Nesterov district

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Нестеровский район
coat of arms
coat of arms
Federal district Northwest Russia
Oblast Kaliningrad
Administrative center Nesterow
surface 1061  km²
population 16,213 inhabitants
(as of Oct. 14, 2010)
Population density 15 inhabitants / km²
Cities / SsT 1/0
Head of the Rajons (of the city district) Vladimir Sudijan
Rajon founded September 7, 1946
Time zone UTC + 2
Telephone code (+7) 40144
Postcodes 238000-238026
License Plate 39, 91
OKATO 27 224
OKTMO 27 624
Geographical location of the administrative center
Coordinates 54 ° 38 ′  N , 22 ° 34 ′  E Coordinates: 54 ° 38 ′  N , 22 ° 34 ′  E
Nesterow (Kaliningrad Oblast)
Nesterow: Location in Kaliningrad Oblast
Location within Russia
Kaliningrad Oblast within Russia

The Rajon Nesterow ( Russian Нестеровский район / Nesterowski rajon ) is a Rajon of the Russian Oblast Kaliningrad . Within the framework of local self-government, the Rajon consists of an urban district whose administrative seat is the city of Nesterow (formerly Stallupönen or Ebenrode ).


The Nesterow Raion is located in the far east of the Kaliningrad Oblast. It is bordered by Lithuania to the east, Poland to the south, the Krasnosnamensk Raion to the north, and the Gusev and Osjorsk Raion of the Kaliningrad region to the west .

The Rajon has 16,219 inhabitants (2010), its area is 1,061 km². With a population density of 15 inhabitants per km², it is one of the most sparsely populated in the oblast. The urban population makes up 29% and the rural population 71%.

The Rajon is traversed by Pissa and Krasnaja (Rominte), on the border with Lithuania by the Lipowka (Lepone). Lake Wystiter , the largest lake in the oblast, lies in the southeast on the border with Lithuania . The Russian part of the Rominter Heide extends to the south .

Local self-government

On the territory of Nesterov Raion, the municipal self-government unit Urban District Nesterow (ru.Nестеровский городской округ, Nesterowski gorodskoi okrug) with the city of Nesterov and the other settlements located on the territory of the Raion (ru. Possjolok) existed since 2018 .

Economy and Infrastructure

The Rajon Nesterow is characterized by agriculture and forestry (Rominter Heide). The famous horse breeding ( Trakehner in the main stud in Trakehnen , today Jasnaja Poljana) came to a standstill in 1945.

The railway line and trunk road Kaliningrad - Moscow (on the territory of Oblast A229 , part of European route 28 ; formerly part of German Reichsstrasse 1 to the border ) run through the northern part of the Rajon and its administrative center Nesterow . The most important rail and road border crossings between the Kaliningrad Oblast and Lithuania near Chernyshevskoje (formerly Eydtkuhnen and Eydtkau ) are located in the process.


The Rajon was founded on April 7, 1946 as Stallupjonenski rajon . Its area comprised the majority of the Stallupönen district that existed until 1945 (1938 to 1945 "Ebenrode district"), part of the northern part of the Goldap district, which was located in the Soviet Union after the new border was drawn as a result of the Second World War, and a small part of the Gumbinnen district . From the end of May 1946, the "Administration for civil affairs of the Stallupönen Rajon" (ru. Управление по гражданским делам Шталлупkiёненского районского районенского районана, Uprawlenie del grahamoaschdajjonens).

On September 7, 1946, the town of Stallupönen (1938 to 1945 "Ebenrode") was renamed Nesterow and the Rajon was renamed Nesterowski rajon . In the summer of 1947 was to manage the Rajons Executive Committee of the Nesterowsker Rajonsowjets of deputies of working people appointed (ru Исполнительный комитет Нестеровского районного Совета депутатов трудящихся, Ispolnitelny komitet Nesterowskowo rajonowo Soweta Deputatov trudjaschtschichsja; short. Нестеровский Райисполком, Nesterowski Rajispolkom).

From 1963 to 1965, during a brief general administrative reform, the Gusev Rajon was attached to the Nesterow Rajon. In 1977 the term “the workers' deputies” was replaced by “the people's deputies” (ru. Народных депутатов, narodnych deputatow). After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the Raion Administration was renamed the Administration of Nesterov Raion (ru. Администрация Нестеровского района, Administrazija Nesterowskowo rajona).

In 1998, the Nesterov Raion municipal self-government unit of the same name was established on the territory of Nesterov Raion . In 2004 this administrative unit got the status of an urban district (ru. Нестеровский городской округ, Nesterowski gorodskoi okrug). The city ​​district of Nesterow was rejected by the jurisdiction. Thereupon the administrative unit got the status of a "municipal" Rajon in 2008 and was designated with Municipal Rajon Nesterow (ru. Нестеровский муниципальный район, Nesterowski munizipalny rajon); In it, the communal self-government was expanded to the local level and the existing seven village districts were converted into three rural communities. In 2013 the administrative unit was (again) named Rajon Nesterow . In 2018 the local self-government was (again) organized as an urban district.

Village soviets / village districts 1947–2008

Surname Administrative headquarters German
Babushkinsky Babushkino Great Degesen apparently since around 1950, before Lugowski, until 1954, then to Prigorodny
Kalininski Kalinino Flour (birch mill)
Krasnolessensky Krasnolessye Gross Rominten (Hardteck) until 1954, then to Tschistoprudensky
Lugowski Lugowoje Picture expanding (picture expanding) apparently until around 1950, then Babushkinsky
Nevsky Nevskoje Pillupönen (Schloßbach) until 1954, then to Pokryschkinsky
Pokryschkinsky Pokryschkino
since before 1975:  Pushkino
Dopönen (green willow)
Prigorodny Prigorodnoye Petrikatschen (Schützenort)
Repinski Repino Egglenischken (Tannenmühl) until 1954, then to Kalininski, the place Repino no longer exists
Savetinsky Sawety
since before 1968:  Watutino
since before 1988:  Sadowoje
Jentkutkampen (Burgkampen)
Chernyshevsky Chernyshevskoye Eydtkuhnen (Eydtkau) was dissolved from 1960 to 1967 and during this time probably attached to Prigorodny
Chistoprudensky Chistye Prudy Tollmingkehmen (Tollmingen)
Chkalovsky Chkalovo
since before 1975:  Yasnaya Polyana 
since before 1988:  Ilyushino
Enzuhmen (Rodebach)
(large) Trakehnen Milluhnen ( Mill Garden
the place Ilyushino initially belonged to the village soviet Prigorodny

Municipalities 2008–2018

Administrative division of the Nesterow Raion 2008–2018
Surname Administrative headquarters Name
until 1938
of settlements
Municipality :
Nesterovskoye Nesterow Stallupönen Ebenrode 0
Rural communities :
Ilyushinskoye Ilyushino Milluhnen Mill garden 16
Prigorodnoye Prigorodnoye Petri dishes Shooting location 18th
Chistoprudnenskoye Chistye Prudy Tollmingkehmen Tollmingen 19th

Population development

year Residents
1959 17,491
1970 16,180
1979 15,277
1989 15,181
2002 17,250
2010 16,213


Party secretaries of the WKP (B) / KPdSU 1947–1991

  • 1947–1949: SL Galkin (С. Л. Галкин)
  • 1949–1952: Pyotr Ivanovich Afanassjew (Пётр Иванович Афанасьев)
  • 1952–1953: SA Dolgow (С. А. Долгов)
  • 1953–1962: Konstantin Wassiljewitsch Firsakow (Константин Васильевич Фирсаков)
  • 1962–1965: Andrei Antonowitsch Dowgi (Андрей Антонович Довгий)
  • 1965–1980: Piotr Michailowitsch Bobrow (Пётр Михайлович Бобров)
  • 1980–1989: Ivan Nikolajewitsch Nikitin (Иван Николаевич Никитин)
  • 1989–1991: Valery Walentinowitsch Klischow (Валерий Валентинович Клишов)


  • 1946–1947: Wassili Iwanowitsch Maschin (Василий Иванович Машин)
  • 1947–1948: Semjon Nikolajewitsch Alexandrov (Семён Николаевич Александров)
  • 1948–1949: AI Stroganow (А. И. Строганов)
  • 1949–1952: MP Bardejew (М. П. Бардеев)
  • 1952–1953: Alexandr Kusmitsch Beloglaskin (Александр Кузьмич Белоглазкин)
  • 1953–1958: BN Fomin (Б. Н. Фомин)
  • 1958–1961: AA Krylov (А. А. Крылов)
  • 1961–1963: WM Siwkow (В. М. Сивков)
  • 1963–1971: Serafim Matwejewitsch Pissarew (Серафим Матвеевич Писарев)
  • 1971–1977: RA Sarw (Р. А. Сарв)
  • 1977–1987: Witali Ivanovich Sofronow (Виталий Иванович Софронов)
  • 1987–1989: Valeri Walentinowitsch Klischow (Валерий Валентинович Клишов)
  • 1989–1996: Ivan Andreevich Swinarenko (Иван Андреевич Свинаренко)
  • 1996–2000: Alexandr Ivanovich Akinin (Александр Иванович Акинин)
  • 2000–2003: Nikolai Anatoljewitsch Potschebut (Николай Анатольевич Почебут)
  • 2003–2009: Natalija Wiktorowna Tschawytschalowa (Наталия Викторовна Чавычалова)
  • 2009–2014: Oleg Wiktorowitsch Kutin (Олег Викторович Кутин)
  • 2014–2015: Andrei Alexandrowitsch Michailow (Андрей Александрович Михайлов)
  • 2015–2018: Wladimir Alexejewitsch Belinski (Владимир Алексеевич Белинский)
  • since 2018: Wladimir Wladimirowitsch Sudijan (Владимир Владимирович Судиян)

Heads of administration

unless also chairman

  • 2014–2018: Oleg Viktorovich Kutin (Олег Викторович Кутин)
  • since 2018: Eduard Wladimirowitsch Starkow (Эдуард Владимирович Старков)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Itogi Vserossijskoj perepisi naselenija 2010 goda. Kaliningradskaya oblastʹ. (Results of the 2010 all-Russian census. Kaliningrad Oblast.) Volume 1 , Table 4 (Download from the website of the Kaliningrad Oblast Territorial Organ of the Federal Service for State Statistics of the Russian Federation)
  2. By the Постановление Совета Министров СССР от 7 апреля 1946 г., № 783 «Об административном устройстве г. Кенигсберга и прилегающих к нему районов »(Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of April 7, 1946, No. 783: On the administrative structure of the city of Koenigsberg and its surrounding Rajons)
  3. Through the Указ Президиума Верховного Совета РСФСР от 7 сентября 1946 г. “Об административном устройстве Калининградской области” (Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR of September 7, 1946: On the administrative structure of the Kaliningrad Oblast)
  4. By the Постановление Калининградской областной Думы от 4 июня 1998 г. № 42 "Об утверждении границы административно - территориального, муниципального образования" Нестеровский район "" (Decision of the Kaliningrad Oblastduma of 4 June 1998, No. 42: On Approval of the boundary of the administrative-territorial and Municipal Education "Nesterovsky District.")
  5. Through the Закон Калининградской области от 5 ноября 2004 г. № 439 «О наделении муниципального образования" Нестеровский район "статусом городского округа о на от от 43 картина картина кантак округа круга картана картина картина какруга круга картина картана круга круга 439, 2004
  6. By the Закон Калининградской области от 30 июня 2008 г. № 258 «Об организации местного самоуправления на территории муниципального образования" Нестеровский городской округ "» (Law of the Kaliningrad Oblast of 30 June 2008, Nr. 258: On the organization of local self-government in the field of municipal formation "city circle Nesterov")
  7. ^ By the amendment of the statutes of November 29, 2013?
  8. By Закон Калининградской области от 30 марта 2018 года № 157 «Об объединении поселений, входящих в состав муниципального образования" Нестеровский район », и организации местного самоуправления на объединенной территории" (Law of the Kaliningrad Oblast of 30 March 2018, no. 157 : About the unification of the municipalities that have entered the "Nesterov Raion" municipal formation and the organization of local self-government in the united territory)
  9. The former place Sawety belongs to Furmanowka today
  10. census data