Christian Ude

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Christian Ude, 2019
Christian Ude 2006
Christian Ude at the “Triple” celebration in the Munich City Hall in 2013 with his wife Edith von Welser-Ude
Christian Ude on December 14, 2013 at a tram opening in Munich-Pasing

Christian Ude (born October 26, 1947 in Munich ) is a German politician ( SPD ). From 1993 to 2014 he was Lord Mayor of the Bavarian capital, Munich . His successor was Dieter Reiter (SPD). Ude has been an honorary citizen of the city of Munich since 2014.

Origin and education

Christian Ude was born in Munich as the second child of culture editor Karl Ude and his wife Renée. He grew up in a left-wing liberal middle class family in the Munich district of Schwabing . After graduating from high school in 1967 at the Oskar-von-Miller-Gymnasium in Munich, he worked as a trainee until 1969 and later as editor of the Süddeutsche Zeitung . The focus of his journalistic activities were youth issues, school and university politics as well as communal reporting. He studied sociology and history at the same time until 1969, but dropped out without a degree.

In the summer semester of 1969, Ude completed a law degree at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich and passed the first state examination in 1977. After the second state examination in 1979 in Munich, which he passed with distinction , he settled as a lawyer from 1979 to 1990 . Ude made a good name for himself in the city, especially in the area of tenancy law . In 1983 he married the eight years older SPD city ​​councilor Edith von Welser, who had six children and who came from the Karcher industrial and political dynasty on her mother's side.

SPD politician since 1966

As a high school student, Ude joined the SPD in 1966. As Juso and chairman of the Munich Jusos, he made life difficult for the SPD leadership. From 1972 to 1978 he worked as an honorary press spokesman for the Munich SPD. In 1980 he founded the “Stadtillustrierte” as editor, which was published by the SPD city council group. In the local elections in March 1990 Christian Ude was elected to the Munich City Council and on May 2, 1990 it was elected second Mayor of Munich.

Lord Mayor of the City of Munich from 1993 to 2014

On September 12, 1993, he became Lord Mayor of Munich and successor to Georg Kronawitter . He was re-elected three times, on June 13, 1999 with 61.2% of all votes, on March 3, 2002 with 64.5% and on March 2, 2008 with 66.8%. After Ude had initially ruled out a candidacy for a fourth term in office in March 2008, he later changed his mind and was officially nominated by his party as candidate for mayor in November 2007. The legal age limit precluded a renewed candidacy in the 2014 local elections , Dieter Reiter was elected as his successor .

Ude is an advocate of communal independence. On June 2, 2005 he was in Berlin as successor to the Frankfurt Mayor Petra Roth (CDU) as the new President of the German Association of Cities selected and confirmed in this office on May 24 of 2007. In this capacity, he sat down especially for a different financial distribution between federal , countries and municipalities one. On May 14, 2009 Ude was again replaced by Petra Roth in the office of president in Bochum and took over the office of vice-president. On May 5, 2011, he was re-elected President of the German Association of Cities in Stuttgart and Petra Roth took over the office of Vice President again. On March 15, 2013 Ude handed over the office of President of the City Council to Ulrich Maly .

From July 15, 2013 until September 15, election day, Christian Ude was on leave of his own choosing, with the loss of his earnings, in order to run his top candidacy for the SPD in the 2013 state elections . The official business at this time was carried out by Christine Strobl and Hep Monatzeder .

Top candidate for the 2013 state election

In August 2011 it became known that Christian Ude would be the top candidate of the SPD in the 2013 state election and would compete against the incumbent Prime Minister Horst Seehofer .

On October 21, 2012, the state party congress in Nuremberg elected him as the top candidate with only one vote against. The SPD Bavaria received 20.6% of the votes in the 2013 state election (after 18.6% in the 2008 state election ).


Ude received sometimes harsh criticism in the context of the planning for a renovation of the Olympic Stadium. Equally controversial is the project of the so -called North Tramway through the English Garden , which Ude advocated and planned by the Munich Transport Company . Large parts of his party and the Greens criticize Ude because he campaigned for the construction of a third runway at Munich Airport and even named this as a prerequisite for his candidacy as Prime Minister, for which party colleagues accused him of “coercion and blackmail”. The third runway was rejected in a referendum in 2012. The express S-Bahn proposed by Ude instead of the Transrapid is also highly controversial.

There is a programmatic distance not only from the Bavarian SPD, but also from the Greens, whose rejection of major projects Ude believes has "features of a religious war". After he had laid stumbling blocks in Munich removed, Ude was accused of a lack of sensitivity. Ude also received sharp criticism in the Iraq crisis of 2003 when he called for a demonstration against the Iraq war during the Munich Conference on Security Policy .

Despite the support of a city council majority, Ude was unable to enforce his position in several referendums. In June 1996, the referendum “The ring needs three tunnels” was confirmed in a referendum . In 2003 Ude lost to his predecessor Georg Kronawitter the debate about the construction of high-rise buildings in Munich. A narrow majority of Munich residents voted in the referendum that no new building outside the Mittlerer Ring should be higher than the Frauenkirche , which meant that several construction projects, such as the new headquarters of the Süddeutscher Verlag , had to be discarded or implemented lower.

In the summer of 2016 Ude's book The Alternative or: Make Politics at Last! , which has been controversial. Hans-Jürgen Jakobs reviewed in the Handelsblatt that the book was the radical analysis of a reformed politician: “From retirement, Munich’s long-time mayor rumbles about left-wing milieu lies, Germany’s hypocritical refugee policy and an anachronistic SPD.” There is hardly any policy made in Germany, not even discussed . The big parties had gutted themselves in the struggle for the center. The book received some harsh criticism. The civil rights activist and former member of the Bundestag Vera Lengsfeld recognized in Ude's book a convincing program for a changed SPD policy as well as a possible candidate for Chancellor Ude.


Cabaret duo: "Der Doppelte Ude" - Christian Ude (right in the picture) and his Nockherberg double Uli Bauer , 2005
Ude at the SPD federal party conference in 2001
Christian Ude with the poet thaler, 2001

In addition to his work as Lord Mayor, Ude is also active as a book author and cabaret artist. He regularly writes columns in the Munich tabloid, Abendzeitung, and alternates with Peter Gauweiler in the Münchner Merkur . He is also a member of the TSV 1860 Munich sports club and sat on its supervisory board for 13 years until 2009. Ude is one of around 4,000 members of the Munich Association against Fraudulent Pouring (VGBE) . He voiced the mayor of Oakey Oaks in the Disney production Heaven and Chicken .

He was also an opponent of the now failed Transrapid to Munich Airport in Erdinger Moos. In contrast, he advocates an express S-Bahn, the implementation of which is still largely open. Ude is a member of the supervisory board of the Münchner Verkehrsgesellschaft and the Münchner Volkshochschule .

Since 2004 he has been visiting professor at Nankai University in the Chinese city of Tianjin . In October 2009, the Tongji University in Shanghai awarded him the title of "Consulting Professor".

On November 20, 2007, Ude emphasized at a support meeting of the Munich Pink List before the election: "Please note that you are dealing with a self-confessed and practicing hetero - and that's a good thing." Background of the allusion a quote from his Berlin colleague Wowereit was speculation about possible homosexuality .

Christian Ude is an advocate that municipal water supplies should remain in public hands.


Publications (selection)

Audio book


Individual evidence

  1. a b CV. In: .
  2. , accessed on January 10, 2019
  3. Jan Bielicki: We are Lord Mayors. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung , May 17, 2010.
  4. , accessed on January 9, 2019.
  5. , accessed on January 9, 2019.
  6. Peter Fahrenholz: Dahoam is dahoam , of September 17, 2013, accessed on November 10, 2013
  7. Peter Fahrenholz: The Messiah wants to know. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung , August 9, 2011.
  8. Christian Ude: From Lord Mayor to Party Hope. In: Augsburger Allgemeine , August 11, 2011.
  9. Peter Fahrenholz: Hope for the Bavarian Kretschmann. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung , August 11, 2011.
  10. Peter Issig : For the first time real competition for Seehofer. In: Die Welt , August 11, 2011.
  11. ^ Nina Weber: Christian Ude opens the SPD's election campaign. In: Spiegel Online , October 21, 2012.
  12. OB criticizes Benno Zierer and Christian Ude
  13. Harsh criticism of Ude
  14. He never did the dishes. In: Focus , November 21, 2011.
  15. Harsh criticism of Ude because of the stumbling blocks
  16. Munich's Mayor Ude calls for a protest against Bush. In: Die Welt , May 5, 2003.
  17. Book tip: The alternative or - finally make politics !: Christian Udes Schwabinger Aufstand . ( [accessed December 25, 2017]).
  18. Christian Ude: "Finally make politics!" - "Parts of the media world are only waiting for a stimulus word" . In: Deutschlandfunk Kultur . ( [accessed December 25, 2017]).
  19. Peter Jungblut, Bayerischer Rundfunk: Christian Ude: The alternative or: Finally make politics! | . July 4, 2017 ( [accessed August 13, 2017]).
  20. Vera Lengsfeld: The former mayor of Munich speaks plain language . In: TheEuropean . August 15, 2017 ( [accessed on December 25, 2017]): “Christian Ude, if he were the top candidate of the SPD and started with the program that he developed in his book, would be the next Federal Chancellor. But that can still come. Macron showed how to proceed. Adenauer only started at 76. Ude shouldn't wait that long. "
  21. Gerald Kleffmann: Quickly back to the Grünwalder Stadium. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung , May 17, 2010.
  22. ( Memento from April 3, 2011 in the Internet Archive )
  23. Barbara Wimmer: Munich Mayor Ude honored by the University of Shanghai. In: tz . Retrieved March 3, 2012 .
  24. Max Hägler: Lord Mayor loves his wife. In: the daily newspaper , November 24, 2007.
  25. Munich mayor Ude rejects rumors. In: Rheinische Post , November 22, 2007.
  27. ( Memento from October 6, 2007 in the Internet Archive )

Web links

Commons : Christian Ude  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
 Wikinews: Christian Ude  - in the news