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The modern
Logo of the .N
abbreviation .N
Party leader Adam Szłapka
founding May 31, 2015
Headquarters Ulica Nowy Świat 41a,
00-029 Warsaw
Alignment Liberalism
Classical liberalism
liberalism Social liberalism
Number of members 4160 (June 2018)
European party ALDE
Youth organization Forum Młodych Nowoczesnych
Colours) Azure blue
Eu Parliament

Nowoczesna ( German  Die Moderne , short name .N ) is a liberal and centrist political party in Poland . It was in 2015 by the economist Ryszard Petru founded and enters economically economically liberal in social issues socially liberal on.


Creation and entry into the Sejm 2015

In April 2015, the then chairman of the Polish Association of Economists, Ryszard Petru, announced that he wanted to found an association called NowoczesnaPL, the founding congress of which took place soon afterwards, on May 31st. A basic program was laid down, and the option to participate in the approaching parliamentary elections with one's own candidates was expressly left open .

Because of a controversy about the name - there was already a foundation under the similar name “ Fundacjia Nowoczesna Polska Jarosława Lipszyca ” - it was decided to change it. On July 2nd, the foundation was registered as “ Fundacja Nowoczesna RP ” and on August 25th the party was registered as “ Nowoczesna Ryszarda Petru ”. The majority of its members had not previously belonged to any party, and most of them were former members of other liberal parties such as the Unia Wolności (UW), the Platforma Obywatelska (PO), or the Partia Demokratyczna (PD).

Nowoczesna managed to register in all constituencies and in the elections to the Sejm to become the fourth strongest force with 7.6%. All 28 MPs entered the Sejm for the first time.

In March 2016 Katarzyna Lubnauer , Jerzy Meysztowicz and Joanna Schmidt became vice-chairmen of the party. During the first year in the Sejm, three MPs joined the Liberals, two from the PO and one from the Kukiz movement . In June of the same year .N was accepted into the European ALDE party and a program was decided at a party convention three months later.

Poll high and internal issues

On October 22nd the rejection of the financial report was confirmed in the last instance, with the consequence that the party had to forego three quarters of the state party funding that it would have been entitled to after the elections. The responsible treasurer Michał Pihowicz then resigned from his office.

In 2016, she was in second place in polls for the 2019 parliamentary election with up to 25% after the national conservative ruling party Law and Justice (PiS) and had also overtaken the former ruling PO. Most of the Poles surveyed saw Nowoczesna as the greatest opposition force to the ruling PiS. This began to change from the New Year when party leader Petru and his party colleague Joanna Schmidt were secretly photographed during their flight together on vacation, which exactly coincided with the occupation of the Sejm over the holidays, in which Nowoczesna also participated, to counter their displeasure to bring to the government. The explosiveness of the publication also increased the fact that both were married at the time and each were parents of several children, which also caused outrage in liberal circles in Poland. This scandal led to a severe loss of credibility and marked the beginning of a massive drop in poll numbers.

In April 2017, Petru retired as chairman of the parliamentary club, followed by Katarzyna Lubnauer. In the same month, four MPs left the party and joined the Platforma Obywatelska. Six months later, Zbigniew Gryglas .N also left because of his conservative stance on social issues and in November he participated in the founding of Jaroslaw Gowin's liberal-conservative party Porozumienie .

A congress was organized on November 25, 2017 in the presence of around 300 delegates. Meanwhile the party organ and chairman were elected. Katarzyna Lubnauer was able to replace the party leader Ryszard Petru with a voting ratio of 149 to 140 . Lubnauer was supported by Kamila Gasiuk-Pihowicz , Paweł Pudłowski and Piotr Misiło, who had rejected their candidacies prematurely. In addition, the full party name of Nowoczesna Ryszarda Petru (German: Richard Petrus Moderne) was shortened to Nowoczesna. On January 3, 2018 Gasiuk-Pihowicz Lubnauer as chairwoman of the parliamentary club.

A total of 18 members of the Nowoczesna parliamentary group were to transfer to other parliamentary groups during the legislative period until 2019, most of them to the PO . In order to maintain the minimum strength of a parliamentary group of 15 members, a member of the Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe joined this after consultation .

Cooperation with the citizens' platform

In March 2018, .N and the PO agreed to run together in the local government elections of the same year . The alliance achieved a result of 26.97%, whereby .N won 30 mandates.

In May, party founder Ryszard Petru left Nowoczesna with Joanna Scheuring-Wielgus and Joanna Schmidt to jointly create the parliamentary circle Liberalno-Społeczni and in November a new party under the name Teraz! to found. Although this new liberal party was joined by a number of members of the .N who were dissatisfied with the PO through the coalition, it was dissolved again before the end of the legislature in July 2019.

In the 2019 elections to the European Parliament , Nowoczesna ran as part of the Koalicja Europejska electoral alliance, which included the PSL, PO, SLD and other smaller parties . The alliance achieved a result of over 38%, but .N could not send any MPs. A few days later on June 8th, the cooperation with the PO for the Polish parliamentary elections 2019 was confirmed and it was agreed to form a joint circle of representatives, this alliance, called Koalicja Obywatelska , which was subsequently joined by the parties Inicjatywa Polska and Zieloni , but not the SLD still PSL, which each formed alliances. Out of the 27.4% established in the election for the Sejm, 8 MPs for .N emerged. Another member of Nowoczesna entered the Sejm via the PSL list. In addition, a mandate in the Senate was won.

On November 24, 2019, Katarzyna Lubnauer resigned from her position as party leader. Adam Szłapka was elected as the new chairman.

In the run-up to the presidential election campaign, the party first trusted Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska and later Rafał Trzaskowski (both PO).


The Nowoczesna is programmatically comparable to the Citizens' Platform (PO) , but more liberal. In September 2016, Nowoczesna presented its program at a party convention.

Domestic politics

The Prime Minister would be assigned more powers at the expense of the President in order to prevent government activity from being blocked. The term of office of members of parliament and other representatives of the people, such as city ​​presidents or mayors , should not exceed two legislative periods of five years each. In addition, should Starost and Woiwodschaftsmarschall in a direct election are appointed. The function of voivode is to be discontinued and the election to the Senate will take place every two years after the Sejm elections , so that incumbent local politicians will be able to run for the Senate. The Attorney General's Office and the Ministry of Justice should be independent of each other. Therefore, both offices should not be exercised by the same person.

Social issues

.N wants to separate religion and state more strongly, legalize registered partnerships and finance in-vitro fertilization from the state budget. Organizations with a racist , chauvinist or anarchist character must be able to be restricted or dissolved more effectively through new laws.


The party speaks out against the privileges of individual professional groups. The monopoly positions of state companies should be reduced. In addition, .N proposes reducing both income tax rates (currently 19 and 32%) to 16 and 26% respectively, with a long-term goal of a flat tax with a high tax-free amount. If the income of a private household after deduction of the health contribution is below the subsistence level, the person will be reimbursed the missing amount with income tax. The minimum wage is made dependent on the average wage of a Powiat (equivalent to the district) and should be 50%. The retirement age must be 67 years for men and women due to demographic change .

Party leader

No. image Surname Term of office
1. Ryszard Petru Sejm 02 2016.JPG Ryszard Petru May 31, 2015 -
November 25, 2017
2. Katarzyna Lubnauer Sejm 2016.JPG Katarzyna Lubnauer November 25, 2017–

November 24, 2019

3. Adam Szłapka Since November 24, 2019

Individual evidence

  1. Marek Payerhin (2016). Nordic, Central, and Southeastern Europe 2016-2017 . Rowman & Littlefield Publishers . P. 339 ISBN 978-1-4758-2897-9 .
  2. Wniosek o udostępnienie informacji publicznej - liczba członków Nowoczesnej ( Polish )
  3. . S. 122 .
  4. .
  5. Annabelle Chapman: “Let's talk:” A Polish minority party leader hopes to guide her country back towards Europe. Retrieved June 13, 2020 .
  6. . S. 61 .
  7. NowoczesnaPL: uwolnić gospodarkę, zmienić system ubezpieczeń społecznych. Retrieved June 13, 2020 (Polish).
  8. ^ Czarnecki: Ryszard Petru odnosi się do idei dawnej Unii Wolności, czyli politycznego trupa. Retrieved June 13, 2020 .
  9. Spor o nazwę inicjatywy Petru. "To raczej reklama dla mało znanej fundacji". Retrieved June 13, 2020 .
  10. Petru wietrzy spisek w sprawie rejestracji Nowoczesnej. "Never wierzę, że to przypadek". June 19, 2015, accessed June 13, 2020 (Polish).
  11. "Osoby, których nie znacie z pyskówek telewizyjnych". Nowoczesna pokazała "jedynki". Retrieved June 13, 2020 .
  12. Gdzie jest Petru i NowoczesnaPL? "Jeździmy po Polsce, budujemy Struktury, program już w lipcu". Retrieved June 13, 2020 (pl-PL).
  13. Nowoczesna z nowymi wiceprzewodniczącymi - Retrieved June 13, 2020 (pl-PL).
  14. Retrieved June 13, 2020 .
  15. posel Marek Sowa przeszedł for platformy Obywatelskiej do klubu Nowoczesnej. Retrieved June 13, 2020 .
  16. posel Kukiza opuścił club. Przez oświadczenie majątkowe. I ... przeszedł do Nowoczesnej. January 17, 2017, accessed June 13, 2020 .
  17. ALDE membership. Retrieved June 12, 2020 .
  18. Wirtualna Polska Media SA: Wiadomości z kraju i ze świata - wszystko co ważne - WP. Retrieved June 13, 2020 (Polish).
  19. To tylko 'uchybienie', a Nowoczesna straci miliony. Sąd Najwyższy oddalił jej skargę na decyzję cars. October 1, 2016, accessed June 13, 2020 .
  20. Analysis: Nowoczesna as the most important opposition party? In: bpb . February 18, 2016, accessed March 20, 2017 .
  21. Tak "protestują". Petru i piękna posłanka przyłapani w Portugalii! January 2, 2017, accessed June 13, 2020 (Polish).
  22. ^ Scandal about opposition politician Ryszard Petru. Retrieved June 13, 2020 .
  23. . S. 122 f .
  24. Reconstruction of Nowoczesnej. Lubnauer nową szefową klubu. Retrieved June 13, 2020 (Polish).
  25. Civic Platform pozyskuje posłów for Nowoczesnej - Wiadomości. April 12, 2017, accessed June 13, 2020 (Polish).
  26. Zbigniew Gryglas odchodzi z Nowoczesnej. "Znaczne rozbieżności między poglądami posła a linią programową N." Retrieved June 13, 2020 (Polish).
  27. Lubnauer nową szefową Nowoczesnej. Pokonała Petru. In: November 25, 2017. Retrieved November 25, 2017 (Polish).
  28. Gasiuk-Pihowicz nową szefową klubu Nowoczesnej. January 9, 2018, accessed June 13, 2020 (Polish).
  29. Nowoczesna znów będzie klubem. Protasiewicz przechodzi z PSL-UED do .N. December 13, 2018, accessed June 13, 2020 (Polish).
  30. ^ PO i Nowoczesna razem do wyborów. Schetyna i Lubnauer podpisali porozumienie. March 7, 2018, accessed June 13, 2020 (Polish).
  31. "Never wytrzymałam, pierdo *** Lam drzwiami". Kulisy burzliwego odejścia dwóch posłanek z Nowoczesnej. Retrieved June 13, 2020 (Polish).
  32. Retrieved June 13, 2020 .
  33. ^ Janusz Jaracz: Koniec Nowoczesnej na Podkarpaciu? Retrieved June 13, 2020 (pl-PL).
  34. politycy Nowoczesnej z Pomorza Zachodniego masowo odchodzą. Wracają do Petru i dołączają do Teraz! Retrieved June 13, 2020 (Polish).
  35. PO i Nowoczesna połączą siły na wybory parliament arne. Retrieved June 13, 2020 .
  36. Adam Szłapka Nowym przewodniczącym Nowoczesnej | Polska Agencja Prasowa SA. Retrieved June 13, 2020 .
  37. oprac Violetta Baran: Adam Szłapka Nowym przewodniczącym Nowoczesnej. November 24, 2019, accessed June 13, 2020 (Polish).
  38. Nowoczesna zdecydowała ws. kandydata w wyborach. Retrieved June 13, 2020 (Polish).
  39. Nowoczesna ma nowy program polityczny. In: Wirtualna Polska . September 11, 2016, Retrieved October 9, 2016 (Polish).