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Jasová (Slovakia)
Basic data
State : Slovakia
Kraj : Nitriansky kraj
Okres : Nové Zámky
Region : Nitra
Area : 19.929 km²
Residents : 1,133 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density : 57 inhabitants per km²
Height : 162  m nm
Postal code : 941 46
Telephone code : 0 35
Geographic location : 47 ° 59 '  N , 18 ° 24'  E Coordinates: 47 ° 59 '10 "  N , 18 ° 23' 58"  E
License plate : NZ
Kód obce : 503215
Community type : local community
Administration (as of November 2018)
Mayor : Ladislav Polák
Address: Obecný úrad Jasová
č. 303
941 46 Jasová
Website: www.jasovaobec.sk
Statistics information on statistics.sk

Jasová (- until 1996 Slovak "Jasová" to 1927 and "Jásovice"; Hungarian Jászfalu ) is a municipality in the west of Slovakia with a population of 1,133 (December 31, 2019) that the Nové Zámky District of, a circle kraj Nitriansky heard .


Look at Jasová from the Strait of Pribeta out

The municipality is located in the Slovakian Danube lowlands on the western slope of the Pohronská pahorkatina hills . The Jasovský potok flows through the village and feeds the Paríž river behind the village . On the way to Kolta you will find the small Jasová reservoir . The center of the village is at an altitude of 162  m nm and is 20 kilometers from Nové Zámky .

Neighboring municipalities are Kolta in the north, Farná and Veľké Ludince in the east, Dubník in the south and Semerovo in the west.


Church in Jasová

Jasová was first mentioned in writing in 1434 as Tykeresnyek aliter Jaszafalu and is connected to the old settlement Nyék , which was largely wiped out during the Mongol storm in 1241. In the 16th century Jasová was owned by the Csúzy , Nyáry and Szentmihály families ; due to constant Ottoman attacks the village ceased to exist in 1562. It was not settled again until 1669, at which time the Amadé and Hunyadi families became new owners until the 18th century. In 1715 there were 29 households in Jasová, in 1720 the village owned vineyards. In 1828 there were 87 houses and 710 inhabitants who were employed as farmers.

Until 1918/1919 the place in Komorn County belonged to the Kingdom of Hungary and then came to Czechoslovakia or now Slovakia. In 1926, Jasová was hit by floods. Due to the First Vienna Arbitration Award , he was again in Hungary from 1938 to 1945.


According to the 2011 census, there were 1211 inhabitants in Jasová, of which 1156 were Slovaks , 26 Magyars , 10 Czechs and one German . 18 residents did not provide any information on ethnicity .

1,078 residents committed themselves to the Roman Catholic Church, three residents to the Evangelical Church AB, two residents each to the Pentecostal movement and two residents to the Reformed Church, and one resident each to the Evangelical Methodist Church and the Czechoslovak Hussite Church. 64 inhabitants had no denomination and the denomination of 60 inhabitants was not determined.


Michael's Chapel at the cemetery
  • Roman Catholic Lorenz Church from 1938
  • Michaelskapelle am Friedhof, originally mentioned in 1210

Individual evidence

  1. Results of the 2011 census (Slovak) ( Memento of the original from March 5, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / census2011.statistics.sk

Web links

Commons : Jasová  - collection of images, videos and audio files