List of military / K

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  • Khin Nyunt (* 1939), military and politician in Myanmar, Prime Minister. Charged in 2005 after arrest (power struggle within the junta).


  • Kidd, Isaac Campbell (1884-1941), American admiral; killed in the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor
  • Kielmansegg, Johann Adolf Graf von (1906–2006), German general; NATO Commander in Chief Allied Forces Central Europe; one of the founding fathers of the German Bundeswehr
  • Kießling, Günter (1925–2009), German four-star general; NATO Land Forces Commander and Deputy SACEUR; known from the Kießling affair
  • Kimmel, Husband E. (1882–1968), American admiral in World War II, Commander in Chief of the Pacific Fleet to "Pearl Harbor"
  • Kimmerling, Werner Georg (1913–1995), German flotilla admiral
  • Kimon (507–449 BC), Greek general
  • King, Ernest Joseph (1878–1956), American admiral in World War II
  • Kingston, Robert C. (1928–2007), US Army general, first in command of US Central Command
  • Kinsbergen, Jan van (1735–1819), Dutch admiral
  • Kirchbach, Hans-Peter von (* 1941), German Army General; 1999–2000 General Inspector of the Bundeswehr
  • Kirchbach, Hugo Ewald von (1809–1887), Prussian general of the coalition wars
  • Kirk, Alan Goodrich (1888–1963), American admiral and diplomat; 1944 Commander-in-Chief of the Western Naval Task Force in the Allied landing in Normandy; later ambassador to Moscow and the PR China
  • Kirkcaldy of Grange, William (1520–1573), Scottish general, was instrumental in the decisive victories of the rebellious Scottish nobility against Mary Queen of Scots at Carberry Hill (1567) and Langside (1568)
  • Kitchener, Horatio Herbert , 1st Earl Kitchener of Khartoum, (1850–1916), British field marshal and politician, commander in chief in the suppression of the Mahdi uprising and in the Second Boer War, Minister of War in the First World War





