Reichsstrasse 146

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Template: Infobox high-ranking street / Maintenance / DE-R
Reichsstrasse 146 in the German Empire
Basic data
Operator: Nazi stateNazi state German Empire
Start of the street: Krapkowice (Krappitz)
End of street: Border with Slovakia at the Wlarapass
Overall length: 203 km

Reichsgaue :

The National Highway 146 ( R 146 ) was to 1945, a state road of the German Reich , which in the former Prussian province Silesia , but mainly lay on sudetendeutschem and 1939 annektiertem Czech territory. It ran, beginning in Krappitz (now Krapkowice ) on Reichsstraße 118 (today Droga krajowa 45 ), on the route of today's DW 416 via Oberglogau (Głogówek), where Droga krajowa 40 (former Reichsstraße 115 ) crosses , Głubczyce (Leobschütz ), Bladen (today Włodzienin ), Krnov (Jägerndorf), Opava (Troppau) and from there on the route of today's Czech Silnice I / 57 to Fulnek and Nový Jičín (Neutitschein). From there she took her continuation in the then Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia on Valasske Mezirici (Wallachian Meziříčí) and Vsetín (Wsetin) and continued via Valašské Klobouky (Wallachian Klobouk) to the Slovak border on the Hungarian road near the village of Rybníki on Wlarapass in the valley the Vlára , where it flowed into today's Slovak Cesta I. triedy 57 .

Its total length was around 203 kilometers, of which around 65 kilometers were on Reich territory until 1937.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The German Automobile Club (ed.): Road map of Germany, scale 1: 1,250,000, 1941

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