Robert Holl

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Robert Holl (right) and the pianist Andrej Hoteev after a concert in Rotterdam in 1990

Robert Holl (born March 10, 1947 in Rotterdam ) is a Dutch opera , concert and lieder singer , composer and vocal teacher . He is considered one of the most important bass baritones of our time.

Live and act

Robert Holl studied in Rotterdam and at the age of 24 won first prize at the International Singing Competition in 's-Hertogenbosch . Then he took lessons from Hans Hotter in Munich . In 1972 he won first prize at the ARD competition in Munich. He was engaged at the Bavarian State Opera from 1973 to 1975, but was rarely used in the repertoire there. He used the time to train himself in song singing.

In the following years, Holl performed mainly as a concert and lieder singer all over Europe, the USA , Israel and Japan . He worked regularly with conductors such as Eugen Jochum , Karl Richter and Wolfgang Sawallisch . Soon he could also be heard and seen in opera productions: as a guest at the Vienna State Opera , the Brussels Opera and, since 1991, at the Zurich Opera House with roles such as narrator and Sarastro in the Magic Flute or Basilio in the Barber of Seville under the conductors Claudio Abbado , Nikolaus Harnoncourt and Franz Welser-Möst .

At the Berlin State Opera Unter den Linden , Robert Holl sang Landgrave Hermann in Tannhäuser under Daniel Barenboim , Hans Sachs in Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg , Daland in The Flying Dutchman and the Commander in Don Giovanni , and at the Vienna State Opera under Christian Thielemann also the Landgraves in Tannhäuser and King Marke in Tristan and Isolde . He has been Hans Sachs at the Bayreuth Festival since 1996. In the summer of 2004, he played Gurnemanz for the first time in Bayreuth in a new production of Wagner's Parsifal under the baton of Pierre Boulez . In 2007 he was first pimen in Modest Mussorgski's Boris Godunow at the Vienna State Opera.

In addition to his involvement in various opera houses, Robert Holl has made a name for himself as a concert singer. He has a particular preference for German and Russian songs. Recitals regularly take the artist to international music centers. He is a regular guest at the Schubertiade Vorarlberg . He works with international concert pianists such as Andras Schiff , Oleg Maisenberg and Andrej Hoteev .

Robert Holl gives master classes in the Netherlands, Austria and Canada . In addition, he is the artistic director of the Schubertiaden in Holland and Austria and was heavily involved in maintaining Atzenbrugg Castle as a Schubert memorial , including through charity concerts . Holl's stage presence and large-volume vocal power are praised as well as his flexible, intelligent song interpretation. He also emerged as a composer of songs and piano pieces.

In 1998 the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna appointed Robert Holl as full professor for song and oratorio .

Holl is also active as a singing teacher at the Franz Schubert Institute in Baden near Vienna .



Discography - selection



  • Brahms : Selected songs (piano: Rudolf Jansen ) Vanguard Classics
  • Brahms: Selected Songs (Piano: András Schiff ) Decca Records
  • Loewe : Selected Ballads (Piano: David Lutz ) Preiser Records
  • Pfitzner : Selected songs (piano: Konrad Richter) Preiser Records
  • Schubert: Selected songs Vol. 1–4 (piano: Konrad Richter) Preiser Records
  • Schubert: Selected Songs - Schubert in the Circle of Friends (piano: Rudolf Jansen) Vanguard Classics
  • Schubert: Selected songs - Der Liedler (piano: Rudolf Jansen) Vanguard Classics
  • Schubert: Night songs (piano: Konrad Richter) Preiser Records
  • Schubert: Winterreise (piano: Konrad Richter) Preiser Records
  • Schubert: Winterreise (piano: Naum Grubert ) Vanguard, Brilliant Classics
  • Schubert: The beautiful miller (piano: David Lutz) Preiser Records
  • Schubert: To the music (piano: David Lutz) Preiser Records
  • Schubert: Abendröte / Gesänge des Harper / Mignon (with Ellen van Lier , soprano; piano: David Lutz) Preiser Records
  • Schumann : Selected songs (piano: Jozef de Beenhouwer ) Preiser Records,
  • Schumann: Selected songs (piano: Konrad Richter) Melodia
  • Schumann: Eichendorff Liederkreis and selected songs (piano: András Schiff) Decca
  • Wolf : Italian songbook and Italian serenade (with Ellen van Lier, soprano; piano: David Lutz; Pro Arte Quartet, Salzburg) Preiser Records
  • Songs by Holl and Mussorgski (piano: Rudolf Jansen) Preiser Records



Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Robert Holl and Andras Schiff: Brahms
  2. Robert Holl and Oleg Maisenberg Lieder recital ( memento of the original from April 2, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. Robert Holl and Andrej Hoteev in Saint Petersburg ( Memento of the original from September 24, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /