Older house Burgundy

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The older house of Burgundy is a French aristocratic family whose roots go back to the 11th century and which still exist today in the male line through branches. Because of its direct descent from a younger son of the French King Robert II the Pious , the older house of Burgundy represents a side branch of the Capetian dynasty , the oldest of all.

The progenitor of the house is Prince Robert († 1076), who was entrusted with the Duchy of Burgundy by his older brother, King Henry I , in 1032 .


The coat of arms of the high medieval dukes of Burgundy. It was later also included in the coat of arms of the younger house of Burgundy.

The descendants of Duke Robert I branched out into several branches and joined the ranks of the most powerful feudal princes of France in the high Middle Ages. The family also belonged to the first pairs of France . In addition to the Duchy of Burgundy, the house was able to get other rulers into its hands several times through its family and alliance policy, but these were always lost due to a lack of (male) descendants.

This concerns the Dauphiné and the counties of Albon and Grenoble , which brought in a second wife, but whose descendants soon died out again, the counties of Nevers , Auxerre and Tonnerre , which an eldest son acquired through marriage but could only pass on to daughters, and the rule Bourbon with his younger brother. Only the Free County of Burgundy and the Counties of Artois , Auxonne , Chalon , Auvergne and Boulogne could be kept in the family, if only until they died out two or even one generation later.

With Margaret of Burgundy († 1315) and Joan of Burgundy († 1325/26), the family also provided queens of France.

The main line of the house ended in 1361 with the death of Duke Philip I , after which the Duchy of Burgundy was accepted as a settled fiefdom in the French crown domain. But as early as 1362, King John II of the Valois family entrusted his youngest son, Prince Philip the Bold , with the duchy. The younger House of Burgundy descended from Philip the Bold (Duke Philip II), which is sometimes referred to as "Valois-Burgundy" or simply House of Burgundy because of its greater historical significance . In any case, the younger house is not to be confused with the older one.


The first coat of arms of the Counts and Kings of Portugal from the older House of Burgundy.

In addition to the older main line, which died out in France in 1361, the older house of Burgundy continued to exist in a younger, second line, which, however, became of great historical importance outside France as the founder of independent Portugal . Henry of Burgundy († 1112) was a younger brother of the dukes Hugo I and Odo I and placed himself in the service of the King of Castile, from whom he was entrusted with the county of Portugal. Henry's descendants fought for their independence from Castile, accepted the title of king and thus established the Kingdom of Portugal.

The house of Burgundy-Portugal (Alfonsine) founded by Heinrich continues to exist in the male line through its bastard lines ( House Avis and House Braganza ). The current Portuguese claimant to the throne Dom Duarte III. Pio de Bragança (* 1945) is a direct male line of descendants of Duke Robert I of Burgundy.

The branches of the older Burgundy house

From Robert I to Hugo III.

  1. Robert I the Old (le Vieux) (* 1011, † March 21, 1076), 1032 Duke of Burgundy ( duc propriétaire ), first peer of France , 1040-1060 Count of Auxerrois; ⚭ I around 1033, repudiated 1046, Hélie de Semur (* 1016, † April 22, after 1055), daughter of Damas I. de Semur ( House Semur ), ⚭ II around 1048 Ermengarde von Anjou , called Blanche (* probably 1018, † March 18, 1076), daughter of Fulko (Foulques) III. Nerra , Count of Anjou, widow of Geoffroy Ferréol , Count of Gâtinais - for ancestors see Capetians
    1. (I) Heinrich (Henri) (* probably 1035, † January 27, 1064/74) called "le damoiseau de Bourgogne"; ⚭ around 1056 Sibylle (* probably 1035, † July 6th after 1074), probably daughter of Ramon Berenguer I, Count of Barcelona and Girona
      1. Hugo I the Blind (Hugues I l'Aveugle) (* probably 1057, † 29 August 1093) 1076 Duke of Burgundy, peer of France, abdicates in 1079, abbot of Cluny; ⚭ around 1075 Sibylle (* probably 1056, † 1078) daughter of Wilhelm I, Count of Nevers
      2. Odo I (Eudes I) Borel (* probably 1058, † March 23, 1103) 1079 Duke of Burgundy, peer of France; ⚭ beginning of 1080 Sibylle (* probably 1065, † after 1103), daughter of Wilhelm I, Count of Burgundy ( House of Burgundy-Ivrea )
        1. Hélie (late 1080, † February 28, 1142); ⚭ I June 1095 Bertrand († April 21, 1112) 1105 Count of Toulouse; ⚭ II around 1115 Guillaume I. Talvas († June 29, 1171) Count of Alençon, Ponthieu, Le Perche and Montreuil
        2. Hugo II Borel the Peaceful (Hugues II Borel le Pacifique) (* probably 1085, † 1143, probably shortly after February 6), 1101 regent, 1103 Duke of Burgundy, peer of France; ⚭ around 1115 Mathilde von Mayenne († after 1162)
          1. Aigueline (* probably 1116, † 1163); ⚭ around 1130 Hugo I, Count of Vaudémont († February 4, 1155)
          2. Odo II (Eudes II) (* probably 1118, † September 27, 1162), 1143 Duke of Burgundy; ⚭ 1145 Marie von Champagne (* probably 1128, † August 7th, probably 1190) 1162–1165 regent of Burgundy, 1174 abbess of Fontevrault, daughter of Theobald II./V. Count of Champagne and Blois
            1. Hugo III (Hugues III.) (* Probably 1148, † August 25, 1192) 1162 Duke of Burgundy, 1183 Dauphin of Viennois, Count of Albon and Grenoble; ⚭ I 1165, repudiated 1183, Alix von Lorraine († probably 1200), daughter of Duke Matthew I ; ⚭ II September 1, 1183 Beatrix , 1162 Dauphinée von Viennois Countess of Albon and Grenoble (* probably 1161, † December 15, 1228), heiress of Guigues V ; - See below for descendants
            2. Mathilde (Mahaut) († July 22, 1202); ⚭ Robert IV († 1194) Count of Auvergne ( House of Auvergne )
          3. Walter (Gautier) (* probably 1120, † January 7, 1180) 1162–1163 Archbishop of Besançon , 1163 Bishop of Langres , peer of France
          4. Robert (* probably 1122, † August 18, 1140) 1140 Bishop of Autun
          5. Sibylle (* probably 1126, † September 19, 1150); ⚭ 1149 Roger II (* 1095 - † February 26, 1154), 1130 King of Sicily
      3. Robert (* probably 1059, † September 18, 1111), 1085 Bishop of Langres
      4. Heinrich (Henri, Henrique) (* probably 1066, † November 1, 1112), around 1093 Count of Portugal ; ⚭ 1093/14. February 1095 Teresa Infanta of León and Castile , 1112–1128 regent, 1113 Queen of Portugal (* 1070, † November 1, 1130), daughter of Alfonso VI. King of Castile and León - descendants see House of Burgundy (Portugal)
    2. (I) Robert (* probably 1040, † (poisoned) 1113), 1076 Regent of Burgundy and Sicily; ⚭ Violante, daughter of Count Roger I of Sicily
    3. (I) Konstanze (Constance) (* probably 1046, † winter 1092 (1093); ⚭ I Hugo II Count of Chalon-sur-Saône , † 1078; ⚭ II May 8, 1081 Alfonso VI, King of Castile and León, † June 30, 1109 ( Jiménez house )
    4. (II) Hildegard (Hildegarde) (* probably 1050, † after 1104, probably 1120); ⚭ 1068/69 Wilhelm VI./VIII. († September 25, 1086) Count of Poitou, Duke of Aquitaine ( Ramnulfiden )

From Hugo III. until Philip I.

  1. Hugo III (Hugues III.) (* Probably 1148, † August 25, 1192) 1162 Duke of Burgundy, 1183 Dauphin of Viennois, Count of Albon and Grenoble; ⚭ I 1165, repudiated 1183, Alix von Lorraine , † probably 1200, daughter of Duke Matthew I ; ⚭ II September 1, 1183 Beatrix , 1162 Dauphinée von Viennois, Countess of Albon and Grenoble (* probably 1161, † December 15, 1228), heiress of Guigues V ; - Ancestors see above
    1. (I) Odo III. (Eudes III.) (* 1166, † July 6, 1218) 1190 regent, 1192 Duke of Burgundy, peer of France; ⚭ I spring 1194, divorced 1195, Mathilde Infanta of Portugal (* probably 1157, † (drowned) May 6, 1218), daughter of King Alfonso I ; ⚭ II 1199 Alix von Vergy (* probably 1182, † 1252 probably after March 8, 1218–1229 regent of Burgundy, daughter of Hugo von Vergy .
      1. (II) Hugo IV. (Hugues IV.) (* March 9, 1212, † October 27, 1272) 1218 Duke of Burgundy, Peer of France, 1237 Count of Chalon-sur-Saône and Auxonne, 1266 Titular King of Thessaloniki; ⚭ I 1229 Jolanthe (Yolande) (* probably 1212, † October 30, 1248) daughter of Robert III. Count of Dreux; ⚭ II November 1258 Beatrix of Champagne (* 1242, † February 1295) daughter of Theobald I, King of Navarre
        1. Odo (* 1231, † August 4, 1266) 1257–1262 Count of Nevers, Auxerre and Tonnerre; ⚭ February 1248 Mathilde II. Countess of Nevers, Auxerre and Tonnerre, (* probably 1234, † 1262) daughter of Archambault IX. of Bourbon ( House Dampierre )
          1. Jolanthe (Yolande) (* probably end of 1248, † June 2, 1280) 1262 Countess of Nevers, 1262–1273 Countess of Auxerre and Tonnerre; ⚭ I June 1265 Johann von Damiette , 1268 Count of Valois, † August 3, 1270 near Tunis ; ⚭ II March 1272 Robert von Artois, Count of Flanders, † September 17, 1322
          2. Margaret (Marguerite) (* 1250, † September 4, 1308) 1292 Countess of Tonnerre; ⚭ November 18, 1268 Charles of Anjou , 1266 King of Sicily etc., † January 7, 1285
          3. Alix (* probably 1251, † 1290) 1273 Countess of Auxerre; ⚭ November 1, 1268 John I of Chalon , † 1309 before November 10
        2. (I) Alix († October 23, 1273), 1261-1269 regent of Brabant; ⚭ 1251 after July 21, Heinrich III. the peacemaker , Duke of Brabant in 1248. † February 28, 1261
        3. (I) Johann (Jean) (* 1231, † September 29, 1268) 1248 Lord of Bourbon ; ⚭ February 1248 Agnes von Dampierre , 1249 mistress of Bourbon, (* probably 1237, † September 7, 1268) heir daughter of Archambault IX. of Bourbon ( House Dampierre )
          1. Beatrix (Béatrice) (* probably 1257, † October 1, 1310) mistress of Bourbon; ⚭ Summer 1272 Robert , 1269 Count of Clermont-en-Beauvaisis, 1272 Lord of Bourbon, † February 7, 1318
        4. (I) Robert II (* probably 1248, † March 21, 1306) 1272 Duke of Burgundy, Count of Auxonne and Chalon, Titular King of Thessaloniki, 1273–1280 Regent of the Dauphiné ; ⚭ Spring 1279 Agnes of France (* probably 1260, † December 19, 1327) daughter of King Louis IX. the Saint
          1. Blanka (Blanche) (* probably 1288, † July 28, 1348); ⚭ October 18, 1307 Count Edward of Savoy , † November 4, 1329
          2. Margaret (* 1290, † (strangled) August 14, 1315); ⚭ September 23, 1305 Louis X. 1305 King of Navarre, 1314 King of France († June 5, 1316)
          3. Johanna II. The Lame (Jeanne II. La Boiteuse) (* around 1293, † September 12, 1348 or December 12, 1349); ⚭ July 1313 Philip VI. , 1325 Count of Valois, 1328 King of France, † August 22, 1350
          4. Hugo V (Hugues V) (* 1294, † May 1315, probably on the 9th) 1306 Duke of Burgundy, peer of France, titular king of Thessaloniki;
          5. Odo IV. (Eudes IV.) (* 1295, † April 3, 1350) 1315 Duke of Burgundy, Peer of France, 1316–1321 Titular King of Thessaloniki, Prince of Achaia and Morea , 1330 Count Palatine of Burgundy , Count of Artois, Auxonne and chalon; ⚭ June 18, 1318 Johanna III. , 1330 Countess Palatine of Burgundy, Countess of Artois, Peer of France (* May 1-2, 1308, † August 1347, probably on the 13th), daughter of the French King Philip V.
            1. Philip (Philippe Monsieur) (born November 10, 1323, † August 10, 1346) 1338 Count of Auvergne and Boulogne; ⚭ September 26, 1338 Johanna I , 1332 Countess of Auvergne and Boulogne, 1350 Regent of Burgundy (* May 8, 1326, † September 29, 1360, heiress of Count William XII. ( House of Auvergne )), she married in second marriage on February 19, 1350 John II. 1350 King of France, † April 8, 1364
              1. Philip I (Philippe de Rouvres) (* August 1346, probably on November 5th, † November 21st 1361) 1350 Duke of Burgundy, Peer of France, Count Palatine of Burgundy, Count of Artois, 1360 Count of Auvergne, Boulogne, Auxonne and Chalon; ⚭ May 14, 1357 Margaret III. , 1385 Countess of Flanders, Artois, Countess Palatine of Burgundy, Count of Nevers and Rethel, 1404 Duchess of Brabant and Limburg (* April 13, 1350, † March 16, 1405) heiress of Count Ludwig II. , She married in second marriage on June 19, 1369 Philip the Bold (1342 - April 27, 1404) 1363 Duke of Burgundy etc. ( House of Burgundy )
          6. Ludwig (* 1297, † August 2, 1316) 1315 titular king of Thessaloniki, 1313 prince of Achaia and Morea; ⚭ July 31, 1313 Mathilde of Hainaut , 1301 Princess of Achaia and Morea (born November 29, 1293, † 1331) daughter of Florence of Hainaut ( House of Avesnes )
          7. Marie (* 1298); ⚭ February 11, 1310 Edward I, Count of Bar, † November 11, 1336 ( House of Scarponnois )
          8. Robert (* probably 1302, † October 19, 1334) 1321 Count of Tonnerre; ⚭ June 6, 1321, Johanna (Jeanne), daughter of Wilhelm von Chalon, Count of Auxerre and Tonnerre ( House Chalon )
        5. Beatrix († 1329); July 1, 1276 Hugo XIII. by Lusignan Count of La Marche and Angoulême, † December 1, 1310
        6. Isabella (* 1270, † 1323); ⚭ I February 6, 1284 Rudolf von Habsburg (* 1218; † July 15, 1291) 1273 German king ; ⚭ II Pierre de Chambly, † before 1319
    2. (II) Andreas (André) called Guigues VI. (* 1184, † March 14, 1237) 1228 Dauphin von Viennois, Count of Albon and Grenoble; ⚭I 1202 Beatrix de Sabran – Forcalquier (repudiated) ⚭ III November 15, 1219 Beatrix of Montferrat († 1274) 1237–1243 Regent of Dauphiné, daughter of Margrave Wilhelm VI.
      1. (I) Beatrix (* probably 1205, † September 18 after 1248); ⚭ Amalrich VII of Montfort, Count of Montfort, Connétable of France, † 1241 ( House of Montfort-l'Amaury )
      2. (III) Guigues VII. (* Probably 1225, † August 1269/17 March 1270) Dauphin von Viennois, Count of Albon and Grenoble; ⚭ 1253 before April 22, Beatrix of Savoy (* probably 1237, † April 21, 1310, heiress of Count Peter II.
        1. Anne († after September 30, 1301) Dauphinée von Viennois, Countess of Albon and Grenoble; ⚭ September 1, 1273 Humbert I. de La Tour, 1273 Dauphin von Viennois etc., † April 12, 1307 ( house La Tour-du-Pin )
        2. Johann I. (Jean I.) (* 1264, September 24, 1282) Dauphin von Viennois, Count of Albon and Grenoble; ⚭ 1280 Bona of Savoy , daughter of Count Amadeus V.
    3. (II) Mathilde (Mahaut) (* probably 1190, † March 26, 1242); ⚭ 1214 John the Wise , Count of Chalon-sur-Saône, † September 30, 1267 ( Chalon house )
    4. (II) Anna (Marguerite) (* probably 1192, † end of 1242); ⚭ 1222 Amadeus IV. Count of Savoy, † June 24, 1253

The Heritage

After the death of Duke Philip I in 1361, the Duchy of Burgundy reverted to the French crown. King John II , Philip's stepfather, gave it to his son Philip , the founder of the younger house of Burgundy , in 1363 , who then married Philip's widow in 1369.

Since Philip's paternal grandmother ( Johanna III ) was without descendants when Philip died, her inheritance, the Palatinate of Burgundy and the Artois, went to her sister, Margaret of France († 1382) or her descendants.

For a comparable reason, Auvergne and the county of Boulogne inherited Johann von Auvergne († 1386), the brother of Philip I's maternal grandfather, Count Wilhelm XII.
