Franz Xaver Winterhalter

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Franz Xaver Winterhalter (approx. 1865)
Signature Franz Xaver Winterhalter.PNG

Franz Xaver Winterhalter (born April 20, 1805 in Menzenschwand in the Black Forest as Xaver Winterhalder; † July 8, 1873 in Frankfurt am Main ) was a German painter . In the 19th century he was one of the most sought-after and famous portrait painters .


Birthplace of the two painters in Menzenschwand


Franz Xaver Winterhalter's father Fidelis (1773–1863, wrote himself “Winterhalder”, Franz Xaver Winterhalter signed his pictures until 1825 also with Xaver Winterhalder) was a watch bearer to Transylvania , Harzer , Kübler and a juror . After Hieronimus Maier, the husband of his second daughter Justina (1793–1867), died in 1838, he was the landlord in his Gasthaus Adler. Fidel Winterhalter had been married to Eva Mayer since 1790, whose father Josef was a brother of the great-grandfather of the painter Hans Thoma . The father of the two men was Michael Mayer (1704–1740). The maternal relatives also include:

  • Franz Sales Mayer (1803–), painter and lithographer
  • Ludwig Mayer, botanist and landscape painter from Waldshut
  • Franz Winkler (1899–1849), painter and sculptor from Bernau
  • Otto Ernst Sutter (1884–1970), writer from Freiburg

Franz Xaver Winterhalter was the seventh of nine siblings, but only four of them survived childhood. Among the deceased siblings was the sixth child of the same name Franz Xaver Winterhalter (1802–1804), with whom the painter is occasionally confused in literature.


Franz Xaver Winterhalter: self-portrait (left) with brother Hermann (1840)

He attended the village school in St. Blasien , where the priest Josef Berthold Liber (1781–1854) discovered and promoted the boy's talent for drawing. Liber was a monk in the monastery of St. Blasien , which was secularized in 1807 . The thirteen-year-old Winterhalter was given a four-year apprenticeship with the French draftsman and copper engraver Charles Louis Schuler (1785-1852) by his father in 1818, with the greatest financial effort . When he became head of the Herder's Art Institute in Freiburg in 1819 , he took his apprentice with him. His brother Hermann (1808–1891) also began an apprenticeship with Herder a little later and also became a successful painter.

With the support of the industrialist David von Eichthal , who was active in St. Blasien , Winterhalter received a scholarship from Grand Duke Ludwig I to study painting at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Munich. During this time Winterhalter worked in the studio of the portrait painter Joseph Karl Stieler and also worked as a lithographer. After completing his studies, he went to Karlsruhe in 1828 , where he found employment as a drawing teacher for Sophie von Baden and where he painted portraits of the grand ducal family.


From 1833 to 1834 he traveled to Italy, where he shared the studio with Johann Baptist Kirner . Mainly romantic genre scenes in the style of Louis Léopold Roberts were created . In Rome he joined a circle of French artists. After his return, he was appointed court painter to the Baden court by Grand Duke Leopold in Karlsruhe on August 20, 1834 , but left the grand ducal court a short time later to move to Paris. Here it attracted great attention in the salons of 1836 and 1837 with Italian genre scenes . His painting “Decamerone”, exhibited in 1837, won the 1st medal and marked his breakthrough.

Royalty and death

With the protection of King Louis Philippe , Winterhalter rose to be the most sought-after portrait painter in France. As a French court painter, he painted portraits of the entire royal family and the leading members of the court. The success of these pictures earned him the reputation of a specialist in aristocratic portraits, so that he received commissions from many European noble and ruling houses . Queen Victoria called him to the British court in 1841.

Winterhalter's grave monument in Frankfurt's main cemetery

In 1852 he followed Queen Isabella's call to Spain. After Napoleon III ascended the throne . he went back to Paris. His customers also included the Belgian royal family and the imperial courts in Saint Petersburg and Vienna. The portraits of the Austrian Empress Elisabeth (Sisi) are among his most famous works. In addition to individual portraits, he created group pictures, whereby he designed his compositions more and more freely and loosened up his painting.

Franz Xaver Winterhalter died of typhus at the age of 68 during a stay in Frankfurt am Main . He is buried in the main cemetery there. The overall conception of his grave complex was carried out by the architect Oskar Sommer . The sculptor Gustav Kaupert created the mourning marble angel in an ancient robe.


Winterhalter: Sophie Troubetskoï, Duchesse de Morny , 1863, (Musée du Second Empire, Compiègne Castle )

Already during his lifetime his contemporaries called him, partly appreciatively, partly driven by envy, the “Prince Painter”. His clients were almost all protagonists of the European nobility from Lisbon to Moscow, from barons to emperors. Winterhalter's portraits were valued for their subtle intimacy, although his ability to create a dream image of those portrayed certainly contributed to his great popularity. He combined the similarity of the portrayed with flattery and presented courtly splendor with the current fashion of his time. He succeeded in capturing the social and political climate of each court and adapting his style to the respective customer. His official court portraits served the self-portrayal of the monarchies and were specifically used for public relations work. In order to meet the growing demand for portraits, many of which were created in different versions, Winterhalter maintained a large studio with numerous assistants. In addition, his works found a large audience by means of lithographic reproduction.

Winterhalter's portraits were so popular that he was often commissioned to make several copies of a single piece. Above all, a large number of the state portraits were in great demand, not least because they wanted to show an impressive presence in ministries and offices. So emerged from the state portrait of Napoleon III alone . six known versions. These replicas were partly made by Franz Xaver Winterhalter himself, but it was often his brother Hermann who made such copies. The brushstroke of the two brothers is almost identical, so that today it is difficult to determine with certainty who of the two artists made the respective replica. On closer inspection of the portraits and the copies of them, it is also noticeable that the facial features and the physiognomy of the depicted people are painted a lot more subtly and finely than the rest of the body and the background. This phenomenon is well known in European art history : it was often the master himself who painted the head and face while he left the rest of his workshop, i.e. the journeymen and assistants. Albert Graefle (1809–1898) was one of his students and assistants .


Museum “Le Petit Salon” next to the birthplace

Queen Victoria of Great Britain, whose collection included over 100 of his pictures, wrote to her daughter Vicky in Berlin after his death : “This death is terrible, irreparable [...]. His work, however, will compete with those of van Dyck in later times . ” Even if this classification is not shared by art historians more than a century later, his pictures are considered a reflection of the ruling class in the mid-19th century. Largely unaffected by the new trends in painting that broke out in France, such as the Barbizon School or the early Impressionism , his work, although at a very high level of craftsmanship, remained without significant influence for the following generations of artists.

In the art market today, Winterhalter oil paintings can cost up to $ 371,000.

In 2008, an association was founded in Menzenschwand that runs the Le Petit Salon museum dedicated to him .

In 2016 a much-visited Winterhalter exhibition was presented in Freiburg : “Painters on Her Majesty's Order”.

Works (selection)

image Motif (year of origin) Size, material Collection / owner (also copies)
Ferdinand Malaisé by Franz Xaver Winterhalter.jpg General Ferdinand of Malaisé (1827) pencil Privately owned
Winterhalter Grand Duchess Sophie of Baden.jpg Grand Duchess Sophie of Baden (1830) Oil on canvas Badisches Landesmuseum , Karlsruhe
Winterhalter novel genre scene.jpg Italian genre scene (1833) Oil on canvas Privately owned
Xaver Winterhalter Decameron.jpg Decameron (1837) 190.5 × 254 cm
oil on canvas
Liechtenstein Museum
Franz Xaver Winterhalter - Count Jenison-Walworth - WGA25777.jpg Franz Oliver of Jenison-Walworth (1837) Oil on canvas New Pinakothek gallery
Leopold portret winterhalter.jpg Leopold I of Belgium (1840) Oil on canvas Royal Palace , Brussels

Ehrenburg Castle , Coburg

Marie-Christine de Bourbon-Siciles, Reine d'Espagne.jpg Queen Marie Christine of Spain (about 1841) Oil on canvas Versailles Palace , Versailles
Louise d'Orléans, pure des Belges.jpg Louise d'Orléans (around 1841) Oil on canvas Collection of the Belgian Royal Family, Brussels
1841 portrait painting of Louis Philippe I (King of the French) by Winterhalter.jpg King Louis-Philippe (1841) Oil on canvas Versailles Palace , Versailles
Franz Xaver Winterhalter Queen Marie Amelie.jpg Queen Marie Amelie (1842) 215 × 140 cm
oil on canvas
Versailles Palace , Versailles
Franz Xaver Winterhalter Leonilla Princess of Sayn Wittgenstein Sayn.jpg Leonilla Princess of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn (1843) 56 × 83.5 cm
oil on canvas
J. Paul Getty Museum , Los Angeles, Inv. No. 86.PA.534
Princess Maria Carolina Augusta of the Two Sicilies (later Duchess of Aumale) from the studio of Franz Xaver Winterhalter (Versailles) .jpg Maria Karolina Augusta of Naples and Sicily (copy 1846) 215 × 142 cm
oil on canvas
Versailles Palace , Versailles
Maximiliaan van Oostenrijk.png Maximilian of Austria (2nd half of the 19th century) Oil on canvas Collection of the Belgian Royal Family, Brussels
1 of May, 1851.jpg The First of May 1851 (1851) 130 × 107 cm
oil on canvas
Collection of the British Royal Family
Franz Xaver Winterhalter Napoleon III.jpg Emperor Napoleon III. (Copy 1855) 240 × 155 cm
oil on canvas
Museo Napoleonico, Rome
Winterhalter Eugenie 1855.jpg Empress Eugénie of France with her ladies-in-waiting, (1855) 300 × 420 cm
oil on canvas
Compiègne Castle , Compiègne
Grand Duchess Olga by Franz Xaver Winterhalter.jpg Grand Duchess Olga (1856) 120.7 × 91.4 cm, oil on canvas State Museum Württemberg , Stuttgart
Varvara Korsakova by Winterhalter.jpg Varvara Rimsky-Korsakov (1858) oil Penza Savitsky Art Gallery, Pensa
Queen Victoria - Winterhalter 1859.jpg Queen Victoria in coronation regalia (1859) 241.9 × 157.5 cm
oil on canvas
Collection of the British Royal Family
Georg V. (Hanover) Winterhalter @ Residenzmuseum Celle20160708.jpg George V, King of Hanover and 2nd Duke of Cumberland and Teviotdale (ca.1860) Oil on canvas Residence museum in Celle Castle
Empress Charlotte of Mexico (Hearst Castle) .jpg Charlotte of Belgium (1864) Oil on canvas Hearst Castle , San Simeon
Winterhalter Elisabeth 2.jpg Elisabeth of Austria (1865) Oil on canvas Hofburg , Vienna
Franz Joseph1.jpg Franz Joseph I (1865) Oil on canvas Hofburg , Vienna
Grand Duchess Olga by Franz Xaver Winterhalter (1865) .jpg Queen Olga (1865) 242 × 149 cm
oil on canvas
State Museum Württemberg , Stuttgart




  • The painter Franz Xaver Winterhalter. Documentary, Germany, France, Great Britain, 2015, 51:54 min., Script and director: Grit Lederer, production: Medea Film Factory, Radio Bremen , arte , first broadcast: February 28, 2016 on arte, summary by ARD .

Web links

Commons : Franz Xaver Winterhalter  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Eugene Barilo from Reisberg: Some notes on the Winterhalter Family. In: The Winterhalter Catalog. July 13, 2012, accessed March 19, 2016 .
  2. ^ A b Emil Baader : Franz Xaver Winterhalter (1805–1873), the European prince painter ( Memento of the original from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. in: Badische Heimat 40, 1960, pp. 367–376.
  3. Bernau: Even with a white beard, the "boy". ( Memento of March 24, 2016 in the Internet Archive ). In: Südkurier , March 5, 2004.
  4. Winkler, Franz . In: Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General Lexicon of Fine Artists of the XX. Century. tape 5 : V-Z. Supplements: A-G . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1961.
  5. z. B. With Ingeborg Eismann: Franz Xaver Winterhalter (1805–1873). The Prince Painter of Europe , Petersberg 2007, ISBN 978-3-86568-203-1 , p. 8.
  6. ^ Tilmann von Stockhausen : Franz Xaver Winterhalter and the Black Forest . In: Franz Xaver Winterhalter. Painter on behalf of Her Majesty , Arnoldsche, Stuttgart 2015, ISBN 978-3-89790-449-1 , pp. 25–28.
  7. ^ Björn Wissenbach: Franz Xaver Winterhalter. Painter. ( Memento from October 21, 2016 in the Internet Archive ). In: .
  8. ^ Walter F. Kalina: A courtly portrait of Franz Xaver Winterhalter. Napoleon III moves into the Army History Museum , in: Viribus Unitis. Annual report of the Heeresgeschichtliches Museum 2012 , Vienna 2013, ISBN 978-3-902551-37-5 , p. 28.
  9. ^ Ingeborg Eismann: Franz Xaver Winterhalter (1805–1873). The Prince Painter of Europe , Petersberg 2007, p. 6; 10.
  10. ^ Walter Kalina: A courtly portrait of Franz Xaver Winterhalter. Napoleon III moves into the Army History Museum , p. 40.
  11. ^ Hyacinth HollandGraefle, Albert . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 49, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1904, p. 506 f.
  12. ^ Franz-Xavier Winterhalter - Sold lots. In: Christie's , accessed October 8, 2018.
  13. ^ Christian Gampert: Winterhalter exhibition in Freiburg. Radically embellished reality. In: Deutschlandfunk , January 16, 2016.
  14. ^ Franz Xaver Winterhalter and Varvara Rimsky-Korsakov . In: Tatjana Kuschtewskaja : Secrets of beautiful women. Famous artists and their models . Grupello Verlag, Düsseldorf 2018, ISBN 978-3-89978-301-8 , pp. 53-60.
  15. ^ A b Thomas Blisniewski: Review of the exhibition catalog by Ingeborg Eismann. In: Sehepunkte , 2009.
  16. Kulturstiftung des Haus Hessen (ed.): Masterful portraits of the princely painters in the 19th century: "... very advantageous and wonderfully painted ..." Franz Xaver Winterhalter (1805–1873), Franz von Lenbach (1836–1904), Heinrich von Angeli (1840–1925), Friedrich August von Kaulbach (1850–1920) . Imhof, Petersberg 2014, ISBN 978-3-7319-0133-4 .
  17. Expositions passées. In: Compiègne Castle , 2016, exhibition announcement , (French), (PDF; 198 kB).