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Établissements Moto Escol
legal form
founding 1914
resolution 1938
Seat Châtelet , Belgium
management Jules Escol, Félix Escol, Maurice Escol
Branch Motor vehicle manufacturer

Établissements Moto Escol was a Belgian manufacturer of vehicles . The brand name was Escol .

Company history

The Châtelet-based company originally produced shaft hoisting systems. Automobile production began in 1926 and ran until 1929. Motorcycles were made until 1938.



The first prototype was made in 1923. Series production began in 1925. Initially, Villiers engines with a displacement of 147 to 250 cm³ were used . Later models had four-stroke engines with 250 cm³, 500 cm³ and 600 cm³ displacement.


At first, chassis from SUP and four-cylinder engines from Fivet with 1500 cc displacement were used. From 1927, built-in engines from Chapuis-Dornier and four-wheel brakes were used.


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