National Socialist Black Metal

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National Socialist Black Metal , abbreviated NSBM (National Socialist Black Metal) is a term for neo-Nazi tendencies within the black metal - subculture .


There is controversy within the Black Metal subculture as to whether or not a band can be counted as part of the NSBM. The following categories are commonly used as a criterion for classification as an NSBM:

  • The musicians represent a National Socialist sentiment and process this ideology or aspects of it in their appearance or the lyrics.
  • The music should by and large be definable as Black Metal.

In the magazine The Right Edge , the representation of the black metal scene is described as follows:

“The name NSBM, created by the scene itself, is usually used by bands that have clear neo-National Socialist texts, use the imagery of National Socialism in their symbolism and / or the layout of their sound carriers and / or clearly identify themselves as neo-Nazis in interviews position. The self-attribution from the scene and an external attribution can vary. "

- The right margin , number 111, March / April 2008, p. 25 f.

In addition to convinced National Socialist bands, there are also bands that glorify the Third Reich as a brutal historical event rather than National Socialism , either from a misanthropic position or from a negative attitude towards Christianity , which is hated by both conventional and right-wing extremists , that of Judaism emerged, which the National Socialists tried to destroy.

There are also bands that use Nazi symbolism to provoke but, according to their own statement, do so without a political background. However, critics assume that these bands intend to stay in a gray area. An example of this is the band Taake , whose singer Ulvhedin Hoest performed on March 20, 2007 in the Essen Club Turock with a swastika painted on his chest. In retrospect, however, the singer asserted that Taake was not a band with National Socialist ideas, but based the concept of the band on provocation, but in the same statement insulted the owner of the Turock as “ sub-human ” who could “blow a Muslim”.

Within the coverage of the scene, an expanded definition of the term is used, which includes right-wing extremist or racist groups who move around the scene. Furthermore, pagan bands of the pagan metal scene are often assigned to the NSBM.


The ideas represent a mixture of ideological approaches common in Black Metal in a right-wing extremist interpretation. However, the ideological basis of the NSBM is mostly neo-paganism in a neo-Nazi, racist and anti-Semitic interpretation and interpretation, while traditional Black Metal is defined by Satanism . In contrast to right-wing rock , really political content is rarely to be found among representatives of the NSBM. Instead of current political aspects, the texts mostly contain references to the blood-and-soil ideology , ancestor worship or a mixture of pagan and National Socialist elements. Often the Third Reich is placed in a pagan or occult / satanic context.

Johannes Baldauf writes about NSBM in a brochure of the Amadeu Antonio Foundation about right-wing extremist activities in social networks : “The Nazi era is transfigured in an occult-esoteric way. Norse mythology and the blood-and-soil ideology play an important role and are combined into a construct of 'Aryan supremacy'. The attributes of this philosophy are strength and toughness, the weak is considered inferior. [...] The anti-church, anti-Christian attitude of certain metal subcultures is adopted. At the same time, elements are borrowed from Germanic neo-paganism ( Asatru ) and mixed into a right-wing extremist ideology of the strong Teutons or Aryans , who are entitled to rule over Christians and all other people. "

Hendrik Möbus from the band Absurd, for example, described National Socialism as "the most perfect (and only realistic!) Synthesis of satanic / Luciferic will to power , elitist social Darwinism combined with Aryan-Germanic paganism". In the scene one refers here u. a. on the symbolism of National Socialism and the connections between the NSDAP and the Thule Society . The fact that Christianity fought against Judaism as early as the times of the Holy Roman Empire and that National Socialism also received support from the church (e.g. from the German Christians ) is ignored or even denied; For example, Hjarulv Executioner of The Striker claimed:

“I don't think that a dogma like christianity has a place in Aryandom. There is no way to make christianity fit into the Weltanschauung of the Aryan Overman. Christianity teaches humbleness, the loss of national and racial identity, and equality, things alien to our cosmotheory. You cannot combine jesus with characters who represent Aryan ethics. The term "Aryan Christianity" is oxymoron, it is like trying to mix marxism with NS. The outcome will be something completely alien and it will prove dangerous in the future. One is either Aryan or Christian. On the other hand, why should one blend christianity with Aryan ethos and ideals instead of reawakening the Ancient Archetypes in their original, pure form? Christianity is christianity and it is jewish by its very birth and conception, a vehicle in the jewish world domination and designed as such. "

“I don't think that a dogma like Christianity has a place in Aryanism. There is no way to fit Christianity into the worldview of the Aryan superman. Christianity teaches humility, the loss of national and racial identity, and equality, things that are alien to our theory of the cosmos. You cannot associate Jesus with characters who represent Aryan ethics. The designation "Aryan Christianity" is a contradiction in terms, it is like trying to mix Marxism and National Socialism. The result will be something completely alien and it will prove dangerous in the future. You are either an Aryan or a Christian. On the other hand, why should Christianity be mixed up with Aryan ethos and ideals rather than reviving the ancient archetypes in their original, pure form? Christianity is Christianity and it is Jewish in origin and terminology, a vehicle of Jewish world domination and designed as such. "

- Hjarulv Henker : Interview with the band Der Stürmer in Legeones

The essential basis of the ideology are (new) paganism in the form of Ásatrú or Wotanism / Odinism as well as various occult and esoteric concepts in a neo-Nazi, racist and especially anti-Semitic interpretation and interpretation. The Aryans (from arya , Vedic the noble ones ) come from the (Nordic) gods ( Assir ) and should therefore be superior to all other human species. An example of the mixture of pagan and National Socialist ideas is the absurd album Asgardsrei , according to the booklet the term Asgardsrei a divine, Germanic warriorism, which during the Middle Ages and modern times of Europe was mainly in the Knights Templar, the German Knights of Order and the weapons -SS is said to have shown. A combination of these elements can also be found in Varg Vikernes from the band Burzum , who also described Adolf Hitler as one of the warriors of the Asgardians. A mixture of esoteric and National Socialist elements can be found, for example, in the volume Der Stürmer, which speaks of an “esoteric Hitlerism” based on the writings of Savitri Devi and Julius Evola .

The alleged evidence of this superiority is, in addition to the claim to an alleged Germanic high culture , which, however, has not been scientifically proven, as well as to the cultures of the ancient Greeks and Romans, the assertion that all other high cultures such as those of the Sumerians and ancient Persians were made up of "Aryans" should have been justified or at least everything outstanding has been taken over by them. The reasons for the decline of such old high cultures were "racial mixing" and "degeneracy". It is therefore important to tie in with the “ancient values” and highlights of “Aryan history” - which include the Third Reich in particular. This representation is similar in content to some of the statements from the chapter People and Race in Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf .

Christianity, also disparagingly called "Judaeo-Christianity", is called "alien" and serves to weaken the "Aryans" by suppressing their "religious beliefs" and their "original" culture and thus to be able to enslave them more easily.

In contrast to the pagan bands who are critical of modernity and progress, other bands, including Ad Hominem from France, represent ideologies that are oriented towards fascism and futurism . The members of the Swiss band Menegroth refer, among others, to Filippo Tommaso Marinetti and propagate the merging of man and machine into a religiously revered superman , sometimes the band's lyrics are mixed with conspiracy theories about the Reichsflugscheibe myth.

In addition to Wotanism, part of the NSBM scene adheres to its own interpretation of Satanism, in which Satan is viewed as an “Ur-Aryan” countervailing power to the “Jewish idol Jehovah ”, the Judeo-Christian God. Just as Jehovah is the progenitor of the Jews, Satan is the progenitor - or at least the creator - of the Aryans. This interpretation is often referred to as " folk Satanism" or "Aryan Satanism"; Chraesvelgoron from the band The True Frost, for example, described the "white race" in the 1998 scene almanac as "Satan's race". In part, the occult influences revealed by the SS and in the connections between the NSDAP and the Thule Society are seen as characteristic of the Third Reich and thus placed in an occult or satanic context; According to Chraesvelgoron, National Socialism was “a promising attempt [...] to relate Satanism to a collective entity. In other words: NS is the political manifestation of Satanism, it is the collective deification of man as a social animal - 'divinity instead of humanity' ”. His band colleague Sadorass describes this ideology as “a consistent further development of› blood and soil ‹(völkisch way), various occult teachings and the ideas of Nietzsche in connection with Darwinian evolutionary teachings“.

Many pagan and NSBM bands, however, see Satanism as part of the hated Christianity or Judaism, reject it as the basis of Black Metal, try to paganise the scene and fight non-pagan bands. For Capricornus (Capricornus, Ex- Graveland , Ex- Infernum ) Satan is "Jewish shit". Conversely, the core of the black metal scene despises pagan bands and does not attribute them to black metal due to the lack of reference to Satanism.

While Slavs were considered " subhumans " and the French as " hereditary enemies " according to Nazi racial doctrine , the NSBM scene has been internationally oriented since its inception; musically more from Oi! and RAC influenced demo Thuringian Pagan Madness by the German band Absurd appeared on the Polish label Capricornus Prod., and Asura from the also German band Morke wrote the text of the song Kein Escape for the French band Osculum Infame and appeared with his band on a split MC with the French band Kristallnacht . This cooperation, corresponding to the White Power ideology, is also gaining in importance within the rest of the neo-Nazi scene - especially the music scene - compared to Nazi racial doctrine and has even largely replaced it. The NSBM can be assigned to this movement because, for example, German and Polish activists have worked closely together in it from the start. The contradiction to the racial doctrine of National Socialism is “ignored, relativized or excused as a historical error by Slavic NSBM supporters. That only the Jews prevented a coalition of Poland or other Eastern European countries with Nazi Germany is one of the most common conspiracy theories ”. Knjaz Varggoth, singer and guitarist of the Ukrainian band Nokturnal Mortum , provides the following explanation for this contradiction:

“Inevitably, I discovered that it was his mistake that exposed the white man's weakness towards the Jewish oligarchy. A union of warring parties under the banner of the sun would have resulted in a victory for our race. If Hitler had faced us in the open, I think he would have recognized his mistake. But the Jewish provocation had already turned the two Aryan peoples against each other and created a corresponding political situation before and during the war. Hitler's opinion that Slavs are not Aryans is completely wrong. Today it has been proven that Slavs are almost the most direct descendants of the great ancient Aryans. "

- Knjaz Varggoth : Interview in the Strength Through War

Goruths from the band Temnozor , in which Varggoth also participated, considers “the Slavs, along with the Teutons and Celts, as part of a 'monolithic Aryan race', whose present-day differences result from the 'degeneration' of the 'ancient hyperborean super race of the Aryan superman' [sic! ] result ".

Para Bellum (ex-Draugwath, Blackdeath) describes the war against Russia as Hitler's only mistake: "Russia and Germany could have fought together against the Jews and America in this war."

The NSBM ideologues refer, for example, to the well-known Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung , the esotericist Karl Maria Wiligut , also known as "Weisthor", who was a member of the SS , and the Franco-Greek philosopher Savitri Devi , who clearly committed herself to National Socialism even after 1945. Hendrik Möbus interprets the church fires in Norway as “cultural atavism ” and as a “sudden and inexplicable relapse into pre-Christian, medieval conditions”. In his opinion, Jung would have explained this as a reappearance of old archetypes ; these are still present in the collective unconscious and have taken possession of the Norwegian Black Metallers, who found themselves "in an archaic state of mind and like a mass hysteria" and brought about this state in others as well. Later, they would have recognized the importance of these emotions, began to identify with paganism and turned to nationalist politics, which should preserve and cultivate the pagan heritage. The NSBM is the "logical conclusion" of the movement.

Part of the scene sees National Socialism as the only ideology suitable for Black Metal. Athalwolf, who is involved in several Greek bands, labels, fanzines and mail orders, accuses apolitical “bands and fans of not being 'real'. Her supposedly angry demeanor would omit the reference to National Socialism out of concern for her image. [...] These "politically correct [and] cute-looking" bands are 'idols for the weak' and are in stark contrast to the 'real' Nazi underground, as Athalwolf explains ”. Carl Warslaughter of Bestial Mockery and the now defunct NSBM band Sons of Satan said "[anyone who adores Black Metal with all their hearts should at least see the great thing about fascism".

“There is a strong connection between Black Metal and National Socialism. White Black Metal is a musical atavism, National Socialism is ideological and religious. Black Metal comes from our folk unconscious, just like National Socialism. [...] The most natural ideology for Black Metal is National Socialism, and there is only one future for Black Metal: to promote the synthesis of music and ideology. "

- Absurd : Supplement to The Night and the Fog . A Tribute to the National Socialist Black Metal Underground .

Many NSBM supporters only accept this mixture if it corresponds to their understanding of Black Metal. Laurent Franchet from the band Kristallnacht said that Black Metal was “not exclusive NS music: NS fits the worldview of Black Metal, but that is not the only thing: Satanism, paganism, nihilism can be spread through Black Metal. Elitism and anti-Semitism (or anti-Judeo Christianity, if one should prefer that) are, in my opinion, the basis of the ideological side of Black Metal. "

Organization and development

Often referred to as the new appearance of right-wing rock, NSBM is based on much more complex roots. It would be a completely wrong statement to claim that NSBM is some kind of new black metal trend, as neo-Nazi and anti-Semitic groups in this subculture had been around since the beginning of the second wave in the early 1990s and based on such tendencies was resorted to for the purpose of provocation. The black metal scene is very diverse and the majority of the members can be classified as rather apolitical.

One of the pioneers of the neo-Nazi tendencies in Black Metal is generally Varg Vikernes , the only member of the band Burzum , who, according to an interview with Blood & Honor, “was in 1992 with the neo-Nazi magazine Gjallarhorn of the organization Norges Nasjonalsocialistiske Bevegelse (NNSB) or at the time Anger 88 came into contact ”; After he was mentioned in the Gjallarhorn , a letter from him was published there in 1993 in which he commented on some points and declared that he was open to a dialogue with. He is said to have joined the White Aryan Resistance even before his arrest for several arson attacks and the murder of Øystein “Euronymous” Aarseth . Even though his texts do not contain any such statements and his music is therefore generally not classified as NSBM, his books represent a spiritual basis in this sub-scene. The musical style of Burzum, as numerous cover versions show, also had a great influence on the NSBM- Scene whose representatives can be identified from the mid-1990s.

From 1993/1994, the first clearly National Socialist bands could be made out. The Polish scene played a pioneering role in this, as published by the band Lord of Evil (renamed WAR 88 in 1995, see symbols and signs used by right-wing extremists ) from 1992 several demos, including Satanic War Master (The Leader) and Satan's Soldiers , the latter shows a swastika and an Algiz rune on the cover. In 1994 Infernum's debut … Taur-Nu-Fuin… was released , followed in 1995 by the full moon demo United Aryan Evil . Other early NSBM releases include Legion of Doom's debut album Kingdom of Endless Darkness (Greece), and Spear of Longinus ' demo Nazi Occult Metal (Australia), the band Absurd came out as right-wing radical with the release of Thuringian Pagan Madness in 1995 . The band Funeral was founded in France and the American band Grand Belial's Key recorded vulgar anti-Semitic content from Mocking the Philanthropist in 1997. Members of this movement explain their emergence as a reaction to the decline of the ideals of Black Metal in the early 1990s or as a logical conclusion of the time.

According to V. Santura of the German band Dark Fortress, "the NSBM phenomenon was not really an issue in 1997", so that their split release with the NSBM band Barad Dûr was unintentional. After his release from prison in 1998, Hendrik Möbus from Absurd consolidated his contacts in the black metal and right-wing extremist scene. He founded the German Pagan Front , an offshoot of the All-Germanic Pagan Front , which goes back to Varg Vikernes , and continued with his brother Ronald the label Darker Than Black Records, founded in 1994, and the band Absurd. At a concert by his band in Behringen , which he had organized with his brother, he employed Hammerskins as security personnel, showed the Hitler salute on stage and shouted "Sieg Heil!" The non-fiction author Klaus Farin sees it as an attempt to politicize the black metal scene; This synthesis of Black Metal and National Socialism is what the band described in the booklet for the compilation The Night and the Fog. A Tribute to the National Socialist Black Metal Underground as the only future of Black Metal.

Geographical focal points of the NSBM scene include Russia , Poland (where NSBM and the right-wing extremist part of the skinhead scene mix), Greece and France as well as Germany , especially Thuringia , Saxony , Brandenburg and Schleswig-Holstein . Many bands as well as some record labels and fanzines from the NSBM environment are united in the international organization Pagan Front.

Bizarrely, there are also NSBM groups whose members are not of European descent. In Mexico, for example, there is a scene around the ONSP label that mixes National Socialist worldview with Aztec symbolism and mysticism and thus relates to both the Third Reich and the Indian culture of Central America. The photo by the band Nican Tlaca shows a dark figure in traditional indigenous clothing and painted with swastika. The music of these groups consists of black metal, which has been expanded with elements of pre-Hispanic folk music, the associated texts are mainly written in Spanish and Nahuatl . There are also bands with a Nazi aesthetic in Malaysia.

The NSBM scene has close contacts and, in some cases, overlaps in personnel with the internationally active, racist skinhead organizations Blood & Honor and Hammerskin Nation. In Germany in particular, there is also some overlap between right-wing rock groups and NSBM bands. Examples are Magog (ex-members of 14 Nothelfer and Kraftschlag ), Totenburg (whose singer is also active in the right-wing rock band Eugenik and as a political activist) and Halgadom (Frank Krämer von Stahlgewitter ).

Accordingly, it also happens that some NSBM bands cover right-wing rock bands; on the album Pestpogrom the band Totenburg example is found as a hidden track lyrically modified soldiers - cover .

Lately, the NSBM scene has grown so significantly that it is increasingly recognized, denounced and opposed by anti-fascist and politically left organizations. Via articles on the platforms such as Turn it down! or the long-standing campaign Rock against Right , but also various left-wing periodicals, attempts are made to provide information. However, these are not very well received in the Black Metal scene itself, which is partly due to exaggerated allegations against bands such as Impaled Nazarene and sometimes poorly researched articles, but also scratches the non-political image of the rest of the scene. "Völkischer pagan metal and neo-Nazi occurrence" are according to the authors Christian Dornbusch and Hans-Peter Killguss "the trend in the black metal scene and going to 'spread the metal scene in the Mainstream". This development is also seen as a “trend” by some bands who share or at least not reject the views of NSBM bands and therefore or because of the mixing of Black Metal with political views or its use as a propaganda instrument, such as the Greek one Band The striker practiced, rejected. The band Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult, for example, said that they share certain views of "so-called NSBM bands", such as ideas of a "perfect, white world", and that black and white are not the same, but they would never go along with this "abuse" ; “Politics in BM” is “[g] just as inappropriate as black metal concerts in daylight”. Conversely, the religious historian Mattias Gardell regards NSBM as a minority in Black Metal.

Position in right-wing extremism

The right-wing extremist scene does not consistently advocate collaboration with the black metal scene: while some advocate the lyrical content and ideals, others see black metal as part of a " sex, drugs & rock 'n' roll " culture or as degenerate music or reject the scene due to the external appearance of its members: “To this day, many neo-Nazis do not fit long-haired people into their worldview Connect 'ticks'. "

“The› Black Metal Music ‹is repulsive and offensive to every German ear. What you can hear in the murmur and jungle tones is the request concert of the black metal fanatics. Black Metal and its inhuman ideology is basically based on the total negation of all life and has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with paganism! That is why it is important to reject and combat any satanic cult that surrounds itself with pagan ideals. [...] The ›Black Metal scene‹ must not have a right to exist in the national movement, because in the end it is an enemy that needs to be destroyed! "

According to research by the Belltower.News magazine , the right-wing extremist civil militia Regiment Azov and the Misanthropic Division , which is associated with it , which fight against Russian troops in eastern Ukraine, are recruiting members from the international NSBM scene. In addition to Hendrik Möbus, Alexey Levkin, singer of the band M8l8th and organizer of the NSBM festival Åsgårdsrei , and Famine, singer of the French black metal band Peste Noire , are the liaison persons . There are further connections to the Identitarian Movement and to the right-wing extremist party The III. Way .

Position in black metal

Many Black Metallers reject National Socialist views as well as the growing National Socialist influence on Black Metal. Reasons for this can be the rejection of the "herd mentality", which is attributed to the supporters of fascist or generally totalitarian views or views that restrict their own individuality, the pagan roots of most NSBM bands or the incompatibility of the Nazi ideology with Black Metal and his be own, misanthropic, life-negating and satanistic views.

"Where does it make sense when a toddler like this claims to be a total hater of human beings and still appropriately propagates socialist, life-affirming ideas?"

- Peter Wolinsky : Interview in the runic blood

According to Mattias Gardell, NSBM artists are a minority in Black Metal. Their ideology is rejected by numerous black metal musicians such as King ov Hell , Tormentor, Infernus (all Gorgoroth or Ex-Gorgoroth) and Jon Nödtveidt ( Dissection ).

While parts of the scene boycott neo-Nazi bands and their labels , others draw a dividing line between the music and the messages and musicians or deny the ideological context or the sentiments of the musicians. They do not pay attention to racist attitudes, according to the credo : "Only the music counts". The fact that the unacceptable aspects of the music are excluded, however, also leads to sharp criticism, since in the opinion of the critics, especially in Black Metal, message and music form a unit; one would support the NSBM passively. The big print media in the field of Black Metal tend to ignore the sound carriers of relevant bands.

The book Unheilige Allianzen resolved a heated debate in this area, during which Legacy magazine refrained from accepting individual advertisements from various controversial labels such as No Colors Records . Another debate took place on the letters to the editor of the metal magazine Rock Hard after an article by Wolf-Rüdiger Mühlmann.



  • Christian Dornbusch, Hans-Peter Killguss: Unholy Alliances . Black Metal between Satanism, Paganism and Neo-Nazism . Unrast Verlag, Münster 2005, ISBN 3-89771-817-0 .
  • Johannes Lohmann, Hans Wanders: Evolas Jünger and Odins Krieger - Extremely right-wing ideologies in the dark wave and black metal scene . In: Christian Dornbusch, Jan Raabe (ed.): RechtsRock - inventory and counter-strategies . Unrast Verlag, Hamburg / Münster 2002, ISBN 3-89771-808-1 , p. 287-311 .
  • Michael Moynihan , Didrik Søderlind: Lords of Chaos . Satanic Metal: The Bloody Rise from the Underground. 6th edition. ProMedia, Zeltingen-Rachtig 2005, ISBN 3-936878-00-5 (English: Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground .).


  • Michael Moynihan, Didrik Søderlind: Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground . Feral House Books, Los Angeles 1998, ISBN 0-922915-48-2 .
  • Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke : White Noise and Black Metal . In: Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke (ed.): Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity . New York University Press, New York City 2002, ISBN 0-8147-3124-4 , pp. 193-213 .
  • Mattias Gardell: Hail Loki! Hail Satan! Hail Hitler! Darkside Asatrú, Satanism and Occult National Socialism . In: Mattias Gardell (Ed.): Gods of the Blood: The Pagan Revival and White Separatism . Duke University Press, 2003, ISBN 0-8223-3071-7 , pp. 284-324 .

Individual evidence

  1. quoted from: RechtsRock 2007 - Between Definition Problems, White Spots and Concern ( Memento from October 6, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) on Turn it down .
  2. ^ Christian Dornbusch , Hans-Peter Killguss: Unheilige Alliances . Black Metal between Satanism, Paganism and Neo-Nazism. Unrast Verlag, Münster 2005, ISBN 3-89771-817-0 , p. 126 f .
  3. ^ Photograph of the concert in Essen ( Memento from July 23, 2011 in the Internet Archive ).
  4. ^ Statement from Hoest ( Memento of March 29, 2007 in the Internet Archive ).
  5. ^ Right Neuheiden Festival with Nazi runes in "SO 36" .
  6. Johannes Baldauf: Metal, NSBM and Nordic cult . In: Amadeu Antonio Foundation (ed.): Between Propaganda and Mimicry. Neo-Nazi strategies in social networks . 2012, p. 13-14 ( [PDF]). Metal, NSBM and Nordic cult ( Memento from February 27, 2012 in the Internet Archive )
  7. Stormblast , No. 2–3, 1999, quoted from: Christian Dornbusch: Unheilige Allianz . Black Metal between paganism and neo-Nazism . In: ak - analyze & kritik - newspaper for left-wing debate and practice , No. 428, July 8, 1999.
  8. a b c Interview for LEGEONES Zine (Chi) answered by Hjarulv Henker (2006) .
  9. a b “Judeo-Christianity- The 'spiritual-black-death' of the Aryan race, it is an unnatural, alien belief and eventually leads to racial-degeneracy as proven by looking at this world we inhabit. [...] We all have a racial soul, which lives on through the continued existence of our blood. It is passed on through generations. Our goal must be to awaken the spirit within us of our ancestors (who are really in fact the Gods in which we are directly descended from!). “ Godless North ( Memento of May 26, 2000 in the Internet Archive ).
  10. Tolis Yiovanitis: Interview from Greek Metal Hammer ( Memento of 12 January 2010 at the Internet Archive ). In: Metal Hammer . Fall 1997.
  11. Interview with Varg Vikernes (August 12, 2004), by BG .
  12. ^ A b Christian Dornbusch: Unholy Alliance . Black Metal between paganism and neo-Nazism . In: ak - analyze & kritik - newspaper for left-wing debate and practice , No. 428, July 8, 1999.
  13. Stephen O'Malley : INTO THE LION'S CAGE . An exclusive prison interview with BURZUM's Count Grishnackh . In: Sounds of Death , No. 5, 1995.
  14. ( Memento from July 23, 2012 in the web archive )
  15. Wintry Night Nonstop / Aenaon Skotos Anosion , undated , approx. 2000, undated : Frost / Sadorass [interview with Sadorass]. Quoted from: Unheilige Allianzen , p. 202.
  16. Szene-Almanach 1998 , p. 48.
  17. Strength Through War , No. 4, Summer 2003, no page: Frost . Interview answered by Chraesvelgoron . Quoted from: Unheilige Allianzen , p. 202.
  18. Flagellation , No. 2, 2001, p. 29. Quoted from: Unheilige Allianzen , p. 203.
  19. a b Dark Moon 'zine # 8 ( Memento from May 10, 2008 in the Internet Archive ).
  20. Gammadion , No. 1, 1997, no page : Capricornus . Quoted from: Unheilige Alliances , p. 241.
  21. ^ Christian Dornbusch, Hans-Peter Killguss: Unheilige Alliances . Black Metal between Satanism, Paganism and Neo-Nazism. Unrast Verlag, Münster 2005, ISBN 3-89771-817-0 , p. 239 .
  22. Strength Through War , No. 2, 2001, oS: Nokturnal Mortum [interview with Knjaz Varggoth]. Quoted from: Unheilige Alliances , p. 245.
  23. ^ Christian Dornbusch, Hans-Peter Killguss: Unheilige Alliances . Black Metal between Satanism, Paganism and Neo-Nazism. Unrast Verlag, Münster 2005, ISBN 3-89771-817-0 , p. 250 .
  24. Medieval Tortures , No. 3, approx. 2000, p. 39. Quoted from: Unheilige Allianzen , p. 250.
  25. a b Hendrik Möbus: National Socialist Black Metal ( Memento from January 7, 2006 in the Internet Archive )
  26. ^ Unholy Alliances , p. 233.
  27. Satanic Carnage , No. 1, undated (2000/2001), undated : Bestial Mockery [interview with Carl Warslaughter]. Quoted from: Unheilige Alliances , p. 259.
  28. a b Supplement to The Night and the Fog . A Tribute to the National Socialist Black Metal Underground . Quoted from: Unheilige Alliances , p. 152.
  29. Final Solution , No. 3, 2003, no page : Uruk-Hai [interview with Defernos]. Quoted from: Unheilige Alliances , p. 221.
  30. ^ Christian Dornbusch, Hans-Peter Killguss: Unheilige Alliances . Black Metal between Satanism, Paganism and Neo-Nazism. Unrast Verlag, Münster 2005, ISBN 3-89771-817-0 , p. 277 .
  31. Michael Moynihan, Didrik Søderlind: Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground . Feral House, Venice 1998, p. 166 .
  32. Christian Caryl, Frank Nordhausen : The flames of the devil. Norway has an expensive program to protect churches - many have been set on fire by adolescent satanists . In: Berliner Zeitung , September 2, 1996
  34. János Stauderer: Capricornus ( Memento of April 29, 2010 in the Internet Archive ).
  35. Dark Fortress - A New Beginning with Depression (Special, 2007). 2007, accessed January 19, 2010 .
  36. Interview with Klaus Farin in the documentation Der Satansmord - Tod einer Schülers .
  37. Music | ONSP (Organización Nacional Socialista Pagana) ( Memento of March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive )
  38. Markus Ströhlein: Messeln the tour ( Memento from December 19, 2007 in the Internet Archive ). In: Jungle World , No. 19, May 10, 2006.
  39. ^ Christian Dornbusch, Hans-Peter Killguss: Unheilige Alliances . Black Metal between Satanism, Paganism and Neo-Nazism. Unrast Verlag, Münster 2005, ISBN 3-89771-817-0 , p. 290 .
  40. BLASPHEMER 'zine issue # 2 (Bra) 2006Answered by Hjarulv Henker .
  41. Lars Jamne: Oskorei Issue 5 event 2000. 2000, archived from the original on 12 October 2007 ; accessed on March 6, 2010 (English).
  42. Explosion Cerebral Zine. Archived from the original on February 20, 2012 ; accessed on March 6, 2010 (English).
  43. Torsten: Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult (Ger) - Interview. 2003, archived from the original on February 13, 2011 ; Retrieved March 6, 2010 .
  44. a b Mattias Gardell: Gods of the Blood , p. 307.
  45. ^ Christian Dornbusch, Hans-Peter Killguss: Unheilige Alliances . Black Metal between Satanism, Paganism and Neo-Nazism. Unrast Verlag, Münster 2005, ISBN 3-89771-817-0 , p. 280 .
  46. White Supremacy , No. 2, 2000, p. 33, quoted from: Unheilige Allianzen , p. 281.
  47. Sabri Deniz Martin, Simon Hemmers: How a right-wing extremist volunteer regiment recruited offspring with Black Metal. In: Belltower.News . August 12, 2020, accessed August 13, 2020 .
  48. a b Anastasiya: DISSECTION . Interview with Jon Nödtveidt .
  49. a b Tormentor from Gorgoroth in Metal Heart , 2/00.
  50. Runenblut , No. 1, 2002, p. 15: Minutum Mundum [Interview with Peter Wolinsky] of Lohan. Quoted from: Unheilige Alliances , p. 96.
  51. Mladen Škot: Interview with JOTUNSPOR ( Memento from September 27, 2011 in the Internet Archive ). In: Maelstrom , No. 50.
  52. GORGOROTH Guitarist INFERNUS: 'I Personally Am Against Racism In Both Thought And Practice' ( Memento from April 22, 2009 in the Internet Archive ).
  53. Wolf-Rüdiger Mühlmann: The right edge in Black Metal . In: Rock Hard . No. 241 , June 2007, p. 58-61 ( [accessed March 11, 2011]). The Right Edge in Black Metal ( Memento from July 20, 2010 in the Internet Archive )