Administrative division of Iceland

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Iceland consists of eight regions ( Icelandic landshlutar , Sing. Landshluti ), which in turn are subdivided into municipal districts. Since 2003 there are also six constituencies in Iceland. Already in 965 Iceland was divided into four districts ( landsfjórðungar ), which were oriented towards the four cardinal points.

Höfuðborgarsvæðið Suðurnes Suðurland Austurland Norðurland eystra Vesturland Norðurland vestra Vestfirðir
The regions of Iceland

Historic district ( landsfjórðungar )

The historic district of Iceland on a map from 1665
The historic districts of Iceland on a map from 1761

Traditionally Iceland was divided into four landsfjórðungar (singular landsfjórðungur ) or districts, which were oriented towards the four cardinal points . These were administrative districts that were set up in 965 for the purpose of organizing regional assemblies ( fjórðungsþing ), as well as for the district courts ( fjórðungsdómar ). Each district was divided into three local assemblies, except for Norðlendingafjórðungur, which had four. Each country also had three quarters Goden ( goðorð ) under the command of a chief ( Godi ). The district courts were competent if the plaintiff and defendant were in the same administrative district, otherwise the Alþingi was competent.

Later administrative divisions related to districts ( sýslur ) and municipalities. Especially from 1874, when the new Icelandic constitution established constituencies on the basis of counties and parishes, the districts gradually lost all official meaning, although they are still in common parlance when referring to parts of the country.

The districts were called:

  1. Vestfirðingafjórðungur (Breiðfirðingafjórðungur), the Westfjords district, encompassed most of the Vesturland region in addition to today's Westfjords region , namely south to the middle of the large Faxaflói bay
  2. Norðlendingafjórðungur (Eyfirðingafjórðungur), the northern quarter, stretched from Hrútafjörður in the west to the Langanes peninsula in the east and thus included the area of ​​today's regions of Norðurland eystra and Norðurland vestra
  3. Austfirðingafjórðungur that Ostfjord section, corresponded to the region of today Austurland as well as the eastern part of the region Suðurland , namely the current vestur-skaftafellssýsla
  4. Sunnlendingafjórðungur (Rangæingafjórðungur), the southern quarter, extended over the southwest of Iceland (today's regions Höfuðborgarsvæðið and Suðurnes ), as well as the rest of the region of Suðurland (namely Árnessýsla and Rangárvallasýsla ), and a small part of the north to the center of Vesturland large bay Faxaflói (today's Borgarfjarðarsýsla on the map )

Regions ( landshlutar )

Population Development in Icelandic Regions, 1911–2011

Iceland is divided into eight landshlutar (parts of the country). These are primarily used for statistical purposes. The district court districts also follow this classification. Although these regions no longer have an administrative function either, they are considered to be sub-national units within the meaning of the international standard ISO 3166-2: IS , the codes of which are used as region numbers in the table and map below.

location landsvæði (German) Capital Residents
(January 1, 2010)
Area (km²) Ew./km²
Höfuðborgarsvæðið.svg Höfuðborgarsvæðið Capital area Reykjavík 200.907 1,042 192.81
Suðurnes.svg Suðurnes (formerly Reykjanes ) southwest Keflavík 21,359 818 26.11
Vesturland.svg Vesturland Westland Borgarnes 15,370 9,522 1.62
Vestfirðir.svg Vestfirdir Westfjords Ísafjörður 7,362 9,355 0.787
Norðurland vestra.svg Norðurland vestra Northwest Country Sauðárkrókur 7,394 12,592 0.587
Norðurland eystra.svg Norðurland eystra Northeast Country Akureyri 28,900 22,695 1.274
Austurland.svg Austurland Ostland Egilsstaðir 12,459 21,986 0.567
Suðurland.svg Southurland Südland Selfoss 23,879 24,690 0.967
  Ísland Iceland Reykjavík 317,630 102,700 3.093

sýsla and kaupstaður

The eight regions were traditionally divided into 22 sýslur (plural of sýsla , see Syssel , about administrative districts) and 20 independent municipalities (eight kaupstaðir , seven bæir , one borg and four others). Until 1996 there was a 23rd district, Vestur-Ísafjarðarsýsla (code no. 4700), which was then dissolved by incorporating all of its remaining parishes into the municipality of Ísafjarðarbær . A district would then correspond to the Hreppur .

The division into sýslur was mainly based on the geographical division of the country. Eventually these units were further subdivided and by the 20th century they had become 23.

When towns and cities formed in Iceland in the 18th century, one invented, i.e. H. the Danish state administration at that time, a market right similar to mainland European custom, and granted this to independent places which, for their part, did not belong to any such administrative district, even if they were geographically located in one. They were called kaupstaður , plural kaupstaðir .

The chief administrative officers of the districts were called Sýslumaður.

Traditional circle division in Iceland (glacier areas are shown in white), some of the circles have changed in the meantime.
Eyjafarðarsýsla (green) with a newer division
Code no. area Inhabitants
Administrative headquarters
Höfuðborgarsvæðið region
District-free municipalities
0000 Reykjavíkurborg 116,446 268 Reykjavík
1000 Kópavogsbær 27,536 80 Kópavogur
1100 Seltjarnarnesbær 4,467 2 Seltjarnarnes
1300 Garðabær 9,036 71 Garðabær
1400 Hafnarfjarðarkaupstaður 23,674 143 Hafnarfjordur
1600 Kjósarsýsla 9,960 478 Kópavogur
Suðurnes region
District-free municipalities
2000 Reykjanesbær 11,928 145 Keflavík
2300 Grindavíkurbær 2,697 425 Grindavík
2500 Gullbringusýsla 4,255 248 Hafnarfjordur
Vesturland region
District-free municipalities
3000 Akraneskaupstaður 5,955 9 Akranes
3500 Borgarfjarðarsýsla 672 698 Borgarnes
3600 Mýrasýsla 3.713 4,926 Borgarnes
3700 Snæfells- og Hnappadalssýsla 4,003 1,468 Stykkishólmur
3800 Dalasýsla 682 2,421 Búðardalur
Vestfirðir region
District-free municipalities
4100 Bolungarvíkurkaupstaður 905 109 Bolungarvík
4200 Ísafjarðarbær 4,109 2,379 Ísafjörður
4500 Austur-Barðastrandarsýsla 251 1,090 Patreksfjörður
4600 Vestur-Barðastrandarsýsla 1,229 1,515 Patreksfjörður
4800 Norður-Ísafjarðarsýsla 229 749 Ísafjörður
4900 Strandasýsla 758 3,513 Hólmavík
Region Norðurland vestra
District-free municipalities
5200 Sveitarfélagið Skagafjörður 4,078 4,180 Sauðárkrókur
5500 Vestur-Húnavatnssýsla 1,167 2,506 Blönduós
5600 Austur-Húnavatnssýsla 1,985 4,542 Blönduós
5700 Skagafjarðarsýsla 222 1,364 Sauðárkrókur
Region of Norðurland eystra
District-free municipalities
6000 Akureyrarkaupstaður 16,822 133 Akureyri
6100 Norðurþing 3,023 3,729 Húsavík
6250 Fjallabyggð 2,261 364 Ólafsfjörður
6400 Dalvíkurbyggð 1,966 598 Dalvík
6500 Eyjafjarðarsýsla 1,684 2,674 Akureyri
7600 Suður-Þingeyjarsýsla 2.175 12,709 Húsavík
6700 Norður-Þingeyjarsýsla 624 2,488 Húsavík
Austurland region
District-free municipalities
7000 Seyðisfjarðarkaupstaður 726 213 Seyðisfjörður
7300 Fjarðabyggð 5,705 628 Eskifjörður
7500 Norður-Múlasýsla 1,382 3,860 Seyðisfjörður
7600 Suður-Múlasýsla 5,351 11.005 Eskifjörður
7700 Austur-Skaftafellssýsla 2,186 6,280 Hofn
Southurland region
District-free municipalities
8000 Vestmannaeyjabær 4,075 17th Vestmannaeyjar
8200 Sveitarfélagið Árborg 7,280 158 Selfoss
8500 Vestur-Skaftafellssýsla 981 7,701 Vík í Mýrdal
8600 Rangárvallasýsla 3,378 7,971 Hvolsvöllur
8700 Árnessýsla 7,203 8,843 Selfoss


There is also a newer division into 25 sýslumenn , the police districts, each of which is headed by a Sýslumaður.

  1. Akranes
  2. Akureyri
  3. Blönduós
  4. Bolungarvík
  5. Borgarnes
  6. Búðardalur
  7. Eskifjörður
  8. Hafnarfjordur
  9. Hólmavík
  10. Húsavík
  11. Hvolsvöllur
  12. Hofn
  13. Ísafjörður
  14. Keflavík
  15. Keflavík Airport
  16. Kópavogur
  17. Patreksfjörður
  18. Reykjavík
  19. Sauðárkrókur
  20. Selfoss
  21. Seyðisfjörður
  22. Siglufjörður
  23. Stykkishólmur
  24. Vestmannaeyjar
  25. Vík


As of 2003, there are six constituencies in Iceland .

Municipalities ( sveitarfélög )

At the lowest administrative level there are 74 Sveitarfélög (municipalities), including the independent municipalities (as of June 2016). This number has continuously decreased in recent years due to the amalgamation of municipalities (e.g. due to rural exodus and for reasons of administrative efficiency).

The largest municipality is Reykjavíkurborg with 118,326 inhabitants.

Sub-municipal level

At the sub-municipal level, only the capital Reykjavík is divided into ten boroughs ( hverfi ).

See also

Individual evidence

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