Fire protection

Under fire protection covers all measures that the emergence and spread of a fire (= fire and smoke ) prevent ( preventive fire protection or fire prevention ) and the rescue of people and animals and effective fire fighting in a fire permit ( defense of fire ).
Fire protection is complex and can be found in many areas of daily life. In Germany, for example, fire protection requirements can be found in a large number of legal provisions such as the fire service laws and building regulations of the sixteen federal states as well as numerous other laws, ordinances and guidelines. A distinction is made between preventive and defensive fire protection.
Fire Prevention

Preventive fire protection is the term for all measures that are taken in advance in order to counteract the development and spread of fires through structural, technical and organizational measures and to limit the effects of fires as far as possible.
Consequently, preventive fire protection is divided into:
- Structural fire protection
- Plant fire protection
- Organizational fire protection.
In terms of building regulations, preventive fire protection serves to protect life and limb, the environment and public safety and is required as a prerequisite for effective fire fighting. The public law provisions of the state building regulations are issued as minimum requirements in Germany.
In addition to building regulations, the requirements for property protection are based on agreements under private law . The requirements that the property insurer places on the construction of the building or its technical systems are often decisive here .
A large number of legal regulations deal with the regulation of the area of responsibility of preventive fire protection. In addition to the fundamental social, humanitarian, political and economic requirements of the Basic Law and the constitutions, regulations on fire protection can be found, in particular, in the fire brigade laws and building regulations of the federal states, which in turn are substantiated by ordinances, guidelines, decrees, technical regulations and standards , recommendations for action and technical information sheets .
The multitude of regulations alone gives an idea of the complex range of tasks involved. The ways to meet the protection goals such as fire prevention , prevention of the spread of fire , rescue and effective fire fighting can lead to a wide variety of solutions that have to be approved by the relevant building supervisory authority.
Aspects that can influence fire protection solutions (examples):
- Construction method (position of the buildings on the site and to each other)
- Type of construction (structural condition - solid, skeleton, half-timbered, assembly construction, etc.)
- Choice of building materials
- Location (accessibility and accessibility)
- Type and number of people using it
- Dimensions (size, structure and subdivision of the building)
- Type and amount of fire loads and hazardous substances (risk of fire and damage spreading)
- Risks of fire and / or damage ( ignition sources , conditions and probabilities )
- Use (operational and usage-related processes)
- Fire detection (probability up to detection and notification)
- Start of rescue and fire fighting measures
- Scope and duration of rescue and fire-fighting measures
- Performance of the emergency response forces (fire brigade, rescue service , provision of extinguishing agents , etc.)
- Availability of technical facilities ( e.g. extinguishing systems , fire alarm systems , smoke and heat extraction systems , hazard alarm systems )
- Scope of operational hazard prevention measures ( fire protection regulations , hazard prevention plans, training courses, instructions, plant fire brigades , extinguishing aids , etc.)
In addition to the aforementioned aspects, the resulting combination options usually have an influence on the legally permissible and legally permissible solutions to achieve the protection goals that are effective, safety-related and economically desirable. The preventive fire protection also has to represent the interests of the defensive fire protection in the fire fighting and other danger prevention and is therefore also an essential part of the danger prevention of federal, state and municipalities. This results in further tasks in the fulfillment of protection goals ; the usual procedures of the fire brigade must be taken into account in such a way that low-risk fire fighting is possible and the fire scenarios that may arise remain manageable. In addition, the case of mass casualties and deaths must not occur with a sufficient degree of probability. The task of preventive fire protection is thus in the field of tension between public tasks (building regulations, building law, fire protection law) and private interests. In addition, other interests, both public and private, often have to be taken into account, which can often further complicate the task. Often the desired solutions collide, for example, with the interests of property protection , monument protection, urban planning law, road traffic law, trade and labor law, the energy saving ordinance , etc. or special specifications and wishes of the building owners , architects with regard to the design and selection of building materials and requirements of technical facilities and, last but not least, economic aspects.
In contrast, the frequently expressed wish for clear regulation of fire protection measures and requirements in legal and technical regulations (like a cooking recipe) is an absurd demand in every conceivable individual case. However, this does not mean that there is legal freedom here, but rather that, within the framework of the legal requirements, the fulfillment of the protection goals must be achieved as a minimum. The fixation on the strict application of legal requirements can be counterproductive in individual cases if the boundary conditions of the individual case and the actual protection goal are not properly assessed. In some cases, the authorities and private experts disregard the legitimate interests of those affected because of safety requirements. Ultimately, the finding of protection goal-oriented solutions in individual cases will consist of a structure in which the different aspects are to be adequately assessed. The quality of fire protection concepts or fire protection requirements is often directly related to the extensive knowledge and personal characteristics of the creators. Particular emphasis is placed on the qualifications of those involved and the comprehensive explanation of the concepts. The reference to the relevant legal text, which is necessary under procedural law, is often not enough to make the facts comprehensible to all parties involved.
The main tasks (protection goals) of preventive fire protection are to protect life, health, property, property and the environment.
Structural fire protection
The structural measures are very diverse and include the building materials and components used, regulated in Europe and Germany in DIN EN 13501 and DIN EN 1992-1-2 for reinforced concrete construction, DIN EN 1993-1-2 for steel construction and DIN EN 1995-1 -2 for timber construction, on structural fire protection in industrial buildings, regulated in DIN 18230 , on escape route planning to extinguishing systems in buildings. In Austria, comparable requirements are set out in the various TRVB -B.
In Germany it may be necessary to have a fire protection report drawn up by a qualified fire protection expert due to building regulations, demands from insurers or in the interests of the client . Under certain circumstances, the created fire protection concept must be submitted to the responsible building supervisory authority, agreed upon and approved. In Germany, building regulations are state law. In Austria, the fire inspection is subject to the fire prevention agencies (also in the sovereignty of individual federal states). In Switzerland, it is cantonal regulated.
Structural measures must primarily take into account the following aspects:
- Fire behavior of building materials,
- Fire resistance of components,
- Construction products for which the technical rules have been published in the Building Regulations List A according to Paragraph 2 and which deviate significantly from these or for which there are no generally recognized rules of technology or technical building regulations according to Art. 3 Paragraph 2 (non-regulated construction products) , have to
- a general building inspection approval (AbZ),
- a general building authority test certificate (AbP) or
- have consent in individual cases.
- Division of the building into fire compartments by means of fire walls and protective doors
- Escape route planning
- reactive fire fighting using sprinkler systems or gas extinguishing systems
- active fire prevention through oxygen reduction
In modern buildings, many pipes and insulation for gas, water and heating installations made of plastic are installed. The increasing penetration of large buildings with energy supply, control and data lines runs counter to the section separation with fire walls and fire-resistant floor ceilings required by the building supervision . The fire load can be very high. For this reason, special fire protection equipment such as fire alarm systems , emergency lighting , fire protection gates and fire protection doors are installed in modern buildings with large gatherings of people (e.g. train stations, airports, museums, congress halls) . These should maintain their function for as long as possible (30 or 90 minutes or even more).
The use of halogen-free cables (no PVC) is standard in public buildings in Germany. Power lines that run through several fire compartments must be secured with a fire bulkhead . Electric cables that are used, for example, for mechanical smoke extraction or a fire alarm system, must have a fire resistance duration (with functional integrity) of E90 or E30, depending on the application (see also fire protection fabric and intumescence ).
Buildings that are used or inhabited by people with restricted mobility (hospitals, clinics, homes for the elderly, residential complexes for the elderly, etc.) are usually rated as special buildings .
In certain federal states in Germany, smoke alarms have been mandatory in private living spaces since August 2014 . These include the federal states: Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate, Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, Lower Saxony, Bremen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Saxony-Anhalt, Saarland, Thuringia, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, and Hesse.
Structural fire protection in tunnels : In tunnel structures, structural fire protection has become increasingly important in recent years due to the dramatic tunnel fires. In addition to compliance with design rules, mathematical proof (the so-called “hot dimensioning”) is becoming increasingly important. Regulations for mathematical proof can be found e.g. B. in the ENV 1992-1-2 , the ZTV-Ing and the "guideline for fire and disaster protection" of the Deutsche Bahn .
Plant fire protection
This includes all technical systems and equipment that serve to improve fire protection. The typical technical building systems used for fire protection include in particular:
- Low fire load electrical installation with high decentralization and residual current circuit breaker with a rated residual current of less than 300 mA
- Fire alarm systems (BMA) according to DIN 14675
- Smoke aspiration systems , for example to support smoke detection in floor or ceiling voids that are used to lay cables (usually part of a fire alarm system )
- optical and acoustic alarm systems , often as part of a fire alarm system
- Smoke and heat extraction systems (RWA)
- Systems for the storage and supply of extinguishing water
- Automatic fire extinguishing systems (e.g. in the form of sprinkler systems and gas extinguishing systems ) including the local provision of the associated extinguishing agents
- Non-automatic fire extinguishing systems (wall hydrants) with corresponding hose connections as the "end inside the building" of dry or wet risers
- Hold- open systems for smoke protection doors in escape and rescue routes
- Escape door terminals for controlling and monitoring escape doors leading to the outside or into other fire compartments
- the escape and rescue illumination as part of the emergency lighting system (see emergency )
- manually operated fire extinguishers (so-called hand fire extinguishers)Wall hydrant at Rome-Ciampino airport as an example of not optimal fire protection - the hose is packed in plastic and not prepared for quick use.
- Overpressure ventilation systems to largely prevent smoke from penetrating into escape and rescue routes (e.g. into the escape stairs of high-rise buildings)
- Partitions for the penetration of components with requirements on fire resistance through cable systems and pipes (so-called fire bulkheads) or fire dampers (BSK) for partitioning due to the penetration of components - as before - through ventilation lines and ducts.
In the course of the conversion, renovation or expansion of existing buildings (removal of existing protection ), but also for new buildings and as a direct manifestation of the architectural design will, the building technology fire protection systems gain in importance.
In residential and community buildings, these systems are used to compensate for deviations from the legal requirements. The development is accompanied by rising costs for the operation, maintenance and repair of the building services systems.
Organizational fire protection
This point describes the appointment of fire protection officers and fire protection supervisors as well as the creation of alarm plans , fire protection regulations and fire protection plans . However, training in handling flammable substances or ignition sources and how to behave after a fire has broken out also fall into this area.
In Germany, orders from Count Palatine Karl IV. From 1772 also served to prevent a fire in connection with domestic fireplaces. According to the simultaneous building regulations, no more wooden chimneys were allowed to be erected, no more wooden hoses were allowed to be installed, which had to lead the smoke from the fireplace to the fireplace, just as it was forbidden to lead stovepipes out of the window.
Defensive fire protection
Defensive fire protection takes place when there is a fire. This includes in particular measures by the fire brigade . In addition to extinguishing a fire, it is also necessary to reduce accompanying damage , which can amount to a multiple of the primary damage ( see: Fire damage ).
DIN and EN standards
Fire protection vocabulary
DIN EN ISO 13943 Fire protection - Vocabulary, issue date 2018-01
Structural fire protection standards
DIN 4102-1 Fire behavior of building materials and building components - Part 1: Building materials; Terms, requirements and tests Edition index 05-1998
DIN 4102-2 Fire behavior of building materials and components - Part 2: Components, terms, requirements and tests Edition index 09-1977
DIN 4102-3 Fire behavior of building materials and components - Part 3: Fire walls and non-load-bearing exterior walls, terms, requirements and tests Issue index: 09-1977
DIN 4102-4 Fire behavior of building materials and components - Part 4: Compilation and application of classified building materials, components and special components , issue date 2016-05
DIN 4102-5 Fire behavior of building materials and components - Part 5: Fire protection barriers, barriers in lift shaft walls and fire-resistant glazing, terms, requirements and tests, edition index 09-1977
DIN 4102-7 Fire behavior of building materials and components - Part 7: Roofing - Requirements and tests, issue date 2018-11
DIN 4102-8 Fire behavior of building materials and components - Part 8: Small test stand, issue date 2003-10
DIN 4102-9 Fire behavior of building materials and components; Cable insulation; Terms, requirements and tests, issue date 1990-05
DIN 4102-11 Fire behavior of building materials and building components - Part 11: Pipe jackets , pipe bulkheads , installation shafts and installation ducts and closures of their inspection openings ; Terms, requirements and tests Edition index 12-1985
DIN 4102-12 Fire behavior of building materials and components - Part 12: Function maintenance of electrical cable systems; Requirements and tests Edition index 11-1998
DIN 4102-13 Fire behavior of building materials and components; Fire protection glazing - Part 13 Terms, requirements and tests Edition index 05-1990
DIN 4102-14 Fire behavior of building materials and components; Floor coverings and floor coatings - Part 14: Determination of flame spread when stressed with a heat radiator output Index 05-1990
DIN 4102-15 Fire behavior of building materials and components - Part 15: Brandschacht edition index 05-1990
DIN 4102-16 Fire behavior of building materials and components - Part 16: Execution of fire shaft tests, issue date 2015-09
DIN 4102-17 Fire behavior of building materials and components - Part 17: Melting point of mineral wool insulation materials - Definitions, requirements and testing, issue date 2017-12
DIN 4102-18 Fire behavior of building materials and components; Fire barriers; Proof of the "self-closing" property ( long-term function test ) Issue index 03-1991
DIN 4102-20 Fire behavior of building materials and components - Part 20: Supplementary evidence for the assessment of the fire behavior of exterior wall cladding, issue date 2017-10
(Pre-standard) DIN V 4102-21 Fire behavior of building materials and components - Part 21: Assessment of the fire behavior of fire-resistant ventilation ducts, edition index 08-2002
DIN 18230-1 Structural fire protection in industrial buildings - Part 1: Calculated fire resistance duration , issue date 2010-09
DIN 18230-3 Structural fire protection in industrial buildings - Part 3: Calculated values, output index 08-2002
DIN EN 13501-1 Classification of building products and types of fire behavior - Part 1: Classification with the results from the tests on fire behavior of building products; German version EN 13501-1: 2018 issue date 2019-05
DIN EN 13501-2 Classification of construction products and types of construction with regard to their reaction to fire - Part 2: Classification with the results from the fire resistance tests , with the exception of ventilation systems ; German version EN 13501-2: 2016 issue date 2016-12
DIN EN 13501-3 Classification of construction products and types of construction with regard to their reaction to fire - Part 3: Classification with the results from the fire resistance tests on components of building services systems: Fire-resistant pipes and fire dampers; German version EN 13501-3: 2005 + A1: 2009 issue date 2010-02
DIN EN 13501-5 Classification of construction products and types of construction in terms of their reaction to fire - Part 5: Classification with the results from tests of roofs when exposed to external fire; German version EN 13501-5: 2016 issue date 2016-12
Standards for escape and rescue routes
DIN 4066 signs for the fire brigade issue index 07-1997
DIN 14090 areas for fire brigade on property ; Issue index 05-2003
DIN 14094 Fire services - Emergency ladder systems ; Issue index 01-2004
DIN 14095 fire brigade plans for structures; Issue index 05-2007
DIN 18799 Fixed ladders for construction works; Issue index 05-2009
DIN 33404-3 Hazard signals - Acoustic hazard signals - Part 3: Uniform emergency signal, issue date 2016-04
DIN EN 179 Locks and building hardware - Emergency exit locks with handle or push plate for doors in escape routes - Requirements and test methods Issue index 04-2008
DIN EN 1125 Locks and building hardware - Panic door locks with horizontal operating rod for doors in escape routes - Requirements and test methods Edition index 04-2008
DIN EN 50172 safety lighting systems issue index 01-2005
DIN ISO 23601 safety signs - escape and rescue plans, edition index 12-2010
DIN EN ISO 7010 Graphic symbols - Safety colors and safety signs - Registered safety signs Edition index 10-2012
Hold-open system standards
DIN 14677-1 maintenance of electrically controlled hold-open systems for fire and smoke barriers, as well as electrically controlled hold-open systems for fire barriers in the course of ground-mounted equipment - Part 1: maintenance measures, Publication date 2018-08
DIN 14677-2 maintenance of electrically controlled hold-open systems for fire and smoke barriers, as well as electrically controlled hold-open systems for fire barriers in the course of ground-mounted equipment - Part 2: Requirements for the professional, Publication date 2018-08
Glass standards
DIN EN 356 Glass in building - Special safety glazing - Test method and classification of the resistance to manual attack; German version EN 356: 1999 issue date 2000-02
DIN EN 357 Glass in building - Fire protection glazing made from transparent or translucent glass products - Classification of fire resistance ; German version EN 357: 2004 issue date 2005-02
DIN EN 1051-1 Glass in building - Glass blocks and concrete glasses - Part 1: Terms and descriptions; German version EN 1051-1: 2003 issue date 2003-04
DIN EN 1051-2 Glass in building - Glass blocks and concrete glasses - Part 2: Conformity assessment / product standard ; German version EN 1051-2: 2007 issue date 2007-12
DIN EN 1063 Glass in building - Special security glazing - Test method and classification for resistance to fire; German version EN 1063: 1999 issue date 2000-01
DIN EN 1279-1 Glass in building - Multi- pane insulating glass - Part 1: General, system description, exchange rules , tolerances and visual quality; German version EN 1279-1: 2018 issue date 2018-10
DIN EN 1279-2 Glass in building - Insulating glass units - Part 2: Long-term test methods and requirements for moisture absorption; German version EN 1279-2: 2018 issue date 2018-10
DIN EN 1279-3 Glass in building - Multi-pane insulating glass - Part 3: Long-term test method and requirements with regard to the rate of gas loss and limit deviations for the gas concentration; German version EN 1279-3: 2018 issue date 2018-10
DIN EN 1279-4 Glass in building - Multi-pane insulating glass - Part 4: Method for testing the physical properties of the components of the edge seal and the fixtures; German version EN 1279-4: 2018 issue date 2018-10
DIN EN 1279-5 Glass in building - Insulating glass units - Part 5: Product standard ; German version EN 1279-5: 2018 issue date 2018-10
DIN EN 1279-6 Glass in building - Insulating glass units - Part 6: In-house production control and periodic tests; German version EN 1279-6: 2018 issue date 2018-10
DIN EN ISO 12543-1 Glass in building - Laminated glass and laminated safety glass - Part 1: Definitions and description of component parts ( ISO 12543-1: 2011 ); German version EN ISO 12543-1: 2011 edition index 12-2011
DIN EN ISO 12543-2 Glass in building - Laminated glass and laminated safety glass - Part 2: Laminated safety glass ( ISO 12543-2: 2011 ); German version EN ISO 12543-2: 2011 edition index 12-2011
DIN EN ISO 12543-3 Glass in building - Laminated glass and laminated safety glass - Part 3: Laminated glass ( ISO 12543-3: 2011 ); German version EN ISO 12543-3: 2011 edition index 12-2011
DIN EN ISO 12543-4 Glass in building - Laminated glass and laminated safety glass - Part 4: Method for testing durability ( ISO 12543-4: 2011 ); German version EN ISO 12543-4: 2011 edition index 12-2011
DIN EN ISO 12543-5 Glass in building - Laminated glass and laminated safety glass - Part 5: Dimensions and edge processing (ISO 12543-5: 2011); German version EN ISO 12543-5: 2011 edition index 12-2011
DIN EN ISO 12543-6 Glass in building - Laminated glass and laminated safety glass - Part 6: Appearance (ISO 12543-6: 2011); German version EN ISO 12543-6: 2011 edition index 12-2011
DIN EN 13541 Glass in building - Special safety glazing - Test method and classification of resistance to explosive effects; German version EN 13541: 2012, issue date 2012-06
Standards for windows, doors, fittings and locks
DIN 18095-1 doors ; Smoke control doors ; Terms and requirements Edition index 10-1988
DIN 18095-2 doors ; Smoke control doors; Type test of the long-term functionality and tightness Edition index 03-1991
DIN 18095-3 smoke protection barriers : application of test results edition index 06-1999
DIN 18100 doors; Wall openings for doors; Dimensions accordingly
DIN 18250 locks - Mortise locks for fire protection and smoke protection doors Issue date 2006-09
DIN 18251-1 locks - Mortise locks - Part 1: Mortise locks for rebated doors Date of issue 2002-07
DIN 18251-2 locks - Mortise locks - Part 2: Mortise locks for tubular frame doors Date of issue 2002-11
DIN 18251-3 locks - Mortise locks - Part 3: Mortise locks as multi-point locking issue date 2002-11
DIN 18257 building hardware; Security fittings; Terms, dimensions, requirements, labeling Issue index 03-2003
DIN 18262 adjustable, non-load-bearing spring hinge for fire doors, issue index 05-1969
DIN 18263-1 Locks and building hardware - Door locking devices with a controlled closing sequence - Part 1: Overhead door closer with crank mechanism and spiral spring Issue date 2015-04
DIN 18263-4 Locks and building hardware - Door locking devices with a controlled locking process - Part 4: Swing door drives with self-locking function Issue date 2015-04
DIN 18265 building hardware; Swing door hinges with spring issue index 09-1978
DIN 18268 building hardware; Door hinges; Band reference line output index 01-1985
DIN 18272 fire barriers ; Hinges for fire doors; Spring band and construction band issue index 08-1987
DIN 18273 Building hardware - Lever handle units for fire doors and smoke doors - definitions, dimensions, requirements and tests Publication Index 12-1997
DIN 18650-1 Automatic door systems - Part 1: Product requirements and test methods Issue date 2010-06
DIN 18650-2 Automatic door systems - Part 2: Safety on automatic door systems Edition 2010-06
DIN EN 107 test methods for windows; Mechanical tests edition index 02-1982
DIN EN 179 Locks and building hardware - Emergency exit locks with handle or push plate for doors in escape routes - Requirements and test methods; German version EN 179: 2008 edition index 04-2008
Draft standard DIN EN 179 Locks and building hardware - Emergency exit locks with handle or push plate for doors in escape routes - Requirements and test methods; German and English version prEN 179: 2016 issue date 2017-01
DIN EN 1125 Locks and building hardware - Panic door locks with horizontal operating rod for doors in escape routes - Requirements and test methods; German version EN 1125: 2008 edition index 04-2008
Draft standard DIN EN 1125 Locks and building hardware - Panic door locks with horizontal operating rod for doors in escape routes - Requirements and test methods; German and English version prEN 1125: 2016 issue date 2017-01
DIN EN 1154 Locks and building hardware - Door locking devices with a controlled locking process - Requirements and test methods (contains Amendment A1: 2002); German version EN 1154: 1996 + A1: 2002 edition index 04-2003
DIN EN 1154 Correction 1, edition index 06-2006 Locks and building hardware - Door locking devices with controlled closing sequence - Requirements and test methods (contains Amendment 1: 2002); German version EN 1154: 1996 + A1: 2002 , corrections to DIN EN 1154: 2003-04 ; German version EN 1154: 1996 / AC: 2006
DIN EN 1154 Supplement 1 Locks and Building Hardware - Door Closing Devices with Controlled Title (German) Closing process - Fitting dimensions and installation Issue index 11-2003 DIN EN 1155 Locks and Building Hardware - Electrically operated hold-open devices for swing doors - Requirements and test methods (contains Amendment A1: 2002); German version EN 1155: 1997 + Al: 2002 edition index 2003-04
DIN EN 1155 Correction 1, Edition index 06-2006 Locks and building hardware - Electrically operated hold-open devices for swing doors - Requirements and test methods (contains Amendment A1: 2002); German version EN 1155: 1997 + A1: 2002 , corrections to DIN EN 1155: 2003-04 ; German version EN 1155: 1997 / AC: 2006
DIN EN 1158 Locks and building hardware - Door co-ordinators - Requirements and test methods (contains Amendment A1: 2002); German version EN 1158: 1997 + Al: 2002 edition index 04-2003
DIN EN 1158 Correction 1 , edition index 06-2006 Locks and building hardware - Door co-ordinators - Requirements and test methods (contains Amendment A1: 2002); German version EN 1158: 1997 + A1: 2002 , corrections to DIN EN 1158: 2003-04 ; German version EN 1158: 1997 / AC: 2006
DIN EN 1303 , edition index 04-2005 Building hardware - Lock cylinders for locks - Requirements and test methods; German version EN 1303: 2005-04
DIN EN 1527 Locks and building hardware - Hardware for sliding and folding doors - Requirements and test methods; German version EN 1527: 1998 issue date 1998-12
DIN EN 1670 Locks and building hardware - Corrosion behavior - Requirements and test methods; German version EN 1670: 2007 edition index 06-2007
DIN EN 1906 Locks and building hardware - Door handles and door knobs - Requirements and test methods; German version EN 1906: 2002 edition index 05-2002
DIN EN 12194 External and internal closures and awnings - Incorrect operation - Test method; German version EN 12194: 2000 output index 10-200
DIN EN 12209 Locks and building hardware - Locks - Mechanically operated locks and striking plates - Requirements and test methods; German version EN 12209: 2003 edition index 03-2004
DIN EN 12209-3 Building hardware - Locks and latches - Part 3: Electromechanical locks and electromechanical striking plates, requirements and testing; German version prEN 12209-3: 1998 edition index 07-1998
DIN EN 12320 Building hardware - Padlocks and padlock fittings - Requirements and test methods; German version EN 12320: 2012 issue date 2012-12
DIN EN 13126-1 Building hardware - Hardware for windows and balcony doors - Requirements and test methods - Part 1: Common requirements for all types of hardware; German version EN 13126-1: 2011 , issue date 2012-02
DIN EN 13126-2 Building hardware - Hardware for windows and balcony doors - Requirements and test methods - Part 2: Friction fasteners; German version EN 13126-2: 2011 , issue date 2011-12
DIN EN 13126-3 Building hardware - Hardware for windows and balcony doors - Requirements and test methods - Part 3: Operating handles, in particular for Tilt & Turn, Tilt & Turn and Turn hardware; German version EN 13126-3: 2011 , issue date 2012-02
DIN EN 13126-4 Building hardware - Hardware for windows and balcony doors - Requirements and test methods - Part 4: Edge fasteners; German version EN 13126-4: 2008 , issue date 2009-01
DIN EN 13126-5 Building hardware - Hardware for windows and balcony doors - Requirements and test methods - Part 5: Devices for limiting the opening angle of windows; German version EN 13126-5: 2011 + A1: 2014 , issue date 2015-01
DIN EN 13126-6 Building hardware - Hardware for windows and balcony doors - Requirements and test methods - Part 6: Scissors with variable geometry (with or without friction system); German version EN 13126-6: 2018 , issue date 2018-10
DIN EN 13126-7 Building hardware - Requirements and test methods for windows and balcony doors - Part 7: Latch catches ; German version EN 13126-7: 2007 , issue date 2007-12
DIN EN 13126-8 Building hardware - Hardware for windows and balcony doors - Part 8: Requirements and test methods for Tilt & Turn, Tilt & Turn and Turn hardware; German version EN 13126-8: 2017 , issue date 2018-01
DIN EN 13126-9 Building hardware - Requirements and test methods for windows and balcony doors - Part 9: Hardware for pivot and pivot windows; German version EN 13126-9: 2013 , edition 2013-04
DIN EN 13126-10 Building hardware - Hardware for windows and balcony doors - Requirements and test methods - Part 10: Retractable sash systems; German version EN 13126-10: 2008 , issue date 2009-02
DIN EN 13126-11 Building hardware - Hardware for windows and balcony doors - Requirements and test methods - Part 11: Reversible hardware for cantilevered top-hung windows; German version EN 13126-11: 2008 , issue date 2009-02
DIN EN 13126-12 Building hardware - Hardware for windows and balcony doors - Requirements and test methods - Part 12: Hardware for cantilevered pivoting and reversing windows; German version EN 13126-12: 2008 , issue date 2009-03
DIN EN 13126-13 Building hardware - Hardware for windows and balcony doors - Requirements and test methods - Part 13: Counterweights for vertical sliding windows; German version EN 13126-13: 2012 , issue date 2012-08
DIN EN 13126-14 Building hardware - Hardware for windows and balcony doors - Requirements and test methods - Part 14: One-pin locks for sliding windows; German version EN 13126-14: 2012 , issue date 2012-08
DIN EN 13126-19 Building hardware - Hardware for windows and balcony doors - Requirements and test methods - Part 19: Sliding locks (SCD); German version EN 13126-19: 2011 , issue date 2011-05
Draft standard DIN EN 13633 Locks and building hardware - Electrically controlled panic door locks, for doors in escape routes - Requirements and test methods; German version prEN 13633: 2009 Edition index 04-2009 (Note: Document has been withdrawn)
DIN EN 13637 Locks and building hardware - Electrically controlled escape door systems for doors in escape routes - Requirements and test methods; German version EN 13637: 2015 , issue date 2015-12
DIN EN 14201 Closures and shops - Resistance to repeated use (mechanical life) - Test method; German version EN 14201: 2004 edition index 04-2004
DIN EN 14637 Locks and building hardware - Electrically controlled hold- open systems for fire / smoke protection doors - Requirements, test methods, application and maintenance; German version EN 14637: 2007 edition index 01-2008
DIN EN 14648 Locks and building hardware - Hardware for shutters - Requirements and test methods; German version EN 14648: 2007 edition index 12-2007
DIN EN 14846 Building hardware - Locks - Electromechanical locks and striking plates - Requirements and test methods; German version EN 14846: 2008 issue date 2008-11
Draft standard DIN EN 14846 Locks and building hardware - Locks - Electromechanical locks and striking plates - Requirements and test methods; German and English version prEN 14846: 2015 issue date 2015-07
Fire protection standards
DIN 4844 defines pictograms for fire protection signs. Recognition distances and colors are also defined.
Standards for warning systems for homes
DIN EN 14604 smoke alarm device ; German version EN 14604: 2005 issue date 2009-02
Draft standard DIN EN 14604 smoke alarm device ; German and English version prEN 14604: 2016 issue date 2016-02
DIN EN 14604 smoke alarm device ; German version DIN EN 14604: 2005 edition index 02-2009
EN 14604 / AC smoke alarm device; European version EN 14604: 2005 / AC edition index 10-2008
DIN 14676 smoke alarm device for residential buildings, apartments and rooms with similar use - installation, operation and maintenance, edition index 09-2012
DIN VDE V 0826-1 Monitoring systems - Part 1: Hazard warning systems (GWA) and safety technology in smart home applications for residential buildings, apartments and rooms with similar use - planning, installation, operation, maintenance, device and system requirements Issue date 2018-09
Standards for safes and storage cabinets
DIN EN 1047-1 Secure storage units - Classification and methods for testing resistance to fire - Part 1: Data safes and diskette inserts; German version EN 1047-1: 2005 edition index 01-2006
DIN EN 1047-2 Secure storage units - Classification and methods for testing resistance to fire - Part 2: Data rooms and data containers; German version EN 1047-2: 2009 + A1: 2013 , edition 2013-05
DIN EN 1143-1 Safes - Requirements, classification and methods for testing the resistance to burglary - Part 1: Safes, safes for ATMs, strongroom doors and strongrooms; German version EN 1143-1: 2012 , issue date 2012-07
DIN EN 1143-2 Secure storage units - Requirements, classification and methods for testing resistance to burglary - Part 2: Deposit systems; German version EN 1143-2: 2014 , issue date 2014-09
DIN EN 1300 Secure storage units - Classification of high security locks according to their resistance value against unauthorized opening; German version EN 1300: 2013 edition index 05-2014
DIN EN 14450 Secure storage units - Requirements, classification and methods for testing resistance to burglary - Safety cabinets ; German version EN 14450: 2005 edition index 06-2005
DIN EN 14470-1 Fire- resistant storage cabinets - Part 1: Safety cabinets for flammable liquids ; German version EN 14470-1: 2004 , edition index 07-2004
DIN EN 14470-2 Fire- resistant storage cabinets - Part 2: Safety cabinets for pressurized gas cylinders; German version EN 14470-2: 2006 edition index 11-2006
DIN EN 15659 Classification and methods for testing resistance to fire - Light fire protection cabinets ; German version prEN 15659: 2007 edition index 07-2007
Technical fire protection standards
BrandSchLeitAnlRLEErl ST Introduction of technical building regulations - Guideline on fire protection requirements for piping systems, edition index 06-1996
M line installation directive ; MLAR model guideline on fire protection requirements for line systems (model line system guideline - M-LAR) edition index 11-2005
VDI 3819 Part 1 Fire protection in building technology - laws, ordinances, technical rules; Edition index 05-2012
VDI 3819 Part 2 Fire protection in building technology - functions and interactions; Edition index 07-2013
VDI 3819 Part 3 Fire protection in building technology - Fire protection planning and fire protection instruction - Obligations, content and documentation; Issue index 01-2009
DIN 1988-600 Technical rules for drinking water installations - Part 600: Drinking water installations in connection with fire extinguishing and fire protection systems, edition index 12-2010
DIN EN 13501-3 Classification of construction products and types of construction with regard to their reaction to fire - Part 3: Classification with the results from the fire resistance tests on components of building services systems: Fire- resistant pipes and fire dampers ; Edition index 02-2010
DIN EN ISO 19353 Safety of machinery - Preventive and defensive fire protection ( ISO 19353: 2015 ); German version EN ISO 19353: 2016 , issue date 2016-07
VDMA 24188 smoke protection measures in stairwells - smoke removal , smoke dilution , smoke control output index 06-2011
VdS 2298 ventilation systems in the fire protection concept - leaflet for planning, execution and operation edition index 06-2002
Ventilation standards
DIN EN 15423 Ventilation of buildings - Fire protection of ventilation systems in buildings Edition index 09-2008
DIN EN 15871 Ventilation for buildings - Fire-resistant ducts, edition index 10-2008
Elevator standards
VDI 6017 Elevators - Control in case of fire, issue index 11-2008
VdS 2895 Installation of systems for elevator shaft smoke extraction, edition index 02-2012
DIN 18091 elevators; Shaft sliding doors for lift shafts with walls of fire resistance class F 90 Edition index 07-1993
DIN EN 81-58 Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts - Examination and tests - Part 58: Testing the fire resistance of landing doors output index 12-2003
DIN EN 81-72 Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts - Special applications for passenger and freight lifts - Part 72: Fire service lifts, edition index 11-2003
DIN EN 81-73 Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts - Special applications for passenger and freight lifts - Part 73: Behavior of lifts in the event of fire; German version EN 81-73: 2016 edition index 06-2016
Sprinkler system standards
VdS guideline VdS CEA 4001 ; VdS CEA guidelines for sprinkler systems - planning and installation; German version CEA 4001 2013-08 Edition index : 04-2014
DIN EN 12845 : 2016-04; Fixed fire fighting systems - Automatic sprinkler systems - Planning, installation and maintenance German version EN 12845: 2015 + AC: 2016 Edition index 04-2016
Fire-fighting system standards
DIN EN 12094-1 Fixed fire fighting systems - Components for extinguishing systems with gaseous extinguishing agents - Part 1: Requirements and test methods for automatic electrical control and delay devices ; German version EN 12094-1: 2003 edition index 07-2003
DIN EN 12094-1 Correction 1 Fixed fire fighting systems - Components for extinguishing systems with gaseous extinguishing agents - Part 1: Requirements and test methods for automatic electrical control and delay devices; German version EN 12094-1: 2003 , corrections to DIN EN 12094-1: 2003-07 edition index 09-2006
DIN EN 12094-2 Fixed fire-fighting systems - Components for extinguishing systems with gaseous extinguishing agents - Part 2: Requirements and test methods for non-electrical automatic control and delay devices; German version EN 12094-2: 2003 edition index 09-2003
DIN EN 12094-3 Fixed fire-fighting systems - Components for extinguishing systems with gaseous extinguishing agents - Part 3: Requirements and test methods for manual release devices and stop buttons; German version EN 12094-3: 2003 edition index 07-2003
DIN EN 12094-4 Fixed fire-fighting systems - Components for extinguishing systems with gaseous extinguishing agents - Part 4: Requirements and test methods for container valve assemblies and associated triggering devices; German version EN 12094-4: 2004 edition index 10-2004
DIN EN 12094-5 Fixed fire-fighting systems - Components for extinguishing systems with gaseous extinguishing agents - Part 5: Requirements and test methods for high and low pressure range valves and associated release devices; German version EN 12094-5: 2006 edition index 07-2006
DIN EN 12094-6 Fixed fire fighting systems - Components for extinguishing systems with gaseous extinguishing agents - Part 6: Requirements and test methods for non-electrical blocking devices; German version EN 12094-6: 2006 edition index 07-2006
DIN EN 12094-7 Fixed fire-fighting systems - Components for extinguishing systems with gaseous extinguishing agents - Part 7: Requirements and test methods for nozzles for CO 2 systems; German version EN 12094-7: 2000 + A1: 2005 , issue date 2005-04
DIN EN 12094-8 Fixed fire-fighting systems - Components for extinguishing systems with gaseous extinguishing agents - Part 8: Requirements and test methods for connections; German version EN 12094-8: 2006 edition index 07-2006
DIN EN 12094-9 Fixed fire-fighting systems - Components for extinguishing systems with gaseous extinguishing agents - Part 9: Requirements and test methods for special fire detection elements; German version EN 12094-9: 2003 edition index 07-2003
DIN EN 12094-10 Fixed fire-fighting systems - Components for extinguishing systems with gaseous extinguishing agents - Part 10: Requirements and test methods for pressure gauges and pressure switches; German version EN 12094-10: 2003 edition index 09-2003
DIN EN 12094-11 Fixed fire-fighting systems - Components for extinguishing systems with gaseous extinguishing agents - Part 11: Requirements and test methods for mechanical weighing devices; German version EN 12094-11: 2003 edition index 07-2003
DIN EN 12094-12 Fixed fire-fighting systems - Components for extinguishing systems with gaseous extinguishing agents - Part 12: Requirements and test methods for pneumatic alarm devices; German version EN 12094-12: 2003 edition index 07-2003
DIN EN 12094-13 Fixed fire fighting systems - Components for extinguishing systems with gaseous extinguishing agents - Part 13: Requirements and test methods for non-return valves and non-return valves; German version EN 12094-13: 2001 edition index 06-2001
DIN EN 12094-13 Correction 1 Corrections to DIN EN 12094-13: 2001-06 ( EN 12094-13: 2001 / AC: 2002 ) edition index 06-2002
DIN EN 12094-16 Standard Fixed fire-fighting systems - Components for extinguishing systems with gaseous extinguishing agents - Part 16: Requirements and test methods for odorization devices for low-pressure CO 2 systems; German version EN 12094-16: 2003 edition index 07-2003
Smoke and heat extraction systems
VdS 3122 Wind detection devices for the control of smoke and heat ventilation systems influenced by the wind, issue index 06-2009
DIN 12101-2 Keeping smoke and heat free - Part 2: Regulations for natural heat extraction devices ; Issue index 09-2003
DIN EN 12101-6 Smoke and heat control - Part 6: Specifications for differential pressure systems , kits; Issue index 09-2005
DIN 18232-1 Keeping smoke and heat free - Part 1: Terms, tasks ; Edition index 02-2002
DIN 18232-2 Keeping smoke and heat free - Part 2: Natural smoke extraction systems (NRA); Dimensioning, requirements and installation; Issue index 11-2007
DIN 18232-4 Smoke and heat exemption - Part 4: Heat exhausts (WA), test method, issue index 04-2003
DIN 18232-5 Keeping smoke and heat free - Part 5: Mechanical smoke extraction systems (MRA); Requirements, dimensioning; Issue date 2012-11
DIN 18232-7 Smoke and heat exemption - Part 7: Heat exhausts from fusible materials; Assessment procedure and installation, issue date 2008-02
DIN 18232-9 Keeping smoke and heat free - Part 9: Essential characteristics and their minimum values for natural smoke and heat ventilation devices according to DIN EN 12101-2, issue date 2016-07
Flue gas desulphurisation systems
VdS 2371 Flue gas desulphurisation systems (REA); Fire Protection Guidelines, Edition Index 10-1993
Water spray extinguishing system standards
VdS guideline: VdS 2109 ; Guidelines for water spray extinguishing systems - planning and installation ; Edition index 2012-06
Standards for alarm transmission systems
DIN EN 50136-1 i. V. m. VDE 0830-5-1 Alarm systems - Alarm transmission systems and alarm transmission systems - Part 1: General requirements for alarm transmission systems; German version EN 50136-1: 2012 , edition index 08-2012
DIN EN 50136-2: 2014-08 i. V. m. VDE 0830-5-2: 2014-08 Alarm systems - Alarm transmission systems and alarm transmission devices - Part 2: Requirements for transmission devices (TD); German version EN 50136-2: 2013 , edition index 08-2014
DIN EN 50136-2-4 i. V. m. VDE 0830 Part 5-2-4 Alarm systems - Alarm transmission systems and alarm transmission devices - Part 2-4: Requirements for devices for dialing and announcement systems for the public switched telephone network ; German version EN 50136-2-4: 1998 , edition index 04-2000 Note: This standard has been repealed and replaced by DIN EN 50136-2 VDE 0830-5-2: 2014-08 . End of the transition period: August 12, 2016
DIN EN 50136-3: 2014-08 i. V. m. VDE 0830-5-3: 2014-08 Alarm systems - Alarm transmission systems and alarm transmission devices - Part 3: Requirements for transmission centers (ÜZ); German version EN 50136-3: 2013 , edition index 08-2014
Pre-standard DIN CLC / TS 50136-4: 2005-07 in conjunction with VDE V 0830-5-4: 2005-07 Alarm systems - Alarm transmission systems and alarm transmission systems - Part 4: Display and operating equipment; German version CLC / TS 50136-4: 2004, edition index 07-2005
Pre-standard DIN CLC / TS 50136-7: 2018-05 in conjunction with VDE V 0830-5-7: 2018-05 Alarm systems - Alarm transmission systems and devices - Part 7: Application rules ; German version CLC / TS 50136-7: 2017 , issue date 2018-05
Prestandard DIN CLC / TS 50136-9: 2018-07 ; VDE V 0830-5-9: 2018-07 Alarm systems - Alarm transmission systems and devices - Part 9: Requirements for standardized protocols for alarm transmission using the Internet protocol (IP); German version CLC / TS 50136-9: 2017 , issue date 2018-07
Standards for fire alarm systems
DIN 14096 Fire Protection Regulations - Rules for creating and displaying ; Issue date 2014-05
DIN 14623 orientation signs for automatic fire detectors; Issue index 09-2009
DIN 14661 fire services - Fire service control panel for fire alarm systems ; Edition index 11-2016
DIN 14662 fire services - Fire service display panel for fire alarm systems; Edition index 11-2016
DIN 14674 Fire alarm systems - Cross- system networking; Edition index 09-2010
DIN 14675 Fire alarm systems - Construction and operation; Edition index 04-2012
DIN 14675 supplement 1 application note; Edition index 12-2014
DIN 14675 / A1 , see: (Networking of fire alarm systems according to DIN 14675) According to DIN 14675 , over 2000 companies in Germany are certified.
DIN 14677 Maintenance of electrically controlled hold-open systems for fire and smoke protection barriers ; Edition index 03-2011
DIN 14678 manual call point (type K) for use in workplaces at risk of explosion due to gases or dust; Edition index 08-2008
The standards of the EN 54 series apply to fire alarm systems inside and outside of buildings, which consist of different components and which communicate with each other in order to detect fires at the earliest possible time and to: - local and / or remote alarms to authorized organizations working on buildings and whose environment must be respected; - to trigger signals for the operation of other fire protection equipment and fire protection systems in the event of a fire .
DIN EN 54-1 Fire alarm systems (BMA) - Part 1: Introduction; Terms; German version EN 54-1: 2011 Compared to DIN EN 54-1: 1996-10 , the following changes have been made: a) Extension to include new parts of the series of standards EN 54; b) Revision of Figure 1: Introduction of functionalities; c) editorial updates.
DIN EN 54-2 / A1 Fire alarm systems - Part 2: Fire alarm control panels; German version EN 54-2: 1997 / A1: 2006 , edition index 01-2007
Draft standard DIN EN 54-2 Fire alarm systems - Part 2: Fire alarm control panels; German version prEN 54-2: 2016 , edition index 03-2016
DIN EN 54-3 Fire alarm systems - Part 3: Fire alarm systems - Acoustic signaling devices; German version EN 54-3: 2014 , edition index 09-2014
DIN EN 54-4 Fire alarm systems - Part 4: Energy supply systems
DIN EN 54-5 Fire alarm systems - Part 5: Heat detectors ; Point detectors; German version EN 54-5: 2000 , edition index 03-2001
DIN EN 54-6 Components of automatic fire alarm systems - Part 6: Heat detectors; Punctiform differential detectors without element with static response threshold; German version EN 54-6: 1984 (status 1988), edition index 09-1989 Note on standard This standard was repealed in March 2001 and replaced by DIN EN 54-5: 2001 .
DIN EN 54-7 Fire alarm systems - Part 7: Smoke alarms - Point-shaped smoke alarms based on the scattered light, transmitted light or ionization principle; German version EN 54-7: 2018 , issue date 2018-10
DIN EN 54-8 Components of automatic fire alarm systems - Part 8: Heat detectors with high response temperatures; German version EN 54-8: 1984 (status 1988), edition index 09-1989
DIN EN 54-10 Fire alarm system - Part 10: Flame detectors - Point-shaped detectors
DIN EN 54-11 Fire alarm systems - Part 11: Manual call points ; German version EN 54-11: 2001 , edition index 10-2001
DIN EN 54-11 / A1 Fire alarm systems - Part 11: Manual call points ; German version EN 54-11 / A1: 2005 , edition index 03-2006
Draft standard DIN EN 54-11 Fire alarm systems - Part 11: Manual call points ; German version prEN 54-11: 2015 , edition index 09-2015
DIN EN 54-12 Fire alarm system - Part 12: Linear smoke detectors
DIN EN 54-13 Fire alarm systems - Part 13: Draft standard see "Evaluation of the compatibility and connectability of system components"; German version EN 54-13: 2017 // Predecessor standard EN 54-13: 2005
DIN EN 54-14 Fire alarm systems - Part 14: Guidelines for planning, project planning, installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance; German version prEN 54-14: 2001 , edition index 08-2001 Note on standard: This standard has been withdrawn without replacement in Germany, but has been replaced by: CEN / TS 54-14 Fire alarm systems - Part 14: Guidelines for planning, project planning, installation, commissioning , Operation and maintenance; Edition index 07-2004 Draft standard DIN EN 54-14 Fire alarm systems - Part 14: Guidelines for planning, project planning, assembly, commissioning, operation and maintenance; German version prEN 54-14: 2011 , edition index: 06-2011
DIN EN 54-15 Fire alarm systems - Part 15: Point multiple sensor detectors; German version prEN 54-15: 2006 , edition index 07-2006 Standard reference: This standard DIN EN 54-15 was withdrawn without replacement in 09-2009.
DIN EN 54-17 Fire alarm systems - Part 17: Short circuit isolators ; German version EN 54-17: 2005 , edition index 03-2006
DIN EN 54-18 Fire alarm systems - Part 18: Input / output devices ; German version EN 54-18: 2005 , edition index 03-2006
DIN EN 54-18 Corrigendum 1 Fire alarm systems - Part 18: Input / output devices ; German version EN 54-18: 2005 , corrections to DIN EN 54-18: 2006-03 ; German version EN 54-18: 2005 / AC: 2007 , edition index 05-2007
DIN EN 54-20 Fire alarm systems - Part 20: Aspirating smoke detectors; German version prEN 54-20: 2006 + AC: 2008 , edition index 02-2009 Draft standard: DIN EN 54-20: 2014-04 Fire alarm systems - Part 20: Aspirating smoke detectors; German version prEN 54-20: 2014 , edition index 03-2011
DIN EN 54-21 Fire alarm systems - Part 21: Transmission systems for fire and fault reports ; German version EN 54-21: 2006 , edition index 08-2006
DIN EN 54-22 Fire alarm systems - Part 22: Resettable linear heat detectors; German version EN 54-22: 2015 , issue date 2015-07
DIN EN 54-23 Fire alarm systems - Part 23: Fire alarm systems - Optical signaling devices; German version EN 54-23: 2010 , edition index 06-2010
DIN EN 54-25 Fire alarm systems - Part 25: Components using high frequency connections; German version EN 54-20: 2008 , edition index 02-2009
DIN EN 54-25 Correction 1: 2012-09 - Part 25: Components that use high frequency connections; German version EN 54-25: 2008 / AC: 2012 , edition index 09-2012
DIN EN 54-26 Fire alarm systems - Part 26: Carbon monoxide alarms - Point- type alarms ; German version EN 54-26: 2015 , issue date 2015-11
DIN EN 54-27 Fire alarm systems - Part 27: Smoke detectors for monitoring ventilation ducts; German version EN 54-27: 2015 , edition index 05-2015
DIN EN 54-28 Fire alarm systems - Part 28: Non-resettable linear heat detectors; German version EN 54-28: 2016 , issue date 2016-07
DIN EN 54-29 Fire alarm systems - Part 29: Multiple sensor fire detectors - Point-type detectors with combined smoke and heat sensors; German version EN 54-29: 2015 , edition index 06-2015
DIN EN 54-30 Fire alarm systems - Part 30: Multiple sensor fire detectors - Point-type detectors with combined CO and heat sensors; German version EN 54-30: 2015 , issue date 2015-11
DIN EN 54-31 Fire alarm systems - Part 31: Multiple sensor fire detectors - Point-type detectors with combined smoke, CO and optional heat sensors; German version EN 54-31: 2014 , edition index 05-2015
Voice alarm systems
DIN EN 54-16 Fire alarm systems - Part 16: Voice alarm systems ; German version EN 54-16: 2008 , edition index 06-2008
DIN EN 54-24 Fire alarm systems - Part 24: Components for voice alarm systems - Loudspeakers; German version EN 54-24: 2008 , edition index 06-2008
DIN EN 50849 i. V. m. VDE 0828-1 Electroacoustic emergency warning systems; German version EN 50849: 2017 , issue date 2017-11
Emergency call for the disabled
DIN VDE 0834-1: 2000-04 ; VDE 0834-1: 2000-04 Call systems in hospitals, nursing homes and similar facilities - Part 1: Device requirements, installation and operation; Edition index 04-2000 - Part 2: Environmental conditions and electromagnetic compatibility; Issue index 04-2000
With applicable fire protection standards
Fire fighting standards
DIN 14011 Fire Brigade - Terms; Issue date 2018-01
DIN 14095 fire brigade plans for structures; Issue index 05-2007
DIN 14461-1 Fire extinguishing hose connection devices - Part 1: Wall hydrant with dimensionally stable hose; Issue date 2016-10
DIN 14461-2 Fire extinguishing hose connection devices - Part 2: Feeding device and extraction device for "dry" extinguishing water pipes ; Issue date 2009-09
DIN 14461-3 Fire extinguishing hose connection devices - Part 3: Hose connection valves PN 16; Issue date 2016-10
DIN 14461-4 Fire extinguishing hose connection devices - Part 4: Feed fitting PN 16 for extinguishing water pipes ; Issue date 2008-02
DIN 14461-5 Fire extinguishing hose connection devices - Part 5: Withdrawal fitting PN 16 for extinguishing water pipes ; Issue date 2008-02
DIN 14461-6 Fire extinguishing hose connection devices - Part 6: Wall hydrants with flat hose for trained personnel; Issue date 2016-10
Fire prevention educational institutions
- “Building is adding value!” Against this background, it is increasingly important to impart knowledge on fire protection in a complex manner.
- “Whoever plans is liable, whoever builds is liable!” This responsibility rests with every builder and every architect / engineer.
- “The causer is liable for hidden deficiencies in fire protection for 30 years!” Everyone in the building is somehow jointly liable in the worst-case scenario.
- Technical University of Kaiserslautern: Structural fire protection (specialization).
- Technical University of Braunschweig : Fire protection (specialization) (B.Sc., M.Sc.), Institute for Building Materials, Solid Construction and Fire Protection.
- Technical University of Kaiserslautern : Fire protection planning (M.Eng.)
- Technical University of Dresden : Master's degree in Preventive Fire Protection (M.Eng.)
- Technical Academy Southwest e. V. (TAS) of the FH and the TU Kaiserslautern: Preventive Fire Protection (M.Eng.)
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences :
- Hazard Defense / Hazard Control (B.Eng.)
- Rescue engineering / Rescue Engineering (B.Eng.)
Technical University of Cologne :
Rescue engineering and security
- Specialization in rescue engineering (B.Eng., M.Sc.)
- Degree in fire protection engineering (B.Eng., M.Sc.)
- Specialist planner and construction manager in fire protection
Rescue engineering and security
- Furtwangen University : Security & Safety Engineering (B.Sc., M.Sc.)
- Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg / University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal : Safety and Security (B.Sc., M.Sc.)
- Bergische Universität Wuppertal : Fire Protection Engineer (M.Sc.)
- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - Research Center for Fire Protection Technology
- University for Continuing Education Krems : Fire Safety Management (M.Sc.)
See also
- Fire barrier (cable)
- Firefighting turbine
- Fire protection sign
- Federal Association of Technical Fire Protection
- Fire protection fittings
- ICAO fire protection category , requirements for rescue and fire extinguishing at airfields
- Frieder Kircher, Rainer Sonntag: Die Roten Hefte, Issue 25 - Preventive Fire Protection . 1st edition. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 2014, ISBN 978-3-17-016996-8 .
- Josef Mayr, Lutz Battran: Fire Protection Atlas - Structural Fire Protection. FeuerTRUTZ Network GmbH, 2006, ISBN 3-939138-01-0 .
- Adam Merschbacher: Fire protection: Practical manual for planning, execution and monitoring. Verlagsgesellschaft Rudolf Müller, 2005, ISBN 3-481-02054-6 .
- German Society for Wood Research e. V .: Wood fire protection manual . Verlag Ernst & Sohn; 3rd completely revised edition. 2009, ISBN 978-3-433-02902-2 .
- Buchholz, Eberl-Pacan, Sadowski, Wieneke: The construction site manual for fire protection . Forum Verlag, Mering 2012, ISBN 978-3-86586-252-5 .
Web links
- Germany
- Information on the subject from the Bundesverband Brandschutz-Fachbetriebe e. V. , at
- German Fire Brigade Association: Joint Committee on Fire Protection Education and Awareness
- Info center of the Federal Association of Technical Fire Protection e. V.
- BGI 560 "Occupational safety through preventive fire protection" (trade association information from the trade association regulations)
- Work safety information ASI 9.30 - Fire protection in the company , professional association for food and hospitality
- Braunschweig Fire Protection Days
- Fire protection - more security in your own home, guide
- FeuerTRUTZ magazine for fire protection planners
- Austria
- OIB guidelines, guidelines of the Austrian Institutes for structural engineering:
- OIB guideline 2 "Fire protection" (PDF; 1.75 MB)
- OIB guideline 2.1 "Fire protection in industrial buildings" (PDF; 1.49 MB)
- OIB guideline 2.2 "Fire protection in garages, covered parking spaces and parking decks" (PDF; 1.46 MB)
- OIB guideline 2.3 "Fire protection in buildings with an escape level of more than 22 m" (PDF; 1.48 MB)
- Switzerland
- Swiss fire protection regulations (standards and guidelines)
- BGI 560 "Work safety through preventive fire protection" (Swiss fire protection)
Individual evidence
- ↑ Principles for the interpretation of § 14 MBO ( model building regulations )
- ↑ Rudolf Jeschar, Hartmut Kainer, Eckehard Specht: The influence of carbonate aggregates on the thermal behavior of concrete under fire exposure. Final report on sub-project C 2 of the SFB 148 - Fire behavior of components - at the TU Braunschweig, self-published Institute for Heat Technology and Industrial Furnace Construction, TU Clausthal, March 1982
- ↑ Josef Pichler: Fire load-reducing measures and preventive fire protection in the technical infrastructure of office buildings. Munich 2003, ISBN 3-638-26413-0 .
- ↑ Table of contents of DIN 14675: 2012-04 .
- ^ Franz-Josef Sehr : The fire extinguishing system in Obertiefenbach from earlier times . In: Yearbook for the Limburg-Weilburg district 1994 . The district committee of the Limburg-Weilburg district, Limburg-Weilburg 1993, p. 151-153 .
- ↑ Fire protection TU Braunschweig .
- ^ Department of Fire Protection - Courses (TU Braunschweig) .
- ↑ Faculty of Architecture Civil Engineering Environmental Sciences (TU Braunschweig)
- ^ Department of Fire Protection, Institute for Building Materials, Solid Construction and Fire Protection (iBMB) .
- ^ Technical University of Kaiserslautern: The master's distance learning course in fire protection planning .
- ↑ Master's degree in preventive fire protection MEng, EIPOS at the TU Dresden ( Memento from October 25, 2011 in the Internet Archive ).
- ↑ Preventive fire protection (M.Eng.), TAS of the FH and the TU Kaiserslautern
- ↑ Examination regulations for the Preventive Fire Protection, TAS course of the FH and the TU Kaiserslautern .
- ↑ Hazard Defense / Hazard Control (B.Eng.), University of Applied Sciences Hamburg
- ^ Course flyer on Hazard Control (B.Eng.), Hamburg University of Applied Sciences .
- ↑ Certificate course, TH Köln .
- ↑ Security & Safety Engineering, Furtwangen University .
- ↑ Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - Research Center for Fire Protection Technology (allocation of topics for bachelor and master theses. These topics are supervised at the FFB.) .
- ↑ Fire Safety Management (MSc), Danube University Krems .