Reichsstrasse 159

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Reichsstrasse 159 number.svg

The National Highway 159 ( R 159 ) was to 1945, a state road of the German Reich . It ran in a north-south direction and connected the rear Pomeranian cities of Schlawe (today in Polish: Sławno), Pollnow (Polanów), Bublitz ( Bobolice ), Bärwalde (Barwice) and Tempelburg (Czaplinek). At the same time it represented a connection between the Reichsstraßen R 2 (Schlawe), R 160 (Bublitz) and R 124 and R 158 (Tempelburg). The R 159 crossed the eastern district of Schlawe i. Pom. , touched the district of Köslin and cut through the district of Neustettin . The total length was 108 kilometers.

Today the Polish voivodeship roads DW 205 (Sławno – Bobolice) and DW 171 (Bobolice – Czaplinek) have taken over the function of the old R 159, which is the current districts of Powiat Sławieński ( Schlawe ), Powiat Koszaliński ( Köslin ), Powiat Szczecinecki ( Neustettin ) and Powiat Drawski ( Dramburg ) pull through. They are located in the far east of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship .

Route of the R 159

Tabliczka DW205.svg(Today's Droga wojewódzka 205 ):

Province of Pomerania (today: West Pomeranian Voivodeship ):

District of Schlawe i. Pom. (today: Powiat Sławieński )

~ Grabow (Grabowa) ~

X Small railway line Schlawe - Pollnow - Breitenberg of the Schlawer Bahnen X

District of Köslin (today Powiat Koszaliński )

Tabliczka DW171.svg(today's Droga wojewódzka 171 ):

X Reichsbahn line Schivelbein - Gramenz - Zollbrück X

Neustettin district

(today's Powiat Szczecinecki ( Neustettin district )

X Reichsbahn lines Kolberg - Belgard - Neustettin - Schneidemühl and Schivelbein - Gramenz - Zollbrück X

(today's Powiat Drawski (district of Dramburg ))

- Today's Drawski Park Krajobrazowy (Dramburg Landscape Protection Park ) -

See also