Miodrag Mladenović

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Miodrag Mladenović (born June 14, 1964 in Zemun , Belgrade ) is a Serbian grandmaster of chess composition .

Chess composition

Mladenović learned to play chess at the age of four. At the age of 14 he began composing chess problems after learning chess composition from his father, the chess composer Slobodan Mladenović.

By the end of 2007, 315 of his chess compositions had been published. By the FIDE album 2001-2003 he reached 72.17 points, for which he was awarded the title of Grand Master for Chess Composition at the 2007 PCCC meeting in Rhodes .

Mladenović has the title of a grand master in solving chess compositions. In July 2012 it was ranked 13th in the world with a rating of 2613. His highest score in solving chess compositions was 2,640.

Miodrag Mladenović
StrateGems 1999, 1st prize
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  a b c d e f G H  
Self-mate in 3 moves

Template: checkerboard / maintenance / new

Solution: Does
this self- mate exist with
1. Rd3? a seduction that fails at 1.… Rc1 . 1.… fxe1S 2. e8S + Kxd8 3. Ndf6 + Nxd3 mate and 1.… fxe1L 2. b8L + Kc8 3. Rc3 + Bxc3 mate would not be sufficient .
It solves 1. Rd5 – d2! with the threat of 2. Rc2 + Kd6 3. Qd1 + Rxd1 mate and the following variants:
1.… fxe1L 2. e7 – e8S + Kc7xd8 3. Nd7 – f6 + Be1xd2 mate
1.… fxe1S 2. b7 – b8L + Kc7 – c8 3. Rd2– c2 + Ne1xc2 mate
1.… Rb1 – c1 2. Rd2 – c2 + Rc1xc2 3. Lh2xg3 + Nh1xg3 mate .


Miodrag Mladenović lived in Chicago for over ten years and is a multi-national citizen of Serbia and the United States . He currently works for the Belgrade Microsoft Development Center .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Grand master for chess compositions