanks to Boltenstern, Schreibert has a place with Dr. Hellerau in Obersdorf, the best facial surgeon in Germany. Then he flies to Munich wearing a deceptively real rubber mask . The Oberstdorf Sanatorium is a castle-like building for wealthy private patients.

Huilsmann travels to Paris. Since the “Venus Rush” he has had a kind of love-hate relationship with Else . Instead of fleeing her job, she stayed with him. In his search for LSD, Huilsmann finally struck gold in a painter's studio in the Latin Quarter . For 1,000 francs he gets his material. There are ten pieces of sugar mixed with LSD, dosed at 100 micrograms. On the night of the murder, it was only 80 μg. A very dangerous dose even for advanced addicts. Back at Düsseldorf Airport, Toni declares the drug to be harmless sugar. Since LSD is hardly known in Germany, he gets away with it. In his villa he locks it in a safe. Since he bought the drug unchecked, he tests the effect on Else. The effect is terrible. Else has a fit and demolishes the kitchen. In her madness she thinks she is an African priestess who absolutely has to unite with Toni, but he has locked his bedroom door and is waiting for the obsessed fury to leave.

The next day Toni wakes up around noon. Werner Ritter calls him and appoints him to the presidium. They show him a picture of a body of water from the Rhine south of Oberkassel . It's Else Lechenmaier. Huilsmann has a terrible remorse that the dose he gave his housekeeper was way too high. The police interrogate Toni, ask whether she was depressed and whether he had had a relationship with her ( “What home-style cooking does not rule out!” Dr Lummer waved his father away. “After poulard and truffles, a hearty pea soup ... that always tastes good!” ). The first autopsy report will be announced. Else Lechmaier drowned in the Rhine and no LSD can be detected in her blood. However, she would be missing two front teeth . Huilsmann pretends to be harmless and asks what LSD is. Ritter Junior leads him on the wrong track and claims that it is a chemical substance that forms in the lungs if the person was already dead before they were thrown into the water. Huilsmann leaves the station irritated. He plans to vacation on the Côte d'Azur in fashionable Saint-Tropez . A lot of dolce vita, luxury and attractive girls for sale, for whom the concept of morality is completely alien, await him there. He doesn't care about Else's corpse, who has no relatives apart from a half-blind aunt. For him, the story is over.

Alf Boltenstern and Petra Erlanger also have vacation plans. Alf seeks consolation from his wife because his grown daughter has slipped away from him. You want to travel to Rhodes , to the rose island, for four weeks in order to forget the everyday problems in Düsseldorf in a Mediterranean atmosphere. Petra does not have good memories of Rhodes, as her late husband had countless sex adventures there with housekeeping and many other women and she suffered a lot from it at the time. But Alf promises to show her a completely different Rhodes and she agrees. His daughter is surprised at the spontaneous travel plans.

Schreibert is in the secluded "Bergwald Clinic" and is managed by Dr. Hellerau received. It's a relaxed and happy atmosphere. Patients relax in the swimming pool instead of hiding their disfigured face. The first thing he gets there is a new and very aesthetic face mask. Schreibert has a fit of anger. His hatred towards Boltenstern, who did all this to him, is still unbearable. He wants to be human again and not a mask. Then he calms down again and chooses a suitable one. During dinner in a stylish ambience, Schreibert is introduced to the other patients. He even meets an attractive, young girl who wears the face mask of a Venetian Madonna, and dances with her tightly embraced. She introduces herself as Corinna Colman. Her fate is similar to that of Hermann. She too had a bad car accident on the way to Cannes . The next day, Corinna is having fun in the swimming pool. They flirt heavily with each other and she reveals her room number to him. At 37 ° C room temperature, the two fall on each other.

Werner Ritter is on a business trip and accompanies a robbery on his crime scenes from East Friesland to the Bavarian Forest . Meanwhile, Jutta is on a report in the Ruhr area . In Essen she receives an invitation to a party. In a cocktail dress, she goes to the party at which Essen steel directors and Swedish importers want to have fun. For research purposes she prepares herself irritably like a "whore". The host is a heavy industrialist who lets this ceremony take place in his villa on the elegant outskirts of Essen, while his wife has fun with Spanish fishermen's boys on Mallorca . The party remains formal and forced only at the beginning. Very soon the guests drop their covers when the prostitutes appear. Jutta is talking to a woman from the horizontal trade. Her name is "Red Mary" and she tells of excessive drug abuse that she once had to take part in at one of these events in Düsseldorf. Jutta knows immediately that it can only be about the Huilsmann parties. The party turns into a disgusting sex orgy where attractive prostitutes have to have sex with ugly and overweight older men. All in their professions, honorable men who behave like the last pigs here. The "red Mary" tells Jutta in the toilet how the man who brought the LSD looked like. Jutta knows immediately that it can only be about her father. She is deeply supported and has to go home immediately.

Alf Boltenstern and Petra Erlanger enjoy their heavenly vacation on Rhodes in the "Hotel Odysseus". Alf has registered them as Mr. and Mrs. Boltenstern. The two have to share a marriage bed. Petra is repulsed and attracted by Alf's unscrupulousness, but compared to Richard, Alf is just an average person for her. That hurts him deeply. One night he raped her. The next morning he triumphs. About the late Richard and his wife. He subdued them and broke through their cold armor . Boltenstern makes the acquaintance of a certain Larensius, who congratulates him on his unusually attractive wife. He would like to introduce him to the Sellwaldt couple from Hamburg and undertake joint ventures with them. He emphasizes the physical advantages of his wife and of Lucie Sellwaldt, a former actress. It is an invitation to group sex , which Boltenstern initially rejected outraged. He would like to give Larensius a slap in the face for this “piggy offer”. Two days later, the Boltensterns move out of the hotel and move to a rented villa in the middle of wild vineyards.

Jutta is still very much shocked about her father's "meetings". About the addiction to love that can be bought. She seriously hurt his mendacity and double standards. With that he has dismantled himself in his reputation. She now has proof that her father put the LSD in the glasses and also knows that he has no chance of getting away with further police investigations. This fact plunges her into the worst conflicts of conscience. Despite everything, she still feels a daughter's filial love. Jutta and Werner meet. They want to get married as soon as Jutta's father is back and spend a night of love.

Corinna Colman attempted suicide in the “Bergwald Clinic”. Twelve times he would have tried in vain to hang himself. This is how she always reacts when she is in love. One of the northern mask patients approaches Schreibert and explains that Corinna goes to bed with every newcomer. She has slept with every man in the clinic now. The northerner confesses that he was Corinna's penultimate lover and that he actually loved her. He asks for satisfaction and a duel between men to restore honor. But not with weapons. Corinna is supposed to tear off their masks and then decide who she wants to stay with. The ugliest of the two should win. The absurd duel takes place four days later. Corinna enjoys that the two fight for her. In response to a signal, both pull off their masks. She is impressed but not repulsed by Hermann's ugliness. The northerner wins because his face is even more distorted than that of his rival. It is a misshapen mountain of scars and looks like a hellish vision from an LSD mania. Corinna's love seems to be a commodity that can be bought at auction. An immense humiliation for Schreibert. He's devastated. When he meets her on another occasion, she throws at him for not fighting and killing his rival like a real man. Hermann writes a letter to Alf Boltenstern in which he asks for three strips of "blotting paper". This letter is forwarded to Rhodes, but it takes too long to reach the addressee. Major Ritter visits Schreibert in the "Bergwald-Klinik". He definitely wants to take him to the BdD veterans' meeting in Nuremberg in August. Ritter does not recognize his old comrade in the rubber mask at first. Schreibert has largely lost his interest in the old militarist meetings.

Toni Huilsmann feels a remorse that he sacrificed Else for his LSD experiment. He doesn't feel sorry for her as a person, just that her death was unnecessary. Emptiness has spread in him. Toni is completely saturated with prostitutes. It doesn't matter whether you come from Los Angeles , Rome , Rio de Janeiro or the Bahamas - a woman's body is not fundamentally different. You cannot alleviate his loneliness, he gets a fit of anger and beats her out of the house with a camel whip. He longs for the LSD wonder world and takes half a lump of sugar with champagne. For him, the drug intoxication is always more intense than the wildest sexual pleasure. In front of the mirror, he observes the changes that the drug causes him. This time it's a journey to a purple hell . He repeats the intoxication experience several times and travels to Saint-Tropez with five pieces of LSD sugar.

At the Boltensterns in Rhodes, the nights are transformed into sexual ecstasy. It is not love, just desire that grips Petra every night. During the day, Petra tans naked in the vineyard and at night she becomes Messalina . Boltenstern is afraid of their insatiability, the whole relationship has turned and he begins to feel sorry for the dead Richard for his eleven-year marriage. He leaves her in her belief that he is her slave. At least until the wedding. Petra begins to boss him around like a runaway boy and humiliate him. “Only real evenness has the right to show itself to the sun! Look at yourself, go in front of a mirror ... do you think you're beautiful? You get a stomach, bacon lies on your hips, the hair on your chest turns gray, your thighs look effeminate ... “ The two fight each other and Petra hurts him with bites, kicks and blows. Boltenstern's love turns into hate. To him, she's just a witch . At night she turns into a fury again and begs him to bring her to climax . He wants to take revenge on her and goes on a mountain hike with her. In front of a cliff she tells him to push her down. He still wants to marry her, even though she only tolerates her own will. Petra admits that she is a sadist and enjoys tormenting other people. She confesses to him that Richard grabbed her after two years of marriage and brutally beat her. To tame and subdue them. He'd never touched her since that night, just slept with other women. Boltenstern still pays off that he can tame Petra with LSD. A thunderstorm is approaching. Boltenstern runs down the mountain alone. Petra is terrified. When she yells for help, he doesn't help her. He enjoys her suffering. Their fear of death is music to his ears.

In contrast, Jutta and Werner experience a very harmonious relationship. They have Konrad Ritter's blessing. Werner is apparently lying to him that they would not investigate any further because there were no new suspicions. Werner shows Jutta an experiment. How an LSD-fed house cat gets scared of a tiny mouse. It shows how much LSD changes character and can bring out abysses.

The next day Jutta seeks the "red Mary" in the Dortmund train station area. She offers her DM 3,000 to make her disappear. If not, she threatens to have her beaten up. They agree that the prostitute will leave the country the next morning. She travels to the French Riviera in St. Tropez, into the world of playboys and movie stars, where she always wanted to be. On the Mediterranean coast, it was an instant hit. She meets Toni in the “Carmichel” bar and tells him that the police also interrogated her about the party. She blackmailed him for DM 10,000 because of her complicity at the drug party. She would need the money as start-up capital for her new beginning in the south of France . The "red Mary from the Ruhr area" is developing into a real danger for Huilsmann, as it is to be feared that she will demand a lifelong pension from him as hush money. Huilsmann offers her accommodation and promises to give her the money later. Huilsmann strolls restlessly through the hot summer night. Although he is an atheist, he visits a small fishing village church. In front of the image of Jesus Christ he confesses his life, which he owes to the stupidity of the others who let him build houses and deceive them by the grain. For him, life is a single “department store” in which there are no longer any wishes that cannot be fulfilled with money. He also confesses that he will kill someone. Back in the room, the "red Mary" lies naked in bed.

Boltenstern brings Petra back from the rock cave into which she took refuge during the thunderstorm. He forces her to undress and walk the 300 meters to her villa naked. Suddenly Petra is ashamed of her nakedness and feels humiliated . Once there, he beats and rapes her. Petra gets hallucinations and is close to madness. It's only tiny amounts of LSD that Boltenstern administer to her. He wants to trigger permanent psychosis in her . Then he could marry her and finally take possession of the Wollhagen factory. Suddenly Jutta appears completely surprising on Rhodes and catches the suntanned Petra cutting roses naked. Boltenstern is happy about his daughter's visit. She tells him that she will marry Werner very soon, which makes him even more happy.

Werner and Konrad Ritter sit together on the sofa at home. Konrad is full of anticipation for the big comrades' meeting in Nuremberg. He takes his son to a meeting of the BdD festival committee in the economy "Uncle Theodor". Werner hates this atmosphere, the Reich war flag and many other relics from the time of National Socialism . The veterans stand to attention when the division commander, General von Rendshoff, bearer of the knight's cross with oak leaves and swords, enters the room. Werner behaves disrespectfully and lights a cigarette without permission . A terrible disgrace for his father. Werner Ritter is bored to death. He can read the stories of the double battle at Vyazma and Bryansk , the contested bridgehead on the Bug , where General v. Rendshoff fought for four days with 79 compatriots against a whole brigade of the Red Army etc. no longer heard and leaves the event after an hour. Werner feels disgusted that one can even celebrate this sick heroism in view of 55 million dead.

Werner Ritter drives to the police headquarters and meets there Dr. Lummer. The moral department has just raided 90 dubious figures, youthful " bums ", who are badly misbehaving, have flatulence , threaten to defecate the hallway in protest and also suffer from a common LSD intoxication. The highly dangerous drug has arrived in Düsseldorf. One of the bums is brought before the homicide squad. On the soles of the young man's shoes, named Bernd Haskow, there are strips of blotting paper wrapped in tinfoil containing 100 μg of LSD. He claims to have got the material from England. LSD is not yet covered by the Narcotics Act. So it's legal to take. Crimes committed under the influence of LSD are criminally protected by Section 51 (1) - Insanity.

Writer suffers because the northerner is in possession of his booty, Corinna. To distract himself, Schreibert flirts with another woman, but finds no consolation in it. One night Corinna appears in Schreiber's room. She doesn't allow him to love other women and crawls into his bed. Suddenly she confesses her love to him and asks him if he wants to marry her. The next day there was a fire in Hermann Schreibert's room. The cause of the fire is allegedly a cigarette smoked in bed. Schreibert can be saved after ventilation and cardiac massage. But then it turns out that it was an attempted murder. Someone knocked him unconscious and then set the room on fire.

Werner Ritter lands on Rhodes. Boltenstern is still in the villa, only the two women drove to the coastal town of Kremasti, where you could buy antiques from excavations. Werner doesn't waste any time, but shows his future stepfather the tinfoil. But the latter stubbornly denies any involvement. The police officer reveals to the mocking and sarcastic suspect that a strip of blotting paper soaked in LSD was also found in the Huilsmann mansion and that one of the four is a murderer. Werner is grateful that Jutta is not here now and under no circumstances does he want her to find out. The policeman realizes that Boltenstern is the only one who can make a statement about what happened on the night of the murder. There is now open hostility between the two. For Boltenstern, Huilsmann is now the weakest link. He is fearful and soft and would collapse quickly if put under pressure. Boltenstern calculates his time chances and doggedly tries to reach Toni by long distance. He would now use the whole night to cover up traces, if not already done.

In the evening Jutta and Petra return. You bought a young man's head as a souvenir. Otherwise, Boltenstern waits until 3 a.m. for a callback from Germany . Then he calls Konrad Ritter. From him he learns that Toni is in the south of France and Werner is probably on his way to see him. Ritter fears that he will no longer be able to help him. The next day the Greece vacationers fly back to Germany. Meanwhile, General Director Dr. Siegmund Hollwäg from the Middle Rhine Steel and Whale Union to a summer festival on the Rhine meadows near Duisburg . Despite the dismissal of 6,000 workers and the impending short-time work , the fees cannot be forbidden from celebrating. Boltenstern, Major Ritter, Dr. Breuninghaus, Petra Erlanger and many friends from riding, hunting and tennis clubs are also invited. Men talk about whiskey. Werner Ritter is promoted to commissioner and transferred to an office in Emmerich .

Scheibert refuses to speak to Werner Ritter in the “Bergwald Clinic”. Since it is of a private nature, there is no way of forcing it. The wide arm of Boltenstern can be felt everywhere for Werner. Werner's old boss Dr. Lummer promises the young commissioner, however, that he will continue to investigate undercover himself and pass on new findings to Werner's new office on the Lower Rhine .

Toni and the "red Mary" take a boat trip on the Mediterranean . She feels she has reached the goal of her wishes and feels like in a fairy tale . She, a simple girl from the "Ruhrpott", only knew this life from the magazines. Far from the coast, the young woman, who is not an experienced swimmer, swims in the sea. Toni uses this opportunity and takes the motorboat away. The "red Mary" is left to her fate and drowns miserably. Four days later, her body was washed ashore near Cap Camarade. She cannot be identified and is buried without a name in the local cemetery. The message “unknown woman's corpse” is just a tiny marginal note in the newspapers. Toni Huilsmann, however, has severe remorse. He begins to take light doses (50 μg) of LSD again and to immerse himself in the purple magical world in flight from reality. He leaves St. Tropez and goes to Montmartre , Paris, because he needs new material. But the painter who sold him the LSD has disappeared. Under the Seine bridges he finds a German "bum" who explains to him that the police are now increasingly after the drugs. Huilsmann flees back to Düsseldorf and begs his old friend Boltenstern for help.

Werner Ritter starts his work in his new police station in Emmerich . In contrast to Düsseldorf, criminal activity is very low in the province. In his old homeland, however, the undercover investigations into the Erlanger matter continue. Jutta visits him in Emmerich. She tells him that her father wants her to part with Werner. Therefore, she would like to marry against everyone's will . For this she demands the full truth about her father, Alf Boltenstern, from him. He hardly has the heart to tell her that her father is a criminal. Then he tells her that it was murder and not suicide and that Alf Boltenstern was the "intellectual originator" of this act and that he would direct other people in the LSD intoxication like puppets. Therefore there can be no reconciliation between him and Alf. Jutta decides against her father and for Werner. A day later, Werner received an anonymous letter asking him to go to South America and stay there for the next 20 or 30 years. The policeman suspects that Ritter, Schreibert or Huilsmann are behind it.

Werner Ritter makes his way to the “Bergwald Clinic” to speak to Schreibert. There it comes to arguments between Schreibert and his rival, the northerner. Schreibert was regimental champion in boxing in 1944 and therefore dares to take on anyone. He brutally beats the northerner. Corinna is therefore his prey. She gets involved with him again. One night he tears her mask from her in a fight and is horrified. Your face is completely normal and not disfigured at all. Dr. Hellerau tells him the story of Corinna Colman. She is the daughter of a wealthy French industrialist. After she was rape, her personality changed too. She was nothing but her body and slept with men at random. Her father locked her up there. Her rampant sex drive finally drove her insane. As a family friend, Dr. Hellerau offered to treat Corinna with hormone injections ( androgens ). But he, as the treating doctor, also fell for her. With the family's money, Hellerau was able to set up the “Bergwald Clinic” for facial plastic surgery. For the Colmans, however, the clinic was something like a luxurious insane asylum for the insane daughter, whose only purpose in life is to satisfy her libido .

Boltenstern visits Writer. Boltenstern also received an anonymous letter asking him to emigrate to South America. Schreiber threatens his comrades that one day he will tell Werner Ritter the truth. Boltenstern offers to pay for a new stay in a clinic in Bologna .

Jutta has a discussion with her father and tells him that she was with Werner. She also tells him that she will marry Werner very soon. Alf admits to his daughter that they had an orgy with prostitutes on May 21, but that no LSD was consumed. Jutta knows that her father is lying. That completes the rift with him.

Toni Huilsmann gets bigger and bigger problems due to his drug addiction and can no longer cope with reality. His work suffers. Toni is heavily dependent and demands more material from Alf. He shows him footage of their orgies together and wants to blackmail Boltenstern with it. A film even shows how Boltenstern Schreibert instructs to strangle Erlanger with a silk scarf. Alf is beside himself and destroys the projector. But that is of no use, since Huilsmann deposited the original in a bank vault and instructed his lawyer to publish it in the event of his violent death. Toni wants LSD and promises not to disclose the evidence if Alf can get the drug within three days. Boltenstern takes the night train to Munich to buy drugs there. A chemistry student sells the engineer fifty folded papers with the life-threatening dose of 250 μg, which he hands over to Huilsmann in the belief that the dosage is lower ( Boltenstern had lied to him. The powder contained 250 micrograms of LSD, enough to see the stars fall from the sky ).

In August , a large article with the headline “Anatomy of a veil” by a certain Harry Muck is published in the Niederrheinische Tagesnachrichten , which is mainly read by the directors of large-scale industry . In this report, which speaks of crime, money and misunderstood comradeship, the dead Richard Erlanger and even those involved Huilsmann, Schreibert and Boltenstern are mentioned by name. The article threatens a continuation of the story of disclosure . Boltenstern wants to take care of the matter and meet Harry Muck in a disreputable bar. Dr. Lummer watches the action in the background. Boltenstern shows his social superiority and position of power, but Muck cannot elicit the sources of his information. His attempt at bribery also fails. Muck is well informed about the course of events of the LSD night and reveals to Boltenstern that another article is now in print. Boltenstern suspects that Schreibert is behind it.

Dr. Lummer visits Petra Erlanger because he wants to have her deceased husband exhumed . She refuses to give her consent, but the public prosecutor's order takes precedence. Petra informs Alf. With Dr. Breuninghaus to exercise his influence. The fact that LSD can no longer be detected in the body for so long after ingestion calms him down. The grave is opened and the body is autopsied with a negative result . Dr. Breuninghaus shows Boltenstern photos of the orgy that were leaked to him. Boltenstern wants to pick up Schreibert and bring him to a new clinic in Turin . Writer has it in his hand and demands that Boltenstern bring his great love Corinna to him. This agrees. A new revelatory article appears, but it does not have the desired effect.

Criminal reports come to Germany from the USA , which testify to how serious crimes are committed there under the influence of LSD. It is feared that the consumption of LSD could degenerate into a kind of popular intoxication here too. Crimes could be committed and not atoned for under the legal protection of insanity. The BdD meeting on the Nuremberg Maifeld is approaching and the "division meeting management staff" is busy with the final planning measures. The authorities want to ban this, however, because it reminds of marches from the 3rd Reich . However, it can take place at a different location on the Pegnitz under high conditions . Konrad Ritter is deeply indignant about the loss of the Prussian spirit. Against the will of the authorities, Ritter absolutely wants the parade march in honor of General v. Hold Rendshoff in goose- step .

Schreibert is staying at the Turin clinic. Corinna writes to him that she loves him, but wants him to get his face back. Another letter is anonymous and describes the course of events on the night of the murder. So he killed his friend Richard. Then he goes to Germany to get revenge. On August 29 the BdD meeting will be held. Alumni from all over the country arrive on this very hot summer day. There will be over 2,000 people from all walks of life. One day later the veterans parade to General v. Rendshoff and a 91-year-old general (guest of honor from the time of WW I). Then Schreibert appears completely unexpectedly and exposes Boltenstern. He gives him a large amount of LSD in a mug of beer , which leads to the fact that he causes the willless clerk to hang himself up. Previously, Boltenstern made the admission that he used it as a tool to kill Richard so that Petra would be free for him. Writer's corpse is discreetly disposed of and Boltenstern is not afraid of being arrested for double homicide .

Jutta intervenes and secretly overdoses her father. Meanwhile Werner investigates the crime scene and finds out that besides Schreiberert there are also traces of another person. It can be proven in Schreibert's body that he has ingested LSD. Meanwhile, Alf is on a heavy LSD trip and climbs up the roller coaster . He thinks he's an eagle and falls to his death. Months later, after the sumptuous funeral of the two, Huilsmann is picked up from his villa because he has lost his mind. Werner marries his Jutta and Konrad becomes a lonely, old man who can no longer cope in today's world.

main characters

  • Konrad Ritter : Major a. D. and detective assistant in the homicide department. Former boss of Erlanger, Schreibert, Boltenstern and Huilsmann during the Second World War. Ritter is still a dashing soldier. He embodies the old values ​​of the Wehrmacht and military Prussia .
  • Werner Ritter : Detective and Konrad's son. An upright young man who fights against his father's and his friends' old ties and who believes in the victory of justice.
  • Richard Erlanger : Erlanger is a highly intelligent womanizer graduate engineer . He has a cold relationship with his wife and has numerous affairs with other women. He is the murder victim on whom the story hangs.
  • Petra Erlanger , b. Wollhagen: Richard's wife and rich heir to an industrial empire. Outwardly she is a hypothermic and unapproachable woman, but living with her husbands she develops into a sadistic nymphomaniac .
  • Hermann Schreibert : A naive fashion designer who is at home in the world of mannequins. He is very successful and competes with the major Parisian fashion houses.
  • Alf Boltenstern : The former captain is a widower and alleged man of honor, who has built a middle-class existence in Düsseldorf-Oberkassel. Boltenstern is a cool engineer, inventor and member of the distinguished Düsseldorf society. He is the head and mastermind of the LSD affair.
  • Jutta Boltenstern : journalist and Alf's daughter.
  • Toni Huilsmann : Architect with a soft and unstable artist soul . He is a narcissist and a cold bon vivant who loves money and beautiful women. He walks over corpses for his pleasure. However, he is not a murderer and feels severe remorse because of his actions, which lead to his becoming even more entangled in drug addiction.

linguistic style

" " Dad! O how, oh dear! What's the point? ”Called Konrad Ritter. He wanted to save prestige what could still be saved. It was like a mouse kicking in a cat's claws. “Let's not be more moral than we are! What has happened already! What did the gentlemen do? For dessert they nibbled on some wild fruits - that's all! " "

- Major Konrad Ritter during the police investigation into the manslaughter of R. Erlanger

" Don't do the stupid thugs to your father!" He yelled. “That may be the tone that is now common in Germany - every time madness has its language, from da-da to balla-balla to yeah-yeah-yeah - but not with me! Not at my place! I speak robust German! - You continue to investigate the Erlanger ?! " "

- Major Konrad Ritter in dispute with his son

Wild fruits for dessert , like many other works, is written in Konsalik's eloquent and visually powerful style in the typical zeitgeist of the 1960s. For example, words like bum or beatschuppen are used. There are also a number of situation comics in the work . One of them is the scene of the very old and demented WK I general, who at the BdD meeting believes he is seeing Corporal Hitler and feels offended by his Prussian officer honor.


The main theme in Konsalik's Wild Fruits Dessert is the generation conflict , the relationship with old clans and the moral decline of characters, which is manifested in the saying "He who climbs up, falls deeply". The characters in the story had a painful life or survival on the Eastern Front with later imprisonment and forced labor in Siberia and are now enjoying their well-deserved prosperity in post-war Germany, which their social class is characterized by decadence and debauchery. The title Wild Fruits For Dessert alludes to sex with prostitutes and substance abuse in the top ten thousand. The brutal reality on the Eastern Front stands in absolute contrast to the luxurious and orgiastic civil life that they are now allowed to live out unrestrainedly. But the LSD trip ends with a catastrophe. In his madness, Schreibert strangles his friend Erlanger and then drives his car into a tree, so that his face is forever disfigured. The five friends' explanation is that it was money that drove them crazy. Schreibert goes on and hangs himself during the opening ceremony of the "Bund deutscher Divisionen" in Nuremberg . Huiltsmann completely loses his mind through the LSD, dances naked around the window and ends up in manic stupidity. Boltenstern jumps to his death from a roller coaster . The five friends have been demoralized by peace. “Comrades” became “successful people”. They cannot do anything with the new freedoms, betray their old values, betray their families and run into their own ruin. Konsalik comments on this decline in morals with "It is not easy to be a successful man." Because of their unbearably cruel fate, rich sinners still become heroes before the moral Konsaliks.

Only the detective Major Ritter, an incorrigible revanchist, “forever yesterday” and Hitler's commissioner, survived the “Düsseldorf nouveau riche tragedy”. Ritter hates the degenerate and un-Prussian new Germany deeply. He despises the new dances of the youth, their music and their literature: “Is it better?” Shouted Major Ritter. "Bums on the streets, in the local dances where you have to wiggle your butt like a jungle monkey, music that sounds like a cat clamping its tail, literature like a cretin stammering ... that's it Visiting card of the new Germany? ” There are parallels to Konsalik's personal view of the new German literature, which he allegedly once expressed in an interview with Bavarian Broadcasting in 1975. Knight's old ideals save him from moral decline. While the others get intoxicated with LSD, Ritter's drug is called "Germany", which he gets at the "German Divisions Meetings". Ritter is a bitter National Socialist . He is still committed to Goebbels' old German ideals: "A strength of character that overcomes all obstacles, tenacious doggedness in pursuing the once recognized goal and an iron heart that is armed against all internal and external challenges." He is appalled by the lack of nationalism and, instead, for the unpatriotic opportunism of the new era. "Typical! After every lost war, the German becomes perverted and rummages in his own shit! ”In his opinion, the FRG is extremely ungrateful to the old veterans, because they had to hold out their bones back then but now have to live for a tip. A conservative attitude, with which he is in constant conflict with his son Werner Ritter.

Konsalik's novel is considered authoritarian. He reward and punish the reader. He also criticizes the pseudo-morality of the upper ten thousand, the power of corporations and the fact that ordinary people are systematically left in the dark about the actual balance of power. In this work, too, the author reveals a chauvinistic image of women. "To conquer Petra you would have needed less ghost and more brutality ... not a tuxedo, Richard, but rolled up shirt sleeves."

Historical-medical context

The strong mind-expanding hallucinogen LSD with the effect of a "deeply exhilarating experience and a subsequent bad trip". came relatively early in the history of post-war Germany. It was discovered by the Flower Power movement in the 1960s and entered youth culture as a party drug. She was glorified by the Beatles in the song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds". In 1967 the drug was banned in Germany after its increasingly rampant consumption because of its serious consequences (murder in affect up to suicide). There was a real LSD boom in the 1960s and 1970s. Konsalik's descriptions of an LSD intoxication are supposed to be portrayed in the style of a tabloid with lurid distortion full of unrealistic prejudices . There is even said to have been another novel by Konsalik with the title "LSD" on this subject. Konsalik once said in a radio interview that he had derived the effects of LSD from medical studies and reports from test subjects who had consciously exposed themselves to this "insane drug".

Text output

  • Heinz Konsalik: Wild fruits for dessert. Lichtenberg Verlag, Munich 1967. ISBN 3-453-00142-7 .
  • Heinz Konsalik: Wild fruits for dessert. Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, Munich 1978. ISBN 3-453-00142-7 .


  • Matthias Harder: Experience of War. To depict the Second World War in the novels by Heinz G. Konsalik. With a bibliography of the author's German-language publications (1953–1996). (= Epistemata, literary studies series 232). Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg 1999, ISBN 3-8260-1565-7 .

Web links

Notes and individual references

  1. Heinz Konsalik: Wild fruits for dessert . Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, Munich 1978. ISBN 3-453-00142-7 .
  2. ^ German-Polish border
  3. fictitious, this address does not exist in Düsseldorf
  4. Heinz Konsalik: Wild fruits for dessert . Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, Munich 1978. p. 35. ISBN 3-453-00142-7 .
  5. specifically which division is involved is not mentioned
  6. Samogon - home-made vodka
  7. § 51 Credit
  8. 1938 by Dr. Hofmann in the Swiss Sandoz -Werken
  9. several places of the same name in Germany and Austria
  10. ↑ Detective Dr. Lummer about the sexual dependency relationship between the landlord and the female servants in Heinz Konsalik, which was still common at the time: wild fruits for dessert . Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, Munich 1978. p. 104. ISBN 3-453-00142-7 .
  11. Heinz Konsalik: Wild fruits for dessert . Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, Munich 1978. p. 126 ISBN 3-453-00142-7 .
  12. Petra Erlanger about Alf Boltenstern in Heinz Konsalik: Wild fruits for dessert . Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, Munich 1978. p. 147. ISBN 3-453-00142-7 .
  13. Petra Erlanger about Alf Boltenstern in Heinz Konsalik: Wild fruits for dessert . Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, Munich 1978. p. 147. ISBN 3-453-00142-7 .
  14. Paragraph 51. A big deal. The mirror. 48/1958 of November 26, 1958
  15. Heinz Konsalik: Wild fruits for dessert . Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, Munich 1978. P. 180. ISBN 3-453-00142-7 .
  16. disguised as a bon mot Wild fruits for dessert
  17. Heinz Konsalik: Wild fruits for dessert . Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, Munich 1978. p. 205. ISBN 3-453-00142-7 .
  18. ^ Name of a fictional newspaper
  19. Konsalik uses the expression "manic idiocy"
  20. Heinz Konsalik: Wild fruits for dessert . Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, Munich 1978. ISBN 3-453-00142-7 .
  21. Heinz Konsalik: Wild fruits for dessert . Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, Munich 1978. ISBN 3-453-00142-7 .
  22. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t The one-man dream factory. Portrait of the bestselling author Heinz G. Konsalik. Time online culture. 3rd October 1980
  23. ^ BdD: fictitious association of former Wehrmacht members
  24. Heinz Konsalik: Wild fruits for dessert. Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, Munich 1978. p. 165. ISBN 3-453-00142-7 .
  25. Heinz Konsalik: Wild fruits for dessert. Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, Munich 1978. p. 25. ISBN 3-453-00142-7 .
  26. Heinz Konsalik: Wild fruits for dessert. Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, Munich 1978. P. 127 ISBN 3-453-00142-7 .
  27. "Malicious, insidious witch with a colored face". LSD drug. The world. April 16, 2018
  28. LSD. The blue gods. The mirror. 18/1966 of April 25, 1966
  29. LSD. Urge to drug. The mirror. 37/1966 of September 5, 1966
  30. ^ Society / LSD. Dangerous journey. The mirror. 33/1967 of August 7, 1967
  31. 60 years of LSD. Everything is so colorful here. 60 years of LSD: the substance that made Cary Grant and Michel Foucault happy had far too much momentum for its inventor. Southgerman newspaper. May 17, 2010
  32. The influence of LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide-25) on the literature using the example of Aldous Huxley & Ernst Jünger
  33. ^ For example, Heinz G. Konsalik wrote a novel on the subject.