List of Dutch exonyms for German toponyms

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In this list, the Dutch equivalents are given for German toponyms (i.e. names of cities, landscapes, rivers, mountains, etc. in the German-speaking area).


Dutch German comment
Aken Aachen
Auric Aurich
Beers Bavaria
Beierse Alps Bavarian Alps
Beierse Hoogvlakte Alpine foothills
Beierse Woud Bavarian forest
Bentem bad Bentheim outdated
Berlijn Berlin
Sea of ​​soil Lake Constance
Bocht van Helgoland Helgoland Bay
Bohemer Woud Bohemian forest
Boven-Rijnse Laagvlakte Upper Rhine Plain
Breylen, Brijlen Brilon
Brunswijk Braunschweig historical
Dusseldorp Dusseldorf outdated
Duitsland Germany
Dortmund-Eemskanaal Dortmund-Ems Canal
Duitse Bocht German Bight
Eems Ems
Emmelkamp Emlichheim outdated
Emmerik Emmerich on the Rhine
Found Ore Mountains
Further Fehmarn outdated
Frankfort aan de Main, Frankfurt aan de Main Frankfurt am Main aging
Frankfort aan de Oder, Frankfurt aan de Oder Frankfurt (Oder) aging
Geelkerken Geilenkirchen outdated
Gelre, monies, monies Funds historical (aging as a name for the city)
Gogh Goch outdated
Grijpswolde Greifswald outdated
Gulik Jülich historical
Hamelen Hamelin
Jemmingen Jemgum outdated
Clubs Cologne
Clover Kleve
Maagdenburg Magdeburg
Mecklenburg-Voor-Pommeren Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
Meurs Moers historical
Moezel Moselle
Monniksglabbeek Mönchengladbach outdated
Muenster Muenster historical (aging)
Nedersaksen Lower Saxony
Neurenberg Nuremberg
Nieuwenhuis Neuenhaus outdated
Noordhoorn Nordhorn outdated
Noord-Rijnland-Westphalia, Noordrijn-Westphalia North Rhine-Westphalia
East Friesland Ostfriesland
Osnabrugge Osnabrück outdated
Palts Palatinate
Awards Prussia
Rijn Rhine
Rijnberk Rheinberg outdated
Rijnland-Palts Rhineland-Palatinate
Roer Ruhr and Rur
Roergebied, Ruhrgebied Ruhr area
's-Hertogenrade Herzogenrath outdated
Saarbrugge Saarbrücken outdated
Saksen Saxony
Saksen-Anhalt Saxony-Anhalt
Sleeswijk Schleswig
Sleeswijk-Holstein Schleswig-Holstein
Spiers Speyer historical
Straalsond Stralsund outdated
Thuringian Woud Thuringian Forest
Tubbingen Tübingen outdated
Tweebruggen Zweibrücken outdated
Ulsen Uelzen outdated
Veldhuizen Veldhausen outdated
Voor-Pommeren Western Pomerania
Wezel Wesel
Wezer Weser
Between Swabia
Zwarte Woud Black Forest
Zwilbroek Zwillbrock

Formerly German cities and areas

Dutch German comment
Dantzig, Danswijk Danzig historical
Elzas Alsace
Galindië Galinden
Grensmark Poznan-West Prizes Grenzmark Posen-West Prussia
Kasjoebië Kashubia
Koningsbergen Königsberg (Prussia) historical
Lotharingen Lorraine
Mariënburg Marienburg historical (aging)
Mariënwerder Marienwerder historical (aging)
Mulhuizen Mulhouse outdated
Neder-Silezië Lower Silesia
Oost prizes East Prussia
Opper-Silezië Upper Silesia
Pomesanië Pomesania
Pomeranians Pomerania
Pogesanië Pogesania
Pruisish Eylau Prussian Eylau historical (aging)
Pruisish Holland Prussian Holland historical (aging)
Silezië Silesia
Straatsburg Strasbourg
Tonderen Tondern outdated
West prizes West Prussia


Dutch German comment
Karinthië Carinthia
Neder-Oostenrijk Lower Austria
Opper-Oostenrijk Upper Austria
Oostenrijk Austria
Bull brands Styria
Tirool Tyrol outdated
Weense Woud Vienna Woods
Wenen Vienna


Dutch German comment
Bazel Basel
Gray wonderland Grisons outdated
Vierwoudstrekenmeer, Vierwoudstedenmeer Lake Lucerne Vierwoudstedenmeer is actually a translation error
Zwitserland Switzerland

See also