Chernyakhovsk Raion

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ерняховский район
coat of arms
coat of arms
Federal district Northwest Russia
Oblast Kaliningrad
Administrative center Chernyakhovsk
surface 1,285.8  km²
Head of the Rajons (of the city district) Oleg Luzuk
Rajon founded 1946
Time zone UTC + 2
Telephone code (+7) 40141
License Plate 39, 91
OKATO 27 239
OKTMO 27 739
Geographical location of the administrative center
Coordinates 54 ° 38 ′  N , 21 ° 49 ′  E Coordinates: 54 ° 38 ′  N , 21 ° 49 ′  E
Chernyakhovsk (Kaliningrad Oblast)
Chernyakhovsk: location in Kaliningrad Oblast
Location within Russia
Kaliningrad Oblast within Russia

Template: Infobox Rajon in Russia / Maintenance / Meta

The Chernyakhovsk Raion ( Russian Черняховский район ) is located in the center of Russia 's Kaliningrad Oblast . Within the framework of local self-government, the (administrative-territorial) Rajon consists of an urban district whose administrative seat is the third largest city in the Chernyakhovsk region (formerly Insterburg ).



The main railway line Kaliningrad (Koenigsberg) - Moscow (the former Prussian Eastern Railway ) and a branch line each from Chernyakhovsk to Zheleznodorozhny (Gerdauen) and to Sowetsk (Tilsit) runs through the Rajonsgebiet , on which however passenger traffic has been stopped.


The federal road A 229 runs through the Rajon from Kaliningrad to the Russian- Lithuanian border. From Chernyakhovsk to the north the regional road 27A-009 leads to Bolshakovo and to the south the regional road 27A-044 (ex A 197 ) to Krylowo .


The rivers Inster , Angerapp and Pregel flow through the Rajons area .

Local self-government

On the territory of the Chernyakhovsk Raion there has been the municipal self-government unit of the Chernyakhovsk District (ru. Черняховский городской округ, Chernyakhovsky gorodskoi okrug) with the city of Chernyakhovsk and the other 101 poss. Settlements on the territory of the Chernyakhovsk district (ru.


The old Ordensburg Georgenburg is located in the Rajons area in the village of Majowka .


The Rajon was founded on April 7, 1946 as Insterburgski rajon . It roughly corresponded to the Insterburg district , which existed until 1945, but was brought up to the former Reichsstrasse 138 in the northwest , including the town of Popelken (1938 to 1945 "Markthausen") and also the town of Mehlauken (1938 to 1945 "Liebenfelde") . From the end of May 1946, the “Administration for civil affairs of Insterburg Rajon” (ru. Управление по гражданским делам Инстербургского райkiона, Uprawlenie po rajsterburgskov Insterburgskov) was responsible for the Rajon. On September 7, 1946 the city of Insterburg was renamed Chernyakhovsk and the Rajon in Chernyakhovsky rajon . Just as the city of Insterburg remained independent, Chernyakhovsk was initially free of rajons. On 6 June 1947 the Rajons was to manage the Executive Committee of the Tschernjachowsker Rajonsowjets of deputies of working people appointed (ru Исполнительный комитет Черняховского районного Совета депутатов трудящихся, Ispolnitelny komitet Tschernjachowskowo rajonowo Soweta Deputatov trudjaschtschichsja; short. Черняховский Райисполком, Chernyakhovsky Rajispolkom). When the Bolshakowo Rajon was founded on July 25, 1947, the towns of Groß Aulowönen (1938 to 1945 "Aulenbach"), Popelken and Mehlauken , which had been renamed Kalinowka , Salessje and Vysokoje , were transferred to it.

From 1963 to 1965 the Rajon was attached to the Osyorsk Rajon . In 1965 Kalinovka returned from Slavsk Raion to Chernyakhovsk Raion. However, a separate Rajon administration was not reinstalled, but the Rajon was co-administered by the city of Chernyakhovsk. In 1991 the Rajon got its own administration again called Administration of the Chernyakhovsk Raion (ru. Администрация Черняховского района, Administrazija Tschernjachowskowo rajona). In 1996 the city of Chernyakhovsk was incorporated into the Rajon.

In 1998, the Chernyakhovsk Raion municipal self-government unit (of the same name) was established on the territory of Chernyakhovsk Raion . In 2004 this administrative unit got the status of an urban district (ru. Черняховский городской округ, Tschernjachowski gorodskoi okrug). The Chernyakhovsk district was rejected by the jurisdiction. As a result, the administrative unit received the status of a "municipal" Rajon in 2008 and was designated as Municipal Chernyakhovsk Rajon (ru. Черняховский муниципальный район, Tschernjachowski munizipalny rajon); local self-government was expanded to the local level and the existing seven village districts and the area of ​​the Chernyakhovsk city administration were converted into three rural municipalities and the urban municipality of Chernyakhovskoye. In 2016 the local self-government was (again) organized as an urban district .

Village soviets / village districts 1947–2008

Surname Administrative headquarters German
Berezhkovsky Berezhkovskoye
since before 1988:  Saovrashnoye
Groß Bubainen (Waldhausen)
from 1963 to 1965 in Osjorsk Raion
Gremyachsky Gremjachye Groß Berschkallen (birches) until 1954, then Majowski
Kalinowski Kalinowka Gross Aulowönen (Aulenbach) since 1969
Kalushski Kalushskoye Grünheide from 1963 to 1965 in Osjorsk Raion
Kamensky Kamenskoye Saalau from 1963 to 1965 in Osjorsk Raion
Krasnopoljansky Krasnopoljanskoye Groß Gaudischkehmen (Groß Gauden) from 1963 to 1965 in Osjorsk Raion
Mayovsky Mayovka Georgenburg since 1954, previously Gremjatschenski, from 1963 to 1965 in Osjorsk Raion, until 1997, then distributed to Kalinowski, Kaluschski and Kamenski, the places Majowka and Timirjasewo were incorporated into the city of Chernyakhovsk
Meshduretschensky Meshdurechye Norkitten until 1961, then to Bereschkowski
Sagorsky Sagorskoye Pelleningken (Strigengrund) from 1963 to 1965 in Osjorsk Raion
Svobodnensky Swoboda Jänischken (Jänichen) from 1963 to 1965 in Osjorsk Raion

Municipalities 2008–2015

Administrative division of the Chernyakhovsk Raion 2008-2015
Surname Administrative headquarters German
Number of
Urban municipality:
Chernyakhovskoye Chernyakhovsk Insterburg 6th
Rural communities:
Kalushskoye Sagorskoye Pelleningken
1938–45: Strigengrund
Kamenskoye Kamenskoye Saalau 27
Svobodnenskoye Swoboda Jänischken
1938–45: Jänichen

Population development

year Residents Remarks
1959 16,884 Based on the territory of 1960. Including the city of Chernyakhovsk: 45,947. Converted to the territories from 1965 including the city of Chernyakhovsk: 47.8 thousand.
1970 15,770 Including the city of Chernyakhovsk: 49,216
1979 13,973 Including the city of Chernyakhovsk: 49,549
1989 12,806 Including the city of Chernyakhovsk: 52,428
2002 57,521
2010 51,936


Party secretaries of the WKP (B) / CPSU 1947–1955

  • 1947–1950: Afanassi Terentjewitsch Illarionow (Афанасий Терентьевич Илларионов)
  • 1950–1955: S. Yes. Ovchinnikow (С. Я. Овчинников)

from 1955 the party secretary of the city of Chernyakhovsk was responsible for the Rajon


  • 1946–1947: Afanassi Terentjewitsch Illarionow (Афанасий Терентьевич Илларионов)
  • 1947: Timofei Ivanovich Beresin (Тимофей Иванович Березин)
  • 1947–1955: AS Berendjugin (А. С. Берендюгин)
  • 1955–1959: Iwan Ignatjewitsch Mironow (Иван Игнатьевич Миронов)
  • 1959–1962:?

from 1963 to 1991 there was no separate Rajon administration

  • 1991–1996: Nikolai Fjodorowitsch Saikin (Николай Фёдорович Заикин)
  • 1996–2005: Galina Ivanovna Fomenko (Галина Ивановна Фоменко)
  • 2005–2008: Andrei Olegowitsch Winogradow (Андрей Олегович Виноградов)
  • 2008–2010: Vladimir Petrovich Chlimankow (Владимир Петрович Хлиманков)
  • 2010–2011: Sergei Anatolewitsch Shchetilnikow (Сергей Анатольевич Щепетильников)
  • 2011–2015: Juri Alexejewitsch Kowylkin (Юрий Алексеевич Ковылкин)
  • since 2015: Oleg Wladimirowitsch Luzuk (Олег Владимирович Луцук)

Heads of administration

  • 2011–2012: Valery Anatolevich Fomin (Валерий Анатольевич Фомин)
  • 2013-2017: Sergei Anatolewitsch Shchepetilnikow (Сергей Анатольевич Щепетильников)
  • since 2017: Sergei Wassiljewitsch Bulytschew (Сергей Васильевич Булычев)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. By the Постановление Совета Министров СССР от 7 апреля 1946 г., № 783 «Об административном устройстве г. Кенигсберга и прилегающих к нему районов »(Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of April 7, 1946, No. 783: On the administrative structure of the city of Koenigsberg and its surrounding Rajons)
  2. Through the Указ Президиума Верховного Совета РСФСР от 7 сентября 1946 г. “Об административном устройстве Калининградской области” (Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR of September 7, 1946: On the administrative structure of the Kaliningrad Oblast)
  3. By the Решение Калининградского облисполкома № 15 от 6 июня 1947 г. «Об образовании горрайисполкомов» (Decision of the Kaliningrad Oblast Executive Committee of June 6, 1947, No. 15: On the formation of the City and Rajon Executive Committees)
  4. The Указ Президиума Верховного Совета РСФСР от 25 июля 1947 г., № 614/7 "Об административно-территориальном устройстве Калининградской области" (Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR of 25 July 1947, No. 614/7. About the administrative-territorial structure of the Kaliningrad Oblast)
  5. By the Закон Калининградской области от 27 марта 1996 г. № 44 «Об административно-территориальном устройстве Калининградской области Российской едерациской едерациской карт.
  6. By the Постановление Калининградской областной Думы от 29 января 1998 г. № 2 «Об утверждении границы административно - территориального, муниципального образования" Черняховский район "" (. Resolution of the Kaliningrad Oblastduma of 29 January 1998, No. 2: On Approval of the boundary of the administrative-territorial and Municipal Education "chernyakhovsky district")
  7. Through the Закон Калининградской области от 5 ноября 2004 г. № 441 «О наделении муниципального образования" Черняховский район "статусом городского округанного образованные на конталика какруга картина картика from November 5th 2004.
  8. By the Закон Калининградской области от 30 июня 2008 г. № 262 «Об организации местного самоуправления на территории муниципального образования" Черняховский городской округ "» (Law of the Kaliningrad Oblast of 30 June 2008, Nr. 262: On the organization of local self-government in the field of municipal formation "city circle Tschernjachowsk")
  9. Through the Закон Калининградской области от 21 октября 2015 г. № 455 «Об объединении поселений, входящих в состав муниципального образования" Черняховский муниципальный район ", и организации местного самоуправления на объединённой территории" (Law of the Kaliningrad Oblast of 21 October 2015 No. 455. About the unification of the municipal formation " Chernyakhovsk Municipal Raion "entered municipalities and the organization of local self-government on the united territory) with effect from January 1, 2016.
  10. also Gremyachensky
  11. German Georgenburgkehlen (Kleingeorgenburg)
  12. census data
  13. Volker Frobarth, The Königsberg area in the politics of the Soviet Union 1945-1990, 2001, ISBN 3-8305-0226-5 , p.173 / 174