Count of Sulz

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Coat of arms of the Counts of Sulz in the Zurich coat of arms (approx. 1340)

The Counts of Sulz were a high nobility from southern Germany who held the Rottweil court and the Landgraviate of Klettgau until it went out in 1687 .


Albeck ruins
Council meeting of Count Eberhard der Milde from Württemberg around 1400 - Count von Sulz under No. 13
Rottweil Stadtmuseum: The oath of the court

The Counts of Sulz am Neckar had owned the salt springs there since 910 . In 1095, the family appeared in a document as a co-founder of the Alpirsbach monastery . Even then they were exercising count rights. They also had other possessions and rights. So they were the chief bailiffs of the Schwarzach monastery . Around 1100 the lords of Fluorn became the Sulzer ministers , then named themselves after their Brandeck castle as lords of Brandeck and made numerous donations to the Alpirsbach monastery. Remains of a shield wall are still preserved from the former castle complex. The family lost their original power base, Albeck Castle near Sulz, to the von Geroldseck family through marriage around 1252 .

In the 12th century they were probably charged with protecting the eastern flank of the Zähringer sphere of influence . Hermann von Sulz renounced his share in the Landgraviate of Baar , which the Sulzer owned together with the Fürstenbergers , in 1282. King Rudolf transferred the county in the Baar to Heinrich von Fürstenberg on January 18, 1283 . It is assumed that Hermann von Sulz , who was also loyal to the Habsburg castle, was compensated with other offices. In 1299 he was court judge of King Albrecht in Alsace and Nuremberg, and as early as 1317 a Count von Sulz was mentioned as court judge in Rottweil .

Walter III. von Geroldseck (called von Tübingen; probably † 1333 during the siege of Schwanau Castle ) had five sons, three of whom, Georg, Gundolf and Wilhelm, received the rule of Sulz and Dornstetten; they were now named after their new possession of Geroldseck and Sulz . After three generations, the son of Konrad von Geroldseck and his wife Anna von Urslingen ( Reinold von Urslingen's sister ), Hans († 1451), the Sulzer line of Geroldseck died out. They continued to use the additional title Sulz , although the Sulz rule had to be sold to the House of Württemberg in 1473 . From 1519 to 1536, as a result of the expulsion of Duke Christoph von Württemberg by the Swabian Federation , the Geroldsecker resided again in the city of Sulz, but this ended with the Duke's return.

In 1340 Count Berthold von Sulz was married to Adelheid von Schwarzenberg .

A new rise began in 1360 when the Counts of Sulz received the hereditary judicial office at the imperial court in Rottweil. The counts contributed significantly to the good reputation of this court. The fact that the Counts von Sulz received from Duke Leopold of Austria in 1392 as pledge for money borrowed from several villages, which they kept until 1462, also speaks in favor of the resurgence .

Landgraves in Klettgau

The counts achieved a further rise through a clever marriage policy . Mediated by his father, Count Hermann von Sulz , Rudolf I married the heir, Ursula von Habsburg-Laufenburg, of the last Count Johann IV. And his wife Agnes von Landenberg . As a result, the Landgraviate of Klettgau on the Upper Rhine and the rule of Rotenberg in Alsace came from Habsburg-Laufenburg to the Sulz family in 1408 . Rudolf I († 1440) and Agnes had three sons: Johannes († 1444), Alwig and Rudolf II.

In 1477, Count Alwig , aged 60, married Verena von Brandis , 35 years his junior . The lords of Vaduz , Schellenberg and Blumenegg in Vorarlberg were added by the Barons von Brandis . They had two daughters and a son, Rudolf V. von Sulz , who in various sources also Rudolf III. is called. Alwig and Rudolf II. († 1487) together acquired the town and castle Tiengen from the bishopric of Konstanz in 1482 and in 1497 the Küssaburg and the rule Küssaberg as fiefs. They also bought the Upper Jestetten Castle . In Schaffhausen they bought the house "zur Tanne" in 1474 and in 1506 the house "zum red bear". Tiengen became a residence, but they also lived on the Küssaburg and in Jestetten Castle.

Parts of the area had to be sold again from 1613. In the course of the creation of the Swiss Confederation , the territory of the counts had shrunk considerably. Due to financial difficulties, Count Johann Ludwig von Sulz sold the southernmost part of the old Klettgau, the Rafzerfeld , to the city of Zurich in 1651 . In 1656 the northeastern part of the county had to be sold to the city of Schaffhausen.

The family was in the service of the Habsburgs for centuries. Karl Ludwig Graf zu Sulz (1572–1617) was the Imperial War Council President and Feldzeugmeister . The male line died out in 1687. By will of the last Count von Sulz, the movable property of the house fell to the older daughter, who was married to a Fürstenberger; the younger daughter Maria Anna von Sulz inherited the property still existing from the offices of Tiengen and Jestetten and brought this, as well as the office of hereditary court judge to Rottweil, to her husband Ferdinand Fürst von Schwarzenberg and their joint descendants. The Sulz era in Klettgau came to an end. The memory of the Counts of Sulz persists in the coat of arms, among other things. In several places it is part of the local coat of arms, for example some districts of the city of Sulz am Neckar as well as Vöhringen and Dietingen . In Klettgau it is still part of the coats of arms of the municipalities of Lauchringen , Klettgau , Küssaberg and von Stetten near Hohentengen .

Ferdinand von Schwarzenberg († 1703) married Countess Maria Anna von Sulz († 1698) in 1674. The government kept the only daughter of Count Johann Ludwig von Sulz itself in the first years, but was soon transferred to the modern Schwarzenberg administrations of Krumau taken from.

coat of arms

Küssaburg gate with drawbridge, above the Sulz-Brandis alliance coat of arms

The family coat of arms of the von Sulz family:

The older coat of arms (Scheibler's coat of arms book 1450/80)
Blazon : "In the lace cut divided by silver and red."

Later the family carried an increased coat of arms:

The younger coat of arms (Siebmacher 1605)
Blazon : " Square , 1 and 4 the family coat of arms, 2 and 3 in silver diagonally left a red, flamed , black tree trunk ."
Justification of the coat of arms: Increased by the coat of arms of those of Brandis .

Member of the sex

Early time

Surname Reign Remarks
Alwig I. 1071-1095
Alwig II 1095-1139
Alwig III. 1139-1152
Alwig IV. around 1196
Hermann II. around 1215
Alwig V. around 1230
Berthold I. around 1230
Berthold II. around 1240
Alwig VI. around 1240
Hermann III. around 1268
Hermann IV. † 1312 1284 Sale of the Sulz area
Berthold III. † 1348
Hermann V. around 1350
Rudolf I. born before 1349; † 1406 married to Anna von Waldburg († 1385 or 1406), they are the parents of Hermann VI.
Alwig VIII. around 1350
Hermann VI. 1392-1429 Governor in Upper Austria , father of Rudolf III.
Rudolf II. 1392-1429 † before 1414

Landgrave of the Klettgau

Surname Reign Remarks
Rudolf III. the Sulzer line, Rudolf I. the Klettgau line 1405-1431 Landgrave in Klettgau from 1408; he had three sons who initially took over the county together
Johann II. 1431-1483 married to Bertha von Höwen
Rudolf IV of the Sulzer line, Rudolf II of the Klettgau line 1431-1487 married to Margaretha von Limpurg
Alwig X. von Sulz at Balm Castle 1431-1493 from 1477 married to Verena von Brandis , received Blumenegg , Vaduz and Schellenberg , acquired the rule of Tiengen from the diocese of Constance and later the Küssaburg and with it the entire Landgraviate of Klettgau
Rudolf V. of the Sulzer line, Rudolf III. the Klettgau line (* 1478 in Tiengen, † 1535 in Vaduz) 1493-1535 from 1507 in Vaduz and Blumenegg, 1520 royal governor of Württemberg , 1523/35 governor in front Austria
Johann Ludwig I. von Sulz 1536-1547 Built in the Tiengen Castle new, ∞ Elsbeth of Two Bridges; they had three sons, including Wilhelm († 1565) and Rudolf VI. the Sulzer line and IV. the Klettgau line; he was never in power since † 1552
Wilhelm († 1565) 1547-1565
Alwig XI. (IX. Of the Sulzer line, Alwig II. Of the Klettgau line) 1566-1572 1567–1572 governor in Upper Austria
Rudolf IV. , Actually Rudolf V of the Klettgau line and VII. Of the Sulzer line (the previous Rudolf IV or VI, however, was not ruling) 1572-1603 ∞ Barbara von Staufen , resigned in 1603
Karl Ludwig zu Sulz ; († 1617) 1603-1617
Karl Ludwig Ernst von Sulz 1617-1648
Johann Ludwig II of Sulz 1648-1687

Klettgau line

Surname Reign Remarks
Alwig XII. († 1572) 1567 bailiff in Upper Alsace
Rudolf VII. (Also Alwig II.) (* 1559; † 1620) 1583-1603 1605/13 underland bailiff in Alsace ; his first wife was Barbara von Staufen, they had a daughter, Maximiliana I (1584–1623); his second wife was Agatha von Limpurg
Karl Ludwig I (* 1572; † 1617 in Spanish service in Vercelli ) 1603-1616 his wife was Anna Amalia von Hohenems (1593–1658), both were buried in the Sulzer crypt in Tiengen
Alwig (* 1586; † 1632) 1616-1628
Karl Ludwig II. Ernst (* around 1595 † 1648 in Amberg ) 1628-1648 1621/1628 Unterlandvogt in Alsace , 1622–162? Provincial bailiff in front Austria, 1634 imperial governor in Württemberg; married to I. Maximiliana (1584–1623), II. Maria Elisabeth von Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen (1592–1659); all buried in the Sulzer crypt in the Church of St. Maria Himmelfahrt in Tiengen. He had the Sulzer crypt built in the church in Tiengen in 1631 and was buried there.
Johann Ludwig II. (* 1626; † 1687) 1648-1687 married to I. Maria von Königsegg-Aulendorf (1634–1658), II. Eugenia Maria Franziska von Manderscheid (1629–1690), they had seven children:
  • Johann Anton Eusebius (* 1654; † 1654)
  • Maria Theresia Felicitas (1656–1678)
  • Franz Ludwig (* 1662 † 1662)
  • Eleonora Felicitas (* 1664; † around 1667)
  • Moritz Anton Joseph (* 1666; † 1666)
  • Franz Joseph Moritz Rudolph (1667–1671)
  • Karl Ludwig Anton (1670–1671)

they were all buried in the Sulzer crypt in the church in Tiengen, the heart of Johann Ludwig II was buried in a silver capsule with the Capuchins in Waldshut , in 1825 it was buried in the cemetery in Waldshut, the empty capsule was placed in a museum

Maria Anna 1687-1698 married to Ferdinand von Schwarzenberg ; Transfer to Schwarzenberg

Vaduz line

Surname Reign Remarks
Rudolf VIII 1572-1611
Johann III. 1611 † 1617
Vaduz 1613 to Hohenems
Blumenegg 1616 to
Abbot von Weingarten


Web links

Commons : Coat of arms of the von Sulz family  - collection of images, videos and audio files

References and comments

  1. KS Bader p. 33; Bader also suspects that the foundation stone for the later court judge's office in Rottweil was laid here.
  2. See Niederhäuser.
  3. Sulz family coat of arms (von, Counts family) ( Memento from November 7, 2016 in the Internet Archive ), based on: Jean Egli: The extinct nobility of the city and landscape of Zurich. 1865. There was also a ministerial family Sulz ( memento from November 7, 2016 in the Internet Archive ), which had a golden bathtub in the coat of arms in blue .
  4. Sulz family coat of arms (von, Counts family) ( Memento from November 7, 2016 in the Internet Archive ), based on: Jean Egli: The extinct nobility of the city and landscape of Zurich. 1865.
  5. a b cf. List of bailiffs in Alsace , there the source is given
  6. ^ A b Ben Cahoon: Austrian Lands before 1918: Vorderösterreich (Vorderlande) ., 2000.
  7. Bader p. 170.
  8. Ulrike Mylius: The crypt of the Counts of Sulz in Tiengen on the Upper Rhine . In: Heimat on the Upper Rhine. Yearbook of the district of Waldshut , 1987, vol. XII., District of Waldshut (ed.), ISBN 3-87799-083-5 , p. 141 ff.
  9. ^ Sulz, Carl Ludwig II. Ernst Graf von, Landgrave in Klettgau . In: Bernd Warlich: The Thirty Years 'War in personal testimonies, chronicles and reports , material collection on the Thirty Years' War.