Reichsstrasse 131

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Reichsstrasse 131 number.svg

The National Highway 131 ( R 131 ) was up to 1945 Reichsstraße the German Reich . It ran in the province of East Prussia in a north-south direction from Pillau (today Russian: Baltijsk) in Samland (Semljandskij) via Königsberg (Prussia) (Kaliningrad) to Arys in Masuria (today Polish: Mazury) and was a link between the Reichsstraßen R 1 , R 127 , R 128 , R 136 , R 139 , R 140 , R 141 andR 142 . Their total length was 208 kilometers.

Today the route of the former R 131 runs through two countries: Russia ( Kaliningrad Oblast ) and Poland ( Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship ). A border crossing is planned at the border near Krylowo (RUS) and Perły (PL) ( Nordenburg and Perlswalde ) . The Russian trunk roads A 193 and A 196 as well as the Polish state road DK 63 now run on the route of the former R 131 .

Route of the R 131

A 193 (today's Russian trunk road A 193):

East Prussia Province :

Fischhausen district , 1939–1945 Samland district (today: Baltijsk Rajon ( Pillau district)):

(today: Zelenogradsk district ( Cranz district )):

~ Königsberg sewer (Kaliningradski otwodnoi kanal) ~

(today: Stadtkreis Swetly (Zimmerbude) ):

  • Widitten (Izhevskoye)
  • Marching (Volochayevskoye)
  • Groß Heydekrug (1939–46: Großheidekrug , today: Wsmorje)
  • Vierbrüderkrug (Kosmodemjanski) [the place no longer exists]

City of Königsberg (Prussia) (today Kaliningrad):

A 196 (today's Russian trunk road A 196):

Königsberg district (today Gurjewsk Rajon ( Neuhausen )):

~ Frisching (Prochladnaja) ~

District of Preußisch Eylau (today: Rajon Bagrationowsk ( Preußisch Eylau )):

District of Bartenstein (today: Prawdinsk Rajon ( Friedland )):

~ All (Lawa) ~

District of Gerdauen :

~ Masurian Canal (Masursky Canal) ~

o Today's Russian-Polish border (Krylowo / Perły crossing is planned) o

Tabliczka DK63.svg(today's Polish Droga krajowa 63 ):

(today: Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship ):

District of Angerburg (today's Powiat Węgorzewski ):

District of Lötzen (today's Powiat Giżycki ):

District of Johannisburg (today's Powiat Piski ):

See also