Royal Bavarian 6th Chevaulegers Regiment "Prince Albrecht of Prussia"

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The sixth Chevaulegers Regiment "Prince Albrecht of Prussia" was a cavalry joined the Bavarian army .


On April 1, 1803, the association was established by Elector Max Joseph IV from the cavalry that had been taken over with the prince bishops of Würzburg and Bamberg . From March 27, 1804 to April 28, 1811, it was known as the Chevaulegers Regiment Nro. 4 and then received the Nro. 6 . After the death of the first regiment owner Joseph Wilhelm Freiherr von Bubenhoven, the association was called the 6th Chevaulegers Regimentand on December 1, 1817 ownership passed to Eugen Herzog von Leuchtenberg. From this point on, the regiment received its name as an addition. Only with the death of the third regiment owner on March 28, 1835 it became customary for the regiment to have the addition "vacant" during the ownerless period. After Albrecht von Prussia's death, it was decided that the regiment would continue to bear his name.

The last place of peace before the outbreak of the First World War was Bayreuth .

German war

In the war against Prussia in 1866, the Chevaulegers took part in the battles near Immelborn , Roßdorf , Schweinfurt , Lohr am Main , Triefenstein , Helmstadt and Hettstadt .

Franco-German War

During the Franco-German War , the regiment was used in the battle near Beaumont , the Battle of Sedan and the enclosures of Pfalzburg and Bitsch . There were no casualties, but two officers as well as 34 non-commissioned officers and men died due to accidents or injuries .

First World War

During the First World War, the regiment had to complain of dead or wounded: nine officers, nine NCOs and 79 Chevaulegers.


After the end of the First World War, the remnants of the regiment returned home, where the association was initially demobilized and finally dissolved in January 1919.

The tradition took over in the Reichswehr by decree of the Chief of the Army Command General of the Infantry Hans von Seeckt from August 24th 1921 the training squadron of the 17th (Bavarian) Cavalry Regiment in Bamberg. In the Wehrmacht the tradition was continued by the 2nd Battalion of the 4th Panzer Regiment in Schweinfurt and from March 1938 in Vienna -Laxenburg.

Regimental owner

Rank Surname date
Major general Joseph Wilhelm Freiherr von Bubenhoven April 1, 1803 to April 1, 1814
Eugen von Leuchtenberg December 1, 1817 to February 21, 1824
August von Leuchtenberg March 12, 1824 to March 28, 1835
Maximilian von Leuchtenberg August 9, 1837 to November 1, 1852
Konstantin Nikolajewitsch Romanow April 27, 1867 to January 25, 1892
Field Marshal General Albrecht of Prussia from September 8, 1897


Until 1872 the commanders used the designation Oberstkommandant.

Rank Surname date
Maximilian Graf von Preysing April 1, 1803 to April 24, 1807
Ferdinand von Muffel April 24, 1807 to April 29, 1809
Karl Philipp Diez April 29, 1809 to February 16, 1814
Kaspar von Weisse February 16, 1814 to October 6, 1816
Maximilian Freiherr von Zandt October 6, 1816 to August 18, 1826
Joseph Dichtel August 18, 1826 to January 1, 1837
Eduard von Sachsen-Altenburg January 1, 1837 to February 4, 1840
Joseph Freiherr von Weinbach February 4, 1840 to March 31, 1848
Paul von Stetten March 31, 1848 to June 20, 1850
Carl Freiherr von Lindenfels June 20, 1850 to March 31, 1855
Andreas von Knott March 31, 1855 to February 26, 1862
Baptist of Exchange February 26, 1862 to October 11, 1866
Friedrich Freiherr von Krauss October 11, 1866 to November 7, 1873
Theodor Freiherr Stromer von Reichenbach November 7, 1873 to June 22, 1876
Gustav von Rüdt June 22, 1876 to October 19, 1877
Hermann Scheffer September 19, 1877 to December 3, 1884
Franz Spruner from Mertz December 3, 1884 to December 27, 1888
Gottlieb von Schwarz on Adelshofen and Hirschlach December 27, 1888 to July 19, 1891
Ferdinand Hartmann July 19, 1891 to July 11, 1897
Otto Kreß von Kressenstein July 11, 1897 to November 15, 1901
Karl von Grundherr zu Altenthan and Weyherhaus November 15, 1901 to January 27, 1906
Friedrich Fürer von Haimendorf January 27, 1906 to February 20, 1909
Otto Freiherr von Redwitz February 20, 1909 to January 7, 1914
major Ralf Bresselau from Bressendorf January 7, 1914 to February 20, 1915
major Otto Hanemann February 20, 1915 until the end of the war

Regimental music

The following regimental music belonged to the association:

  • Presentation march: "Sophienmarsch"
  • Parade march in step: “ Torgau parade march ” by Joachim Scholz, arranged by FW Voigt
  • Parade march at a trot: " Paris march " from 1814 by Johann Heinrich Walch
  • Parade march at a gallop: “Gallop march” from the opera “ The night camp in Granada ” by Konradin Kreutzer

With the dissolution of the regiment, the considerable library for the education of officers was transferred to the holdings of the Historical Association for Upper Franconia .


  • Bavarian War Ministry (Hrsg.): Military manual of the Kingdom of Bavaria. Munich 1905. S. LXXX.
  • Konrad Krafft von Dellmensingen , Friedrichfranz Feeser : The Bavaria book of the world wars 1914-1918. Volume 1. Chr. Belser AG publishing house bookstore. Stuttgart 1930.
  • Rudolf von Kramer, Otto Freiherr von Waldenfels: Virtuti pro patria. The Royal Bavarian Military Max Joseph Order. Acts of War and Book of Honor 1914–1918. Self-published by the Royal Bavarian Military Max Joseph Order. Munich 1966.
  • Günter Wegner: Germany's armies until 1918. Origin and development of the individual formations. Volume 11: Bavaria. Cavalry, artillery, technical troops. Biblio Publishing House. Osnabrück 1984. ISBN 3-7648-1199-4 .

Individual evidence

  1. Our Old Army's Hall of Fame. Published on the basis of official material from the Reich Archives . Military Publishing House. Berlin 1927. p. 50.