Reichsstrasse 138

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Reichsstrasse 138 number.svg

The National Highway 138 ( R 138 ) was to 1945, a state road of the German Reich . In East Prussia it led from Reichsstrasse 1 near Taplacken in a northerly direction to Tilsit and from 1939 beyond to the Memelland on the border with the Lithuanian SSR . The total length was 85 kilometers.

Today the route of the former R 138 runs through two countries: Russia ( Kaliningrad Oblast ) and Lithuania ( Tauragė District ). The traffic is taken over by the roads A216 (Russia) and Magistralinis kelias A12 in Lithuania, which here form part of the European route 77 and the Via Hanseatica .

Route of the R 138

A 216 / Tabliczka E77.svg/ Via Hanseatica :

East Prussia Province (today: Kaliningrad Oblast ):

Wehlau district (today Gwardeisk Rajon ( Tapiau district )):

~ Auergraben (Torfjanka) ~

Labiau County (now Polessk Raion ( Labiau County)):

~ Rosengraben (Wyssokowka) ~

District Niederung (1939–45: District Elchniederung ) (today: Rajon Slawsk (District Heinrichswalde )):

Tilsit-Ragnit district :

Tilsit district :

~ Memel (Russian: Neman, lit.Nemunas) ~

o today's Russian-Lithuanian border o

A 12 / Tabliczka E77.svg/ Via Hanseatica :

(Today's Tauragė ( Tauroggen ) district):

District of Pogegen (1939–45: District of Tilsit-Ragnit , today District of Pagėgiai):

o until 1939: German-Lithuanian border o

(→ Tauragė ( Tauroggen ))

See also