hotel 13

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Television series
German title hotel 13
Country of production Germany , Belgium
original language German
Year (s) 2012-2014
Studio 100 NV
length about 12 minutes
Episodes 176 in 2 seasons
genre Mystery , youth series
Theme music Hotel 13 by Patrick Baehr, Marcel Glauche and Gerrit Klein
idea Gert Verhulst
production Dennis Bots , Gert Verhulst , Hans Bourlon
first broadcast
September 3, 2012 on Nickelodeon

Hotel 13 is a German youth - soap opera , which jointly by Studio 100 and Nickelodeon was produced and marketed. The series aired on Nickelodeon on September 3, 2012 . The German version was dubbed internationally and then broadcast on the national Nickelodeon offshoots. In Germany, the series was aimed at 8 to 12 year olds, in the Netherlands 6 to 12 year olds.

Storyline - Season 1

Six teenagers get to know each other at Hotel 13, by the sea. Tom ( Patrick Baehr ) and Anna ( Carola Schnell ) want to work in the hotel during the holidays, Flo ( Marcel Glauche ) is doing an apprenticeship in the kitchen, Victoria ( Hanna Scholz ) is a spoiled guest and Jack ( Gerrit Klein ) is the son of Hotel owner. In addition, there is Anna's girlfriend Liv ( Julia Schäfle ). But room 13 holds a secret from mysterious clocks to mysterious time machines.

Season 1, part 1: the adventure begins

When Tom wanted to bury his goldfish, he found a box under the tree with an old postcard and the message that he should find the hidden room 13 in Hotel 13 in eight years. So Tom sets out to work there. When he meets Anna, who also wants a holiday job at Hotel 13, it sparks between the two of them. Tom is looking for room 13, but the room cannot be found. Shortly thereafter, Victoria, the daughter of a hotel reviewer, arrives at the hotel. Jack, the hotel manager's son, doesn't like Tom and Anna and wants them to get out of the hotel again. He also pursues his own goals together with his father. Victoria's mother, Mrs. Lippstein, comes to the hotel later. Only now does she notice how spoiled her daughter is and obliges her to work in the hotel as well. Anna's best friend Liv has come to support Anna. Tom looks for a floor plan of the hotel in Mr. Leopold's office. He suspects it is under the desk in a safe. Herr Leopold almost caught him in the act. Anna can help Tom out of a jam, but now she wants to know what he was doing there. Tom tells her about the assignment, but Anna doesn't believe him.

Pampered Victoria tries everything to get fired, but Flo, the kitchen boy who fell in love with her, fixes all of her deliberate mistakes. But he can't impress Victoria with it. With Flo's help, Tom and Anna finally get the floor plan of the hotel, and room 13 is on it. Now Liv learns about the matter and takes part in the search. They find out that the room has something to do with the jukebox and split up. Anna has wrapped the jukebox so that no one can hear it playing, Tom takes a closer look at the picture, and Liv watches the hallway and actually, when Anna lets the jukebox play, room 13 appears. Tom and Liv are standing right in front of it. But the joy is short-lived, because the door is locked and at the end of the song room 13 disappears again. So you need the room key, but since it is not there, you need the master key from the suspicious Mr. Leopold, who does not give it away. In general, Herr Leopold often behaves very strangely. He also always receives mysterious parcels.

Jack and Victoria have yet another devious plan. They stole the last package from Mr. Leopold's office and placed it on Tom's desk, claiming he stole it. Of course, Tom opened it too and found a watch in the package. But exactly at that moment, Mr. Leopold comes in. There is only one option for him: termination for Tom! But then Flo helps because he knows that Jack has stolen the package. Now Jack also has to work as a holiday jobber. By chance Anna gets the master key. Tom makes a copy of it and makes a duplicate. It does not work because the lock has been replaced in the meantime. But with the help of Ms. Hennings they find the right key to room 13. They can finally enter. The room is furnished with old inventory. There is a grandfather clock that goes backwards. You notice that the jukebox only brings the room to light at one socket. Tom, Anna and Liv follow the line that leads to the wall lamp in front of room 13. There you will find a coin slot, you insert the coin from room 13, room 13 appears and with Liv's help you can discover another room with a huge machine behind the grandfather clock in room 13.

Famous star Brandon Goodman moves to the hotel to shoot a scene for his film, but he has no peace from Liv and Victoria. Tom stains the wall. To paint it over, he hangs a tarpaulin and oiled the elevator to room 13. Now nobody sees or hears when they go into room 13. Anna and Tom are surprised in the room because a door has appeared on the machine. There's a rabbit in the machine that they call Gismo. Victoria is still mad at Jack. Liv gets the role with Brandon, but on her date with him she falls in love with him and when she learns that Brandon has only practiced a role and is not in love with her, she is devastated. Finally, Victoria gets the role thanks to Flo.

Liv accidentally starts the machine and suddenly Gismo is gone. Jack becomes more and more suspicious of having seen Tom, Anna and Liv disappear behind the tarpaulin. One more time they start the machine with a built-in camera to find out what the machine can do. When the door opens, Gismo is back with a note around his neck. Professor Magellan wants a newspaper, but there's a problem, they can't go back into the room because of every message. You decide to get into the machine yourself. But when they get out again, the whole facility has changed. They find out that they landed in 1927. The machine is a time machine. You'll also see Paul and Robert, the ancestors of Jack and Richard. Tom and Anna have to rescue Liv, who is hiding in a box of fish and was accidentally kidnapped. Flo still believes that he conjured Tom, Anna and Liv away, but Vincent tells him that there is no magic. Anna, Tom and Liv travel back again. Robert talks to Magellan because he plans to travel to 2013.

Flo is still desperately looking for Lukas, who has already turned the whole hotel upside down. Lukas is very happy that he means so much to Flo. Actually everyone should work because the hotel is very busy. Victoria asks Jack to let go of the other. When Anna, Liv and Tom are not in the hotel, Jack shamelessly takes advantage of this and searches the other's rooms. He finds the old postcard from Magellan with Tom. Richard is shocked to discover that he has looked in the wrong place. He watches Tom the whole time, because Richard is sure they haven't found the room yet. Jack becomes the boss again and Victoria is impressed by him again. Tom tries to get closer to Anna. In the past, Liv has become the muse for a very famous and long deceased musician. Tom absolutely wants to confess his love to Anna and show her the love tree in which he has scratched “T + A” for Tom + Anna. But something strange happened, the love tree is gone because Liv unconsciously made a mistake in the past.

Victoria desperately wants Jack and Flo to be friends, and she even demands that Jack take Flo out to play golf. Liv fell in love with a boy from the past. Richard asks Tom, Anna and Liv and confronts them with the postcard. Tom makes a huge mistake when he claims he doesn't know the card, but he mentioned the year of the card and now Richard is sure that they know more about the room than he and his father Paul. Tom organized a picnic, but Anna's main topic of conversation is always Liv.

Lenny tries to convince the restaurant critic of his culinary skills, but it doesn't always work. With the help of Victoria and Flo, he still manages to convince the critic with his classic cuisine. Liv, who has traveled back in time to meet her crush, makes a discovery. She sees Magellan highlighting a small box in a hiding place behind the books. She's sure it must be that little box Tom should be looking for. She travels back, fetches the box and wants to see Tom and Anna. But Jack stops them. Liv drops the coin from room 13 and Jack takes it from her.

Season 1, part 2: the mystery of the time machine

Liv doesn't want to tell Tom and Anna that Jack has the coin and gives them the box. Lenny is happy because thanks to Flo and Victoria he got a good review for his cannonballs. Mr. Leopold and Jack install cameras in the hotel to see when Anna, Tom and Liv go to room 13. Liv tells Anna that Tom is in love with her, but when she tells him about it, he doesn't want to admit it. Tom and Anna find a picture in the box of which they are sitting together in the cafe. They think Liv is kidding. Flo tries to help Victoria clean the toilets. Victoria doesn't want anything to do with Jack anymore. Flo has tied himself up and the pot is on fire, luckily Lenny can prevent the worst. Tom, Liv and Anna make their way to the cafe, but Jack follows them. As soon as they sit down, a photo is taken, not of Magellan, but of a young girl. The picture is identical to the one in the box. Victoria fell in love with a drummer named Danny, which Flo is less happy about. However, it soon turns out that Danny is a girl and even an old friend of Flo's. When Jack takes a shower, Liv tries to take the coin from him, which she succeeds, but thanks to the cameras, Richard can take it from her again immediately. Tom and Anna notice that the coin is gone. Liv confesses to Anna and Tom that Jack took it from her. Liv tells Jack that the coin is bad luck and they sabotage him. But before Jack gives her the coin back, Richard shows him that he has been sabotaged. With an aging app, Liv finds out that Tom is Magellan.

It all makes sense now. You can find Frau Hennings in the corridor where room 13 is normally, and she warns Anna about a man with black eyes. Richard gets a nurse for Mrs. Hennings. Ruth and Lenny practice for a dance competition. Mrs. Hennings doesn't talk anymore. Jack sabotages Flo to look good with Victoria. But Liv tells her about Jack. Victoria helps Liv and thanks to her they have the coin back. They want to go to room 13, but luckily Tom notices the camera at the last second. Victoria is completely dismissive to Jack. Tom has a plan, Liv distracts Jack and Herr Leopold, while Anna and Tom manipulate the cameras by hanging pictures in front of them. Flo told Victoria that he could dance and now has to dance with her.

Tom, Anna and Liv now go to room 13, but the picture in front of the camera shifts and Mr. Leopold and Jack see room 13. Fortunately, the elevator shut down fast enough until the two of them are there. Ruth helps Flo to learn to dance because he is more than a miserable dancer. In 1927 Diederich missed Liv a lot. During the dance training for Flo, he constantly tramples on her feet. Liv and Anna suspect that Mister X is the man with the black eyes. Anna bumps into a hotel girl - she drops the caviar, and Robert fires her. While Liv dances with Diederich, Anna and Tom watch Mr. Leopold and Mr. X. Mr. Leopold orders Mr. X to kill Magellan on his return. Mrs. Hennings paints a picture of a lighthouse and lightning and Richard looks at it thoughtfully. Anna, Tom and Liv travel back to the present, but things have changed there; In the kitchen stands the unfriendly Frau Foster, who condemns the two of them to scrubbing pots.

Flo is totally overtired and wants to sleep, but the woman still has work for him. Tom quickly realizes that they must have changed something in the past that changed the present. And even more things are different, the rooms are totally rustic, Tom and Anna have a new roommate named Suzie, Mr. Leopold and Mrs. Foster are engaged, Jack is friendly and has glasses, Ruth is head of staff, Victoria is a spoiled guest again and Lenny is a poor beggar.

They also quickly notice the reason for the changes: Anna bumped into the girl and she was Lilly Bode, Lenny's grandma, because she was laid off, she was never a cook in the hotel and could never teach Lenny to cook. Liv's watch is gone and so is the coin, since there is a thief in Hotel 13. The hotel is broke and Frida orders food instead of cooking. Tom finds out that someone is selling the coin under the name DesignSpecials123, and the seller's computer is in Richard's office. Liv is cleaning a room and as soon as she is gone, the Gray Veils have been robbed. Paul catches the three of them in his father's office, but he helps them escape. The next day Tom gets a slip of paper that says "Tonight in the kitchen, the anti-Frosta conspiracy LR". At night in the kitchen they meet Ruth, Jack and Flo and LR is actually Lady Rose Victoria. You're making a plan. They want to put Victoria's expensive bag in their room and catch Mrs. Foster stealing it. And their plan works, only they don't get Frida, but Suzie.

Frida takes her to her office. And Suzie only works for Frida Foster. But Tom already has a new plan. Flo pretends to be a customer and buys something from her, while they film Foster and the plan works and Mr. Leopold throws the Foster out. You have Liv's watch and the coin back. But Anna and Victoria get into a real argument when Anna learns that Tom and Victoria are now an official couple. Tom and Anna travel back to 1927 and find out that Magellan still has a room, while Liv looks in the guest book, Tom and Anna listen to Robert and Mister X. Liv finds Nallegam's room in the guest book, which is called Magellan in reverse, but is caught.

Fortunately, Diederich can bail her out. Tom goes to Magellan's room and finds a book of his inventions. Liv gave Diederich a kiss. They discover Lilly on the beach and take her to the hotel. Fortunately, Tom managed to escape Mister X in Magellan's room. Diederich's father is Winston von Burghart; he should put in a good word for Lilly for him. Winston gives Mr. Leopold an advance payment and Robert reinstates Lilly. The three travel back to the present, but as soon as they come out of room 13, Jack is inside. Richard has given Liv, Anna and Tom notice without notice. When Jack goes into the room, it goes down and he's trapped in it. Ruth is horrified that Richard has put the three of them in front of the door during the storm. Lenny and Flo have set up a tent for them with lights and food. Flo was struck by lightning and he can no longer hear well. Ruth is supposed to take care of a small dog. Jack tries to get out of room 13, but his father ignores it completely and so he sends a video call for help to Victoria, who should get Tom. Ruth lost the dog and Lenny has to help her find it. Flo brings "Tiger" back and Stella's father wants Flo to appear in "Star Total" as a thank you. Anna and Liv free Jack from room 13, but they have forgotten that they are being monitored by cameras.

Anna and Liv have switched the labels on the surveillance DVDs. Anna freaks out with jealousy towards Victoria. Lenny tells Flo that it's not a magic show, but a dance show. Richard finds out that there is a clock in room 13. Ruth puts Anna, Liv and the sick Tom in one room. Jack lets Ms. Hennings hypnotize, but that doesn't work. Flo continues to practice dancing, but it doesn't look good at all. Mrs. Hennings has a vision of a carriage. Flo tries to become a bad boy, but Victoria doesn't like it at all and so she goes out to eat pizza with Jack. Mrs. Hennings has a second coin for room 13 and she has terrible nightmares about the coach. Richard lets Tom, Anna and Liv back into the hotel. The next day a doctor comes to prescribe medication for him. Liv tricks Richard and Jack while Flo is at the casting with Victoria and is shaking.

Liv finds out on the Internet that Diederich is getting a girlfriend and is sad that Anna only has time for Tom. Tom and Anna have their first kiss, but Liv notices it. The jury praised Flo's performance and he made it through. Ricardo wants to manage Flo, but he is not planning anything good with Flo. Jack and Mr. Leopold notice the insertion of coins on the lamp in room 13 and Ms. Hennings is plagued by further visions. Jack falls asleep in front of room 13 and Mrs. Hennings leaves her room. Liv wants to go to Diederich's past, but when she opens the door, she can't believe her eyes to see who is in room 13, Mrs. Hennings.

Liv brings Frau Hennings back to her room. Tom is in town looking for Cafe Albertros. Anna notices that Liv is not in her bed. Liv tells Anna that Tom has gone back in time and she is going after, but Mrs. Hennings is very scared and wants to stop her. Magellan arrives a day early and Liv confesses to Tom that Anna traveled back in time on her own. The unfriendly Ricardo teases Flo against Lenny, Ruth, and Victoria. Anna knocks on Magellan's door and he finally sees his young love again. Tom and Liv went back in time to save Anna. Anna follows Robert Leopold and Magellan into room 13, but when Magellan wants to show Robert how to operate the machine from the inside, Robert pushes him in and sends him back to the year 1842. Flo doesn't want any more contact with his friends and Anna is still on Robert's trail. Tom, Diederich and Liv try to find them. Flo finds out that Ricardo only uses him for the outtakes. Flo has returned to Ruth, Lenny and Victoria and they forgive him. Ms. Henning's horror visions of Anna, Robert and the coach continue. Robert Leopold has discovered Anna and runs after her and holds her tight. Suddenly a carriage appears with the black-eyed coachman. He runs over Anna and Robert and they fall to the ground. Ms. Henning's nightmare has come true.

Meanwhile, Ruth has made Mr. Leopold believe that Tom, Anna and Liv are with Liv's sick grandma. In the past, everyone rushed to the scene of the accident and a doctor made the diagnosis that Anna was still alive, but Robert Leopold was dead. Paul went to the scene of the accident and Tom, Diederich and Liv were also on their way. Anna comes to the city hospital. Flo has to dance with Victoria for the dance competition. Lenny dances so wildly with Ruth that she injures her foot and cannot take part in the competition. Richard knows Liv is not with her grandma. Paul is in the hospital with Anna. Diederich sees Tom and Liv go into room 13 and can hardly believe his eyes.

Winston wants Paul to give him the time controller, which can be used to travel to different times, because he has already spent a lot of money on it. Liv and Tom tell Diederich the truth about Magellan, Mrs. Hennings and the time machine, who at first doesn't believe it until they prove it to him. Victoria lies to her mother so she doesn't have to take her out to dinner. Paul and Mister X are in the hospital with Anna and Mr. X pretends to be her uncle. They press Anna a lot, but she has lost her memory. Liv's second grandma doesn't know anything about Ruth's lie either. Now Victoria has to go out to eat with her mother. Now there is only one option left: Flo has to dress up as a woman.

Tom goes to room 13 to bring the plans to safety, but Paul comes in and when he wants to leave, he locks him up. Thanks to a maid, Tom is released. Diederich and Liv go to the coachman and want to ask him about the accident and find out that he knocked Anna down. Liv is totally crazy. Now it also turns out why Victoria has to go out to dinner with her mother, a lie from Jack is to blame. Everything is going well for Lenny and Flo in the competition. Victoria is mad at Jack and leaves. Anna can now leave the hospital with Paul and Mr. X and go to the hotel. Lenny's niece Caro comes to visit. Serena von Lippstein is at the hotel, she wants to take Victoria to a wellness club. In the hospital, Diederich, Tom and Liv are not allowed to see Anna, so they try to get to Anna through an open window in the hospital. When saying goodbye to Victoria, she's really angry because Jack seems to be less interested in her and more in Caro. But Flo still offers Victoria a good goodbye. Paul takes Anna with him, puts her in the car and drives away. Tom, Diederich and Liv can only watch helplessly.

They don't catch up with the car, but Tom notices a mysterious man who has a picture of him. Paul puts Anna in room 10 - Mrs. Hennings room, because Anna is Mrs. Hennings. Flo gets on very well with Caro, which Jack is not very happy about. Ruth has to go for a walk with Mrs. Hennings because of Jack and she recognizes the place where the accident happened and she was run over. The mysterious man saves Tom, Liv and Diederich from Mr. X at the last second. Mrs. Hennings has to speak to Tom and Paul puts Anna under pressure. Jack is jealous of Flo and Victoria is kind to the wellness staff. Richard drills a hole in the wall to room 13. Tom got the key to room 10, but Mister X was faster and warned Paul. Victoria is bored with her mother. Tom, Diederich and Liv are late, Anna is gone. When Tom and Liv see Diederich's father, Tom is shocked that it is Winston who wants to buy the time machine.

Herr Leopold overhears Ruth and Lenny as they talk about Frau Hennings. Ruth later talks to Mrs. Hennings and Richard overhears her. Fortunately, Lenny can warn Ruth. For Liv's sake, Tom has decided to go to dinner with Diederich's father. When the book falls down, Winston discovers the drawings. Winston is suspicious, but Liv saves the situation. But Tom is being followed by Mr. X. But the notary, who is the mysterious man, saves him at the last second. Victoria's dislike of Caro grows. Mr. X wants to kidnap Diederich and Paul should throw Tom and Liv out. Mister X knocks on Magellan's notary's door, but luckily he doesn't see Tom and Liv. Mr. von Burghard puts more and more pressure on Paul. You now have to kidnap Diederich. Tom receives a letter from Magellan in 1842. Diederich swears that he has not said anything to his father. In the present, Victoria loses her sunglasses to a thug's friend, but Caro rushes to help her. Liv disguises herself as a maid and goes into Anna's room, but Paul catches her.

Season 1, Part 3: Race Against Time

Paul falls for the trick and actually thinks Liv is Marie, but he wants to fire her. Luckily Liv can dissuade him, but now she has to do some paperwork in the office. Thanks to Caro, Victoria has her sunglasses back, but Victoria still doesn't like them, especially when she sings a song about Victoria's sweaty hair. The hotel is full of officials as the Vice President and his family are checking in. Winston questions Tom and he tries to play something for him. Winston also continues to put pressure on Paul. Richard Leopold finds a drawing by Tom in Frau Hennings' room. Flo cheers up Victoria and she tells him her secret: she was called "ugly metal monster" in her youth and she shows him a picture of herself with pimples and braces, but Jack sees the picture too. Liv tells Tom that Anna is in room 20 and that he should see her. Victoria apologizes to Caro and Jack steals the picture from Victoria.

When Tom is in front of Anna's room, he narrowly escaped Paul and X. When Richard wants to show his son the picture, he doesn’t see Tom, but a complete stranger. Mrs. Hennings exchanged it. Liv distracts Mister X and Tom enters the room, but Anna no longer recognizes him. Anna calls X and Paul for help and Liv and Tom just barely escape them. Jack tells Ruth, Lenny and Caro Victoria's secret in Flo's name and he even encourages Caro to write a song about it. Mr. X and Paul set a trap for the 3 they open the door of room 13, but Anna is not there. Liv can save Diederich. And Paul takes Amalia (Paul told Anna that was her real name) in the Gulliver bookstore to the owner Petronella Pastel. She is Mister X's sister and Paul has hired her to interrogate Amalia.

Liv, Diederich and Tom return to room 13 and Tom builds a bridge in the machine that will bring them 85 years into the future again. Diederich is now in the present for the first time, or 85 years in the future for him. While eating, Victoria storms into her room, completely distraught and angry, after Caro has started to sing her song. Victoria is mad at Flo because she thinks he told her secret. Jack tries to help Flo, which is very surprising, and he cheers Victoria up. Amalia paints a lot, including the picture of Tom that Mr. Leopold found. After a lecture and many questions from Mr. Leopold, Tom, Liv and Diederich are allowed to start working again. Liv tells everyone that Anna is taking care of Liv's grandma and that Diederich Liv's cousin from Lapland is there. Anna's mother called very often during this time and wanted to know where Anna is. Liv writes her an SMS.

The entire staff is at the entrance to receive the Vice President, only Tom is missing. The Vice President's daughter has her eye on Jack. Tom asks Frau Hennings about the accident, but she panics. Richard caught him, but Tom had an excuse and was allowed to leave. Winston misses his son and Richard has a microphone built on Ms. Henning's wheelchair. Caro has slowly fallen in love with Diederich and Jack makes copies of the picture of Victoria. Paul has fallen in love with Amalia, but Mister X doesn't like it because he even wants to murder her. Victoria is completely upset when she walks into her room and it is full of copies of her teenage photos. She blames Flo for it.

Tom cheers Flo up, and Richard puts the manipulated wheelchair under Frau Hennings. Amalia feels that the books in the bookstore are old even though they are brand new, and it's getting stranger. When Amalia asks her alleged uncle, Mr. X, who her mother is, and he gives her two different names, things get even more mysterious. Tom, Diederich and Liv go to Frau Hennings and Richard begins to listen to her. The Vice President's children are dying to go to the beach with Jack; when they are there, their mother suddenly misses them; all officials are looking for them. Due to an unconscious mistake by Diederich, he can just prevent Richard Leopold from seeing too much.

The Vice President's daughter locks her little brother in a beach hut to be alone with Jack. When the officers see Jack with the daughter, they put him on the floor so he cannot move as they think he kidnapped her. Amalia draws the driver and overhears a conversation between Petronella and Paul, which is very strange. The officers arrest Richard and Jack, who missed his appointment with Victoria. When Paul comes to visit Amalia, she is mad at him and has many questions. Paul continues to lie to her. When it turns out that the Vice President's daughter has locked her brother up, Jack is allowed to go, but Victoria has already gone to the cinema with Caro. Jack now has to look after the Vice President's son, but he pushes him off to Flo. Tom noticed the microphone and Richard wants the three of them to go for a walk with Mrs. Hennings to listen to them. Tom records a tape on which Frau Hennings is telling confused things. At the cinema, Jack apologizes and Victoria forgives him. As he is about to buy her an ice cream, Victoria's youthful image falls out of his pants. Victoria is shocked and completely blown up, she slaps the cup of ice on his head and leaves.

Richard searches Ms. Henning's bathroom for alleged clues while Tom, Diederich, Liv and Ms. Hennings are bowling, Ms. Hennings writes her mother a card that she is doing an internship with a photographer because she is at the hotel to visit her daughter Anna . Lenny can distract Frau Jung for a while. Paul forbids Mr. X to bend a hair to Amalia, but he storms into the Gulliver bookstore and threatens her.

She throws a book in his face and runs away from the store, but X chases her. Tom, Diederich and Liv give Frau Jung the card and Anna's mother believes the story. As Ms. Jung is about to leave, she meets Ms. Hennings, who takes her hand, cuddles up to her and cries, because Ms. Hennings is 100 years old and her mother has long since passed away. Flo and Victoria are slowly getting closer, and there is also a crackling between Caro and Diederich, which does not suit Liv. Mrs. Hennings gives Tom a booklet full of love poems, but it also says where Anna is now: in the bookstore Gulliver, Petronella Pastel, Marktplatz 9.

Tom wants to go to Anna alone in 1927, he tries to get a day off with Richard because of an alleged doctor's visit. This is approved. He puts on a suit and disguises himself as an agent to get into room 13. Paul is mad at X for not following his instructions. Amalia wanders around the cemetery and continues to flee from X. At the chapel she discovers an angel and suddenly remembers Robert Leopold and the timer. Tom hides under a food cart to get to room 13. He narrowly escapes Jack Leopold III. and travel back. Richard finds Tom's backpack in the kitchen, which means he's not at the doctor.

Caro tells Victoria that she is in love with Diederich, and Diederich learns something about technology. Caro is hosting a surf competition. Winston continues to look for his son. Tom has arrived at the bookstore and Amalia is sitting there, but he's not the only one who has found her because Paul is faster and Amalia goes with him. The Vice President, his family and the officials have to move out of the hotel for security reasons, which Richard Leopold is very pleased. While Petronella is out shopping, Tom comes to the bookstore to show Anna who she really is, but she doesn't believe him and he wants to come back with evidence. When Petronella comes back, Tom runs away. Diederich takes surf lessons from Flo.

Mr. X and Paul are scared because they still owe Winston money. Mister X takes Tom prisoner. Paul questions Tom, but Tom can prove that he has a room and is not a spy for Winston. Paul Leopold and Mister X find out that Diederich is gone and plan to fake kidnapping in order to blame Magellan. The summer jobs meet a boy named Davy, who is also taking part in the competition, and Jack wants lessons with Flo. Jack mixes the other rotten clams in the food to eliminate the competition. Lenny wanted him to eat one too, and now he's sick.

Nobody eats the rotten clams. Mister X and Paul write a ransom note, and Petronella tells Paul about the strange customer, Tom. Paul puts the letter in front of Herr von Burghart's door, and Winston really thinks it's from Magellan. Tom traveled back, but the bridge was destroyed, which he also tells Diederich. Lenny lends Diederich his old surf suit, which no longer fits him. Paul and Mr. X demand that Winston give up looking for room 13. Mister X wants Petronella to take the letter away, and Amalia sees it. When Petronella goes to get her jacket, Amalia reads the ransom note.

Paul pretends to be Magellan on the phone and tells Winston to come to the bank in the cemetery in an hour. Richard bought a jackhammer. Amalia follows Petronella to the cemetery and believes that Mister X and his sister Petronella are in cahoots. Paul goes to the cemetery bench with Winston and finds the letter there. Mrs. Hennings gave Tom a drawing of the angel in the chapel and Tom goes with her to the cemetery, they will find him there too. Richard and Jack drill a hole through the wall of Room 13, but a plate blocks their way. When Amalia sees Paul in the cemetery, she goes to him and tells him that X and Petronella kidnapped Diederich. Mrs. Hennings remembers Mr. Leopold and the timer. Paul is mad at Petronella and scolds her.

Lenny gives Diederich his old surfboard called Helena. Paul assures Petronella that she doesn't know what's in the letter. Tom and Mrs. Hennings flee from a security guard in the cemetery. Richard continues to try to destroy the record. During the surf competition, Davy notices Jack manipulating the competition's boards. Mrs. Hennings and Tom took the security guard down. Lenny has noticed that his fin is broken, and when Davy accuses Jack, he tries to cast suspicion on Davy, but nobody believes Jack. Amalia notices more strange conversations between Paul and Petronella. Tom discovers Magellan's grave in the cemetery; he died in 1851.

Mr. X and Paul have a plan, as proof that Diederich is still alive, Paul disguises himself as Diederich. Davy won the surf competition and Diederich made a good 2nd place. Jack was last and lost and embarrassed himself. When Amalia is about to flee the bookstore, Paul comes in. He's giving her a budgie. And one more time Amalia finds certain things strange such as B. a new camera, but for Amalia it's old. Diederich pays for a few drinks with an old coin, the coin is worth a fortune because it's an American silver dollar, and Jack shows it to his father. They think she is from room 13.

Tom, Liv and Diederich are shocked when they notice that there is a huge hole in the wall of room 13. And if they toss the coin in the slot, nothing happens. Richard catches her in front of room 13, but he just lets her go and pretends there is nothing. But Jack doesn't like the plan at all. Diederich adapts more and more to the new world and gets along great with Davy. Richard and Jack search the rooms, but Jack doesn't understand the plan either. Winston did not fall for the trick with the photo, since you can hardly see Diederich's face and he would never wear a ring. Diederich finds out that he is Davy's great-grandfather, but Liv is not his great-grandmother, so he marries another girl.

Amalia is talking about a CD, but Petronella doesn't know what it is, nor does she know what "download" means. Lenny has a date with an old friend named Helena and wants to lose weight for it. Jack and Richard argue and Richard moves out of the hotel and goes on vacation. Until he comes back, Jack is boss. Petronella tells Paul about the CD and he now believes that Amalia worked for him. Caro now knows that Diederich is not Liv's cousin.

But contrary to expectations, Jack is a very nice boss. Liv is still in a bad mood because she thinks she saw Diederich and Caro holding hands. Flos and Ruth's diet pushes Lenny to its limits. Diederich tells Tom that Davy is his great-grandson. Paul doesn't believe Amalia that she knows nothing about Professor Magellan, and Paul is even becoming violent. Everything is fine between Liv and Diederich, only that she doesn't know that Davy is his great-grandson. Liv apologizes to Caro. Paul and Mister X want to scare Winston von Burghart with a bomb attack on themselves. A mysterious man named Mr. Christo booked into the hotel.

Mister X and Paul meet a psychologist; they hire him to get Amalia to speak. Tom, Diederich and Liv go to the cemetery at night to get the timer. They want to go to the chapel, but the guard gets in their way. Lenny even does torso squats in the middle of the night. Mr. Christo seems to be very interested in Mrs. Hennings. When Dr. Freud asked Amalia, nobody was allowed to be there, especially Mister X, because she was afraid of him. Paul calls Freud's room in his office to eavesdrop. Diederich distracts the guard and the guard falls into a trap. Jack is remarkably nice as boss Caro and Victoria are allowed to watch a love movie and Ruth is even allowed to listen to music and dance to it.

Dr. Freud has come a long way; Amalia even talks about a "tablet computer" and "touchscreen", but then Mister X comes in and destroys everything. Victoria doesn't want to watch the movie again if Jack sees it. Freud has completely lost his bond with Amalia and Paul is mad at him. But the psychologist recommends that Amalia no longer be sent to the bookstore because she doesn't feel comfortable there. Tom unlocks the chapel with his self-invented universal key and Tom, Diederich and Liv go inside. Under the chapel is an underground passage that leads to a tomb. Tom, Diederich and Liv open the grave and get the timer. The three of them can only escape the guard who has freed himself from the trap by a hair's breadth. Back at the hotel, Tom tries to find out how the timer works. Mr. Christo overhears Tom, Diederich and Liv.

Jack is getting nicer and nicer and everyone thinks he's getting better, only Victoria doesn't believe it. Paul brings her budgie to Amalia, who lives in her room again. Mr. Christo asks Ms. Hennings about room 13. Tom finds out that you have to turn off the electricity for 30 minutes in order for the metal plate in front of room 13 to disappear. Victoria is spying on Jack. She hears Jack say that everyone fell for the plan, but nobody wants to believe her, especially Ruth. Flo gives Lenny an alleged "mega power drink" to lose weight, but unfortunately it's actually just orange juice. In Mrs. Henning's room, Tom hears Mr. Christo asking her questions. For Lenny, the disappointment is even greater when he realizes that he is still fat, but he gains in self-confidence.

Winston von Burghart is now looking for professional help in the form of a detective. Diederich is sad because he has to leave Liv. Diederich confesses to Liv that he is Davy's great-grandfather and that he will marry another woman. Liv is completely sad and bursts into tears. Paul and Mr. X brought in a smoke bomb to fake the attack. Mr. Christo asks Diederich about the old coins. Mister X finds an old chain from him in Diederich's room. Lenny is preparing for his date with Helena. On the date everything goes wrong at first, even the plate burns. But not only Lenny has changed, because Helena has pink hair. Mister X and Paul destroy everything in the room to make it look real and put on make-up, they even tear off their shirts. Paul, very conspicuously, fetches a package from reception, which he takes to the office, and suddenly there is a loud bang. And the two come out of the office with an alleged letter from Magellan, as if lightning had struck.

Jack comes into Mr. Christo's room and suddenly he takes off his mask and lo and behold, it's Richard Leopold. The date between Helena and Lenny is going well and they get along well straight away. Richard wants Jack to befriend Diederich in order to get more coins and for Victoria to trust him. Helena promises Lenny that they will meet again. Ruth is more and more enthusiastic about Jack. Jack makes all employees appear in the staff room. Jack tells them his father didn't pay any bills and the hotel is broke, but of course that's all a lie. But Victoria doesn't believe this story. Amalia ponders who she is and wants to escape. She writes “SOS” on a piece of paper, but unfortunately the piece of paper goes to Paul, who is really angry. Diederich, Liv and Tom have to sneak past Jack to turn off the power.

The power is off and they want to go to room 13, but Jack wakes up and turns it on again. Mr. Christo has woken up and Liv brings him back to his room. Jack has locked the basement so they can't get to the fuse box. Ruth almost got Richard. Ruth freaks out and pokes at Victoria because she always complains to Jack. Winston and his detective believe Paul is keeping Diederich prisoner in Amalia's room. Tom, Liv and Diederich give Jack a pile of coins, in exchange they want the electricity to be switched off for 30 minutes.

Even Flo doesn't believe Victoria. Jack goes into the deal. Amalia puts the pillows under the covers in such a way that it looks as if they are still there, and Victoria breaks into Mr. Christo's room and hides in the closet. Lenny, Caro, Flo and Ruth want to open a catering service. Jack tells Richard about room 13. Jack and Christo leave, but Victoria is locked in her room. Winston and his detective break into Amalia's room and wonder who Amalia is. Liv and Diederich find it difficult to cope with the fact that they have to say goodbye. Paul throws Winston out of the room.

The employees of Hotel 13 celebrate a farewell party for Diederich. Ruth, Lenny, Caro and Flo introduce their catering service to Jack. Jack is touched for the first time. Richard makes Jack believe they aren't real friends. Flo hears the message from Victoria on his mailbox. Jack sends all employees except Diederich, Tom and Liv to sleep. Jack turns off the power and the record disappears. They insert the coin and room 13 appears, but Jack and Mr. Christ follow them. Flo sees Jack and Mr Christo working together so Victoria was right. When Paul comes into room 20, Amalia runs in and locks him up.

Mr. Christo and Jack are now behind the three and see room 13. Flo finds Victoria in Christo's room; she tells him that he is Herr Leopold and that Flo should warn Tom, Liv and Diederich. Mr. Christo really wants to look around room 13 and Tom lets him. Flo calls Tom, Liv and Diederich and tells them who Mr. Christo really is. Amalia hides in a laundry basket from X and Paul. With a trick and the old coins from Diederich you can lure Mr. Leopold out of the room. Amalia sneezes and Mister X and Paul have caught her.

Flo was able to free Victoria and all employees now know about Mr. Christo. Paul locked her up again and told her the truth. The employees want to get back at him. Ruth literally tied Mr. Christo to his bed. Everyone is late for the morning instruction and in their pajamas, Ruth and Lenny even eat chips. Caro doesn't clean the laundry and Ruth has canceled the guests. Jack has to deliver food for the catering service. Tom has set the timer and they are traveling back in time. Ruth, Victoria and Caro give Mr. Christo a wellness treatment with cucumbers on his eyes, nut and nougat cream on his feet and cream on his face. They take off his mask and expose him to be Herr Leopold.

Jack is back too, every address for the order was wrong, and Richard wants to give his employees additional penalties, but they won't put up with that. Tom, Diederich and Liv have now arrived exactly at the point in time when Robert Leopold wants to send Professor Magellan into the past. You are now standing in front of Professor Magellan and Robert Leopold, and Anna is also there. They tell Magellan what Robert is up to, but he reacts quickly and tries to send Liv 85 years into the past. With all their might, Tom and Diederich can keep the door open.

When Robert is about to attack Tom, Anna pounces on him. And they actually managed to save Liv, but Robert, the time controller and Anna are already gone, now they have to follow up quickly. Diederich goes to the chapel, Tom and Liv to the scene of the accident, and Magellan repairs the machine. All employees have quit Richard Leopold. Tom and Liv meet the old self at the reception. Herr Leopold and Anna are already at the chapel and now he's following them again. Diederich takes the timer out of the grave. Jack and Richard are meanwhile completely overwhelmed and the former staff is very amused. Finally he comes crawling and wants them to start again. Although they have many demands, they are being reinstated. Tom and Liv are now at the scene of the accident, Anna and Robert are there and the carriage is coming.

Tom and Liv run fast and just manage to save Anna, but Robert Leopold didn't make it. Anna recognizes the man with the black eyes. Anna doesn't understand why Liv missed her so much. Jack has to knead cannonballs. Tom and Liv explain to her what all happened. Paul orders white roses, and Mister X also offers his condolences to Paul. Paul thinks of the timer and the girl, Anna. He wants to find her at all costs. Anna is shocked that she is supposed to be Mrs. Hennings. Liv and Diederich now have to say goodbye. Mrs. Hennings disappears with all her things, nobody but Tom, Anna, Liv and Diederich knows her, because she never existed. When Anna, Tom, Liv and Diederich go into room 13, Paul and Mr. X follow them.

But they are too late, the four have already left, but Paul notices that something is wrong and looks critically at the wall of room 13, but X just laughs because there is no room 13, he says. Liv gives Diederich something and then he goes back to his time. Liv gave him sunglasses. He and his father were the inventors of it and Diederich named these sunglasses Liv. Jack is so ashamed because he's a kitchen helper. Richard is still looking for room 1pm and the clock. Winston believes more and more that Paul is behind the kidnapping and the attack, but suddenly Diederich comes down the stairs. Winston can hardly believe it.

Diederich shows his father the glasses and he is thrilled. Paul and Mr. X are very surprised when Diederich is back, and now Winston also wants his money back. Paul is now as crazy as he has died, he grabs Mister X by the collar and tells him he will never give up looking for room 13 all his life. Magellan brought Tom, Anna and Liv into their time and is now traveling into his time, i.e. into the future. He gives the three of them an explosive so that when he gets to himself they tie the dynamite to the machine and destroy them. The countdown is running and they go up, where they are eagerly awaited, but right now they are making a huge mistake, because they leave the door open and Richard Leopold walks in. Everyone is happy to see Anna again, just in time for the end-of-summer party. Everyone is celebrating and Flo, Victoria and Caro want to come back next year.

Richard finds the secret room with the time machine behind the worker watch. Liv misses Diederich very much, but he wrote her another letter. Richard is almost insane; he finally found the machine. Finally Tom can hug his Anna again and Jack is completely embarrassed again. Richard Leopold gets into the time machine and activates it, now he's traveling to another time and the machine blows up in 29 seconds. You can only hear an evil laugh from him. Richard Leopold is forever trapped in the time machine in the past and eventually died. Anna kisses Tom at the party. Tom and Anna are now officially a couple. She is happy to finally have him back with her.

Storyline - Season 2

In season 2, the three teenagers Tom ( Patrick Baehr ), Anna ( Carola Schnell ) and Liv ( Sarah Thonig ) discover that the time machine has disappeared from the hotel. Suddenly, however, a pirate and a Neanderthal man appear in Hotel 13. The trio now has to find out where the characters come from and where the old time machine is so that the characters can find their way back to their own time. If necessary, Tom has to build a new machine, otherwise the whole development of time will be called into question. In the new adventures, the three are still supported by Lenny and Ruth. Since Richard Leopold has disappeared, Ruth continues to run the hotel. The new vacation jobber Noah ( Jan-Hendrik Kiefer ) and the new kitchen helper Zoe ( Jamie Watson ) strengthen the staff. Flo is on a world tour as a magician and Victoria ( Hanna Scholz ) manages him. Jack ( Lion Wasczyk ) tries out as a DJ. The marine archaeologist Leif Rasmussen ( Klaus Nierhoff ) flirts with Ruth and watches what is happening in the hotel.

Season 2: The Stolen Time Machine

Back at Hotel 13, Tom, Anna and Liv look for traces of who stole the time machine. The next morning Tom goes alone to room 13 to examine the secret cellar. Tom connects the last cable of the time machine to his screen. Messages appeared saying that Tom would be arrested for time abuse in 2060. In addition, a man, a pirate's foot and a staff of the Neanderthals appear. Meanwhile, Liv is in the swimming pool and sees the same pirate footprint in the cabin. Anna photographs the hotel on behalf of Ruth. She photographs a man who seems very scary to her. Tom is in the lobby and sees this man going to the elevator and it looks familiar. Tom remembers and notices that he had also seen this man on the screen in the secret basement.

Figures (roles)

main characters

Tom Kepler

Tom is 15 years old. He had found a postcard in the garden asking himself to look for room 13 in hotel 13 in eight years. The map is from Professor Magellan (Tom) and was written and hidden by him in 1850. He can be hired as a holiday jobber. Tom is technically gifted, which always helps him with his search. His mother's name is Marion Kepler. He is with Anna. In the past he was Professor T. Magellan himself.

Anna Jung

Anna is also 15 years old. She used to often go to Hotel 13 with her grandparents and decided to work there during her holidays. Photography is one of her hobbies. She helps Tom find room 13 and travels back in time with him and Liv. Since her accident there, Paul held her prisoner until Tom (Magellan) rescued her. Paul and Mr. X called her Amalia Hennings, and in 2013 there were two Annas, but at first no one knew they were the same person. Your mother is Frau Jung.

Liv Sunday

Liv is 15 years old. She is Anna's best friend. She is also a summer jobber in the hotel and supports Tom and Anna in their search for room 13 and travels with them to the year 1927. She is the friend of Diederich von Burghardt. In the present she passed Diederich off as her cousin. Her mother's name is Marie-Ann Sonntag. At the beginning she wanted to help Anna so that she could stay in the hotel.

Flo tuba

Flo is 16 years old. He wants to be a chef and is trained by Lenny, his best friend. His greatest hobby is magic and his greatest role model is Vincent Evermore. His cousin is Lucas Tuba and his best friend is Victoria. He's the good soul in the hotel and can't really be angry with anyone. Ms. Foster and Jack call him "Flopp", but his friends usually call him "The Fantastic Flo". His turtle is called "Speedy".

Victoria von Lippstein

Victoria is 15 years old. She is a rich and spoiled girl who is supposed to inspect Hotel 13 on behalf of her mother Serena von Lippstein, a hotel tester and owner of a large travel agency. But over time she changed and found friends like Flo, Caro, Tom, Anna and Liv in the hotel. She often had arguments with Jack Leopold and was Tom's friend in the changed present. From the 2nd season she is Flos manager, friend and assistant.

Jack Leopold

Jack is the oldest at 17. He is the son of the hotel owner Richard Leopold and is employed by his father as the head of holiday jobs. He is also the great grandson of Robert and the grandson of Paul. He is scheming and nasty, especially to Tom and Flo, whom he calls "flop". While he is confident in the present and knows how to assert himself, he tends to be shy in the changed present. Jack changed completely after Richard Leopold's disappearance and is now a singer and DJ. He makes good friends with the new kitchen helper who is hired to replace Flo. But it takes a long time before he realizes that he likes Zoe.

Richard Leopold

Richard Leopold is Jack's father, who has owned the hotel for years, looking for the missing room 13. His grandfather Robert was the last to know about the secret of room 13; his father Paul went crazy looking for room 13 and died in a madhouse. Richard is very strict; if the work is poor, there is either a yellow or a red card. Every morning at exactly 12 minutes after 8 a.m. he gives his daily instructions to the staff. He pretends to be Mrs. Hennings as his aunt and disguised himself as "Mr. Christo". He has disappeared with the time machine without a trace since the summer.

Lenny Bode

Lenny Bode is a hotel chef and Flo's best friend. His cannonballs earned him his first mozzarella star. He is strong and bald and often indulges in a small midnight snack. When he thought the hotel was broke, he wanted to help Jack with a catering service. His grandmother Lilly was a hotel maid in 1927, who then became a cook.

Ruth Melle

The very superstitious Ruth Melle works at reception and is responsible for room service. She is very nice, but can also be strict. Friendship comes first with her. She is a passionate dancer and her dance partner is hotel chef Lenny. Ruth takes over Mr. Leopold's duties as hotel manager. In the changed present she was the head of personnel.

Supporting characters

Paul Leopold : He is the grandfather of Jack, the son of Robert Leopold and the father of Richard Leopold. After his father's death, he looked for room 13 with Mr. X and held Anna prisoner. Never found the room, he went mad and died in a madhouse.

Robert Leopold : He is Jack's great-grandfather. His son is Paul. Tom, Anna and Liv meet him on their journey into the past. He wants to sell the machine and have Magellan killed by a killer. He was run over by the carriage and died.

Amalia Hennings : She is Richard's great-aunt and 100 years old. Ms. Hennings knows a lot about room 13 and rarely speaks. However, she paints a lot of things from room 13. After Anna was rescued, she disappeared with all her things and only Tom, Diederich, Anna and Liv know her, because she never actually existed in the present. As it turns out, Anna is Mrs. Hennings.

Professor Magellan : He's the mysterious M. who wrote the message to Tom. He lives in the past and urgently needs the help of Tom, Anna and Liv. Tom was Professor Magellan in the past and built the machine himself. He was sent by Robert Leopold in 1850, but was saved by Tom, Liv and Diederich. He came back to his time and the machine was allegedly destroyed.

Diederich von Burghart : He is a boy from the hotel and lived in 1927. He is the son of Robert Leopold's business partner, Winston von Burghart. He is Davy's great grandfather. Coming back in time, he produced the first series of sunglasses using Liv's sunglasses as a sample. He traveled to America with Winston. Diederich started a relationship with Liv that didn't last long, because Liv and Diederich couldn't live at the same time.

Winston von Burghart : He is a past American businessman who wants to buy the machine. He is Diederich's father. After Robert died and he did not get the machine, Paul had to pay him the money from the entire profit of the hotel in installments. He is Davy's great-great-grandfather and got rich in America thanks to Liv's sunglasses with his patent.

Mister X : Mr. X was working with Mr. Leopold and was supposed to kill Magellan. After Leopold's death he worked with Paul, kidnapped Anna and posed as her uncle. He is the brother of Petronella Pastel. Paul claims there is no room 13. He disappeared there forever.

Caro Bode : She is Lenny's niece and is also called "Dickie". She also organized a surfing competition. She was in love with Diederich. Left Hotel 13 after the "End of Summer Party" and concentrated on writing songs and eventually became a singer.

Petronella Pastel : She kept Anna trapped in the rooms of her bookstore and was supposed to hear her out. She is the sister of Mr. X. After Amalia was with the psychologist who only advised not to bring her to the bookstore, Petronella was never seen again. She fled because she suspected that everything might come to light.

Leif Rasmussen : He's an archaeologist looking for treasure in the sea. He's been in the hotel all summer as a guest, he's got his eye on Ruth. But what is really behind Leif Rasmussen? Is he really as nice as it seems or does he have a dark secret?


In May 2012, Nickelodeon announced a new production. The new Hotel 13 series is produced together with the company's own Nickelodeon offshoots from Belgium , the Netherlands , Denmark , Sweden , Switzerland and Austria and with Studio 100. Hotel 13 is currently the largest and most extensive in-house production by Nickelodeon in Northern Europe. Filming for the first season started on April 2, 2012 in Antwerp, Belgium and ended in December 2012. The scenes that take place in front of the hotel are filmed in front of Villa Ravensteen in Koksijde , Belgium .

In late May 2013, Nickelodeon announced the production of a second season with 56 episodes. Filming for this began in August 2013. Lion Wasczyk , Sarah Thonig , Jan-Hendrik Kiefer and Jamie Watson were cast for new leading roles for the second season . A television film about the series, entitled Hotel 13: Rock 'n' Roll Highschool , was first seen in Germany on November 9, 2013. In October 2013 it was announced that Thonig will take on the role of Julia Schäfle's Liv Sonntag . Production of the series ended after the two seasons.


main actor

actor role consequences Appearances
Patrick Baehr Tom Kepler 1-176 2012-2014
Carola Fast Anna Jung / Amalia Hennings 1-176 2012-2014
Jörg Moukaddam Lenny Bode 1-176 2012-2014
Ilka Teichmüller Ruth Melle 1-176 2012-2014
Gerrit Klein Jack Leopold 1-120 2012-2013
Lion Wasczyk 121-176 2014
Peter Nottmeier Richard Leopold 1-120 2012-2013
Marcel Glauche Florian "Flo" tuba 1-120, 162-167 2012-2014
Hanna Scholz Victoria von Lippstein 2-168 2012-2014
Julia Schäfle Liv Sunday 4-120 2012-2013
Sarah Thonig 121-176 2014
Jan-Hendrik Kiefer Noah 121-176 2014
Jamie Watson Zoe 129-176 2014

supporting cast

actor Role name consequences Appearances
Antje Mairich Marion Kepler 1 2012
Alice Toen Amalia Hennings / Anna Jung 2-119 2012-2013
Karen Hempel Serena von Lippstein 5.13.74-77 2012-2013
Jan-David Citizen mark 11-15 2012
Rick Mackenbach Brandon Goodman 21-25 2012
Fredrik Jan Hofmann Steven Fuller 24, 25 2012
Willy Seidel Vincent Evermore 26-30 2012
Daniel Littau Paul Leopold 29-120 2012-2013
Mario Weiss Professor T. Magellan 30-69, 80, 117-120 2012-2013
Sebastian Bender Diederich von Burghart 38-120 2012-2013
Lucas Tavernier Winston from Burghart 38-120 2012-2013
Laura Maria Heid Danny 45-46 2012
Dana Cebulla nurse 47-63 2012
Stefan Sattler Mister X 49-120 2012-2013
Ela Paul Lilly Bode 49-56 2012
Brit Gulland Frida Foster 49-53 2012
Sonja Bruns Suzie Foster 50-53 2012
Mathilda Hadem Stella 58-60 2012
Marcel Saibert Ricardo 66-70 2012
Peter Clös Mysterious coachman 70-71,74,119 2012-2013
Mira Herold Caro Bode 75-120 2013-2014
Henning Kober Jack Leopold III. (CIA) 81-95 2013
Maren Rossenberg Petronella pastel 85-104 2013
Nele Hannah Facklam Debbie 87-90 2013
Hans Brand Davy from Burghart 94-101 2013
Madlen Kaniuth Helena 110-111 2013
Klaus Nierhoff Leif Rasmussen (Xenon 35) 121-171 2014
Dominik Paul Weber Simon 121-144 2014
Karel Vingerhoets Secret Agent YB32 123-158 2014
Bernardus Manders accomplice 129-155 2014
Markus Klauk Magnus Maeterlinck 135-146 2014
Siegfried Kernen Mr. Lepton / Richard Leopold 136, 166, 167, 172-176 2014
Aram van de Rest Secret Agent YB12 158-176 2014
Manfred Boell Albert Einstein 168-176 2014
Anderson Farah Julius Caesar 168-176 2014
Dimi Tarantino Louis XIV 168-176 2014
Armin Moeschler Napoleon Bonaparte 168-176 2014
Susanne Richter Elizabeth Leopold 169-176 2014


The broadcast began on September 3, 2012 in all countries on the local Nickelodeon offshoots. Only the broadcast times vary. In Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands and Sweden the airtime of Het Huis Anubis was taken over . After the winter break, the program was continued from February 18, 2013 with episodes 71 to 120. The second season was shown from February 10, 2014 to March 28, 2014.

The TV movie Hotel 13: Rock 'n' Roll High School for the series first aired on November 9, 2013.

Season title Theme song Episodes Broadcast (Germany)
from to
season 1 Part 1
The adventure begins
hotel 13 40 3rd September 2012 October 26, 2012
Part 2
The mystery of the time machine
40 October 29, 2012 1st of March 2013
Part 3
Race Against Time
40 4th March 2013 April 26, 2013
season 2 The stolen time machine Hotel 13
(shortened version)
56 February 10, 2014 March 28, 2014



Audience ratings among 8 to 15 year olds:

Month / quarter
New Episodes Aired
Audience ratings Market share
3rd quarter 2012 20th 0.09 million 1.3%
4th quarter 2012 50 0.10 million 7.5%
1st quarter 2013 30th - -


On September 21, 2012, products such as board games, puzzles, bed linen and wall calendars appeared. On September 25, 2012, the first and so far only official magazine for the series was published. The first radio play on the book was published on October 26, 2012. The second on March 8, 2013 and the third on April 12, 2013. The first DVD box with episodes 1 to 40 was released on November 15, 2012, the second with episodes 41 to 80 on March 1, 2013 and on March 3, 2012 May 2013 the third and for the time being the last DVD box with episodes 81 to 120. Each DVD box contains three DVDs. On November 19, 2012, the novel "Hotel 13 - the adventure begins" was published as a book. Volume 2 "Hotel 13 - The Riddle of the Time Machine" followed on February 18, 2013 and Volume 3 "Hotel 13 - Race against Time" on April 15, 2013.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Hotel 13: the start date
  2. a b c Nickelodeon and Studio 100 Media start new daily soap for the Northern European market with "Hotel 13" ( Memento of the original from May 19, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. Villa Ravensteen filming location of Hotel 13
  4. ^ "Hotel 13": New faces for Nickelodeon soap
  5. Nickelodeon soap "Hotel 13" continues
  6. The hit series "Hotel 13" goes into the next season: shooting for season 2 has started. In: Viacom International Media Networks Germany. September 9, 2013, accessed September 12, 2013 .
  7. Hotel 13: Casting News Sept. / Oct. 2013 (
  8. ^ "Hotel 13": New faces for Nickelodeon soap . In: . September 9, 2013. Retrieved September 9, 2013.
  9. NICK in facts and figures . Retrieved June 26, 2010.