Valentin Rudenko

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Valentin Fjodorowitsch Rudenko ( Ukrainian Валентин Фёдорович Руденко ) (born February 19, 1938 in Jenakijewe ; † April 2, 2016 ) was a Ukrainian grandmaster of chess composition .

By 2008 Rudenko had created more than 1000 compositions and thus achieved over 200 points in FIDE albums . He is the Ukrainian master of sport and won 1st prize at a world championship in chess composition . In 1960 Rudenko became an international judge for chess composition . In 1980 he received the grandmaster title. From 1976 he was head coach of a selection of the Soviet Union. His first composition was published at a youth tournament by Schachmaty w SSSR . It received an Honorable Mention. He won the championship of Ukraine three times. He made important contributions to the development of three-move mate problems.

His writing school was established in Dnepropetrovsk . At Rudenko's suggestion, January 4th was proposed and implemented by his association as the International Day of Chess Composition . The following composition by Rudenko was on board the spaceship during the Soyuz 9 mission . Today, the section that the crew took with them is in the Museum of Astronautics in Cheboksary .

Walentin Rudenko
Suomen Shakki 1957, 1st prize
  a b c d e f G H  
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  a b c d e f G H  
Mate in 3 moves

Template: checkerboard / maintenance / new

1. Bh6 – f4! And Black's knight is the next train followed by 3 L f1-e2 matt beaten if he moved. A move by the h-pawn is followed by 2. Bf4xg3 and 3. Nd3 – f2 mate .
The game of sentences is also important in the task, i.e. what would happen if the suit were black instead of white. Here the Matt yields after the cycle 1. ... Sc1 second Nf4 , 1. ... Nd4 second Sg1 , 1. ... Nf4 second Sc1 and 1. ... Sg1 second Nc4 forward to the following train.

Two years later, a similar assignment was published by Uri Avner .


Individual evidence

  1. International judges for chess composition
  2. Grand Master for Chess Composition

Web links