Deadwood (TV series)

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Television series
German title Deadwood
Original title Deadwood
Deadwood titleimage.jpg
Country of production United States
original language English
Year (s) 2004-2006
length 50 minutes
Episodes 36 in 3 seasons ( list )
genre drama
idea David Milk
music Reinhold Heil ,
Johnny Klimek
First broadcast March 21, 2004 (USA) on HBO
first broadcast
April 16, 2005 on Premiere Film

Deadwood is an American television series broadcast by HBO and set in Deadwood, South Dakota in 1876 and 1877, shortly after the Battle of Little Bighorn . The concept comes from David Milch (Executive Producer), who also invented the television series NYPD Blue .

The film, set ten years later, was released in 2019.

Historical background

By 1877, Deadwood was no longer a real town, but rather an improvised camp of adventurers and gold seekers who were lured by the rumor that the Black Hills were rich in gold.

Just like the events around the development of the settlement, many of the characters are based on historical figures, such as Bill Hickok , Seth Bullock , Calamity Jane , Al Swearengen or George Hearst . The plot of the series mixes historical facts with fictional elements.

The series was initially controversial not only because of the depiction, which some critics perceived as misogynistic (but historically correct), but also because of the explicit representation of sexuality and the coarse language, but is today largely considered a masterpiece.


The third and final season ran on American television from June 11 to August 27, 2006. The end for the series was related to the new engagements of Deadwood creator David Milch, who was hired by HBO after the success of Deadwood , The Surfers Series to realize John from Cincinnati . Originally there were plans for a fourth season in the form of two longer television films. The negotiations dragged on until the backdrops were torn down, which would have made it disproportionately expensive to restart production. Since then, the authors, producers, actors, etc. involved have repeatedly spoken and rumored about a possible film production. In July 2018, HBO confirmed the production of a television film that aired on HBO on May 31, 2019.


First season - 1876

Seth Bullock gives up his sheriff post in Montana and goes to Deadwood with his partner Sol Star to open a hardware store there. Shortly after his arrival, he met the famous gunslinger Wild Bill Hickok , who was staying in Deadwood with his friends Calamity Jane and Charlie Utter. While Bullock and Hickok treat each other with respect and become friends, Bullock clashes with Al Swearengen , the owner of the saloon and brothel The Gem . Swearengen has a hand in all Deadwood affairs.

A rider arrives at Deadwood and reports that the Norwegian Metz family, who were about to leave Deadwood, were robbed, murdered and scalped by Indians. Bullock, Hickok and Utter visit the crime scene and surprisingly find a survivor with the youngest daughter of the family, whom they place in the care of Jane and the doctor Cochran. Bullock, Hickok and Utter suspect that the Indian attack was only fake and that in reality muggers under Swearengen's command are responsible for the massacre. Swearengen kills the muggers after leaving a survivor and also threatens the life of the little girl Jane and Utter are hiding with. Swearengen finally gives up his plans to kill the little girl who only speaks Norwegian and appears very apathetic.

At the same time in Deadwood are businessman Brom Garret and his laudanum- addicted wife Alma. Swearengen turns the naive Brom with an apparently worthless gold claim. When Brom discovers the fraud and threatens to turn on the dreaded and hated Pinkerton detective agency , Swearengen has him murdered by his henchman Dan. By chance, Dan discovers that the claim, which now falls into the possession of Alma, is not worthless, but rather has a rich gold vein.

Hickok is at the poker table in Saloon No. 10 shot from behind by the loser Jack McCall . However, McCall is acquitted by the hastily rounded up court in Deadwood and leaves town. Jane can't cope with the death of her best friend and flees into the woods to get drunk without restraint. The little girl ends up in Alma's care, while Bullock and Utter chase after the fugitive McCall and finally bring him to a proper court.

Since Alma is overwhelmed with the care of the little girl, Swearengen sends her his prostitute Trixie, who is personally close to him, who is supposed to supply Alma with opium in order to get her to sell the claim far below its value. However, Trixie takes Alma's side, helps her with the withdrawal and takes care of the little girl who is visibly blossoming and finally revealing her name - Sofia.

Swearengen faces competition from wealthy businessman Cy Tolliver, who is opening a more luxurious saloon called Bella Union . One of Tolliver's cronies, the professional player Andy Cramed, appears a little later in Deadwood and brings in the smallpox . So that the outbreak of the epidemic is not attributed to his shop, the unscrupulous Tolliver brings the seriously ill Andy to die in the forest. There he is found by Jane, who reluctantly takes care of him. The smallpox can eventually be defeated by a vaccine organized by Swearengen, and Andy survives, to Tolliver's horror. Andy then leaves Deadwood.

Bullock and veteran, kind-hearted prospector Ellsworth help Alma manage her gold claim. Alma and Bullock get closer in the process, although Bullock recently married his brother's widow, who is still in Montana with her son. When Alma's deceitful father shows up in Deadwood and blackmailed his daughter, Bullock beats him to death and chases him out of town forever. Then Bullock and Alma sleep together for the first time.

Several neighboring US territories are fighting to incorporate the still independent Deadwood. Swearengen tries to influence the matter with bribes and murder. For the sake of form, offices are determined. Bullock refuses the office of sheriff at first, but then seizes it when he realizes that Con Stapleton, who has been appointed sheriff, is trying to stir up discord between the white population and the Chinese immigrants in Deadwood on Tolliver's behalf.

The health of the Reverend Smith, the camp's only pastor, is deteriorating so that he soon becomes very forgetful and no longer knows what he is doing. Ultimately, Al Swearengen takes him into the gem and releases him from his suffering, which initially seemed to be due to a brain tumor. Dr. Cochran provides for a postmortem an encephalopathy fixed. Bullock lights the sheriff's star.

Second season - 1877

Alma has hired Miss Alice Isringhausen from New York as a tutor for her adopted daughter Sofia. Sheriff Bullock and Alma are still having an affair that Swearengen tries to use against Bullock. There is a heated argument between the two men, in which Bullock's partner Sol Star is shot. Trixie takes care of him and the two start a relationship.

Bullock's wife Martha and stepson William arrive in Deadwood, whereupon Alma and Bullock end their affair. Alma doesn't agree with Miss Isringhausen's cold and critical manner and fires her. As it now turns out, Miss Isringhausen is actually an agent of the Pinkertons trying to gather evidence that Alma commissioned the murder of her husband so that his family can snatch the gold claim after Alma's conviction. Miss Isringhausen tries to use Swearengen for her own purposes, but the latter detests the Pinkertons and drives the agent out of Deadwood.

Joanie Stubbs, the head prostitute of the Bella Union , breaks away from Cy Tolliver and opens the classy brothel The Chez Amis together with her business partner Maddie .

The colored owner of the rental stable, Hostetler, and his buddy Samuel Fields, who calls himself "Nigger General", try to tame a wild horse in order to sell it, but the animal escapes and tramples little William Bullock, who soon afterwards hits him dies of his injuries. Andy Cramed, who has returned to Deadwood and renounced his life as a professional player to become a pastor, is taking care of the funeral. Hostetler and Samuel Fields flee Deadwood in fear of the wrath of the people.

The geologist Francis Wolcott is on behalf of the gold magnate George Hearst in Deadwood to buy up all claims. He uses Tolliver for his own purposes. Maddie warns her business partner Joanie about the sadistic Wolcott, who has tortured and murdered several prostitutes. Wolcott finally strikes at The Chez Amis , killing Maddie and two of the prostitutes. While Tolliver removes the traces, Joanie brings the other prostitutes to safety with Charlie Utter's help. At Utter's request, Jane takes care of Joanie.

Alma and Star open the first bank in Deadwood. It also turns out that she is expecting a child from Bullock. Trixie then asks the good-hearted Ellsworth to propose to Alma, which Alma does. After some hesitation, Alma accepts the proposal and the two are married by Andy Cramed. After the party, Tolliver provokes Andy with fights and blasphemy until Andy stabs him down.

George Hearst finally arrives in Deadwood. When he learns of Wolcott's actions, he fires him. Wolcott then commits suicide.

Third season - 1878

George Hearst now owns most of the gold claims and wields them with a hard hand. He has workers who try to form a union killed. Meanwhile, all of Deadwood is preparing for the first official elections. Sol Star runs for mayor against EB Farnum, Bullock wants to be re-elected as sheriff and competes against the naive bartender Harry Manning.

Alma's pregnancy has to be terminated because of life-threatening complications. When Alma Hearst offers to participate in her gold claim, it makes it unmistakably clear to her that he only wants the entire property and nothing else. Eventually Alma falls back into opium addiction and Ellsworth realizes that his presence only makes it harder for her, so he moves out of the common house. The fear of losing her adopted daughter Sofia finally leads Alma to successfully combat her addiction a second time.

Tolliver survived Andy Cramed's knife attack. He wants Joanie to return to the Bella Union , but she makes it clear to him that she thinks he is a devil. She begins a relationship with Jane while her former brothel, The Chez Amis, now serves as a schoolhouse. Bullock's wife Martha takes over the lessons.

Hostetler and Samuel Fields return to Deadwood. The drunkard Steve, who in the meantime has taken care of the rental stable and the horses, demands that the business be left to him. Bullock leads the negotiations. After Steve bought the rental stable, he continues to humiliate Hostetler with racist slogans, whereupon the latter commits suicide. A little later, while trying to prevent Fields from leaving Deadwood, Steve is kicked by a horse and sustains serious brain injuries. Fields unexpectedly takes care of Steve.

Newcomers to Deadwood are theater manager Jack Langrishe with his troupe and Hearst's colored cook, Aunt Lou. Langrishe buys The Chez Amis and builds a new schoolhouse for it.

Hearst continues to pursue his interests in Deadwood by all means. He threatens Swearengen and even chops off his finger. After Swearengen's henchman Dan insulted the increasingly angry Hearst on the street, a brutal life-and-death fight ensues between Dan and Hearst's bodyguard Captain Turner, which Dan wins. Hearst then turns to the Pinkertons and calls for numerous armed men.

Alma is shot at in the street, apparently on Hearst's orders, but not injured. Shortly thereafter, Ellsworth is murdered by Hearst's henchmen. When Trixie sees Ellsworth's body, she shoots Hearst, but only slightly injures him. Out of concern for her life and that of Sofia, Alma finally sells her claim to Hearst, who also demands the death of the prostitute who shot him. Since he does not know Trixie and has not seen her exactly, Swearengen kills another prostitute and presents the body to Hearst. Hearst falls for it and leaves town complacent while Swearengen is in the process of mobilizing 150 armed men to bring Deadwood back under his control.

Bullock threatens Hearst again with consequences when he leaves, but ultimately loses the sheriff election manipulated by Hearst.

The film - 1889

About ten years later: George Hearst is a Senator from California and comes to Deadwood to deliver a speech to celebrate the founding of the state of South Dakota. Trixie, who is about to have a child from Sol Star, publicly denounces Hearst as a criminal. Hearst confronts Al Swearengen, realizing that he was once betrayed of his revenge. He wants Swearengen to help him get Charlie Utter's land as he wants to run phone lines through his land. But Utter refuses to sell his land to Hearst. The consequences are fatal for him.

Al Swearengen's excessive drinking takes its toll. He doesn't have long to live and is trying to sort out his inheritance. Meanwhile there is a showdown between Sheriff Bullock and Hearst. Bullock gets support and Hearst is arrested. The atmosphere is bubbling in the city and Bullock has to decide whether he a lynching permits to Hearst. Bullock wrestles with him and then brings the injured Hearst to jail.

On the death bed, Swearengen says goodbye to Trixie, who he once saved from Hearst, in his own way: he bequeaths his restaurant to her.


The series won eight Emmys and a Golden Globe Award . At the Golden Globe Awards in 2005 , the series was nominated in the category "Best Series - Drama", but lost the race against the series Nip / Tuck in this category . However, that year Ian McShane was named best actor in a television series. Other awards include the Cinema Audio Society for sound, the Directors Guild of America for Walter Hill, and the American Cinema Editors Association for Stephen Mark .


The series was set to music at the Arena Synchron in Berlin . Norbert Steinke wrote the dialogue books, Martin Keßler directed the dialogue.

actor character Historical figure background Voice actor
Timothy Olyphant Seth Bullock Seth Bullock Sheriff, owner of Star & Bullock Hardware Markus Pfeiffer
Ian McShane Al Swearengen Al Swearengen Operator of The Gem Saloon Lutz Riedel
Molly Parker Alma Garret - Widow of a prospector Gundi Eberhard
Powers Boothe Cy Tolliver Tom Miller Operator of the saloon The Bella Union Hans-Werner Bussinger
John Hawkes Sol Star Sol Star Co-operator of the Star & Bullock Hardware Stefan Krause
Paula Malcomson Trixie Tricksie of the Gem Prostitute at The Gem Saloon Irina von Bentheim
Brad Dourif Doc Cochran - Doctor from Deadwood Udo Schenk
William Sanderson EB Farnum EB Farnum Mayor and owner of The Grand Central Hotel Bodo Wolf
Kim Dickens Joanie Stubbs - Operator of the brothel The Chez Amis Christin Marquitan
Garret Dillahunt Jack McCall Jack McCall Wild Bill Hickok's murderer Olaf Reichmann
Francis Wolcott - Geologist and prostitute killer
Robin refuses Calamity Jane Calamity Jane Former scout and friend of Wild Bill Hickok Martina Treger
Dayton Callie Charlie Utter Charlie Utter Friend and companion of Wild Bill Hickok Uli Krohm
Anna Gunn Martha Eccles Bullock Martha Eccles Bullock Wife of Seth Bullock and widow of his brother
Jeffrey Jones AW Merrick AW Merrick Deadwood journalist and editor of The Deadwood Pioneer newspaper . Jürgen Kluckert
Jim Beaver Ellsworth - Prospectors Kaspar Eichel
W. Earl Brown Dan Dority Dan Doherty Follower of Al Swearengen Lutz Schnell
Titus Welliver Silas Adams - Follower of Al Swearengen Torsten Michaelis
Sean Bridgers Johnny Burns Johnny Burns Follower of Al Swearengen Michael Iwannek
Larry Cedar Leon - Follower of Cy Tolliver Viktor Neumann
Peter Jason Con Stapleton Con Stapleton Follower of Cy Tolliver Karl Schulz
Keith Carradine Wild Bill Hickok Wild Bill Hickok Famous gunslinger and temporary sheriff Pure beauty
Geri Jewell Jewel - Cleaning lady in the Gem Silvia Missbach
Keone Young Mr. Wu Tong war leader Leader of the Chinese. Runs a laundry and a pig farm Weijian Liu
Bree Seanna Wall Sofia Metz - Adopted daughter of Alma Garret, sole survivor of an attack on her family Ruby Obermann
Josh Eriksson William Bullock - Son of Seth's brother and his widow Martha Bullock Aljosha Fritzsche
Sarah Paulson Miss Alice Isringhausen - Teacher of Sofia Metz
Franklin Ajaye Samuel Fields (aka The Nigger General) Samuel Fields Self-proclaimed former black general in the US Army
Ray McKinnon Reverend Smith Henry Weston Smith Pastor in Deadwood Jaron Lowenberg
Alice Krige Maddie - Co-operator of The Chez Amis brothel Katja Nottke
Zach Grenier Andy Cramed - Gambler and later a minister in Deadwood Stefan Gossler
Leon Rippy Tom Nuttall Billy Nuttall Owner of Nutall's # 10 Saloon Helmut Krauss
Stephen Tobolowsky Hugo Jarry Hugh McCaffrey Yankton Territorial Government Commissioner and, finally, Executive Officer of the newly formed Deadwood County. Till Hagen
Pavel Lychnikoff Blazanov - Telegraph operator in Deadwood Rostislav Batalov

Waléra Kanishcheff

Gerald McRaney George Hearst George Hearst Mining magnate Frank Glaubrecht
Ralph Richeson Richardson - Staff at The Grand Central Hotel
Gale Harold Wyatt Earp Wyatt Earp Gunslinger
Austin Nichols Morgan Earp Morgan Earp Gunslinger and younger brother of Wyatt Earp
Brian Cox Jack Langrishe Jack Langrishe Actor, impresario and theater director Friedhelm Ptok
Parisse Boothe Tess - Prostitute in The Bella Union saloon Ulrike Stürzbecher
Pruitt Taylor Vince Moses Manuel - Prospectors
Cynthia Ettinger Claudia - prostitute

DVD publications

Release season 1 November 3, 2005
Release season 2 June 1, 2006
Release season 3 July 12, 2007
Number of discs / season 1,2,3 4th
Number of episodes / season 1,2,3 12
Image format 16: 9
Sound format Dolby, PAL, surround sound
languages German (2.0 - 5.1), English (5.1), French (surround sound)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Michael Ausiello: Deadwood Revival Script 'Has Been Delivered to HBO,' Says Ian McShane. In: TVLine. Penske Media Corporation, April 18, 2017, accessed July 25, 2018 .
  2. German synchronous index: German synchronous index | Series | Deadwood. Retrieved May 2, 2018 .