List of offices in the county of Castell

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This list names the offices in the county of Castell as of the end of the HRR .


In the county of Castell was divided into the parts Castell-Remlingen and Castell-Rüdenhausen. Accordingly, there was the government in Castell and the government in Rüdenhausen as higher authorities. As usual in the HRR, there was no separation of jurisdiction from administration . The governments were therefore both higher administrative authorities and higher courts. The Counts of Castell were entitled to high jurisdiction in three cent courts . In addition, there were regional treasury offices in Castell and in Rüdenhausen as finance and tax authorities.

The offices that were responsible for the lower jurisdiction and the local administration were located below this. Depending on the ownership structure, the taxes were paid either to the above-mentioned regional treasury offices or to the knight cantons of Steigerwald and Rhön-Werra .

Offices of the County of Castell

county Office Official seat places Taxes current affiliation annotation
Castell-Remlingen Office Castell Castell Castell, Feuerbach , Greuth , Prühl (share), Schönaich , Wüstenfelden and Ziegenbach as well as the Castellschen property in Eselsmühle , Gründleinsmühle , Herpendorf , Hohlweiher , Krettenbach , Trautberg , Ulsenheim , Weigenheim and Wiesenbronn Castell Bamberg district , district Neustadt an der Aisch-Bad Windsheim , Kitzingen
Castell-Remlingen Remlingen Office Remlingen Remlingen ( condominium with Löwenstein-Wertheim ), Billingshausen Oberaltertheim , Steinbach near Würzburg , Unteraltertheim and the Castellschen property in Duttenbrunn Castell Würzburg District , the district of Main-Spessart
Castell-Remlingen Burghaslach Office Burghaslach Burghaslach, Dietendorf (share), Holzberndorf (share), Ilmenau (share), Kirchrimbach , Kleinweisach (share), Rosenbirkach , Seitenbuch , Sixenberg , Unterrimbach (share), Wasserberndorf (share) and the Castellschen property in Altershausen , Birkach , Burgbernheim , Füttersee , Haag , Hohenmühle , Hohnsberg , Kaubenheim , Mailach , Obertaschendorf , Pretzdorf and Thüngfeld Castell, parts to Rüdenhausen District Neustadt an der Aisch-Bad Windsheim , Bamberg district , the district of Kitzingen, Erlangen-Höchstadt
Castell-Remlingen Rehweiler Office Rehweiler Rehweiler Castell Kitzingen district Managed by Amt Burghaslach
Castell-Remlingen Office of Breitenlohe Breitenlohe Breitenlohe, Dietersdorf (share), Freihaslach (share), Kienfeld (share), Münchhof , Niederndorf and the Castellschen property in Burghaslach, Dutendorf , Kirchrimbach and Oberrimbach Steigerwald District Neustadt an der Aisch-Bad Windsheim, District Erlangen-Höchstadt Managed by Amt Burghaslach
Castell-Remlingen Buchbach Manor Buchbach Buchbach, Dutendorf, Kleinweisach (share) and the Castell property in Freihaslach (share) Steigerwald Neustadt an der Aisch-Bad Windsheim district Part of the Breitenlohe office
Castell-Remlingen Office Gleißenberg Gleißenberg Gleißenberg, Frickenhöchstadt Steigerwald District Neustadt an der Aisch-Bad Windsheim, District Erlangen-Höchstadt Managed by Amt Burghaslach
Castell-Rüdenhausen Office Rüdenhausen Rüdenhausen Rüdenhausen, Abtswind (share), Bergtshofen (share), Dampfach (share), Dürrnbuch , Eichfeld , Gräfenneuses (share), Herper , Krautheim , Obereisenheim , Rüdenhausen , Rödelsee (share), Wiesenbronn (share) and the Castell property in Altmannshausen , Buchheim , Friedrichsberg , Langenberg , Lenkersheim and Obervolkach Rüdenhausen Kitzingen district, Neustadt an der Aisch-Bad Windsheim district, Haßberge district, Würzburg district
Castell-Rüdenhausen and Castell-Remlingen jointly Originingen Office Urspringen Urspringen Rhön-Werra Main-Spessart district Managed by the Remlingen office

In addition, both lines were owned by Possenheim , a fallen fiefdom of Limpurg (see below under Cent Helmitzheim). Half of the taxes went to both landscape coffers.

Cent courts of the county of Castell

county cent places
Castell-Rüdenhausen and Castell-Remlingen jointly Cent Castell-Rüdenhausen Castell, Dürrnbuch, Eselsmühle, Eichfeld, Feuerbach, Friedrichsberg, Greuth, Gründleinsmühle, Krautheim, Rüdenhausen, Trautberg, Wüstenfelden, Ziegenbach and shares in Gräfenneuses and Rödelsee
Castell-Remlingen Cent Burghaslach Abtsgreuth , Ailsbach , Altershausen, Appenfelden , Breitenlohe, Buchbach, Buchfeld , Burggrub (the castle district was cent-free), Burghaslach, Burghöchstadt, Burgweisach , Dietersdorf, Dutendorf, Eselsmühle, Freihaslach, Frickenhöchstadt, Frimmersdorf, Fürstenforst , Haag, Gleißenberg, Großbirkach hammermill Harthof, Hermersdorf , Heuchelheim , Hohenmühle, Hohnberg, wood Bernsdorf, Hombeer, bean grinder, Hutzelmühle, Ilmenau, Kienfeld, Kirchrimbach, Kleinbirkach, Kleinweisach, Lohmühle, Markt Taschendorf , Münchhof, Neugrub, Neuses, Lower village, Oberrimbach, upper Taschendorf, Geishöhe, ox leg , Pretzdorf, Rehweiler, Rosenbirkach, Schornweisach, Seeramsmühle, Seitenbuch, Sixenberg, Tragelhöchstädt , Unterrimbach, Unterwinterbach, Vestenbergsgreuth, Warmersdorf, Wasserberndorf and Weikersdorf
Castell-Remlingen Cent Remlingen Steinbach and shares in Billingshausen, Remlingen and Unteralterheim

In addition, the Grafschaft Castell still owned shares in Cent Abtswind (Castell-Rüdenhausen) and Cent Wiesenbronn (Castell-Rüdenhausen and Castell-Remlingen jointly).

Previous ownership

The Cent Großlangheim and the office Großlangheim were sold in 1447 by Count Wilhelm II to Count Georg von Henneberg-Römhild and Karl Truchseß von Wetzhausen. Cent Hellmitzheim (Hellmitzheim, Possenheim and Einersheim ) was jointly owned by Castell and Limpurg from 1412 to 1435. It was pledged to Limpurg in 1435 and finally sold in 1482. The Cent Haltbergstetten was inherited in 1412 and sold to Erlinger von Seinsheim in 1415. The Cent Schwarzach was owned by the Würzburg family, and from 1230 at the latest Castell was a fief. On September 11, 1532, Castell and Würzburg agreed on a regulation according to which state sovereignty was clearly with Würzburg. In 1432 Würzburg separated Volkach from Cent and created its own high judiciary there. In 1520 Castell renounced all rights to Volkach.

See also


  • Prosper Graf zu Castell-Castell and Hanns Hubert Hofmann: The Grafschaft Castell at the end of the Old Kingdom; in: Historical Atlas of Bavaria, Volume Franconia Series II Issue 3, 1955, online .
  • Friedrich Stein: History of the Counts and Lords of Castell, 1892, pp. 173ff., 237 ff., Online .

Individual evidence

  1. Friedrich Stein: History of the Counts and Lords of Castell, p. 180 ff.