Cabaret League

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Cabaret Bundesliga
Price name Cabaret Bundesliga
abbreviation KBL
Founded 2009
initiator Theo Vagedes
Awarding Yearly
Period September to July
player 14th
venue throughout Germany

The Cabaret League is a series of events in Germany in the form of a competition among cabaret artists , comedians , music cabaret artists and poetry slamers . It was brought into being by Theo Vagedes.


At the events in the theater, two cabaret artists each perform for 45 minutes in a row. A winner will then be chosen by the audience. The results over a season are added up to determine an overall winner. The award ceremony of the German cabaret master takes place in the Wühlmäusen in Berlin. The cabaret federal league was held for the first time in 2009. The participants are nominated every year by a renowned jury of theater directors, journalists and directors. In the course of a year, 91 events are organized in 13 German cities, for example in the Cologne mustard pot , in the Berlin voles, in the Mainz lower house , in the Trier cloth factory , in the Alte Mühle theater in Bad Vilbel, in the forum in the water tower in Meerbusch, in the culture barn in Herborn , in the Stuttgart Renitenztheater , in Obernburg in the Kleinkunstbühne Kochsmühle , in the Hanoverian Theater am Küchengarten , in the Rosenhof (Osnabrück) , in the Hamburg Schmidtchen Theater, in the Augsburger Kresslesmühle and in the Kulturzentrum Kreuz Fulda . Game director Theo Vagedes announced during the final event in 2019 that the German cabaret league would be taking a creative break after the tenth season. He commented: "1100 games and 2038 appearances in ten years and for the first time the winners' party not in Berlin, but in Herborn."

Award winners

Season 2018/2019

Season 2017/2018

  • Master: Andy Ost
  • Silver: Stefan Danziger
  • Bronze: Murzarella

Season 2016/2017

2015/2016 season

Season 2014/2015

2013/2014 season

2012/2013 season

2011/2012 season

2010/2011 season

2009/2010 season


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Helmut Blecher: The finest hour of the KuSch: The great show of cabaret. In: Herborner Heimatspiele eV, July 6, 2019, accessed on September 17, 2019 .