Leipzig constituency 3

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Constituency 29: Leipzig 3
Country Germany
state Saxony
Constituency number 29
Eligible voters 65.204
voter turnout 58.9%
Election date 1st September 2019
Constituency representative
Political party CDU
Voting share 28.3%

The electoral district of Leipzig 3 is one of seven Leipzig state electoral districts and comprises (from north to south) the twelve southwestern city and districts of Burghausen - Rückmarsdorf , Schönau , Miltitz , Grünau -Nord, -Est, -Mitte and -Siedlung , Lausen -Grünau, Kleinzschocher , Großzschocher , Knautkleeberg - Knauthain and Hartmannsdorf - Knautnaundorf .

Election 2019

Preliminary result of the state election on September 1, 2019 in constituency 29 - Leipzig 3:
(results in percent)

Direct candidate Political party Direct votes List votes
Andreas Nowak CDU 28.3 29.0
Petra Böhme AfD 26.3 25.0
Adam Bednarsky The left 20.7 15.1
Petra Cagalj Sejdi GREEN 8.4 8.8
Waltra Heinke SPD 7.9 9.5
Friedrich Vosberg FDP 4.0 3.4
Monika Baier Free voters 3.7 2.6
Birgitta Gündler BüSo 0.7 0.2
- Animal welfare - 2.1
- The party - 1.8
- Health research - 0.6
- NPD - 0.4
- Pirates - 0.4
- Blue party - 0.4
- ADPM - 0.2
- KPD - 0.2
- ÖDP - 0.2
- The humanists - 0.2
- PDV - 0.1
Eligible voters 65.204
voter turnout 58.9%

Election 2014

For the Saxon state election on August 31, 2014, there were changes in the state election districts . Since then, the constituency of Leipzig 3 has had constituency number 29 (previously 27). Compared to the previous division, the districts of Kleinzschocher , Großzschocher , Knautkleeberg - Knauthain and Hartmannsdorf - Knautnaundorf were added.

Official final result of the state election on August 31, 2014 in Saxony
in constituency 029 Leipzig 3 (results in percent)
Direct candidate Political party First votes in% Second votes in%
Andreas Nowak CDU 31.3 32.9
Dietmar Pellmann The left 29.9 26.6
Guido Machowski SPD 15.6 15.1
Ralf-Peter Wirth FDP 03.1 03.0
Oliver Seidel GREEN 05.0 05.4
Thomas Lindemann NPD 03.7 04.2
Animal welfare 0,× 01.3
Werner Willeke Pirates 01.4 01.0
Karsten Werner BüSo 00.4 00.2
DSU 0,× 00.1
Uwe Wurlitzer AfD 08.5 08.8
Pro Germany 0,× 00.2
Silvia Droese Free Saxons 01.1 00.8
The party 0,× 00.5

Election 2009

Until the state elections in 2009 , the electoral district of Leipzig 3 (constituency 27) only comprised the district west with the districts Schönau , Grünau-Ost, - Mitte, -Nord and -Siedlung , Lausen - Grünau and Miltitz as well as from the district Alt-West the districts Burghausen - Rückmarsdorf and Böhlitz-Ehrenberg . In this state election, 55,232 residents were eligible to vote.

Official final result of the state election on August 30, 2009 in Saxony
in constituency 027 Leipzig 3 (results in percent)
Direct candidate Political party First votes in% Second votes in%
Dietmar Kern CDU 30.1 32.4
Dietmar Pellmann The left 31.3 29.3
Margit Christmas SPD 15.2 14.1
Oliver Clay NPD 4.3 4.1
Ralf-Peter Wirth FDP 11.7 8.4
Jürgen Kasek GREEN 7.4 5.9
- Animal welfare - 2.5
- PBC - 0.1
- BüSo - 0.2
- DSU - 0.2
- REP - 0.1
- Free Saxons - 1.0
- FP of Germany - 0.1
- Human economy - 0.1
- Pirates - 1.5
- SVP - 0.2

Election 2004

The 2004 state elections had the following results:

Direct candidate Political party First votes in% Second votes in%
Michaela Neuwirth CDU 29.2 32.1
Dietmar Pellmann PDS 32.7 30.4
Margit Christmas SPD 17.9 15.7
Leonhard Kasek GREEN 5.7 4.9
Jens Pühse NPD 6.3 6.6
Holger Krahmer FDP 5.0 4.4
Karl-Heinz Obser DSU 1.7 0.7
- PBC - 0.3
- GRAY - 1.3
- BüSo - 0.8
- START - 0.6
- DGG - 0.3
- Animal welfare - 1.9
Mario Greener PLB 1.4 -

Election 1999

The 1999 state election took place on September 19, 1999 and had the following result for the Leipzig 3 constituency.

Direct candidate Political party First votes in% Second votes in%
Volker Schimpff CDU 42.6 44.9
Margit Christmas SPD 19.0 15.2
Dietmar Pellmann PDS 34.1 30.5
GREEN 02.5
Sylvia Kolbe FDP 01.4 00.8
BüSo 00.2
Lothar Schröder DSU 01.6 00.4
GRAY 00.4
REP 01.1
- FP of Germany - 00.0
- per DM - 02.0
- KPD - 00.1
NPD 01.5
Forum 00.3
- PBC - 00.1
Ramona Weigel SAVE YES - BUT FAIR! 01.3

52,602 people were eligible to vote. The turnout was 51.1%. 1.3% of the votes cast were invalid. Volker Schimpff (CDU) was chosen as a direct candidate. It received 42.6% of all valid votes.

Election 1994

The 1994 state election took place on September 11, 1994 and had the following result for the Leipzig constituency 3:

Direct candidate Political party First votes in% Second votes in%
Volker Schimpff CDU 38.4 47.6
Margit Christmas SPD 26.0 19.0
FDP 01.0
GREEN 05.3
DSU 00.4
REP 00.8
Forum - 00.7
Dietmar Pellmann PDS 22.7 24.4
PLC - 00.6
Monika Nöcker Individual applicants 07.8 -

61,940 people were eligible to vote. The turnout was 50.0%. 1.3% of the votes cast were invalid. Volker Schimpff (CDU) was chosen as a direct candidate . He received 38.4% of all valid votes.

Individual evidence

  1. State election 2019 - direct and list voting in the electoral district of Leipzig 3. In: wahlen.sachsen.de. State Statistical Office of Saxony , accessed on September 9, 2019 .
  2. Districts of the electoral district of Leipzig 3, 2014 , State Statistical Office of the Free State of Saxony
  3. State Statistical Office of the Free State of Saxony: constituency: 029 Leipzig 3. In: Official final result of the state elections on August 31, 2014 in Saxony. Retrieved May 6, 2015 .
  4. Constituency division for the 2009 state elections
  5. State Statistical Office of the Free State of Saxony: constituency: 027 Leipzig 3. In: Official final result of the state elections on August 30, 2009 in Saxony. Retrieved August 16, 2014 .
  6. Result of the 2004 state elections
  7. Detailed election results for the 1999 state elections
  8. Detailed election results for the 1994 state elections

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