Provinciale way 34

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Template: Infobox high-ranking street / Maintenance / NL-N
Car route N34 in the Netherlands
Provinciale way 34
Course of the N34
Basic data
Operator: Province of Drenthe and Province of Overijssel
Overall length: 88 km

Provinces :

Course of the road
Junction (36)  Zuidlaren A28 E232
Autobahn end Start of the road Car road
Gas station Symbol: leftSymbol: left Gas station
Motorway junction Zuidlaren N386
Motorway junction Anloo / Annen
parking spot Symbol: rightSymbol: right Haverlanden
parking spot Symbol: leftSymbol: left Koebroeken
Roundabout Gieten N33
Motorway junction Gieten
Motorway junction Gasped N378
Motorway junction Borrower N374
crossing Symbol: leftSymbol: leftEes
crossing Exloo
crossing Odoorn / Valthe
crossing Emmen- North / Klijndijk
Motorway junction Emmen N381
Gas station Symbol: rightSymbol: right De Blikken
Gas station Symbol: leftSymbol: left Westerveld
Motorway junction Emmen-Zuid N391
Motorway junction Reduction N378
node Knooppunt Holsloot A37 E233
parking spot Symbol: rightSymbol: right Bird oil
parking spot Symbol: leftSymbol: left Long Akkers
Motorway junction Dalen N854
Motorway junction Coevorden- NorthN382
Motorway junction Coevorden N377
Motorway junction Gramsbergen
End of the road End of the road
crossing Hardenberg -Noord / Hoogenweg
crossing Hardenberg N343
Roundabout Witte Paal N36
crossing Ommen N347
Junction Ommen-West N48 N348
Further on N340

The Provinciale 34 away (in short: N34) is a Dutch road in the provinces Drenthe and Overijssel , of Zuidlaren ( A28 ) until after Ommen runs. The road is a former Rijksweg and is mostly developed as a motor road with 1x2 lanes, but between the A37 and Emmen-Süd with 2x2 lanes.

The N34 at Annen

The N34 was still a Rijksweg until 2007, when it passed into the jurisdiction of the provinces and has since been incorporated as a Provinciale Weg. In the Rijksweg plan, the route is currently still listed as a replacement route Rijksweg 834. The provinces received 82.5 million (Drenthe) and € 17.7 million (Overijssel) for this process .

The N340 is an earlier part of the N34 that connects Ommen to Zwolle . From January 1, 1993, this part was administered and renamed by the Province of Overijssel. The N36 crosses at Witte Paal (between Ommen and Hardenberg) . At Knooppunt Holsloot the A37 crosses the course of the N34 and at Gieten the N33 at a roundabout.

The N34 was the national road with the most fatal accidents in the Netherlands, which is why the road is also known as Dodenweg (German death road). In 2007 and 2008, the province of Drenthe converted many ground-level crossings into junctions.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Meeste verkeersdoden op A15 en N34 (German most traffic fatalities on the A15 and N34) , January 24, 2011