Sant'Agata del Bianco

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Sant'Agata del Bianco
No coat of arms available.
Sant'Agata del Bianco (Italy)
Sant'Agata del Bianco
Country Italy
region Calabria
Metropolitan city Reggio Calabria  (RC)
Coordinates 38 ° 6 '  N , 16 ° 5'  E Coordinates: 38 ° 6 '0 "  N , 16 ° 5' 0"  E
height 436  m slm
surface 18 km²
Residents 583 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density 32 inhabitants / km²
Post Code 89030
prefix 0964
ISTAT number 080079
Patron saint Sant'Agata
Website Sant'Agata del Bianco

Sant'Agata del Bianco is an Italian city in the metropolitan city of Reggio Calabria in Calabria with 583 inhabitants (as of December 31, 2019).

Location and dates

Sant'Agata del Bianco is located 84 km east of Reggio Calabria on the eastern slope of Aspromonte . The neighboring communities are Africo , Bruzzano Zeffirio , Caraffa del Bianco , Casignana , Ferruzzano , Samo , San Luca .


In the village on the main square there is a column from 1637. The parish church was destroyed in an earthquake, but has been restored.

Individual evidence

  1. Statistiche demografiche ISTAT. Monthly population statistics of the Istituto Nazionale di Statistica , as of December 31 of 2019.

Web links

Commons : Sant'Agata del Bianco  - Collection of images, videos and audio files