The box

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The box
The Logo.png box
description Literary magazine
Area of ​​Expertise Culture
language German
First edition January 18, 1956
Editor-in-chief Kurt Chicken
editor Berlin publishing house

The box was a magazine of the GDR with a focus on literature and culture .


The magazine Die Schatulle has been published weekly by Allgemeine Deutsche Verlag since 1956, and bi-weekly by Berliner Verlag from October 1956 . The editor-in-chief was originally Hermann Zillies, who died just a few weeks after the first issue was published. Werner Schwemin followed as editors-in-chief from April 1956 to January 1957 and Kurt Huhn from February 1957 to the end of the publication on July 25, 1962. The editor in all seven volumes was Wilhelm Tucholke. It was also Veronika Schmidt editor from February 1957 to December 1960. The theater column wrote Horst Heitz Röther.


Title page of the box

The spectrum of the box ranged from political glosses , from short stories , poems and reports to popular and literary studies, television, film and theater reviews to puzzles and caricatures . The magazine became a unique appearance in Germany . It distributed literature and made it understandable, it offered young authors and writing workers a platform and at the same time offered them theoretical guidance. It allowed proletarian revolutionary literature, the classical heritage , world literature and contemporary literature of the GDR to have their say. And she used the small literary forms such as short stories , poems and literary glosses.


The writers who were first published by Der Schatulle - for whom the Schatulle was the springboard, as it were - include Vera Friedländer , Gisela Steineckert , Richard Groß , Karl-Heinz Jakobs and Hermann Kant .

In addition, a number of well-known authors worked for the casket : Edith Anderson , Jutta Bartus , Olga Bergholz , Annemarie Bostroem , Elfriede Brüning , Heli Busse, Stefania Grodzieńska , Irma Harder , Renate Holland-Moritz , Doris Jannausch , Irmgard Keun , Hanna Heide Kraze , Selma Lagerlöf , Marianne Lange-Weinert , Berta Lask , Auguste Lazar , Eva Lippold , Hildegard Maria Rauchfuß , Brigitte Reimann , Gerda Rottschalk , Anna Seghers , Inge von Wangenheim , Alex Wedding , Anna Elisabeth Wiede , Hedda Zinner , Erwin FB Albrecht , Kurt Herwarth Ball , Kurt Bartsch , Johannes R. Becher , Uwe Berger , Klaus Beuchler , Johannes Bobrowski , Gerhard Branstner , Volker Braun , Willi Bredel , Erich Brehm , Wolf D. Brennecke , Hanns Cibulka , Johannes Conrad , Branko Ćopić , Kurt David , Günther Deicke , Alfred Döblin , Karl Reinhold Döderlin , Ilja Ehrenburg , Adolf Endler , Martin Flörchinger , Leonhard Frank , Franz Fühmann , Heinz Fülfe , Jens Gerlach , Ralph Giordano , Otto Got Sche , ER Greulich (ERGE) , Karl Grünberg , Hans Grundig , Peter Hacks , Horst Heitzenröther, Gottfried Herold , Wieland Herzfelde , Hermann Hesse , Gerd W. Heyse , Kurt Huhn , Wolfgang Joho , Heinz Kahlau , Heinz Kahlow , Erich Kästner , Walter Kaufmann , Rainer Kerndl , Victor Klemperer , Erich Köhler , Jan Koplowitz , Walter Krumbach , Eckart Krumbholz , James Krüss , Milan Kundera , Günter Kunert , Reiner Kunze , Joachim Kupsch , Lothar Kusche , Rudolf Leonhard , Werner Lindemann , Hans Lorbeer , Hans Marchwitza , Willi Meinck , Karl Mickel , Karl Mundstock , Peter Nell , Nikolai Nossow , Herbert Otto , Jan Petersen , Georg W. Pijet , Siegfried Pitschmann , Benno Pludra , Günter Prodöhl , Karel Ptáčník , Ludwig Renn , Götz R. Richter , Heinz Rusch , Maximilian Scheer , Sigmar Schollak , Michail Scholochow , René Schwachhofer , Werner Schwemin, Bernhard Seeger , Michail Soschtschenko , Hans-Jürgen Steinmann , Hansgeorg Stengel , Rudi Strahl , Erwin Strittmatter , Gerhard Stübe , Wil helm Tkaczyk , B. Traven , Mao Tse-tung , Wilhelm J. Tucholke, Ludwig Turek , Bodo Uhse , Walther Victor , Martin Viertel , Jean Villain , Fred Wander , Hans Weber , Paul Wiens , CU Wiesner , Eduard von Winterstein , Peter Wipp , Max Zimmering and Arnold Zweig . Of these authors, 17 were former members of the League of Proletarian Revolutionary Writers .


Illustrations and especially caricatures have contributed to the box: Margret Häusler, Eva Hinze, Gösta Lerch , Gabriele Meyer-Dennewitz , Hans Betcke, Henry Büttner , Werner Klemke , Martin Kotsch, Rudolf Peschel , Heinz Rammelt , Louis Rauwolf , Rudi Riebe , Paul Rosié , Wolfgang Simon and Gerhard Vontra .