Sils in Domleschg

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Sils in Domleschg
Coat of arms of Sils in Domleschg
State : SwitzerlandSwitzerland Switzerland
Canton : canton of Grisonscanton of Grisons Graubünden (GR)
Region : Viamala
BFS no. : 3640i1 f3 f4
Postal code : 7411
Coordinates : 753 969  /  174 062 coordinates: 46 ° 42 '0 "  N , 9 ° 27' 7"  O ; CH1903:  753969  /  174,062
Height : 633  m above sea level M.
Height range : 654–1814 m above sea level M.
Area : 9.28  km²
Residents: 943 (December 31, 2018)
Population density : 102 inhabitants per km²
Sils, with Thusis in the background

Sils, with Thusis in the background

Location of the municipality
Lago di Lei Lago di Monte Spluga Lago di Luzzone Lai da Marmorera Sufnersee Zervreilasee Italien Kanton Tessin Region Albula Region Imboden Region Maloja Region Moesa Region Plessur Region Surselva Andeer Avers GR Casti-Wergenstein Cazis Domleschg Donat GR Ferrera GR Ferrera GR Flerden Flerden Fürstenau GR Lohn GR Masein Mathon GR Rheinwald Rongellen Rothenbrunnen Scharans Sils im Domleschg Sufers Thusis Thusis Tschappina Urmein Zillis-ReischenMap of Sils im Domleschg
About this picture

Sils im Domleschg ( Rhaeto-Romanic Seglias ) is a municipality in the Viamala region in the canton of Graubünden in Switzerland .

coat of arms

Blazon : Argent an upright, red reinforced black Capricorn , a black Wagenlünse supporting

Connection of the ibex, the coat of arms of the church association , with the Wagenlünse, the family coat of arms of the Rin (c) k von Baldenstein .


Historic aerial photo by Werner Friedli from 1947
St. Cassian's Church
Church of Sils

The Domleschg is one of the most beautiful and diverse valleys in Graubünden. Thanks to the exceptionally favorable climate, the Domleschg is also known as the Graubünden orchard. When the apple blossom starts here in spring, you can see the mountains in the background still covered in snow. The special geographical location with the narrow, easily controllable traffic routes made the Domleschg the area with the most castles in Europe. The municipality of Sils im Domleschg includes the Baldenstein Castle , the Campell castle ruins , the Hohen Rätien castle complex and Ehrenfels Castle (Sils) . The Carschenna rock carvings are also located in the municipality of Sils .

Neighboring communities of Sils im Domleschg are Fürstenau , Scharans , Vaz / Obervaz , Mutten , Zillis-Reischen , Rongellen and Thusis in a clockwise direction .


Population development
year 1803 1850 1900 1910 1950 1980 1990 2000 2005 2016
Residents 277 295 621 541 590 826 794 880 854 926 (?)


Sutselvisch , a Graubünden Romanesque dialect, was spoken in Sils until the 19th century . In 1900 less than 10% spoke Romansh and since 1920 the community has been monolingual German.

Languages ​​in Sils im Domleschg
languages 1980 census 1990 census 2000 census
number proportion of number proportion of number proportion of
German 612 74.09% 646 81.36% 764 86.82%
Romansh 56 6.78% 34 4.28% 14th 1.59%
Italian 104 12.59% 60 7.56% 25th 2.84%
Residents 826 100% 794 100% 880 100%

Both the Romansh and the Italian speakers are immigrants. The immigrants from Italy integrate more and more linguistically. That is why the proportion of Italian has steadily declined over the past few decades. The official language is German.

Origin and nationality

Of the 854 residents at the end of 2005, 749 (= 88%) were Swiss citizens.

Economy, transport

Plant of the EWZ in Sils im Domleschg

Sils is served by the PostBus Graubünden bus routes. Regional trains and express trains of the Rhaetian Railway stop in neighboring Thusis .

In Sils there is a power plant and a substation, which are operated by the Zurich City Electricity Plant (EWZ), the Northeast Swiss Power Plants (NOK) and the Hinterrhein Power Plants (KHR). The EWZ's Sils network control center is located in the complex, from where most of the EWZ systems are centrally controlled.

In the substation, electricity is transformed by the Laufenburg electricity company and transported on through the high-voltage lines Sils – Soazza and Sils – Pradella. A 380 kV high-voltage line from the NOK to Bonaduz and the 380 kV line Sils – Fällanden from the EWZ also begin there .


  • St Cassian and are under monument protection
  • the reformed village church .
  • Palazzo Donatz (parish hall)
  • Baldenstein Castle
  • Castle ruins Hoch-Rialt or Hohenratien
  • Campi castle ruins (Campell)


The mayor is Mario Kunz (as of 2010).



Web links

Commons : Sils im Domleschg  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence