Krasnosnamensk Raion

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Краснознаменский район
coat of arms
coat of arms
Federal district Northwest Russia
Oblast Kaliningrad
Administrative center Krasnosnamensk
surface 1280  km²
Cities / SsT 1/0
Head of the Rajons (of the city district)
Olga Schilowskaja
Rajon founded 1946
Time zone UTC + 2
Telephone code (+7) 40164
Postcodes 238730-238745
License Plate 39, 91
OKATO 27 218
OKTMO 27 713
Geographical location of the administrative center
Coordinates 54 ° 57 ′  N , 22 ° 30 ′  E Coordinates: 54 ° 57 ′  N , 22 ° 30 ′  E
Krasnosnamensk (Kaliningrad Oblast)
Krasnosnamensk: location in Kaliningrad Oblast
Location within Russia
Kaliningrad Oblast within Russia

Template: Infobox Rajon in Russia / Maintenance / Meta

The Krasnosnamensk Raion ( Russian Краснознаменский район ) is an administrative unit in the far northeast of Russia 's Kaliningrad Oblast on the border with Lithuania . Within the framework of local self-government, the (administrative-territorial) Rajon consists of an urban district whose administrative seat is the small town of Krasnosnamensk ( Lasdehnen until 1938 , Haselberg 1938–1945 ).

Building of the district administration in Krasnosnamensk (2006)

The northern border is the Memel River . In addition, the Rajon is traversed by its left tributary Scheschuppe and the Pregel source river, the Instrutsch (Inster). Memel and part of the Scheschuppe form the northern and part of the eastern border of the Rajon and thus the Oblast with Lithuania.

The area is one of the most sparsely populated in the oblast, the main livelihood of the population is agriculture . The landscape is determined by natural forests and stepped pastures . There are no important traffic connections through the Rajonsgebiet, most of the passenger transport is carried out by regular buses in addition to the individual traffic .

Local self-government

On the territory of Krasnosnamensk Raion, the municipal self-government unit of the Krasnosnamensk District (ru. Краснознаменский городской округ, Krasnosnamenski gorodskoi okrug) with the town of Krasnosnamensk and the other 54 settlements of the Krasnosnamensk district (poss.


The Rajon was founded on April 7, 1946 as Pillkallenski rajon . Its area corresponded roughly to that of the Pillkallen district, which existed until 1945 (from 1938 to 1945 "Kreis Schloßberg"). In the north and west it also comprised the northeast and eastern part of the former Tilsit-Ragnit district (within the boundaries from 1922 to 1939) and in the extreme southeast a small part of the former Stallupönen district (1938 to 1945 "Ebenrode district"; area around the Village of Sodargen , later in Russian Tretyakovo ). The southwest corner of the Pillkallen district around the town of Mallwischken (Mallwen), from 1947 in Russian Maiskoje , now belonged to Gusew Rajon .

During the fighting at the end of the Second World War, the eastern part of the Pillkallen district with the small town of Schirwindt, from 1947 in Russian Kutusowo , was completely devastated and was used for military purposes from then on. The district town of Pillkallen (1938 to 1945 "Schloßberg"), from 1947 in Russian Dobrowolsk , was also very badly damaged. That is why the district administration was established in Lasdehnen (1938 to 1945 "Haselberg") on the Szeszuppe river . From the end of May 1946, the administration for civil affairs of the Pillkallen Rajon (ru. On September 7, 1946, the place Lasdehnen was declared a city and renamed Krasnosnamensk and the Rajon was now called Krasnosnamenski rajon . In the summer of 1947 the Rajons which was to manage the Executive Committee of Krasnosnamensker Rajonsowjets of deputies of working people appointed (ru Исполнительный комитет Краснознаменского районного Совета депутатов трудящихся, Ispolnitelny komitet Krasnosnamenskowo rajonowo Soweta Deputatov trudjaschtschichsja; short. Краснознаменский Райисполком, Krasnosnamenski Rajispolkom).

In the years 1963 to 1965, large parts of Neman Raion belonged to Krasnosnamensk Raion during a brief general administrative reform . In 1977 the term “the workers' deputies” was replaced by “the people's deputies” in the name of the district administration (ru. Народных депутатов, narodnych deputatow). After the collapse of the Soviet Union , in 1991 the district administration was renamed Administration of Krasnosnamensk Raion (ru. Администрация Краснознаменского района, Administrazija Krasnosnamenskowo rajona).

In 1998, the Krasnosnamensk Raion Municipal Self-Government Unit was established on the territory of Krasnosnmensk Raion . In 2004 this administrative unit got the status of an urban district (ru. Краснознаменский городской округ, Krasnosnamenski gorodskoi okrug). However, the Krasnosnamensk district was rejected by the judiciary. As a result, this administrative unit received the status of a "municipal" Rajon in 2008 and was called Municipal Krasnosnamensk Rajon (ru. Краснознаменский муниципальный район, Krasnosnamenski munizipalny rajon); In it, the communal self-government was expanded to the local level and the existing seven village districts were converted into three rural communities. In 2016 the local self-government was (again) organized as an urban district .

Village soviets / village districts 1947–2008

Surname Administrative headquarters German
Khlebnikovsky Khlebnikovo Schilleningken (Ebertann) since 1965, merging of Saretschenski and Tolstowski
Dobrowolski Dobrovolsk Pillkallen (Schlossberg)
Liwenski Livenskoye Galbrasten (Dreifurt) until 1954, then to Timofejewski
Michurinsky Michurino Lasdinehlen (Sommerswalde) until 1959, then (essentially) to Pobedinski
Nemanski Nemanskoye Trappers (bustards)
Nowouralski Novouralsk Uszpiaunehlen (Fohlental) until 1959, then split between Dobrowolski and Prawdinski
Pobedinski Pobedino Schillehnen (Schillfelde)
Podgorodnensky Podgorodnoye Dumbbells until 1960, then to Timofejewski; the place Podgorodnoje 1997 the place Abramowo connected.
Prawdinski Pravdino Grumbkowkeiten (Grumkowsfelde) until 1954, then to Prawdinski, 1959 including part of Nowouralski re-established
Saretschensky Zarechnoye Tulpeningken (Tulpingen) since 1952, previously with Nemanski, until 1965, then merged with Tolstowski to form Chlebnikowski
Timofejewski Timofeeva Wedereitischken (Sandkirchen)
Tolstovsky Tolstovo Löbegallen (Löbenau) until 1965, then merged with Saretschensky to Chlebnikowski, the western part (including the place Uslowoje ) came to Wesnowski
Wesnowski Wesnowo Kiss

From 1963 to 1965 the village Soviets were Bolscheselski , Gudkowski , Malomaschaiski , Petrovsky and Schilinski from the Nemansky District for Krasnoznamensky District.

Municipalities 2008–2015

Administrative division of Krasnosnamensk Raion 2008-2015
Surname Administrative headquarters German
Number of
Urban municipality:
Krasnosnamenskoje Krasnosnamensk Lasdehnen
1938–45: Haselberg
Rural communities:
Alexeyevskoye Timofeeva We (e) dereitischken
1938–45: Sandkirchen
Dobrovolskoye Dobrovolsk Pillkallen
1938–45: Schloßberg
Wesnovskoye Wesnowo Kiss 12

Population development

year Residents
1959 15,971
1970 13,919
1979 12,737
1989 12,488
2002 12,961
2010 12,905


Party secretaries of the WKP (B) / KPdSU 1947–1991

  • 1947–1949: Fyodor Sergejewitsch Kotin (Фёдор Сергеевич Котин)
  • 1949–1951: IA Goryachev (И. А. Горячев)
  • 1951–1952: PI Selensky (П. И. Зеленский)
  • 1952–1959: Alexandr Afanassjewitsch Michailow (Александр Афанасьевич Михайлов)
  • 1959–1966: Nikolai Wassiljewitsch Sbitnew (Николай Васильевич Сбитнев)
  • 1966–1974: Wassili Antonowitsch Klimow (Василий Антонович Климов)
  • 1974–1986: Nikolai Makarowitsch Kornejenkow (Николай Макарович Корнеенков)
  • 1986–1991: Fyodor Grigorjewitsch Piskarew (Фёдор Григорьевич Пискарев)
  • 1991: Vladimir Petrovich Sytnjuk (Владимир Петрович Сытнюк)


  • 1946–1947: Fyodor Sergejewitsch Kotin (Фёдор Сергеевич Котин)
  • 1947–1948: Ari Ivanovich Issaakow (Арий Иванович Исааков)
  • 1948–1950: Sergei Pawlowitsch Strekalowski (Сергей Павлович Стрекаловский)
  • 1950–1952: AS Browkin (А. С. Бровкин)
  • 1952–1953: Semjon Nikolajewitsch Alexandrow (Семён Николаевич Александров)
  • 1953–1959: SA Dolgow (С. А. Долгов)
  • 1959–1961: MS Sasonkin (М. С. Сазонкин)
  • 1961–1963: IK Tschinilin (И. К. Чинилин)
  • 1963–1972: AA Sidelzew (А. А. Сидельцев)
  • 1972–1987: Nikolai Fatejewitsch Potschtarenko (Николай Фатеевич Почтаренко)
  • 1987–1990: NW Ratschok (Н. В. Рачок),
  • 1990–1996: Vladimir Petrovich Chlimankow (Владимир Петрович Хлиманков)
  • 1996–2005: Fyodor Grigorjewitsch Piskarew (Фёдор Григорьевич Пискарев)
  • 2005–2015: Vladimir Petrovich Sytnjuk (Владимир Петрович Сытнюк)
  • 2015–2016: Tatyana Nikolajewna Maximenkowa (Татьяна Николаевна Максименкова)
  • since 2016: Olga Antonovna Schilowskaja (Ольга Антоновна Шиловская)

Heads of administration

  • 2015-2018: Vladimir Petrovich Sytnjuk (Владимир Петрович Сытнюк)
  • since 2018: Dmitri Anatolewitsch Tschubajew (Дмитрий Анатольевич Чубарев)


A partnership with the Land Hadeln municipality in Lower Saxony has existed since 1995 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. By the Постановление Совета Министров СССР от 7 апреля 1946 г., № 783 «Об административном устройстве г. Кенигсберга и прилегающих к нему районов »(Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of April 7, 1946, No. 783: On the administrative structure of the city of Koenigsberg and its surrounding Rajons)
  2. Through the Указ Президиума Верховного Совета РСФСР от 7 сентября 1946 г. “Об административном устройстве Калининградской области” (Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR of September 7, 1946: On the administrative structure of the Kaliningrad Oblast)
  3. By the Постановление Калининградской областной Думы от 26 ноября 1998 г. № 59 "Об утверждении границы административно - территориального, муниципального образования" Краснознаменский район "" (Decision of the Kaliningrad Oblastduma of 26 November 1998, No. 59: About the administrative-territorial confirmation of the border and the municipal formation "Krasnoznamensky District.")
  4. Through the Закон Калининградской области от 5 ноября 2004 г. № 440 «О наделении муниципального образования" Краснознаменский район "статусом городского округа the city of November 2004" State of the District of Moscow District "of the district of November 440" formation of the district of the district "440 of the district of Moscow, with the status of the November 5th district of the district of Kaliningrad, the state of the district of November" 440 округа.
  5. By the Закон Калининградской области от 30 июня 2008 г. № 256 «Об организации местного самоуправления на территории муниципального образования" Краснознаменский городской округ "» (Law of the Kaliningrad Oblast of 30 June 2008, Nr. 256: On the organization of local self-government in the field of municipal formation "city circle Krasnoznamensk")
  6. By the Закон Калининградской области от 27 апреля 2015 г. № 419 «Об объединении поселений, входящих в состав муниципального образования" Краснознаменский муниципальный район ", и организации местного самоуправления на объединённой территории" (Law of the Kaliningrad Oblast of 27 April 2015 No. 419. About the unification of the municipal formation " Municipal Krasnosnamensk Raion "entered municipalities and the organization of local self-government on the united territory) with effect from January 1, 2016.
  7. as "Podgornoje", in the correct spelling then 2002
  8. census data
  9. Entry about the sponsorships and partnerships on the homepage on April 12, 2019, 10:48 p.m.