Reichsstrasse 143

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Reichsstrasse 143 number.svg

The National Highway 143 ( R 143 ) was to 1945, a state road of the German Reich . It ran in the province of East Prussia and connected the city of Königsberg (Prussia) ( Russian: Kaliningrad ) with the seaside resort of Rauschen ( Russian: Swetlogorsk ). The total length was 37 kilometers.

Today the route of the former R 143 runs in the Russian Oblast Kaliningrad . The first part is an unmarked road, the second part (ten kilometers) is part of the A 192 .

Route of the R 143

(Russian highway without designation):

East Prussia Province (today: Kaliningrad Oblast ):

City district of Königsberg (today the city ​​of Kaliningrad ):

Samland district (Königsberg) (today Selenogradsk district ( Cranz )):

  • Fuchsberg (Холмогоровка - Cholmogorowka)

Samland district (Fischhausen) :

  • Brasnicken (Волошино - Voloschino)
  • Drugehnen (Переславскоө - Pereslawskoje)
  • Marienhof (Ново-Переславское - Novo-Perslawskoje) (no longer exists)
  • Perteltnicken (Терновка - Ternowka) (no longer exists)

A 192 (trunk road A 192):

  • Watzum , until 1938 waiting nod, (Горьовскоө - Gorkowskoje)
  • Obrotten (Ольшанка - Olschanka)
  • Alexwangen (Аральское - Aralskoje)
  • Saint Lawrence (Сальское - Salskoje)
  • Noise (Светлогорск - Svetlogorsk)

See also