Bolu (province)

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Province number: 14th
Bulgarien Griechenland Zypern Georgien Armenien Aserbaidschan Iran Irak Syrien Edirne Tekirdağ İstanbul Çanakkale Yalova Balıkesir Bursa Kocaeli Sakarya Bilecik Kütahya İzmir Manisa Aydın Muğla Uşak Denizli Düzce Bolu Eskişehir Afyonkarahisar Burdur Antalya Isparta Zonguldak Bartın Karabük Çankırı Ankara Konya Karaman Mersin Niğde Aksaray Kırşehir Kırıkkale Çorum Kastamonu Sinop Samsun Amasya Yozgat Kayseri Adana Ordu Tokat Sivas Giresun Osmaniye Hatay Kilis Malatya K. Maraş Gaziantep Adıyaman Şanlıurfa Mardin Batman Diyarbakır Elazığ Erzincan Trabzon Gümüşhane Tunceli Bayburt Rize Bingöl Artvin Ardahan Kars Iğdır Erzurum Muş Ağrı Bitlis Siirt Şırnak Van HakkariBolu in Turkey.svg
About this picture
Bolu districts.png
Basic data
Coordinates: 40 ° 41 ′  N , 31 ° 33 ′  E Coordinates: 40 ° 41 ′  N , 31 ° 33 ′  E
Provincial capital: Bolu
Region: Black Sea Region
Surface: 8313 km²
Population: 311,810 (2018)
Population density: 29 inhabitants / km²
Governor: Ahmet Ümit
Seats in Parliament: 3
Telephone code: 0374
Features : 14th
Website (Turkish)

Bolu is a province of Turkey . Its capital is Bolu .

The province borders on the provinces of Ankara , Bilecik , Sakarya , Düzce , Zonguldak , Eskişehir and Karabük .


Population projection

The following table shows the annual population development at the end of the year after updating by the addressable population register (ADNKS) introduced in 2007. In addition, the population growth rate and are gender relations ( sex ratio h. Number of women per 1,000 men d.) Listed.
The 2011 census found 276,976 inhabitants, which is around 6,300 more than in the 2000 census.

year Population at the end of the year Population growth
rate (in%)

(women per
1000 men)
(among 81 provinces)
total male Female
2018 311.810 154.711 157.099 2.85 1015 59
2017 303.184 150.383 152.801 1.10 1016 59
2016 299,896 148,481 151.415 3.02 1020 59
2015 291,095 144.501 146,594 2.21 1014 60
2014 284,789 140.405 144.384 0.46 1028 61
2013 283,496 140,572 142.924 0.86 1017 61
2012 281.080 139,805 141,275 1.65 1011 61
2011 276.506 137.385 139.121 1.95 1013 61
2010 271.208 133,958 137,250 −0.12 1025 62
2009 271,545 135.227 136,318 0.99 1008 62
2008 268,882 134.056 134,826 −0.57 1006 62
2007 270.417 134.502 135.915 - 1011 62
2000 1 270,654 137.153 133.501 973 62

1 2000 census

Census results

The following tables show the population of Bolu Province documented in the 14 censuses .
The values ​​in the table on the left are taken from e-books (from the original documents), the values ​​in the table on the right come from the data query of the Turkish statistical institute TÜIK - available on this website:

year population rank
province Turkey
1927 218.246 13,648,270 23
1935 248.027 16.158.018 31
1940 257.393 17,820,950 32
1945 276,367 18,790,174 33
1950 303.111 20,947,188 31
1955 317,946 24,064,763 35
1960 353.004 27,754,820 37
year population rank
province Turkey
1965 383,939 31,391,421 37
1970 403.766 35.605.176 38
1975 218,305 40,347,719 63
1980 228.702 44,736,957 64
1985 504.778 50,664,458 39
1990 536.869 56.473.035 38
2000 270,654 67,803,927 62

Number of provinces in relation to the census years:

  • 1927, 1940 to 1950: 63 provinces
  • 1935: 57 provinces
  • 1955: 67 provinces
  • 1960 to 1985: 73 provinces
  • 1990: 73 provinces
  • 2000: 81 provinces

Administrative division

The province is divided into nine districts ( İlçe ) :

district Area 1
Population (2018) 2 Number of Units Density
(Ew / km²)
share (in%)
ratio 3
date 4.5
district Administrative headquarters
Dörtdivan 634 7.139 2,993 1 8th 24 11.26 41.92 1060 May 20, 1990
talk 1,060 34,277 23,038 1 8th 92 32.34 67.21 1014
Goynuk 1,407 15,423 4.183 1 6th 66 10.96 27.12 985
Kıbrıscık 562 3,220 1,193 1 2 22nd 5.73 37.05 1005 04/01/1958
amounts 874 14,355 5,551 2 8th 56 16.42 53.74 986 01/01/1948
Merkez 1,616 205,525 171.180 2 44 112 127.18 84.34 1021
Mudurnu 1.314 19,327 5.123 2 12 70 14.71 38.12 986
Seben 683 5,250 2,440 1 2 29 7.69 46.48 1097 04/01/1946
Yeniçağa 163 7,294 4,573 1 3 16 44.75 62.70 988 May 20, 1990
PROVINCE Bolu 8,313 311.810 12 93 487 37.51 72.75 1015


1 area in 2014
two population projection on December 31, 2018
3 sex ratio (Sex Ratio): Number of women per 1000 men (calculated)
4 PDF file of the Interior Ministry
five counties, the first to have been formed Foundation of Turkey (1923).

Web links

Commons : Province of Bolu  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Türkiye Nüfusu İl ve İlçelere Göre Nüfus Bilgileri , accessed on May 18, 2019
  2. ^ Website of the Bolu Province
  3. Genel Nüfus Sayımları (census results 1965 to 2000)
  4. Directorate General of Mapping PDF file 0.25 MB
  5. Türkiye Nüfusu İl İlçe Mahalle Köy Nüfusu , accessed on May 18, 2019
  6. [1] TARİH (1) .pdf 1.4 MB