James Parsons (politician)

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James Parsons (* 1724 in Ireland , †  October 1, 1779 in South Carolina ) was an American politician . Between 1777 and 1779 he was the last vice president of the state of South Carolina.


James Parsons was still studying law in his Irish homeland and came to what was then the British colony of South Carolina before 1750, where he worked as a lawyer and soon gained considerable wealth and reputation. Between 1752 and 1754 and again from 1760 to 1775 he sat in the colonial House of Representatives. In the early 1770s he joined the revolutionary movement. He became a member of several assemblies and security committees that supported the independence movement. He also served in the first three terms of the state legislature of the new state of South Carolina.

In 1777, Parsons was elected by the South Carolina General Assembly to succeed Henry Laurens as the second and last vice president of his state. This title was abolished after his tenure and replaced by the office of Vice Governor. Parsons held this position between June 27, 1777 and January 9, 1779. Until 1778 he was a representative of John Rutledge and then of his successor Rawlins Lowndes , both of whom led the title of President of South Carolina. This title was then also abolished and replaced by the office of governor. He died on October 1, 1779 and was buried in Charleston .

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