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Klein Schillehlen (Kleinschollen), Pötkallen (Pötken) and Augskallen (Güldenflur)

Federal district Northwest Russia
Oblast Kaliningrad
Rajon Krasnosnamensk
Earlier names I. Warlen (before 1785),
Klein Schillehlischken (until 1913),
Klein Schillehlen (until 1938),
Kleinschollen (until 1946)

II. Krebszen (before 1785),
Pötkallen (until 1938),
Pötken (until 1946),
Petropawlowskoje (after 1946)

III. Augschkallen (after 1785),
Auxkallen (after 1815),
Augskallen (until 1938),
Güldenflur (until 1946)
population 54 inhabitants
(as of Oct. 14, 2010)
Time zone UTC + 2
Telephone code (+7) 40164
Post Code 238732
License Plate 39, 91
OKATO 27 218 816 008
Geographical location
Coordinates 54 ° 58 '  N , 22 ° 16'  E Coordinates: 54 ° 57 '32 "  N , 22 ° 15' 57"  E
Kalatschejewo (European Russia)
Red pog.svg
Location in the western part of Russia
Kalacheva (Kaliningrad Oblast)
Red pog.svg
Location in Kaliningrad Oblast

Kalatschejewo ( Russian Калачеево , German  Klein Schillehlen , 1938 to 1945 Kleinschollen , also: Pötkallen , 1938 to 1945 Pötken and: Augskallen , 1938 to 1945 Güldenflur , Lithuanian Mažieji Šilėnai , also: Pietkalniai ) is a place in the Russian Oblast and belongs to the Kaliningrad region local self-government unit Stadtkreis Krasnoznamensk in Krasnoznamensky district .

Geographical location

Kalatschejewo is located on the regional road 27A-025 (ex R508 ), 19 kilometers east of Neman (Ragnit) and 15 kilometers west of the Rajon capital Krasnosnamensk (Lasdehnen / Haselberg) . The municipal road 27K-051 coming from Malomoschaiskoje (Budwethen / Altenkirch) ends in town. There is no rail connection.


Klein Schillehlen (small clods)

The district formerly known as Klein Schillehlen , located in the north, consisted of several smaller courtyards and farmsteads before 1945. The village was in the newly built 1,874 District Kackschen in county Ragnit incorporated. In 1909, the district was dissolved and Klein Schillehlen came to the district of Wedereitischken , which was renamed in 1939 to "District of Sandkirchen" and between 1922 and 1945 belonged to the district of Tilsit-Ragnit in the Gumbinnen district of the Prussian province of East Prussia .

In 1910 there were 147 residents registered in Klein Schillehlen. Their number sank to 123 by 1933 and was still 121 in 1939. On June 3rd - officially confirmed on July 16th - of the year 1938, Klein Schillehlen was renamed "Kleinschollen" for political and ideological reasons to avoid foreign-sounding place names and came 1945 in the aftermath of the war with all of northern East Prussia to the Soviet Union .

Pötkallen (Pötken) / Wetrowo

The district called Pötkallen , located in the southern area on the side road 27K-058, was a manor village before 1945. Also Pötkallen belonged from 1874 to the District Kackschen within the circle Ragnit , but came after its dissolution in 1909 for District Budwethen that from 1922 the district Tilsit-Ragnit in Administrative district Gumbinnen the Prussian province of East Prussia was assigned and belonged to him until the 1945th

In 1910, 117 people lived in Pötkallen. Their number decreased to 80 by 1933 and was still 87 in 1939. Renamed "Pötken" in 1938, the village came to the Soviet Union in 1945 .

In 1947 Pötkallen (Pötken) was renamed "Wetrowo" and at the same time assigned to the village soviet Timofejewski in Krasnosnamensk Raion .

Augskallen (Güldenflur)

In the middle area directly on the regional road R 508 (27A-027) is the district formerly called Augskallen . Before 1945, it was formed from only a few and scattered farmsteads. 1874 in the District Kackschen in county Ragnit incorporated, the village came in 1909 for District Budwethen that between 1939 and 1945 "District Old Church" was called and from 1922 to last for district Tilsit-Ragnit in Administrative district Gumbinnen the Prussian province of East Prussia belonged.

30 inhabitants were counted in Augskallen in 1910. In 1929 the village gave up its independence and merged with the neighboring villages of Pabuduppen and Bejehnen (1938 to 1946: Behnen, no longer existent today) to form the new rural community of Pabuduppen (1938 to 1946: Finkenhagen, today in Russian: Kraineje). In 1938 it was renamed "Güldenflur" and in 1945 it was transferred to the Soviet Union .


In 1947 Klein Schillehlen (small clods) was renamed "Kalatschejewo" and at the same time assigned to the village soviet Timofejewski selski Sowet in Krasnosnamensk Raion . Later, the Augskallen branch was also included in Kalatschejewo and Wetrowo was connected to Kalatschejewo. From 2008 to 2015 Kalachevo belonged to the rural municipality Alexejewskoje selskoje posselenije and since then to the urban district of Krasnosnamensk.


In Klein Schillehlen (Kleinschollen), Pötkallen (Pötken) and Augskallen (Güldenflur) the population before 1945 was almost without exception Protestant . While Klein Schillehlen was parish in the parish of the Wedereitischken church (the place was called Sandkirchen between 1938 and 1946, today in Russian Timofejewo), Pötkallen and Augskallen belonged to the parish of the Budwethen church (1938 to 1946: Altenkirch, Russian: Malomoschaiskoje). Both churches were part of the diocese of Ragnit in the church district of Tilsit-Ragnit in the church province of East Prussia of the Church of the Old Prussian Union .

Today Kalatschejewo lies in the catchment area of ​​the Evangelical Lutheran congregation in Sabrodino (Lesgewangminnen , 1938 to 1946 Lesgewangen) in the provost of Kaliningrad (Königsberg) of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of European Russia .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Itogi Vserossijskoj perepisi naselenija 2010 goda. Kaliningradskaya oblastʹ. (Results of the 2010 all-Russian census. Kaliningrad Oblast.) Volume 1 , Table 4 (Download from the website of the Kaliningrad Oblast Territorial Organ of the Federal Service for State Statistics of the Russian Federation)
  2. Dietrich Lange, Geographical Location Register East Prussia (2005): Kleinschollen
  3. a b c Rolf Jehke, Kackschen / Wedereitischken / Sandkirchen district
  4. a b c Uli Schubert, municipality directory, Ragnit district
  5. ^ A b Michael Rademacher: German administrative history from the unification of the empire in 1871 to the reunification in 1990. City of Tilsit and district of Tilsit – Ragnit / Pogegen. (Online material for the dissertation, Osnabrück 2006).
  6. ^ Dietrich Lange, Geographical Register of Places East Prussia (2005): Pötken
  7. ^ A b Rolf Jehke, Budwethen / Altenkirch district
  8. a b Through the Указ Президиума Верховного Совета РСФСР от 17 ноября 1947 г. «О переименовании населённых пунктов Калининградской области» (Ordinance of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR "On the Renaming of Places of the Kaliningrad Oblast" of November 17, 1947)
  9. ^ Dietrich Lange, Geographical Register of Places East Prussia (2005): Güldenflur
  10. a b According to the local directory of Kaliningrad Oblast from 1976
  11. Evangelical Lutheran Provosty Kaliningrad ( Memento of the original dated August 29, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.propstei-kaliningrad.info