Andean Parliament

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Flag of the Andean Parliament

The Andean Parliament is the advisory and control body of the Andean Community . It represents the community's 120 million people. It was founded on October 25, 1979 in La Paz with the signing of the founding treaty by the foreign ministers of Bolivia , Colombia , Ecuador , Peru and Venezuela . The treaty entered into force in January 1984. Parliament is located in Bogotá .

The Andean Parliament is not a legislative institution. It provides advice and opinions on issues affecting members of the Andean Community. The main task of the Andean Parliament is to observe and promote the integration process.

It has five MPs per member state, originally 25, after Venezuela's withdrawal from the Andean Community, 20 MPs were elected between 1984 and 1996 by the national parliaments of the member states. According to the Trujillo Protocol adopted on March 10, 1996, members are now directly elected by the electorate in each country for a period of five years.

The current chairman is Hugo Quiroz Vallejo .

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