Société des Motocycles Bercley

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The Société des Motocycles Bercley was a Belgian manufacturer of vehicles . The range included bicycles , motorcycles and automobiles .

Company history

The Brussels-based company originally made bicycles. Automobiles were made around 1900. The brand name was Bercley . The technician Gustave Kindermann developed a motorcycle in 1905 that remained in production until 1909.


The vehicles were powered by a two-cylinder engine with 616 cm³ displacement .


  • Yvette Kupélian, Jacques Kupélian and Jacques Sirtaine: Histoire de l'automobile belge. Paul Legrain, Brussels, ISBN 2-8705-7001-5 and epa, Paris, ISBN 2-8512-0090-9 . (French)
  • S. Ewald: Encyclopedia of the motorcycle. Bechtermünz Verlag, Augsburg 1999, ISBN 3-8289-5364-6 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Ewald: Encyclopedia of the motorcycle.
  2. a b Kupélian, Kupélian, Sirtaine: Histoire de l'automobile belge.