Zülch price

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Awarding of the Zülch Prize 2016 in the historical town hall of Cologne to Stefan Pfister (3rd from left) and Michael D. Taylor (2nd from left)

The Klaus Joachim Zülch Prize is a German science prize that has been awarded annually since 1990 for outstanding performance in basic neurological research . The award is named after the German neuroscientist and former head of the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research , Klaus-Joachim Zülch (1910–1988). It is endowed with 50,000 euros (as of 2010), which are raised by the Gertrud Reemtsma Foundation . The award is made by the Max Planck Society .

While two scientists are honored in most years, four scientists were honored in 2012, three in 2018 and only one in 2015.

Award winners

Web links

  1. Award for therapy for muscle weakness. In: mpg.de. Max Planck Society , September 9, 2019, accessed on September 10, 2019 .