List of coats of arms in the Ravensburg district

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This list contains all coats of arms of the district of Ravensburg in Baden-Württemberg listed in Wikipedia , including historical coats of arms. Almost all cities, communities and districts in Baden-Württemberg have a coat of arms. They can be reached via the navigation bar at the end of the page.

Ravensburg district

City coat of arms in the district of Ravensburg

Municipal coat of arms in the Ravensburg district

Former municipal coat of arms


  1. District of Ravensburg : In blue a red armored and red tongued golden (yellow) lion.
  2. Aulendorf : Under a three rows of red and gold with divisions roughened obliquely to the left, enlarged shield head in gold a left-facing black impeller.
  3. Bad Waldsee : A silver bar in black, accompanied by a rising, left-turning fish at the front, a fallen grain shovel at the back, and a six-pointed star.
  4. Bad Wurzach : In silver an upright red cancer.
  5. Isny im Allgäu : In black a golden crowned golden eagle (imperial eagle) with a silver breast shield, inside a black horseshoe with the studs turned downwards.
  6. Leutkirch im Allgäu : In blue a red covered silver church (basilica) with a large tower on the right with a gable roof and a golden cross as well as two small towers with conical roofs on the left; A double-headed black eagle (imperial eagle) in a golden shield above the church roof.
  7. ^ Ravensburg : In silver on a blue brick console, a double-towered blue castle with a raised portcullis; between the tin towers a blue shield with a silver cross with paws on it.
  8. Cheeks in the Allgäu : Under a red shield head, therein three beardless silver men's heads (cheeks) turned to the left side by side, split; in front in silver a half, red armored and red-tongued black eagle at the slit, behind in silver a blue lily.
  9. Vineyard : square of red and silver with a golden heart shield, inside a green vine in the form of an abbot's crook with four outward-pointing green leaves and a blue grape hanging in the crook, on a green three-hill, in 1 a left-facing silver lion, in the front paws hold a golden label with a double-headed black eagle, in 2 a red lion holding a red label with a silver bar in the front paws, in 3 a left-facing red lion, in 4 a silver lion.
  10. Achberg : A black cross pawed in silver over a green three-hill covered with a silver wavy strip.
  11. Aichstetten : In silver, a green oak branch bent into a circle with six red acorns.
  12. Aitrach : In red, three silver hunting horns on golden shackles with the mouthpiece turned to the left (heraldically).
  13. Altshausen : In a gold and black quartered, silver bordered shield, a silver bordered black cross with paw ends (German order cross).
  14. Amtzell : In a split shield in front in silver a left-pointing, red-armored and red-tongued black bear, behind in red a three-lobed silver flag with three silver suspension rings.
  15. Argenbühl : In gold, a black eagle with a green linden branch in its beak.
  16. Baienfurt : In green a golden weaver's card (thistle head with three upward and two downward directed thistle leaves).
  17. Baindt : In a shield quartered by gold and black in 1 and 4 a bent black deer pole lying to the right, in 2 and 3 a double row of angled left bar made of silver and red.
  18. Berg : Two diagonally crossed golden ladders in red.
  19. Bergatreute : In blue on a green three-mountain, three golden ears of corn.
  20. Bodnegg : A silver sword in blue over a golden three-mountain, fastened with two diagonally crossed golden keys.
  21. Boms : In blue four silver wave bars, of which the two front with a turn to the right, the two rear with a turn to the left meet a lowered, curved golden tip.
  22. Ebenweiler : In red, a silver helmet with a silver eagle's wing as a helmet ornament.
  23. Ebersbach-Musbach : In silver, a double row of red and silver sashed inclined bar (Cistercian bar), covered with a continuous black paw cross (Teutonic order cross).
  24. Eichstegen : In gold on a blue toothed foot, a red stag.
  25. ↑ Flesh cheeks : In silver, diagonally crossed, two green ears of wheat growing out of black soil, above a black Teutonic Cross.
  26. Fronreute : In a divided shield above in gold a striding, looking blue lion, below with diagonally roughened red and gold graduations.
  27. Grünkraut : In gold on a green three-mountain, a four-leaf green fern.
  28. Guggenhausen : Above blue corrugated shield base of gold and red with diagonally roughened divisions.
  29. Horgenzell : A silver stepped gable in red, covered with a red paw cross (Kreuzlinger Kreuz).
  30. Hoßkirch : In red over a golden battlement wall, a golden key with the beard lying to the right.
  31. ^ Kißlegg : In a shield divided by silver and green obliquely to the left, an erect, fire-breathing panther, black in the silver field and silver in the green field.
  32. Königseggwald : In a split shield in front of red and gold roughened diagonally, behind in gold a green fir tree with roots.
  33. Riedhausen : In red a silver fish that is bent to the right and jumping up.
  34. Schlier : In silver a red lion, in the right red upper corner a right silver traffic hand (oath hand).
  35. Unterwaldhausen : A green linden branch bent to the left (shaped like an abbot's crook), growing out of green three-mountain, from which five green linden leaves sprout.
  36. Vogt : In black, a soaring golden horse with red bridle, on which a bearded man in a golden robe and hat and red gauntlets (Vogt) rides.
  37. Waldburg : Under a red shield head, inside a golden orb, in gold three striding, red-tongued, peeking black lions (leopards) one above the other.
  38. Wilhelmsdorf : In black a silver sloping step ledge, above a golden crown, underneath on a golden console (overturned step gusset) a golden castle with two tin towers.
  39. Wolfegg : In silver on a green three-mountain, a striding, red-tongued black wolf.
  40. Wolpertswende : In blue a silver chapel in the form of a polygonal central building with a red conical roof and a black cross on the top.
  41. Adelsreute : In red on green ground a striding silver ram.
  42. Altmannshofen : A red deer head in silver, the right upper corner roughened with blue and silver.
  43. Arnach : Under a silver shield head in red, covered with a striding, red armored and red-tongued black leopard, a silver sloping bar, covered with three red maple leaves.
  44. Beuren : In a split shield in front in gold an upright four-ended red deer pole, behind in red two golden linden leaves.
  45. Blitzenreute : In gold, a striding blue leopard.
  46. Blönried : Under a golden shield head, inside a red abbot's crook to the right, a silver window with a golden frame in red.
  47. Christazhofen : In a divided shield above in gold a lying red deer pole, below in blue three (2: 1) six-pointed golden stars.
  48. Deuchelried : In blue a standing silver swan ready to fight.
  49. ^ Diepoldshofen : A silver post horn in red [with mouthpiece on the right].
  50. Dietmanns : In silver on a blue ground a red church, floating above it the red capital letter D. [Variant: Church in silver with red roof and red windows.]
  51. Eglofs : In gold, a black eagle with a green linden branch in its beak.
  52. Eintürnen : In a silver blue church tower with onion dome.
  53. Eisenharz : In a divided shield above in gold a growing black eagle, below in black a striding, red-tongued golden leopard.
  54. Eschach : In a split shield in front in blue a left-facing silver abbot, behind in silver two blue wavy bars.
  55. Esenhausen : In black a two-towered golden castle with a door in the right tower.
  56. Friesenhofen : In gold, an erect, red-armored and red-tongued black leopard, holding a blue key in its front paws [as a stake, beard at the top right].
  57. ^ Fronhofen : Of red and gold with diagonally roughened graduations.
  58. Gaisbeuren : In red a golden chain laid in a circle with a golden horseshoe hanging on it, in front of it a crossed slanting silver abbot's staff [with a left-turned bend] and a slanting left silver key (beard on top, turned outwards).
  59. Gebrazhofen : In a divided shield above in gold a growing black eagle, below in red a golden scale.
  60. Göttlishofen : Under a silver shield head, inside a jumping black dog, in black a golden miter.
  61. Gospoldshofen : In green under a three-part silver balance, an eight-spoke silver wheel.
  62. Large wood people : A curved silver tip in red, covered with a straight-armed red paw cross.
  63. ^ Haidgau : In blue on a green floor, a silver house with a red tiled roof, door and two windows.
  64. Haisterkirch : In a split shield in front a green beech tree with roots in silver, behind in green a red roofed silver church [tower with saddle roof].
  65. Hasenweiler : In gold under a black double hook, a black rabbit, making a man.
  66. Hauerz : In blue a golden draw well growing from the lower edge.
  67. Herlazhofen : In red, two turned away, upright silver ibex horns.
  68. Hofs : In red two diagonally crossed silver scythes facing each other, between the irons a three-leaf silver clover.
  69. Kappel : In blue a red roofed silver church (tower with stepped gable).
  70. Karsee : In gold above a blue wave shield base, a blue bishop's staff and a blue arrow crossed diagonally.
  71. Leupolz : In a divided shield above, silver and red, nested for 18 places, below, in gold, a black stag pole bent to the right.
  72. Michelwinnaden : A black bar in gold.
  73. Mittelurbach : In silver above a lowered blue wavy bar a floating blue dove (Holy Spirit), below on both sides accompanied by a six-pointed red star, under the wavy bar seven (4: 1: 2) six-pointed red stars.
  74. Musbach : In gold, a double row of red and silver slanted beams, covered by a continuous red cross with paw ends.
  75. Neuravensburg : In gold on a two-towered blue castle an upright black bear.
  76. ^ Neutrauchburg : In gold over a straight-armed red cross with paws, a five-pointed red stag stick lying down.
  77. Niederwangen : In blue a St. Andrew's cross with red and silver stands.
  78. Pfrungen : in silver a continuous black cross, in the silver heart shield a black stepped sloping bar.
  79. ^ Ratzenried : In blue, two diagonally crossed silver ibex horns.
  80. Reichenhofen : Under a golden shield head, inside a striding, red armored and red tongued black leopard, in red on a green hill a silver court table with a square top and a square column.
  81. Reute : In a divided and half-split shield above a golden lily in blue, below in front in gold a red karst (hoe), behind in red a left-facing silver battle ax. [Until 1960: a silver karst in green at the front.]
  82. Rohrdorf : In red two obliquely crossed fallen silver swords, between the handles a silver label with a continuous red cross inside.
  83. Schmalegg : In gold, a black double hook (N with pointed ends) and two [narrow] black upper corners.
  84. Schomburg : In a divided shield above in black a golden stag growing out of the division, below in gold a black castle [main building with hipped roof between two towers with pointed roofs].
  85. Seibranz : In gold on a blue corrugated shield base, a growing bishop with a silver undergarment, a red, gold-decorated choir cloak and a red, gold-decorated miter, in his right hand a black bishop's staff, in his left a blue fish (St. Ulrich).
  86. Siggen : Under a black shield head, inside a jumping silver dog, in silver two diagonally crossed black arrows.
  87. ^ Taldorf : Divided by red, silver and black, in silver on the right a red double hook.
  88. ^ Tannhausen : In gold, a red house between two green fir trees with roots.
  89. Unterschwarzach : In black, three silver fish (pike) on top of each other.
  90. Waltershofen : In a shield divided three times by black and gold, an abbot growing from the lower edge in mixed up colors.
  91. Wilhelmsdorf old : In blue a golden royal crown.
  92. Winterstetten : In a split shield in front in silver a left-pointing, red-armored and red-tongued black bear, holding a red stick in the prana, behind in green a silver sloping bar.
  93. Wolketsweiler : In silver with a red cloud border, a floating red Latin cross.
  94. Wuchzenhofen : In gold, a red armored and red-tongued black eagle, covered with a gold breast shield, inside a three-leaf green clover.
  95. Wurzach old : In the black background three red crabs between two white corners.
  96. Ziegelbach : In silver under six red bricks stacked in steps (1: 2: 3) a blue wave bar.
  97. Zogenweiler : Under a red shield head, inside a silver abbot's crook to the left, three (2: 1) red clasps in silver.
  98. inch Reute : piercing blue in a silver armored Saint George on a rearing silver horse with a silver spear a silver armored golden dragon.
  99. Zußdorf : In a split shield in front in silver a left-facing black ibex, behind in blue a silver tin tower on a pointed, square base.


  • Heinz Bardua: District and community arms in Baden-Württemberg. Volume 4: The district and community coats of arms in the Tübingen administrative region . Landesarchivdirektion Baden-Württemberg (ed.), Konrad Theiss Verlag Stuttgart, 1987, 126 pages, ISBN 3-8062-0804-2
  • Klemens Stadler: German coat of arms. Volume VIII: Baden-Württemberg . With drawings by Max Reinhart. Angelsachsen-Verlag Bremen, 1971
  • Reiner Falk: Municipal coat of arms from the Ravensburg district . 22-part series of articles in: Im Oberland, 1990–2003
  • Eberhard Gönner , Heinz Bardua: Book of arms of the district of Wangen . Publications of the State Archives Administration Baden-Württemberg, issue 27. Stuttgart, 1972